How To Use Chichi In A Sentence
The contention ceassing for the night season, Messer Currado, who though he had slept well, remained still discontented in his minde: arose in the morning by breake of day, and puffing and blowing angerly, called for his horses, commanding Chichibio to mount on one of them; so riding on towards the River, where (earely every morning) he had seene plenty of Cranes, he sayde to his man;
The Decameron
He abhors ‘extremely clever chichi writing’; language needs to be ‘clear and specific’, ‘with the punctuation in the right places’.
We left Chichi to its extraordinary mix of high religion and high commerce and returned to Antigua full of anticipation.
JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's the kind of story you don't want when you're flying around the country, trying to appeal to average people like hockey moms and Joe and Jane Six Pack: a chichi shopping spree for Governor Sarah Palin and her family, compliments of the Republican National Committee, with a whopping $150,000 price tag, at fancy clothing stores, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission.
CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2008
An innocuous ruin such as this could be a real moneymaker if planning permission was secured to turn it into a small development of chichi apartments.

Bai bic ɔaa nen in canante tumen in yumob Ah Naum Pech lic utzcinic utz olal u belil u kahlail uay ti cacab Cħac Xulub Cħen in yax mekthantah lai cah lae capel cacab Chichinica _y_ uay Cħaac Xulub Cħen.
The Maya Chronicles Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1
But one thing, I think the neighbors get nosier the farther you get from the city, or maybe I just drew an exceptionally short straw. chichimama Said,
Going Placidly Beyond The Noise And Haste | Her Bad Mother
We were parked at the edge of a pine forest above Chichicastenango.
For a visit to luxury land, time travel back to the glorious age of Art Deco in this chichi restaurant that overlooks the lush lobby of Hotel de la Montagne.
The other stops on the olfactory tour include a trip to a chichi perfume boutique, a spice shop and a tea shop.
Times, Sunday Times
Knowing that Gwen is tall made it easy to spot her as I breezed through the chichi lobby.
The Duro factory churns out chichi paper bags, sold for a buck at the ubiquitous gift shops that dot suburban shopping malls almost everywhere north of the border.
La gente que se siente afectada por no tener el ultimo chichito tecnologico o pagarlo un poco más, solo piensan en su hedonismo y no en el país, que sí necesita afianzar su industria, como la supo tener y que necesita dar trabajo a los argentinos, en lugar de darle trabajo a los obreros de otras latitudes; es muy mezquina la actitud de los detractores a esta idea.
Global Voices in English » Argentina: Proposal to Increase Taxes on Some Technology Products
It seems like every magazine I flip through, every department store ad I notice, and just about every chichi woman I see is going loco over logos.
Belgian influences, on the other had, are confined to a couple of avant-garde fashion designers and a few chichi restaurants in New York, so this is likely to remain a fad.
Tomochichi and other Indian Chiefs re-embarked on board the Prince of Wales, commanded by Capt. George Dunbar, who was bound for Georgia with a Transport of Salzburghers and German Protestant Refugees.
At Coro, plants of L. nodosum were growing under the canopy of the evergreen tree Prosopis juliflora, whereas in both Adícora and Chichiriviche de la Costa they were unshaded and exposed to full sunlight.
Various types of pozole, mole, whitefish with garlic, fish birria, chichicuilotes (birds indigenous to the Jalisco lakeshores) are served, along with bote, a stew made with beef, pork or chicken, with vegetables usually cooked in pulque and served in a thick sauce.
The cuisine of Jalisco: la cocina tapatia
On seeing it , Chichi lunged forth.
Various chichi chefs, meanwhile, join in claims that biotech fish are too unnatural for their clientele.
Whereas other top hotels err on the chichi side, this one, opened in November 1998, is more pared-down, using natural materials with a flow of water, space and light, and an earthy colour scheme inspired by spices.
Dress code: ‘Sporty geek chic’ for guys and ‘chichi, with mules and push-up bras’ for dolls.
The other stops on the olfactory tour include a trip to a chichi perfume boutique, a spice shop and a tea shop.
Times, Sunday Times
A $7,000 titanium mountain bike with a smart suspension design and gobs of chichi parts is going to ride, well, flawlessly.
‘In the eyes of the world, Paris is a very beautiful city, a romantic, sexy city, but when you come here now it is still romantic and still very beautiful, but it has lost some of its chichi with women,’ he said.
The unhurt put candid, in its chichi quieten, is a youngster of the 20th century
Brian Ruckley · Three Random Things I Noticed This Week
During the Stock Show in January I wouldn't have thought twice about seeing someone dressed in such a fashion standing in a chichi grocery store.
Despite their rather chichi digs, Kingsley leaves early each morning to dig ditches and run a convenience store - menial, undignified tasks.
La gente que se siente afectada por no tener el ultimo chichito tecnologico o pagarlo un poco más, solo piensan en su hedonismo y no en el país, que sí necesita afianzar su industria, como la supo tener y que necesita dar trabajo a los argentinos, en lugar de darle trabajo a los obreros de otras latitudes; es muy mezquina la actitud de los detractores a esta idea.
Global Voices in English » Argentina: Proposal to Increase Taxes on Some Technology Products
Chichi couldn't refrain from giving him a BIG HUG!
The other stops on the olfactory tour include a trip to a chichi perfume boutique, a spice shop and a tea shop.
Times, Sunday Times
The most alluring place in Maya Guatemala is Chichicastenango a walkable town about three hours by road from Guatemala City where more than 95 percent of the people are indigenous.
The archaeologist Paul Kirchhoff wrote that the following traits characterized the Guachichile Indians: "painting of the body; coloration of the hair; head gear; matrilocal residence; freedom of the married woman; special forms of cruelty to enemies
The indigenous past of Zacatecas
Their new credo: you can be first class and cook with a highly personal style even ‘without chichi and tralala’.
Yesterday when I brought out a platter of fancy cheeses, chichi crackers, and sliced pears for dessert R. was both astonished and delighted.
Intrepid shoppers know that it's possible to land a bargain anywhere, even in one of Madison Avenue's most chichi boutiques.
The other stops on the olfactory tour include a trip to a chichi perfume boutique, a spice shop and a tea shop.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet the overall atmosphere of San Miguel is not remotely of a chichi American town, nor even is it as spruce as neighbouring colonial cities.
The other stops on the olfactory tour include a trip to a chichi perfume boutique, a spice shop and a tea shop.
Times, Sunday Times
I acatl ipan quizque Chicomoztoc in Chichimeca omitoa moternuh in imitoloca.
Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico; Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos Papers Of The Archæological Institute Of America, American Series, Vol. I
Chichio's boat is a monster dinghy the length of a bus.
Here in Mexico, fruit is stored in the sturdy, all-purpose chichihuite, a basket woven of palm or tule which is used for everything from storing dried chiles to serving tortillas.
Adding zest to summer's bounty: salsas de fruta
Yesterday when I brought out a platter of fancy cheeses, chichi crackers, and sliced pears for dessert R. was both astonished and delighted.
For weeks, locals have been peering through the windows of Restaurant Bernard, trying to figure out just what this chichi eatery/bar is doing in such a low-key location.
I'd been at a party for the Puerto Rico delegation at a chichi Boston club earlier in the evening, which featured a live band, lots of dancing and a buffet of Puerto Rican food.
I have 6 or 7 books to read, a shady tree to sit under, great company, and it turns out that Saint-Remy is like the Hampstead of Provence; more chichi shops and restaurants than we'll get through in a week.
This arcane coffee drink was once the stuff of mystery, to be found only in chichi Italian restaurants, formulated by cagey old waiters wrestling with giant copper kettles that hissed like contemptuous dragons.
After years of climbing under worn candlewick bedspreads with the words ‘breakfast will be at quarter to seven’ ringing in our ears, we were bowled over by the cosy and almost chichi surroundings of Seaview.
A dinner at a really chichi place and an opportunity to see what else was out there is all he wanted.