How To Use Child In A Sentence

  • Rows of brick garden apartments all backed onto a massive common garden: a shared backyard for children to play, dogs to gambol, and families to eat picnics together. Day of Honey
  • Combine the corn with steamed green vegetables like asparagus and offer baked potatoes to ensure the children don't go hungry.
  • Their prayers were answered and the child was found safe and well.
  • This was just a few years after Lord Byron woke to find Child Harold's Pilgrimage in the bookshops and himself famous, as it were, overnight.
  • The house was a semi-detached with a couple of children playing in the front lawn and his son was just arriving home from his days work.
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  • Harsh discipline was the child's lot, and they were often terrorized deliberately and, not infrequently, sexually abused.
  • Parents have to be a lot more careful about what their children are allowed to watch on the TV.
  • They are now locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.
  • The report, which was based upon conversations with children who telephoned helplines, also claimed that the hidden problem of solvent abuse kills more children than drugs every year.
  • The children were starting to get a bit fed up.
  • In Katine sub-county we hear about rape, defilement and child abuse, mostly of girls.
  • But Labour's focus on abolishing child poverty is not, as he (deliberately) patronisingly claims, for the "aah" factor. Labourhome
  • Eight children were crammed into the back of the car.
  • We took the abused child away from its parents
  • The rocking motion of the treadle and the gentle clacking of the machine often lulled the restless child.
  • That's when I noticed the little sticker on the window explaining the purpose of the ‘Child Safety Lock’.
  • Often the parent feels helpless and very discouraged and may also give up on the child which reinforces the child's feelings of inadequacy and may cause the child to retreat or regress further.
  • I did not have intent to imply that homeschooling is like public school, but that public school directs what a child learns and when and unschooling does not. What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
  • She told the children to pipe down while she was talking on the telephone.
  • And the moral murder of my child is to be my punishment for daring to turn a deaf ear to the indign passion of a brute! The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel
  • If the children's parents don't choose to be adults, then the OP's friend is going to have to be an adult.
  • Kij: Nice to see Dream-Quest receive such prominence with that fantastic Gervasio Gallardo cover, inseparable from the contents thanks to childhood associations very similar to yours. MIND MELD: Books That Hold Special Places in Our Hearts and On Our Shelves
  • The child was so thin that you could see her bones.
  • Based on age, the children are divided into the primary, intermediate, junior and senior levels.
  • Her partner deceives her, but she doesn't know it; her children fail, but she is told they succeed; she believes she has the admiration of others, but they laugh at her behind her back.
  • Severe paruresis in school aged children can also lead to complete school refusal by the child, as well as more pervasive anxiety that can spread into other areas of life, such as social anxiety or even panic attacks. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • And some soil-based diseases not only cause physical symptoms, but create cognitive impairment too, crippling a child's long-term potential. Blake Mycoskie: Today, TOMS Asks You to Go 'One Day Without Shoes'
  • He handled it really well for a man who doesn't have children, is not used to having to think about money and employs a cleaner.
  • Nearly 40 parents were prosecuted for their child's non-attendance.
  • Stephen Chu wants your children to live worse so that his children can live better — in the world he imagines is the correct one. Why scientists are under-represented in politics. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • In children, especially, this E. coli variant can cause diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome.
  • We truly are much more team oriented and friendlike to our children than parents have tended to be in the past, in large part because we too identify with many of the peer and academic pressures that kids now face. Childhood Unbound
  • It was a day for the children who were special in some way and also for their loving parents who showered them with constant attention and unbounded affection.
  • After childbirth she herself seems reborn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The convalescent child was penned up in the house by his parent.
  • I have NEVER heared my children call me mother EVER! Why I’m PROUD to call myself a Mommy! « Bored Mommy
  • Children in particular should not have to witness wholesale slaughter of animals to which they may have become very attached.
  • Pediatricians are once again extremely busy this winter as patients with asthma symptoms - the most common disease among children - are crowding into respiratory clinics.
  • Asked about parents who choose not to vaccinate their children against HPV, the virologist Nathan Wolfe, author of the new book "The Viral Storm," told me: "Basically the decision to not vaccinate risks not only cancer for their kids but cancer for anyone their kids have sex with. The New Prudery
  • I might have understood how clumsy I was, when I was rearing my children in the most utter idleness and luxury, to reform other people and their children, who were perishing from idleness in what I called the den of the Rzhanoff house, where, nevertheless, three-fourths of the people toil for themselves and for others. What to Do?
  • It's a poor teacher who can only control the class by roaring at the children.
  • In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
  • A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it. Stephen Richards 
  • Jackson and Lee continued to preside over the wanton slaughter of men, women and children to defend the rights of freedom for white Virginians while supporting the slavery of black Virginians, among others.
  • I astound myself with my memory for useless childhood trivia.
  • But on the gender front, the sex ratio among children up to age 6 dropped to 914 girls for each 1,000 boys from 927 a decade ago, showing that female foeticide continues to be a widespread practice because of a traditional preference in some communities for boys. India Passes 1.2 Billion Mark
  • Then the court will decide who must take care of minor children unless the parents have appointed a guardian.
  • They stood, without any respect for regularity, on each side of a straggling kind of unpaved street, where children, almost in a primitive state of nakedness, lay sprawling, as if to be crushed by the hoofs of the first passing horse. The Waverley
  • Making all pupils feel they are valued and have a contribution to make to the school community is vital in helping children become responsible adults.
  • It goes without saying that you should never have more children than you have car windows. Erma Bombeck 
  • They propose genetic screening for newborns to potentially benefit both the child and the rest of the family.
  • The results showed that cumulative OP exposure from about two-dozen foods often exceeded a child's acceptable Reference Dose (RfD).
  • Drake, in his _Eboracum_, says (p. 7, Appendix), "I have been so frightened with stories of the barguest when I was a child, that I cannot help throwing away an etymology upon it. Traditions of Lancashire, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • The Roman satirists savagely expose the fawning homage heaped upon the childless rich.
  • In the child's imagination, fuelled by science-fiction, the aliens are about to land.
  • A year later, in ‘L' Allegro ’, the delphic element had disappeared, and Milton's cheerful man heard ‘Sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native woodnotes wild’.
  • Aren't you a spoiled child, without the childness and the spoiling, to go and write in that plaintive, solemn way about 'help of some connexions of Jane's in Glasgow,' as if you were a desolate orphan Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • People may bury painful childhood memories to protect themselves.
  • The amount of strain that measuring the heights of all admitted children puts on the medical and nursing staff should not be underestimated.
  • Family dislocation has obvious social and emotional costs, especially for the children who lose a parent and often a source of income.
  • Their risk of dying in childbirth is doubled and of having stillborn babies trebled, and other physical, sexual, and relationship problems are common.
  • Frederick, a bisexual misanthrope in a childless, political marriage, was a lapsed Calvinist who held all religions in contempt.
  • Since 1990, Bradley said two children besides Jessica have been admitted to the hospital with severe streptococcal toxic shock.
  • The hotel provides excellent facilities for children.
  • Children enter elementary school at the age of five, don't they?
  • Over 300,000 visitors a year enjoy the waterfalls, flower gardens, exotic birds, animal life and the children's playground.
  • He loved all Jenny's children deeply-especially Ian, the wee gowk whose mixture of foolishness and pigheaded courage reminded him so much of himself at that age. Drums of Autumn
  • She said the new playground would help give the children greater independence.
  • Surrounded by musicians and men who directed its movement, and followed by child maskers, the Ijele begin to spin, slowly at first, then gaining speed.
  • Figure 1: The figure represents diagrammatically the key factors, as described in the literature review, which influence the reading development of English and Greek bilingual and monolingual children. Reading Development in Two Different Contexts:the Case of the English-greek Bilingual Children in UK and in Cyprus « Articles « Literacy News
  • The gorillas 'behaviour has strong similarities to the children's game tag, but is perhaps more like a playful exchange of punches that must be well-judged to ensure it does not escalate into a more serious fight. Gorillas learn about injustice and revenge by playing tag
  • Trichuris was more prevalent in urban children, Ascaris and hookworm were more common in rural children, and hookworm was particularly rare in the urban area.
  • In fact, children of heavy smokers are often fervent anti-smokers.
  • Clean and cheerful, the rooms are decorated with children's artwork and handicrafts.
  • Now Tyndareus bestowed me on thy father not that I or any children I might bear should be slain. Electra
  • Mohammad Sajjad/Associated Press A displaced child, whose family fled from the Khyber tribal region due to military operations, held onto her mother while waiting to register at the Jalozai camp on the outskirt of Peshawar, Pakistan, on Monday. Asia in Pictures
  • The conceptus, like the infant, the child, and the adolescent, is a being who is in the process of unfolding its potential; that is, the potential to grow and develop itself but not to change what it is.
  • When the genie tricks the child into setting him free, the witch is in trouble.
  • Other amazing samples from the plant world will be revealed to the children, including plants with armbands to help them swim and meat-eating plants like the Pitcher plant, which is on loan from Cardiff University.
  • In Burns, the mother had full custody of two children and the parents shared custody of a third child.
  • Will take, suck out of camera and send pic of Girlchild's floordrobe - heh, heh. Change is as good as a holiday
  • These noncancerous growths of the uterus may appear during your childbearing years.
  • She got married when she was twenty and had two children but was increasingly unhappy about the political situation in Southern Rhodesia, particularly the racism of the white ruling class.
  • OOh gosh 20 whole cm women & children first, man the life boats, wind the winches & pump the bilges. Cheeseburger Gothic » This is why the Playboy Mansion sits atop a very high hill.
  • Children under fourteen should be accompanied by a parent.
  • Mom still treats us like children.
  • If you delay child-bearing until your mid-twenties or your early thirties, you are far more likely to have a good job, educational qualifications and a stable relationship.
  • Child benefit was uprated in line with inflation too.
  • A group of mums are using a secret weapon to encourage parents to walk their children to school - pester power.
  • I have paid a small fortune in tuition fees to my local pool to teach both my children to swim.
  • In its favour, there is some genuine tension in the car chase sequences, and the marauding gangs of children seem not only authentic but realistically threatening.
  • The child showed great presence of mind by grabbing the falling baby.
  • Or you could specialise in orthodontics, oral pathology, child dental health or even train to become a maxillofacial surgeon someone who specialises in facial surgery. Dentistry
  • Under the current health care system, when children with type 1 diabetes become young adults, and go off their parents health insurance, they become "uninsurable". GA congressman describes hate mail, Nazi graffiti after protests
  • Causes of hemoptysis in children with congenital cardiopathies, whether they undergo surgery or not, are many: extracorporeal circulation, pulmonary infections, coagulopathies, vascular disorders.
  • The answer could be to remove the tonsils or adenoids, according to a study of 60 children in Oxford.
  • Many local children play on the dirt grounds around this farm with the cockerels running loose all day.
  • He had to provide for five children.
  • The children were bedded at ten o'clock
  • If a child has severe symptoms in response to infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a physician may consider a diagnosis of X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome (XLP). X-linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
  • Whereas the British want to see children's faces light up with joy, those foreign johnnies prefer to scare the living daylights out of them.
  • Dr Booth is categorical about how severe the problem of childhood obesity has become.
  • You get home and the last thing on your mind is concocting a lavish meal for two or three or however many of your children deign to put in an appearance for this meal!
  • A child superstar, who married the world's worst behaved man.
  • Children must learn not to interrupt.
  • As she enters her 40s with a new husband and two stepchildren, she isn't longing for the days of her youth and hopes other women aren't either.
  • Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being. Margaret Mead 
  • Objective To study the event-related potential N400 character of semantic matching of sentence-ending words in childhood and adolescent schizophrenia.
  • The convention allows for lawful detention of children for the shortest possible period of time and as a matter of last resort.
  • Rosa Lee Ransby and her seven grand- and great-grandchildren lost their home a week before Christmas. Top Stories
  • For the fondness or averseness of the child to some servants, will at any time let one know, whether their love to the baby is uniform and the same, when one is absent, as present. Pamela
  • The plan laid out in 1996 to change welfare to workfare recognized and provided for the critical role child care would play in transitioning from government dependency to personal responsibility.
  • The childfree are a diverse group of people, much like the reasons behind the choice not to procreate; however, childfree people tend to be less conventional, more highly educated, and professional. BlogHer - Comments
  • These arrhythmias usually occur early in life during infancy or childhood.
  • This guy was also what we call a sadistic pedophile, which is that sadistic pedophiles often use objects to penetrate children rather than using the penis or the fingers, and that ` s apparently, if the allegations are true, what he did with one little girl. CNN Transcript Apr 5, 2005
  • His distraught wife Lesley had to break the devastating news to the children that their dad would not be coming home.
  • Fifty consecutive, nonobese, habitually snoring, otherwise-healthy children (age range: 6-9 years) and 50 age -, gender -, and ethnicity-matched obese children (BMI z score: 1.67) underwent an overnight polysomnographic evaluation, followed by a multiple sleep latency test the following day. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
  • The thunder scared the children.
  • Coming back from a child-free brunch at our favourite cafe earlier today, A asked me if I regretted his getting a vasectomy. November « 2009 « oh frabjous day!
  • When prescribing methylphenidates for curing childhood hyperkinetic syndrome, each prescription may only provide the common dosage available for no more than 15 days.
  • A new educational programme has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
  • The children enjoy going to the zoo.
  • Clinicians should refer cocaine-exposed children to early intervention services to attenuate long-term effects.
  • PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009
  • The money, if given, would fund the building of a new classroom, catering for children aged from three to four.
  • her child behaves precociously
  • In his book Reading, Writing, and the Hickory Stick, Dr. Irwin Hyman says that all of these punitive practices can leave a child with serious long-term aftereffects. How to Talk so Kids Can Learn
  • Iëna then went in advance, and sought the open plain, whereupon the child resembling the mother would cry out and complain, because she disliked an _open_ path. The Myth of Hiawatha, and Other Oral Legends, Mythologic and Allegoric, of the North American Indians
  • Groups of pot-bellied old men in seldom worn suits stood in clusters, leaning in to catch a word, laughing, lining up for photos taken by children and grandchildren.
  • They have innumerable beautiful, barefoot children, live in low-slung, thatched, whitewashed cottages, and their climate is often cool, damp and misty.
  • I am assuming as they are looking for the will that the flash sidewards was taking place shortly after the plane had landed, at which point Kate is on the run from the police and definitely not bringing up a child. LOSTCasts 82: The Lighthouse
  • This woman, dressed in a headscarf, long peasant dress and sweater, stands with her arms folded in front of her as if she is slightly cold or perhaps waiting for a tardy child.
  • Caesarian deliveries were occasionally performed in the Middle Ages, but carried with them connotations of the devil, as the child would be not of woman born.
  • Marti was scheduled to return for another attempt to drain the fluid when her perinatologist told her she had made an appointment for Marti at Children's Hospital's Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment. TTTS — Dicus
  • Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.
  • There was no water to drink or wash in and children were begging, dressed in filthy rags.
  • Just as our concepts of childhood have changed, so have our concepts of childhood problems.
  • It is wise father that knows his own child.
  • Pop music has no purer form of insufferableness than the I-love-my-child motif.
  • Besides being the colour of pants worn during training and performing, red trousers symbolize the indentured servitude of children who were bound by contract and often forced to live and train at these schools.
  • Objective To observe the rehabilitation treated effect of children arrhythmia caused by autonomic nerve functional disorder.
  • When I was a child I had a dog.
  • I would strongly suggest to Mr. Greer that he keep his fascist-indoctrinated, ritalin-sotted brats away from my children in Florida's socialist (public) schools. Florida GOP chair: Obama trying to 'indoctrinate' children
  • While the inmates of the home are provided with skill training in handicrafts, embroidery and sewing based on their aptitude, the children including those of sex workers are educated.
  • The photographs of black cotton pickers, including young children, are reminders of the harsh reality underlying the glory.
  • If you wish to ascertain if a woman be with child, give her hydromel to drink when she is going to sleep, and has not taken supper, and if she be seized with tormina in the belly, she is with child, but otherwise she is not pregnant. Aphorisms
  • In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded. Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
  • Writing letters to Santa Claus is an age-old Christmas tradition for children all over the world. The Magic of Macy’s « Happy Healthy Hip Parenting
  • She contends that U.S. officials overreacted, rather than dealing pragmatically with adoption procedures in a country where poverty and a long-running insurgency fueled widespread child abandonment, impaired record-keeping, and hampered official investigative capabilities. Despite Hurdles, Families Pursue Nepal Adoptions
  • He led the child into the warmth and safety of the house.
  • Don't lose your tempter, act too aggressive, or harshly criticize your children.
  • Taken from their families and forced to live in "white" orphanages, three mixed-race aborigine children escape, traveling 1500 miles back home, using the title fence as their guide. Cinematical
  • I was happy as a sandboy — beautiful wife, beautiful children, house, secure job, good social life — then, wham, the wife hits me between the eyes with the muscled actor from next door who's been shafting her for months. Disordered Minds
  • He prefers to purge children of demons by making them take laxatives and emetics.
  • Her name means happiness, but she is a widow with five children who makes ends meet by washing clothes for the neighbourhood and preparing injera, the unleavened bread prepared today as it was 1000 years ago.
  • The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril.
  • A townswoman actually comes to the castle in despair, demanding her child; Dracula sets a pack of wolves on her.
  • A child might not complain of itching, but she might be rubbing her eyes or nose repeatedly.
  • Looking back over the many extracurricular activities that our children have dabbled in at different stages, nothing has enriched their lives more than music.
  • I would also argue that the results Kumon reports achieving have little to do with their philosophy and practice about teaching and learning and much more to do with the fact that it gets parents and assistants as its teachers are called genuinely involved in children's learning. Ellen Galinsky: Fast-Tracking to Kindergarten? How About a Good Track to Learning in Kindergarten and Beyond?
  • A childhood memory returned to me of a summer in the country. THE EXECUTION
  • The Year 9 mentors are trained by children's charity Childline and run lunchtime support clubs as well as a drop-in centre where younger students can call in for advice or help.
  • She gave up work to devote more time to her children.
  • My children have gone beyond my power.
  • Her children had been fearful of being taken into care if their parents were jailed.
  • The children grappled for the ball.
  • When I was a child, I would lie my way out of any situation.
  • Your advertisers saw your terrific ratings that spanned across the board -- your demo being virtually every demo -- so they hawked everything from Viagra to gaming and condoms to candy bars during your time slot; those ratings were due partly to the Sci-Fi Channel's smartly treating you like its golden child, not emaciating your following by constantly changing your air time (did someone say, "Fascape"?). Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • Social programs cover old age, invalidism, death, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment, and allowances per child.
  • Employees who opt for the scheme will be expected to revert to their former employment contract once their children reach 14.
  • But he's a timid child, fearful of water, heights, spiders, darkness and the great outdoors.
  • The child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.
  • I know enough about this issue to know that ESEA is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the main federal law authorizing federal financial assistance to schools whose most recent instantiation is also known as No Child Left Behind. Matthew Yglesias » The Pointlessness of Reading Bills
  • With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease.
  • we always ask for man to innocent as child, but able as father.
  • “But suppose, Maggie, —suppose it was a man who was not conceited, who felt he had nothing to be conceited about; who had been marked from childhood for a peculiar kind of suffering, and to whom you were the day-star of his life; who loved you, worshipped you, so entirely that he felt it happiness enough for him if you would let him see you at rare moments——”15 IV. Another Love-Scene. Book V—Wheat and Tares
  • At around $1,195 it sounds expensive, until you realize your grandchildren will still be using it long after you've turned into dust and are part of the backstop at your local range.
  • Quinn herself was keen to have the first test - a matter of weeks after William's birth - because she and her husband were undergoing fertility treatment at the time the child was conceived.
  • All four-year-old children are already entitled to receive free nursery education.
  • Although we always want things, childhood is the time when we are most insistent.
  • Such a child will rapidly thrive once an appropriate nutritional diet is provided.
  • Soon the children were all armed with steaming cups and saucers.
  • Its popularity in 1948 with both schoolchildren and adults saw the Blossom Street picture house bursting at the seams during matinees and evening performances for weeks on end.
  • The lustrous gipsy – face drooped over the clinging arms and bosom, and the wild black hair fell down protectingly over the childish form. The Mystery of Edwin Drood
  • He was almost sixty then, yet his body still was trim and powerful, and he loved to romp with us children in the sea.
  • My children could spend hours watching playful monkeys at the primate exhibit.
  • So it was that I wished, with this child, for a cuddler. Arms And The Mom | Her Bad Mother
  • With its two commons, Steeple Fritton was shaped much like a penny-farthing bicycle, Posy had decided in childhood. TICKLED PINK
  • Relying on their well-established formula of eerie melodies, pastoral soundscapes, babbling children and rhythmic clamour, their sophomore effort rings true.
  • In 1883, he published Treasure Island, a much beloved children's classic.
  • What shall I do when a mad dog attacks an innocent child?
  • The Act allows, for the first time, children to initiate proceedings and instruct a solicitor to make court applications independently.
  • the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells
  • It's not often that you clamour to hear about an actor's childhood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.
  • Here, hundreds of millions of men, women and children are suffering from an incurable disease, chronic arsonicosis, and millions more are at risk.
  • One of the current topics on the Child-Lit listserv, where I usually lurk, is a discussion "Harry Potter -- Hype or Word Of Mouth," which got me thinking about when I first read HP and its impact on me, personally and professionally. How I Found Out About Harry
  • They always provided the best of opportunities for their children as well as caring for their extended whanau and the Temuka community.
  • The loss of the plant led to thousands of children dying from malaria, tuberculosis and other treatable diseases.
  • Then trumpeters played a fanfare, fireworks boomed and crackled across the sky and children from schools on either side of the river waved flags and exchanged huge greetings cards to commemorate new links between their communities.

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