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How To Use Chick In A Sentence

  • Serve the chicken with salads and chips or potatoes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This being Los Angeles, and me being a hick from the sticks, I was only a few feet away from asking the shorter guy for an autograph, when I chickened out.
  • I eat a lot of chicken and fish, rice and pasta and maintain an all-round healthy diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • These include a nice Nigerian guy who sells the best roast chicken around (he did this in Paris as well), a couple of Egyptians and a Tunisian who make great chicken shawarma and a couple of Turkish guys who do the same with beef.
  • If you're partial to poultry, the Nostos Special is a good bet at $7.95 for a grilled half chicken and $14.95 for a whole one.
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  • A lot of hen breeders put chicks down if they have splayed legs, but she is way too cute for that. Times, Sunday Times
  • I still date chicks who are lucky to own a bedframe. 15 Annoying Things Most Girlfriends Do (That You Have to Put Up With) | Manolith
  • The Blonde had the doracha seekh, a combination of chicken and crab flakes chargrilled in the tandoor oven and served with a piquant mango and avocado chutney, at £7.50.
  • Therefore, if the vaccine afforded protection for life, there would be a very strong argument in favor of universal vaccination - no chicken pox and no shingles.
  • Chickadees called occasionally, but never titmice.
  • The adults' menu may feature grilled shrimp, charbroiled chicken, sautéed vegetables, and salads galore.
  • Chicken wing, eel, or wasabi ice cream, anyone?
  • After they are separated, the keepers feed the chicks by hand and must teach them to swallow whole fish.
  • I had a garlic chilly mince curry, and she went for a very nice chicken dopiaza.
  • Dee of Ammalu's Kitchen transforms plain chickpea flour into a steaming hot bowl of Methi Pitla with the addition of a handful of aromatic methi leaves. Archive 2007-04-01
  • When social mating systems were dichotomized, extrapair chicks were twice as frequent in monogamous as in polygynous species.
  • The Big chick on top as well as the little chicks and the daisies are all made out of my enhanced mmf. Archive 2009-04-01
  • You have to spend at least £5 when dining in at a branch of the chain to get a free quarter chicken meal or starter.
  • Season chickens and sear until brown on all sides, remove from pot and set aside.
  • After making the sauce, I thought both potatoes and chickpeas sounded good, so on a whim I made a potato with panch phoron side dish -- but next time I would do 2 things differently. Archive 2009-04-01
  • These included chicken tikka, Chinese chicken and chicken tandoori, each in a wrap.
  • The chickpea croquettes called falafel and the ever-popular chickpea dip, hummus, are both very good.
  • Or, for a warm starter try the saltcrust tarts filled either with herbed mushrooms or barbecue chicken.
  • He skipped bail and was caught trying to steal a chicken sandwich and some plasters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roll the chicken breasts in flour.
  • Maize is consumed as tortillas, which accompany rice and beans - typically eaten three times a day with eggs, cheese, meat, or chicken and with chayote stew or salad at lunch or supper.
  • I don't imagine cows much like being stunned with airguns, or chickens living in cages that deform their bodies, being forced to lay eggs until they die. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • The industry is highly vertically integrated, with poultry production companies (known as integrators) contracting with farmers (referred to as growers) to raise the birds prior to slaughter Number of broilers and other meat-type chickens sold in the United States, 2007 (Source: USDA Census of Agriculture, 2007). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This keeps getting censored by the Lamontster scrub out the truth squads .. he has to protect his propagandists for hire, as he's too chickenhearted to let the CT voters decide for themselves CT-SEN: Lamont Hits Back At Lieberman Terror Slam
  • Sparrows, chickadees, woodpeckers, and an assortment of other creatures were awake and bustling that summer morning.
  • I was fed up of having to avoid certain foods and when I finished the chicken I felt guilty.
  • Our ownership of more than one inspirational book that began with the phrase "chicken soup," yet contained no recipes. Joel Dovev: The Moment I Knew
  • The result: chicken tikka masala. The Sun
  • I made many food for the dinner, such as pizza, baked chicken, and some banana bread.
  • From the seed feeders on the deck come the euphonious calls of chickadees, the bell-like trill of the dark-eyed juncos, the down-slurred whistle of the titmice, the “ank-ank” of the nuthatches, the “zree” of the house finches, and the coo of doves; from the nectar feeders and flowers, the whirr of hummingbird wings. Birdology
  • Bynes, who recently announced her retirement from acting on Twitter only to 'unretire' a week later, simply axed her @chicky account last week without going public about her decision. Starpulse Entertainment News
  • Smear chicken pieces generously with mole and bake in a moderate oven, turning once or twice during baking, for about 30 minutes.
  • Some weeds, such as chickweed, common groundsel, and bittercress, may germinate and grow at almost any time of year.
  • Foxes as predators prey on lambs and chickens and kill native small marsupials and rodents.
  • I'd rather have a sliver of prosciutto or a wheel of spicy sausage than neutral, inoffensive chicken any day.
  • The whole time, I was thinking about the recipe for curried chicken that my mother taught me. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Most people who've had chicken pox once are immune to it for the rest of their lives.
  • This restaurant offers a buffet with a wide selection of traditional boerekos such as tomato bredie, chicken pie and a lavish carvery, as well as Malay curries and bobotie. Muti
  • The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days. Hullabaloo
  • “You’re right,” she said, regretting having lobbied so hard for what was described as the feel-good chick flick of the year. The Owl and Moon Cafe
  • If the corporate talking heads don't chicken out, this could be fun.
  • Her Moroccan spin on chicken flew past the glazed and cidery take on beer-can chicken.
  • Tonight I must sneak like the thief that I am down into the farmer's hencoop and steal one of his chickens.
  • Adults eat the eggshells after the chicks hatch (the eggshells are a good source of calcium).
  • Hey liberals, chickenhawk is better than chickenshit, wouldn’t you agree? Think Progress » Drudge Falsely Smears Gore
  • The happy event occurred in the Taylor's aviary in Wakefield, after the mother - a kakariki called Cheeky - and father Tom, a golden mantel rosella, were reared together from chicks.
  • Whether or not it is so, it is still funny that out of all things they prefer chickweed.
  • You can render the chicken down to make stock for soup.
  • The participants and production crew moved to Oxley Downs, six hours drive from Sydney to the property with 12 buildings, a dilapidated garden, horses, chickens, geese, a cow and 1.300 merino sheep.
  • I was drawn to Chicken Satsivi, a Georgian dish, because of the sauce, satsivi, which is a paste of walnuts, sauteed onions, coriander, and garlic, liquidized with a broth and perfumed with cinnamon and paprika. Weekend Cookbook Challenge # 16 - Chicken Satsivi
  • Then slowly drizzle in the chicken bouillon and onions and blend. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Chickadees, crossbills, goldfinches, nuthatches, siskins, and woodpeckers pick the winged seeds out of pine and spruce cones.
  • Other locals include yarrow, pussytoes, mallow, cudweed, meadowsweet, and chickweed.
  • The result is a somewhat funny-looking, normal sized boiler chicken that carries the special naked gene.
  • The beggar tore the chicken apart and began to eat.
  • She and Tamara Thomas are the two foxiest chicks here. Jay's Journal
  • The bank offered to lend us £1,000 but that's chicken feed compared to what we need.
  • Established in 1971, the 13,500-square-meter megastore is an institution in Singapore, selling everything from saris to air tickets to canned chickpeas to Rolexes. After Hours: Singapore
  • He worried over her like a mother hen clucking over her chicks.
  • Running through the orange grove, which already had little green oranges on, past the chickens, she froze with horror.
  • I never used to like olives until after ST was born -- for some reason, now they really appeal to me and I'm always adding extra in dishes like Chicken/Turkey Tetrazzini or in Mexican dishes. Organization Station
  • Tip the chickpeas into a colander, rinse and shake dry. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he would eat his favourite food by picking off choice meat off of the bone of extra rare chicken tikkas.
  • In practice, the chips were sliced sweet potato and the nuggets were pieces of chicken dipped in ground almonds and paprika. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coat chicken breast with flour, then dip in beaten egg, finally coat with bread crumbs.
  • Insert a small knife into the top of the chicken breast to loosen the skin.
  • Dundee began to disappear behind a white veil while Chick drank his way steadily down the half-bottle.
  • Long sympathetic neurons and sensory neurons, with particular reference to those of the dorsomedial quadrant of spinal ganglia in chick embryo [12], provided a most valuable system for demonstrating the three main activities of NGF, i.e., 1) its vital trophic role during the early developmental stages, 2) its property of enhancing differentiative processes such as neurite outgrowth, and 3) of guiding the growing or regenerating neurites along its own concentration gradient. [ Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Add the chicken, leeks carrots and peas, and slowly cook on the stove for about 15 minutes.
  • Andrew began to carve the chicken.
  • Trim skin and fat from chicken and smear with olive oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then winter arrives - usually for about two weeks - and we get new weeds - chickweed, henbit and annual bluegrass.
  • Put the chicken in hot fat and braise thoroughly.
  • Instead of the turkey, a boiled or roasted chicken (with the brown meat a little underdone) or a brace of stewed or roasted pheasants can be used.
  • The bulk of flu vaccine production today is done using fertilized chicken eggs and takes months.
  • But she's the one who always wanted to be a writer, and kept postponing it because she was too chicken-hearted, afraid she would fail. THE SAVING GRACES
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission had charged the bank with covering up for outrageous bonuses given out at Merrill Lynch as the bank acquired the failed stockbrokerage, and now it was letting the bank off the hook with a chicken-feed fine. Robert Scheer: Letting the Banking Rats Out of the Bag
  • I was making a million a year, but that's chicken feed in the pop business.
  • We do this by creating innovative flavour combinations, such as havarti, smoked chicken and avocado, aged cheddar, tomato and spicy Genoa salami and brie, green apple, crushed walnuts and watercress. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Maybe it's the Audi posters advertising sponsorship of the meeting, or the lines of policemen protecting Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets.
  • It was some of the most fattening and delicious baked chicken I have ever eaten.
  • The chickens also have reduced the fire ant population by eating the bugs and seeds the ants would have sustained themselves on.
  • I just had to push you into the crowd first because I knew you would chicken out and not jump.
  • It is good with couscous, drizzled over char-grilled vegetables, thinned out with extra virgin olive oil for a spicy, rose-scented marinade or dressing, or stirred into mayonnaise and dolloped on to grilled fish or chicken.
  • We see chickadees, crows, two pretty orioles … But where is a pigeon when you want one? Birdology
  • Season the chicken inside and out with salt and pepper. Wrap in a clean tea towel for at least 30 minutes or as long as a full day. Refrigerate.
  • Chickens clucked about, scratching up dust into tiny dust devils with their claws.
  • Instead of offering the traditional vanilla whip cones, these frozen feasts contain gammon and chicken ice cream.
  • Make a huge open-faced vegetable omelet, for example, or try a quick chicken stir-fry and fold in a few eggs during the last two minutes of cooking.
  • Dear Congress, Remember when Ren was in that game of chicken on a tractor and the only reason he won was because his shoelace was wrapped around the pedal? Kristin Wilson Keppler: More Stuff That Happens in the World When We're Watching Nickelodeon
  • The neon chicken radiates orange warmth into the sparsely populated diner.
  • Ten thousand birds and an equal number of chicks constitute an enormous quantity of meat.
  • Yes her Chicken Tetrazzini recipe is amazing, but a little run-of-the-mill for me. The Worst Book Ever: 'Microwaving for One'
  • Top with the seared chicken, then sprinkle over the shredded mozzarella and tomatoes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I invested in some pre-cooked, but fresh, foods like grilled wild Alaskan salmon, spring veggie cous cous, grilled asparagus, a whole roasted chicken (for us and Phoebe -- she's got to eat healthy too!) that came with a free side of cole slaw (yes from Whole Foods). Laura Klein: Hitting The Road? How To Eat Healthy
  • Cut chicken lengthwise into 1/2-inch thick strips and set aside.
  • Arrange the chicken and salad in a serving dish.
  • If I don't fight him, everyone will say that I chickened out.
  • There was a chinese place not far from where I lived that I could get very tasty but not high quality chicken and vegetable lomein for under $4 that would last me two meals. Accidental Hedonist
  • For her fiftieth birthday Don built Rebecca a chicken tractor - a long wire enclosure on wheels that enables her to graze chickens along the rows of green manure forage.
  • A chicken nibbled on smashed watermelon, and dancers swam in a plastic water flume, and a fake walrus lumbered across the stage.
  • When someone died, the kahuna aumakau (priest of the appropriate ancestral deity) of the dead person came and ritually sacrificed a pig or a chicken to ensure that the soul would live with its ancestors.
  • In Andy Duncan's "Unique Chicken Goes In Reverse", a priest named Father Leggett follows a cryptic phone message to meet a five year-old girl named Mary who has taught a "frizzled" chicken to walk in reverse. REVIEW: 2007 Nebula Award Short Fiction Nominees
  • My chicken empanadas were dry as prunes, though, and the mustard aioli on a helping of overbaked patatas had the consistency of crank-case oil.
  • Options range from beef, ostrich and chicken patties, to combos like boar and brie, beef and merguez, or venison and goat cheese.
  • No chicken for me. I don't eat meat .
  • My husband and I don't eat red meat or chicken; my parents, who do, call us ‘vegetarians.’
  • Amongst very young chicks the mortality rate was quite high.
  • This would go well with a light chicken salad or maybe some simple pork chops.
  • A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King. Under Two Flags
  • It seems the only thing I like to do on the interweb is look at pictures of chicks. STREET FIGHTER CAST SADLY VAN DAMME FREE
  • I cooked the chicken, put it aside and stir-fried the vegetables.
  • The chickens are now coming home to roost. The Sun
  • Add the drained whole tomatoes and chicken stock, making sure the lamb is submerged beneath the liquid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here I have trussed my chicken for the first time.
  • I'd just spent fifteen minutes stripping all the meat left over on the chicken carcass I'd roasted for our dinner yesterday in preparation for a top-crust chicken and mushroom pie for today and my hands were dripping with grease and gunge.
  • The same can be said for a blissfully simple plate of roasted free-range chicken: crisp and immaculate of crust, escorted by even crisper roasted potatoes and flavored with garlic and lemon.
  • She had previously enjoyed food with nuts in, including breakfast cereals, and she had eaten chicken curries at other restaurants.
  • Sampling my companion's chicken korma dish - a mild curry with almond sauce and coconut butter, I was very impressed.
  • Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. 
  • But to want to see the back of chick-lit because you've read too many blurbs that feature a single girl with too many shoes and a Martini habit is a bit like consigning pop music to the knackers' yard just because you don't like The X Factor. Should we mourn the end of chick-lit?
  • Cows swayed slowly in their sleep, a horse whinnied in its dream, and chickens bobbed up and down up in their nests atop rafters.
  • They keep chickens in the back yard.
  • Plus, she has the whole surfer wahine chick thing going, which is beyond cool. THE BLACK BOOK: DIARY OF A TEENAGE STUD VOL. I, GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS
  • Instead of millions of vulnerable hosts to evolve within back then, we now have billions of chickens intensively confined in factory farms, arguably the Perfect Storm environment for the emergence and spread of hypervirulent, so-called "predator-type" viruses like H5N1. Kathy Freston: Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
  • There were lambs to stroke and eggs to be collected from the chicken coop. The Sun
  • The boy chickened out of climbing up the tree.
  • The Méditerranéen couscous plate was equivalent to its vegetarian cousin, with the addition of a chicken brochette, lamb brochette and a merguez sausage.
  • I also make chicken casseroles (never beef - I haven't eaten it since I got put off by the whole BSE thing).
  • The female builds the nest and incubates and broods alone, but both parents feed the chicks, which fledge within 14-16 days of hatching.
  • Some components of the vegan and fruitarian diets are frequent causes of allergies, but allergy caused by pork or chicken meat is rarely if ever encountered.
  • The grilled chicken had a wonderful flavour and succulence.
  • By tucking the ends of the paper strips into the chicken wire holes, the first few strips will eventually stay in place.
  • My companions fell for the chicken and mushroom vol-au-vents served with salad and the chilli in pitta bread clicked with our photographer.
  • Today, a Tyson chicken goes from egg to drumstick in as little as 8 weeks.
  • Swans were seen nesting and a dabchick had a flotilla of chicks behind her.
  • If you've ever had chicken pox, you may suffer from shingles or herpes zoster.
  • Poultry nutritionists add an enzyme called phytase to chicken feed in an effort to decrease the amount of phosphorus that passes through them. ... Undefined
  • There's a different menu for each evening, the recipes for which could be found in any basic cookbook: leg of lamb, chicken cacciatore, pasta trio, roast beef, or stuffed cabbage.
  • Oh, nothin 'p'tic'lar," answered Ans, flinging his hat at a chicken that made as though to come in, and rolling up his sleeves preparatory to sozzling his face at the sink. A Little Norsk; Or, Ol' Pap's Flaxen
  • Each year, 600,000 or more Americans are diagnosed with shingles, a painful skin disease caused by a reactivation of the chickenpox virus.
  • Keep the basics on hand: frozen marinara and pesto for quick pasta meals, and a simple vegetable or chicken stock for fast soups.
  • I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes.
  • Concentrate on eating vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and choose chicken rather than red meat.
  • For all I know, chicken dollhouse is at the ATM wearing a saliva hammock. MYANMAR GOVT NO RIKEY LAMBO
  • This was her first effort of the afternoon, a risotto of chicken and smoked bacon with green beans and Parmesan, surrounded by an infusion of fresh herbs in olive oil.
  • He says it pains him to see workers at the store throw out unsold perishables like roasted chicken at the end of the night. Grocery Store Workers Go On Hunger Strike Over Stagnant Wages
  • Well it is, but on the upside, you see a lot of these farmers driving around in gold Cadillacs and hanging around chicks with big boobies.
  • My absolute favourite canned soup, though, is made with chickpeas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They asked what was available on the menu and were told anything as long at it was chicken. The Sun
  • Remove any gristle from the chicken livers and season.
  • The Indian took the egg and put it in the nest of a prairie chicken.
  • Haggis turned up again as the stuffing of a chicken fillet wrapped in caul and the salmon reappeared in a salad with citrus mayonnaise.
  • In a hideout near Traversara, the story went, he and five of his companions dallied with ten whores while they ate “maccheroni and gnocchi, lamb and chicken, mutton and focaccia studded with pork fat, biscuits and ring-cakes with rosolio and zabaglione, jam tart and whipped cream.” Delizia!
  • He had developed an interest in the chickens on his grandfather's farm, and at one time considered being a poultryman.
  • They're kind of bumpkinish, they have cockfights and stuff, and they don't really know the world outside the chicken farm.
  • The deli plate was indeed made up of a selection of cured ham, pastrami, prosciutto and cheeses along with red peppers stuffed with cream cheese, a lovely strong chicken liver pâté and some sweet and chutney-ish pickled onions.
  • When all the chicken pieces are thoroughly browned, add unpeeled garlic cloves.
  • Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. 
  • Fry until they are golden and sizzling, then return the chicken, its aromatics and juices to the pan.
  • So in the end, she decided to make beef carbonade, the perfect thing for a chilly winter night, and the red meat less likely to upset the bird lady than a murdered chicken might. Fascination
  • The irony gets a little heavy-handed - one of the baldies discovers love while picking up an anorexic chick in the hospital cafeteria - but the sentiment is genuine.
  • Indian groceries also carry many prepared ingredients, such as paneer cheese and the chutneys, curries and vegetable condiments called pickles that can be used to spice up grilled chicken or fish.
  • There is a government recipe for chicken drumsticks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mail-order range has now been extended to include beef, duck, lamb, chicken, pheasant and goose.
  • D.H. Hill's division was at White Oak Swamp Creek, a slough, and one of "despond" to us, draining to the Chickahominy. Generals, Confederate States of America, Biography, Soldiers, Louisiana, Southern States, Army, Louisiana Infantry Regiment, 9th., History, Civil War, 1861-1865, Personal narratives, United States, Campaigns, Military Life, Reconstruction.
  • There were figs, walnuts, mulberries, apples, pears, damsons, gooseberries, elderberries, raspberries - and chickens, which we had inherited from the previous owners.
  • That's a lot of pressure to be putting on kids who basically just want to get drunk, hang out, and cruise chicks.
  • Earl Sheib would paint any car for $29.99; four premium whitewall tires went for $100; a half-pound of barbecue chicken or ribs sold for $1.10.
  • Toss the chicken in the seasoned flour to coat it.
  • We don't know what they put in that chicken bhuna, but we'll have some, please. The Sun
  • Raising pigs and chicken was his hobby and he bought the porker four years ago.
  • A stew such as the chicken and pepper dish featured here is cooked in a casserole, then served from the dish, perhaps with some mash made from regular or sweet potatoes.
  • It is a hot, sweet and sour delight that you can make time and again for use with fish and chicken dishes, or as a dipping sauce for spring rolls, poppadoms and savouries.
  • For the children a special attraction is the petting zoo allowing them to see and touch foals, piglets, lambs and chicks.
  • There were examples of mothers who iced cakes, kept chickens, and (as with the women graduates) took in laundry and lodgers to help with finance.
  • I was quite tired when I made it home after eight, had a nice curried chicken with steamed callaloo and white rice for dinner.
  • Basically, when you put salt into a bucket of water and add a piece of meat ... chicken for example, a scientific process called osmosis begins to take effect. Corn Nation
  • A white couscous, with mutton and chicken and turnips and carrots. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bitter Gourd with Pigeon Pea-Tamarind Sauce (Pahakai Pitlai Kozhumbu) (Toor Dal – split pigeon peas - Cajanus cajan, Chana Dal – split skinless Desi chickpeas - Cicer arietinum, and Urad Dal – split black gram – Vigna mungo) 7. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Coat the chicken with olive oil, and scatter with sea salt, pepper and oregano.
  • These included baked lasagne, chicken curry, chicken goujons, Cajun chicken Caesar salad and fresh fish and chips.
  • Six chickens, two ducks, a cow, and a fuzzy grey gosling named Molly also came with the house. Exit the Actress
  • His father once asked for a cock-a-doodle-doo when the word for chicken eluded him. If you don't possess a language, you are dispossessed.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau [1] herborized with the bunch of chick-weed whereon he fed his Canary; The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
  • The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.
  • A chickpea purée called fool is eaten at breakfast.
  • Pet birds, like parrots, can pose a serious threat to chickens because they can harbor diseases that can be very devastating to a chicken flock
  • The shark's fin was made up of concentrated chicken consommé, gelatinized and shaped into strands like the authentic article.
  • I ordered a salad and a pancake with chicken, ham, yellow cheese and champignons.
  • The boys, Kevin and Fred, both predictable to a tee, settled for the Chicken Tikka Masala.
  • Marry, she can pluck a chick, and roll pastry, and use a bedstaff, and scour a floor, and sew, and the like. The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
  • The team discovered that pieces of cotton wool dabbed with pyrazine and left next to chicken cages led to a five to ten percent increase in the egg mass of Leghorn chickens.
  • This spring, we've watched as the mother falcon warmed her eggs and saw the falcon chicks right after they hatched.
  • Smoothly steering between R&B and Eurodance, she's breathily seductive on Motivation – by contrast, guest Lil Wayne is positively anaemic – while I'm Dat Chick updates the jumpy minimalism of Destiny's Child's No, No, No. Kelly Rowland: Here I Am – review

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