How To Use Chide In A Sentence

  • The magic of the elves is a twilight thing, the sound of distant silver horns, a fairy gold that turns to dust by noonday, and it is meant to chide the pride of foolish mortal men. MIND MELD: Today's SF Authors Define Science Fiction (Part 2)
  • Bureau chief Small chided me for using the word screw on the air, which had elicited complaints from the Bible Belt. Staying Tuned
  • The seven series of Monocotyledons represent a sequence beginning with the most complicated epigynous orders, such as Orchideae and Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • “Stop being such an old ninnyhammer,” chided Aunt Agatha, giving Hilda a sharp elbow. Chasing a Rogue
  • Wherefore do thou write him a letter and chide him angrily and spare him no manner of reproof, but threaten him with dreadful threats and menace him with death and say to him, ‘Whence hast thou knowledge of me, that thou durst write me, O dog of a merchant, O thou who trudgest far and wide all thy days in wilds and wolds for the sake of gaining a dirham or a dinar? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
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  • His left testicle was removed, by a process known as orchidectomy, because it had a tumour.
  • When I refused to eat my soup, she chided me, asking if I wanted to grow up to be as small as eight-year-olds tend to be.
  • He gently chided the organizers of another event, where he gave his talk in front of an empty wall.
  • Anthony loved the excuse to chide, to mock, to exercise, in appearance, a little affectionate tutelage. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Come on, we chide, they can't have all the wealth, status and talent to boot.
  • After months chided in ghostly Twilight spoof spearheaded by Jimmy Fallon, Robert Pattinson is reportedly set to come face-to-face with the comedian on NBC’s Late Night next month. Jimmy Fallon Robert Pattinson “Twilight” Spoof
  • And yesterday, she had chided Helena for wasting a holiday and setting off on a wild-goose chase. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The plump cook chided me, slapping my small hand away when it reached for one more chocolate chip cookie.
  • "You shouldn't trust what those gossip columnists write, " she chided.
  • Systemic analgesia or orchidectomy may be required in individual cases.
  • Chidenga, the Zimbabwe wildlife chief, said world efforts to "demystify" the medicinal affects of rhino horn - consisting of keratin, the main component of human fingernails and hair - failed to yield results in Asia. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • But you didn't accept father's invitation," she chided. Chapter 45
  • Bob's round features squinched up as he chided, ‘You said a potty word.’
  • Pow-Wah-Kaan, she chided me and said they were evil; also she beat me. LI-WAN, THE FAIR
  • Don't jump to conclusions, she chided herself, personally embarrassed by her outrageous notions.
  • The book also gently chides parents about their own angry behavior by illustrating the impact it has on children.
  • She laughed at my sudden jump, and chided me for being so paranoid…
  • The theater manager does not chide, warn or cajole us into good behavior.
  • At the same time they chide Nokia for letting huge opportunities lie fallow.
  • Rick Perry has been rightly chided for throwing around the word "treasonous" in reference to the Fed. Other Comments
  • Rick Perry has been rightly chided for throwing around the word "treasonous"in reference to the Fed. News
  • ‘Eh, I am going to my friend's home for studying,’ I stammered, rather afraid I will be chided for telling the truth.
  • The 34-year-old rugby-playing vicar, who is married with three young children, chides his flock in the latest issue of his parish magazine.
  • Alternatively, orchidectomy - surgical removal of both testicles, stops the production of testosterone.
  • A young scamp in the comments box gently chided me for the fact that none of my favourites were recorded later than the 1980's.
  • And left another light on other cheek bright li’en: I fain finesse my chiders when they mention him, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • On air, Colbert has chided the pope as an "ecu-menace" for his outreach to other faiths, referred to non-Catholics as "heathens and the excommunicated" and calls those who believe in evolution "monkey men. The Quiet Faith Behind Colbert's Right-Wing Funnyman
  • No antecedents of orchitis, infectious disease, or orchidectomy had been recorded in the patients' histories.
  • Limbaugh added Buckley would "chide" him with "a little note," when he "thought we were incorrect or whatever. He Knew He Was Right
  • Don't be ridiculous! she chided herself.
  • And my father’s maledict — — But you will chide me for introducing that, now I am enumerating my comforts. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Overwhelmed by this observation, I chided myself for never having noticed it before.
  • The Spaniards, in general, dislike a mixture of vanilla with the cacao, as irritating the nervous system; the fruit, therefore, of that orchideous plant is entirely neglected in the province of Caracas, though abundant crops of it might be gathered on the moist and feverish coast between Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • He had to have an orchidectomy and a number of radiotherapy sessions.
  • On their arrival Archidemus, the leader of the democracy at that date, who had charge of the two obol fund,48 inflicted a fine on Hellenica
  • When Hanuman chided him for his indecorous attire, he smiled and said nothing. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The fruit of this orchideous plant is entirely neglected in the province of Caracas, though abundant crops of it might be gathered on the humid coast between Porto Cabello and Ocumare, especially at The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Uchideshi life back then consisted of rising before the sun to pray, training, and eating two meals a day of rice porridge with sweet potato or taro.
  • John Stennis, the powerful senator from Mississippi, a Democrat, would later chide me for meddling in the politics of his state. The Good Fight
  • Now the furious businessman is to take his pork pies elsewhere after being chided for over-familiarity.
  • Madeline chided herself for her vulgar thoughts; while the woman had a beauty and sensuality that could match or surpass any demirep in England, the perfect face glowed with the unstudied sweetness and innocence of a Madonna. Dearly Beloved
  • He gently chides his flock in the West Wing that "the best place to go get operational information about the war is not from the White House."
  • Here, therefore, is a symmetrical and complete, regular, but dimerous orchideous flower, the first verticil of stamens not antheriferous, the second antheriferous, the carpels alternate with these; and here we have clear (and perhaps the first direct) demonstration that the orchideous type of flower has two stamineal verticils, as Brown always insisted. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • My eyes overflow, my dear Pauline; and Maitland will chide me for indulging what he calls a pernicious sensibility. The Unexpected Legacy
  • ‘None of that, I'm afraid miss,’ he chided, pinioning her wrists behind her back.
  • He gently chides his students every time they misspelled a word.
  • In Scotland the channering worm doth chide even the souls that come from where, "beside the gate of Paradise, the birk grows fair enough. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 2 "Baconthorpe" to "Bankruptcy"
  • Now the furious businessman is to take his pork pies elsewhere after being chided for over-familiarity.
  • Also, I would like to commend John on his excellent use of the word "chide". SFSignal Update
  • Its nest, he says, is formed of moss at some height from the ground, supported on clusters of orchideous plants. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • We were chided and harshly reprimanded by our own folks.
  • Charles's cousin Jasper breaks off from his final exams to chide him about his now-hedonistic lifestyle.
  • Alternatively, orchidectomy - surgical removal of both testicles, stops the production of testosterone.
  • He gently chides his students every time they misspelled a word.
  • At a recent biology meeting, Jim Watson, codiscoverer of the double-helix structure of DNA, chided MIT's Jacks for saying the revolution in identifying driver mutations and tailoring drugs against them would yield results in 10 to 20 years. Curing Cancer
  • He praised Trotsky for his outstanding abilities, yet chided him for his excessive self-assurance and preoccupation with administrative matters.
  • He even chided Sen. Obama's running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, for offering a "cockamamie" plan for partitioning Iraq. McCain Gambles
  • ‘Not to fast or I'll be having to clean up barf,’ the redhead vampire's sardonic voice chided.
  • I say this to Chris, and he chides me for assuming the falcons are of opposite sexes.
  • , Steny Hoyer "chided" Michele Bachmann for not taking the Democrats 'word that the N-word was used on the day Democrats passed the health care bill: California Conservative
  • Clerks were continually chided for carrying themselves with a pretence of gentility in their dress, but clerks had little choice in the matter.
  • He had to have an orchidectomy and a number of radiotherapy sessions.
  • SALEP is the prepared and dried roots of several orchideous plants, and is sometimes sold in the state of powder. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • One guy in a pickup pulls over and chides them for criticizing Wal-Mart.
  • She chides him for talking so philosophically.
  • Charles's cousin Jasper breaks off from his final exams to chide him about his now-hedonistic lifestyle.
  • The manager chided him for his delay.
  • Junichi watched as Murasaki chided her master with a grim expression on her face and her tone was gently admonitory.
  • In fact, the ombud at the Washington Post and the public editor at the New York Times chided their respective papers for not giving the bogus "scandal" more attention. Peter Hart: Pimps and Prostitutes... Again?
  • He's drawn ire from the netroots for his speech on religion, where he "chided" liberals about Christians. Poll: Hillary Doesn't Have To Apologize For 2002 Iraq Vote
  • He tried to recall the word infection, chided himself for letting so crucial a term slip from his memory. Heaven Lake
  • Intellectual snobbery is so over, I chided myself, before launching into an orgy of sheer, joyous banality.
  • An arborescent fern was found by Forster in New Zealand in 46°, where orchideous plants are parasitical on the trees. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • Bacchides non Bacchides, sed bacchae sunt acerrumae. apage istas a me sorores, quae hominum sorbent sanguinem. omnis ad perniciem instructa domus opime atque opipare -- quae ut aspexi, me continuo contuli protinam in pedes. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • His vigorously unconventional storytelling has earned him as many critics, who chide him for being overly clever and self-referential, as devotees.
  • Only the morning before he'd heard her chide Jo-Beth for being unpunctual; there was nothing informal about her working hours. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • Again, McCain objected, prompting Byrd to chide him for doing so. Al Franken's senate shut down
  • Forster in New Zealand in 46 degrees, where orchideous plants are parasitical on the trees. The Project Gutenberg FAQ 2002
  • ‘Monsieur,’ she chided, a cold smile twisting her charming lips, ‘I would unhand me were I you.’
  • Acanthaceae, Androsaceae, particularly a Gnaphalioides common on the exposed ridge of Mount Jacka; Myrsinea frutex, Parnassia common, Salix fruticosa; on Prospect Point, Lycopodium, Herminioid, Epipactis, Orchideae aliae, 2 Scitamineae. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Others chided her for spoiling him and she even tried to wean him off but could not bear to see his drawn face.
  • “Bella,” chided Mrs. Griffiths, while Myra, recalling a gauche uncle and cousin who had come on from Vermont several years before to visit them An American Tragedy
  • But what Schider's memories of Thanksgivings in New York suggest is that "Turkey Day" for vegans and vegetarians is about everything but the turkey. Addison County Independent - Covering the 23 towns of Addison County, Vermont
  • Nina calls the show "cohesive," but chides Mondo for going too far into teenager territory. Una LaMarche: Project Runway Finale Part Two Recap
  • The trunks of the trees are everywhere concealed under a thick carpet of verdure; and if we carefully transplanted the orchideae, the pipers, and the pothoses, nourished by a single courbaril, or American fig-tree, * (* Ficus nymphaeifolia.) we should cover a vast extent of ground. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • U.S. prosecutors were chided by a federal judge on Thursday for withholding information from six former Wall Street brokers and traders who were convicted last year in a scheme to misuse brokerage-firm "squawk" boxes. Judge Faults Prosecutors in 'Squawk Box' Case
  • Later on, in a moment meant to chide us for the persistence of our citified tunnel vision, he tells us that he has been observing us unseen from a perch on top of the tool shed.
  • The President instead chided the legislature for failing to attend to its own duties, such as passing legislation.
  • a silly and ridiculous orator, but should find fault with his voice, and chide him for injuring his throat by drinking cold water; or like a person bidden to read some wretched composition, who should merely find fault with the thickness of the paper, and call the copyist a dirty and careless fellow. Plutarch's Morals
  • Chideya said that because the acting mayoress was unelected, she did not have the power to fire her. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Systemic analgesia or orchidectomy may be required in individual cases.
  • It showed me also that Jesus Christ had yet a word of grace and mercy for me, that He had not, as I had feared, quite forsaken and cast off my soul; yea, this was a kind of chide for my proneness to desperation; a kind of threatening of me, if I did not, notwithstanding my sins, and the heinousness of them, venture my salvation upon the Son of God. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners
  • Suffice to say the next time Sarah was co-hosting with John she humorously chided her colleague for such fustiness, to which John mumbled a splendidly unconvincing apology. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Even as Lincoln chided McClellan for his excessive caution, the Confederates completed another act of daring.
  • When he explains that the crack about encouraging homemakers to become lawyers was a joke, she chides him about his tone.
  • He gently chided the two women.
  • For McGinn to chide people in unincorporated King County because of shortcomings of THEIR elected officials, seemingly blaming them for the fact that King County's economic stimulus grant to repair the South Park Bridge was turned down by the feds while SDOT's grant to fund beautification of a few blocks of Mercer Street is the height of hypocrisy. kurisu We’ve Bolded the Ironic Parts « PubliCola
  • I am not so void of sense; bethink thee, I shall go through this as well, when I lead the maiden from the chamber to the sound of the marriage-hymn; wherefore I chide thee not; but custom will combine with time to make the smart grow less. Iphigenia at Aulis
  • An early sampling of 10 reports obtained by The New York Times yesterday chide the United Nations' Office for Iraq Program for permitting the program's major contractors to overcharge the United Nations and understaff posts at ports and borders where oil and goods were supposed to be monitored. THE NEWS BLOG
  • You're gossiping like a pair of beldames," she chided them. A DAY'S LODGING
  • And my father's maledict ---- But you will chide me for introducing that, now I am enumerating my comforts. Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 7
  • What is rather ironic, Doug, is that you engage in snarky commentary on my website - yet you chide others for doing exactly the same thing elsewhere. Playing Favorites At NASA JPL PAO - NASA Watch
  • She chided herself for being so impatient with the children.
  • He also chided one reviewer at another paper for being self-centered.
  • She urged the conspirators to do their work, and chided in the strongest terms their irresolution and pusillanimity. Nero Makers of History Series
  • Multimodis meditatus egomet mecum sum, et ita esse arbitror homini amico, qui est amicus ita uti nomen possidet, nisi deos ei nil praestare, id opera expertus sum esse ita nam ut in Ephesum hinc abii -- hoc factumst ferme abhinc biennium -- ex Epheso huc ad Pistoclerum meum sodalem litteras misi, amicam ut mi inveniret Bacchidem. illum intellego 390 invenisse, ut servos meus mi nuntiavit Chrysalus. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • He mentally chided himself for the tremor in his voice.
  • Prima chided his generation for attacking rock-and-roll and thereby renouncing its primitive past. A Renegade History of the United States
  • But as the prophet Habakkuk is express to the contrary, chap.iii. 11, and their own Sirachides, cap. xlv., xlvi., so it is no small prevarication in some Christians to give countenance unto such a putid fiction. Pneumatologia
  • Multimodis meditatus egomet mecum sum, et ita esse arbitror homini amico, qui est amicus ita uti nomen possidet, nisi deos ei nil praestare, id opera expertus sum esse ita nam ut in Ephesum hinc abii -- hoc factumst ferme abhinc biennium -- ex Epheso huc ad Pistoclerum meum sodalem litteras misi, amicam ut mi inveniret Bacchidem. illum intellego 390 invenisse, ut servos meus mi nuntiavit Chrysalus. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Douglas Hay and Norma Landau's examination of the legal system of eighteenth-century England leads them neither to adulate nor castigate; rather they appear to chide.
  • No antecedents of orchitis, infectious disease, or orchidectomy had been recorded in the patients' histories.
  • Chidenga, the Zimbabwe wildlife chief, said world efforts to "demystify" the medicinal affects of rhino horn – consisting of keratin, the main component of human fingernails and hair – failed to yield results in Asia. Endangered Rino Poaching Spikes In Zimbabwe
  • His left testicle was removed, by a process known as orchidectomy, because it had a tumour.
  • Rincewind wondered if it was poisonous, then chided himself for asking such a silly question.
  • I gently chided her for leaving me to face this cancer on my own.
  • The mayor also promises less services, and chides everyone for all our profligate ways in the past ten years.
  • "There's nothing wrong with being frugal, " he chided her.
  • The letters show a devoted if overbearing husband who constantly chides his wife to write more often and to keep up her spirits.
  • Notwithstanding its elevated temperature, it is difficult to believe that the air can dissolve the quantity of water exhaled from the surface of the soil, the foliage of the trees, and their trunks: the latter are covered with a drapery of orchideae, peperomia, and other succulent plants. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • A couple weeks ago, I was chided by a couple of readers for only attacking rightwing lunacy and leaving leftwing lunacy alone.
  • S. O'BRIEN: He kind of chided you last time the two of you chatted. CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2005
  • In the past, I have chided Prof. Reynolds for his mildly exhibitionist postings.
  • My dad would laugh and chide them to be more kind. Laura Mola: Thinking About Integrity
  • She chided the father for ‘abusing’ his son and said she intended to call the police.
  • We ate chow-chow with chop-sticks in the celestial restaurants; our comrade chided the moon-eyed damsels in front of the houses for their want of feminine reserve; we received protecting Josh-lights from our hosts and "dickered" for a pagan God or two. Roughing It
  • At length, as she united a final row of hooks and eyes, she found leisure to chide her, saying she was very naughty to be so unpunctual; that she looked even now the picture of incorrigible carelessness: and so Shirley did - but a very lovely picture of that tiresome quality. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • They are also chided by the school superintendents they hire, though usually not to their faces. Who needs school boards?
  • The judge chided the girls for rapping on the door at such a late hour.
  • These include Aconitum heterophyllum, A. falconeri, Arnebia benthamii, Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Gymnadenia orchides, Megacarpaea polyandra, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Podophyllum haxandrum and Taxus wallichiana. Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers National Park, India
  • Me id aurum accepisse extemplo ab hospite Archidemide. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • ’ ‘I am just of the same mind, no more, nor no less, ’ said the hostess, ‘for I never have any quiet hour in my house, but when thou art hearing those books whereon thou art so besotted, as then thou dost only forget to chide, which is thy ordinary exercise at other times. The Fourth Book. V. Treating of That Which Befel All Don Quixote His Train in the Inn
  • And yesterday, she had chided Helena for wasting a holiday and setting off on a wild-goose chase. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • No antecedents of orchitis, infectious disease, or orchidectomy had been recorded in the patients' histories.
  • When it finally surfaced, other journalists politely chided him and dropped the subject.
  • There used to be times when mothers chided children about bad handwriting.
  • I here found a beautiful orchideous plant, with the habit of Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
  • He chided the management for the poor upkeep of the backstage area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our monitions usually prompt the illiberal intelligentsia to chortle and chide about the Trib's seemingly amazing ability to find a Karl Marx devotee lurking virtually everywhere.
  • The court, however, has chided the software maker for failing to produce much in the way of evidence at all.
  • The trunks of the trees are everywhere concealed under a thick carpet of verdure; and if we carefully transplanted the orchideae, the pipers, and the pothoses, nourished by a single courbaril, or American fig-tree, * we should cover a vast extent of ground. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • But the Sudanese leader chided southern politicians for what he called failing to live up to the terms of the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, or CPA. Bashir Suggests South Sudan's Referendum Might Be Invalid
  • ‘You're hurting me, you're hurting me,’ her daughter chides her.
  • The manager chided him for his delay.
  • Turning the thermostat up might have helped, and so might asking the barman not to continually chide two young boys whose unruliness was well within acceptable bounds.
  • ‘Don't suppose you want to piggyback me there,’ Joaquin chided as they started to walk.
  • But you're looking for a bed just the same," Martin chided, "and it's a cold night. Chapter 45
  • It doesn't surprise me that you chide neoclassical economics for engaging in "theoretical autoeroticism" while you have demonstrated a chronic case of theoretical impotence. Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: The Great Depression, Part IV
  • When he explains that the crack about encouraging homemakers to become lawyers was a joke, she chides him about his tone.

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