
How To Use Chian In A Sentence

  • That's a 1990 Chambertin Clos de Bze you've got locked up in there like a... like a common Chianti. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • How much do you know about the South: the forests of the southern Appalachians, the swamps and bayous, the barrier islands, keys, and coral reefs?
  • Correlation of the two regions (Wales and Spain) is achieved by ammonite biostratigraphy; however, the correlation is complicated by diachrony in the ammonite zones, especially around the Pliensbachian / Toarcian boundary.
  • His dream is to hike the Appalachian Trail.Sentencedict
  • The dusky salamander lives in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and likes to stay at home.
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  • This week saw the announcement of the earth shaking Tianyulong confuciusi, an ornithischian with feather like structures! Life's Time Capsule: Palaeo Art Roundup #1
  • This dead-end dirt road follows a peaceful stretch of the Housatonic River and connects to the Appalachian Trail.
  • In terms of scheming... there is a full court press going on right now to bring back the heroization of Chiang Ching-Kuo. Daily Links, April 10, 2009
  • Tydeus Chian leader of party executed for Atticism, 8.38.3 THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • [5] Meanwhile Eurylochus and his companions, finding that this force had entered and that it was impossible to storm the city, withdrew, not to the Peloponnesus, but to the country once called Aeolis and now Calydon and Pleuron, and to the places in that neighborhood and Proschium in Aetolia; [6] because the Ambraciots had come and urged them to combine with them in attacking Amphilochian Argos and the rest of Amphilochia and Acarnania; affirming that the conquest of these countries would bring all the continent into alliance with Sparta. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • Mine is Chiang Mai versus Puerto Veracruz, and I used to compare southmost Texas with southernmost Chiapas. Is It Really Cheaper to Live in Mexico?
  • In ways, the music is very Bachian but there is also a touch of Haydnian heroics that makes the music very approachable.
  • When Tuscany was being carved up everyone wanted to be in the Chianti or Chianti Classico region, as this was the best selling and most well regarded of Italian wines.
  • It has been assumed by some people, especially those with an interest in discrediting George Marshall and the Truman administration, that this truce prevented Chiang from conquering Manchuria .
  • This situation would even have Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo - so severely criticized by Su - sighing in regret over having lived in the wrong era.
  • His extraordinary journey takes him from the Great Smoky Mountains to the Outer Banks of North Carolina, along the chain of the Appalachian mountains until Maine, and then a life-changing walk into the canyons of the Sierra Madre in Mexico. Jeff Biggers: Walk, Pray, Love: New Travelogue Explores the Redemptive Power of Walking: Interview with Author Mickey Mahaffey
  • Brooklyn schools are the Appalachian cousins of the Baby Ivies and take great pride in the number of their Manhattan applicants.
  • The name, “ramp,” is from “ramson,” which is a survival of archaic British dialect, which is one of the roots of Appalachian dialect that peppers the speech of folks native to that region. Tigers & Strawberries » Appalachian Wild Leeks
  • His own composition classes were solidly based on a historical foundation of Gregorian chant, Palestrinian and Bachian polyphony, Beethoven's symphonic language, and Franck's technique of cyclic themes.
  • The two tried to join forces, with Chiang as the head of the National Revolutionary Army, but dissension led to a civil war.
  • The williams Fork Formation preserves a diverse dinosaur fauna containing at least nine saurischian and five ornithischian species.
  • Hi again Angela: it looks like my feed was off hiking the Appalachian Trail. Hollow | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • Un paio di voi mi hanno invitato ad una amicizia feisbucchiana via mail, piuttosto che aggiungere direttamente me o la mia page. No Fat Clips!!! : News? What News?
  • It is a sweet and pretty countenance that can become contorted into a Munchian shriek, a child's importunate obstinacy, a beleaguered housewife's exasperation, a hectoring soldier's grimace, or anything else.
  • Biarmosuchians are a group of small-to-medium sized carnivorous therapsids known exclusively from Middle to Upper Permian strata in South Africa and Russia.
  • I have also ventured to invent a metre for that technically known as the Fourth Archilochian, the "Solvitur acris hiems," by combining the fourteen-syllable with the ten-syllable iambic in an alternately rhyming stanza. The Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace
  • Today I learned that a most amusing and talented colleague is about to leave Nature for a Great Adventure: walking the Appalachian Trail - and blogging about it en route. Miscellaneous
  • You know, he was making plans to record a couple more albums - an album of Appalachian music and an album of gospel music.
  • a spiny operculum, as in all but the selachian fishes, but with one of skin. The History of Animals
  • Once these standards are met, the wine can be called Chianti Classico, and wear the seal of the Consortium.
  • North of the 16th parallel, Chinese forces under Chiang Kai-shek would assume control from the Japanese. A Covert Affair
  • After disappearing from the public eye for nearly a week, Sanford, 49, acknowledged Wednesday that he had not hiked the Appalachian Trail - as his staff had said earlier - but had been in Buenos Aires, Argentina. South Carolina governor apologizes to Cabinet
  • Even though there's not a single tentacle or a squamous batrachian fish-person in sight. "Enduring notions, new found promise, that the end will never come."
  • A tiny new "feathered" ornithischian dinosaur from China, the Early Cretaceous heterodontosaurid Tianyulong confuciusi. "So lose some sleep and say you tried."
  • One can only conjecture about the discomfort and indignity that Sharp, an asthmatic vegan, suffered in his quest, tramping up muddy tracks in the Appalachian mountains, where one community tried to convince him chicken was a vegetable. Cecil Sharp and the Morris Men
  • The fishermen, many of Ukrainian descent, spit-roast or grill their catch over wood embers, or cook a Russian-Ukrainian fish soup called uha; in contrast to the Wallachian ciorb, this soup is not acidulated.
  • The wine itself is rather fuller in body and more alcoholic than Chianti, reflecting its warmer production zone.
  • This name was given by Linnaeus to the blind, or nearly blind, worm-like Batrachians which were formerly associated with the snakes and are now classed as an order under the names of _Apoda, Peromela_ or Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • We can't have a man running about on the pitch imagining what his opponents would look like with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. The Sun
  • Rich in Native American and pioneer history, the Appalachian Highlands boast an amazing plant diversity - from laurel to flowering dogwood - and more than 200 different kinds of birds.
  • At the Bottom of Everything: un aereo sta per schiantarsi ma i passeggeri non ne sembrano affatto turbati… No Fat Clips!!! : [BEST OF] May 2007 – pt.1
  • Therefore, Wu Bangguo said Chian has persuaded North Korea to continue dialogue.
  • The Petrarchian Sonnet is not quite as successful, Cliburn's dynamics favoring mezzo-forte and forte a little too much throughout.
  • The Upper Ohio Valley had been an underpopulated borderland that, by 1748, had become home to Delaware, Shawnee, and Mingo migrants from east of the Appalachians.
  • Bilyeu, along with his brother and cousins, play in Big Smith, a mountain roots band that bridge the gap between traditional Appalachian gospel and modern country.
  • There, the fragmentation and interspersion of wooded mountain acreage with homes to accommodate the growing numbers of commuters who work in the District of Columbia and northern Virginia is threatening the solitude and integrity of the nearby Appalachian Trail. posted by John L. Trapp at In Search of Tranquility
  • From there northeastward, the coastal landscape is a part of the northern extension of the Appalachian Mountain system.
  • BI: The type of mines is open-cast coal mining or what you call strip mining very similar to mountain top removal in the Appalachians. Jeff Biggers: India's Coal Rush and Form of Mountaintop Removal: Interview with Jharkhand Leader Bulu Imam
  • For the town is in the midst of a marsh formed by the river Achelous, which, rising in Mount Pindus and passing first through the territory of the Dolopians, Agraeans, and Amphilochians, and then through the Acarnanian plain, at some distance from its mouth flows by the city of Stratus and finds an exit into the sea near Oeniadae: an expedition in winter is thus rendered impossible by the water. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • It isn't hurting all that much, but the itching is periodically enthralling in a remarkably unpleasant way, and the clogged Eustachian tube is an uncomfortable pressure. From Twitter 07-13-2009
  • Yeah, it's called the inbred Appalachian baby-factory cult. ralph the wonder llama Says: Think Progress
  • We stuck with the Chianti Classico, which went well with all our pasta dishes.
  • While the Chians and Tissaphernes were pursuing their common object, Calligitus the son of Laophon, a Megarian, and Timagoras the son of Athenagoras, a Cyzicene, both exiles from their own country, who were residing at the court of Pharnabazus the son of The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • The huge, heavy ‘frill’ of ceratopsians such as Triceratops may have served as armor against the attacks of saurischian predators like Tyrannosaurus, which lived in the same time and place as Triceratops.
  • 4. Council of Chalcedon (451); repudiated the Eutychian doctrine of monophysitism (the human nature subsumed in the one divine nature of Jesus) and delineated the two natures of Christ, human and divine. Notes from my CCU presentation
  • Meanwhile the land forces of the Peloponnesians who were with the Chians and of the allies on the spot, moved alongshore for Clazomenae and Cuma, under the command of Eualas, a Spartan; while the fleet under Diniadas, one of the Perioeci, first sailed up to Methymna and caused it to revolt, and, leaving four ships there, with the rest procured the revolt of Mitylene. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Either it ends up with a pale sort of humanism, a conception of the good and the good society derived from the essential nature of man and his basic needs — a lapse into the Feuerbachianisms rejected by Marx — or it denies the possibility of a universally valid norm of conduct for man or society, stresses the uniqueness of the individual moral act, makes every situation in which two or more individuals are involved an antinomic one in which right conflicts with right and self with self. MARXISM
  • After lunch we footslogged around Chiang Mai looking for bargains in bras.
  • Scientists have long known that flowing water formed many of the features seen on Mars today, but previous studies suggested that water runoff from precipitation had ceased after the first billion years of Mars 'history, called the Noachian Epoch. Top headlines
  • EAR INFECTIONS: Also called otitis media, ear infections are particularly common in children from 6 months to 3 years in age, and tend to occur frequently in kids who have short Eustachian tubes or those who pick up a lot of colds at daycare. - Home Page
  • Mousa fled in disguise from the palace of Boursa; traversed the Propontis in an open boat; wandered over the Walachian and Servian hills; and after some vain attempts, ascended the throne of Adrianople, so recently stained with the blood of Soliman. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Apparently talc and asbestos are similar, and apparently deposits of that kind of stone were indigenous to the northern part of the Appalachian range.
  • She had the authority of the Appalachians, and the becomingness of the Bulgarian Roses. A D O N I S
  • In the developer showcase, we invited three developers to demonstrate web applications they'd built using Google APIs: Wei-chih Chiang, a student of Yi Shou University and his Photo Note site, Jun-Chieh Huang, founder of ischool, a website that integrates Google services for elementary and high schools in Taiwan, and FunP, a social website integrating OpenSocial features. Hello from A2
  • The Appalachians were the toughest part of the ride. Dodge City Daily Globe Home RSS
  • Cattle would graze Appalachian pastures intensively and be rotated from paddock to paddock, just as grass-fed Argentine cattle graze on the South American pampas.
  • Veterans of white-water rafting, mountain climbing and other extreme sports, the six women who assemble in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains think they are ready for anything.
  • She added to her credentials that afternoon when she took the Appalachian Stakes in her first attempt on the grass.
  • He has a point: it would hardly be right to wear a sparkly suit and tight trousers while singing stark, sepulchral songs about death, pain and sorrow in a voice like the wind whistling through his old Appalachian bones.
  • A parenthetical remark from Craig Keller: "One barely cognates Lubitschian mise-en-scène; apprehension happens faster than you can incant 'cathexis-anti-cathexsis!!!' GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 5/11.
  • Racing up the backstretch Chino Charlie, on the rail, broke down and fell as Apalachian Thunder opened up a four-length lead.
  • The Thai military has three main stations around Thailand, one each in Chiang Mai, Hat Yai and in Pattaya.
  • But Chiang, worried about endangering the entire Northern Expedition, ordered his men to evacuate Tsinan and shifted the thrust of his march west to Honan. The Last Empress
  • His previous album, Conasauga, dwelt almost wholly in Appalachian ruralisms and pristine fingerpicking, and you can hear that ornate classicism in the well-mannered portions of ‘Warpaint’ and ‘The Nest.’
  • Sending a triumvirate of trained pollsters and media men into the bumpkin's backwoods barrio, he hopes to help the honky-tonk hick win more than his fair share of the illiterate Appalachian vote.
  • The Appalachian Mountains, Florida swamps, and Texas chaparral became the domain of armed bands of Southern deserters.
  • Finally, recent molecular work suggested an unresolved trichotomy between sooglossids, ranoids, and all other neobatrachians.
  • In a characteristic passage in China Shakes the World he describes a man of peasant origin who had gone to middle school and then to a course for training Chiang Kai-shek's gendarmerie .
  • Determinedly the batrachian thrust again with its spear, this time following through with its blade. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Bloodstone - Karl Edward Wagner
  • The adenoids, which are gland-like structures located in the back of the upper throat near the eustachian tubes, are large in children and can interfere with the opening of the Eustachian tubes.
  • Chiang was set free upon his acceptance of the Sian terms.
  • Record of an astral contact describing the use of the Enochian Temple to invoke the cacodemons of the Enochian system.
  • Those produced by the hypochordal lobe of the caudal fin of selachians and early bony fishes have been studied in detail.
  • His dream is to hike the Appalachian Trail.
  • The franc-tireur in charge of the wine-bin watches us complaisantly from his counter where he sits flanked by flasks of Hoboken chianti and a case of brittle cigars. Shandygaff
  • Jim believes that this site was raided by mesosuchian crocodiles, which would eat the eggs/hatchlings and yearlings known from this site*. Fieldwork Friday #9
  • There was a selection of cooling sorbets as well, and a Mama-size icy concoction of Chianti jelly, Prosecco sorbet, and lemon semifreddo, all stacked up in a frosty glass.
  • The plant communities of southern Appalachian wetlands include endemics that exist in the unique microhabitats of the region.
  • All through our lunch, as Kevin and I ate our spaghetti Bolognese, which is what we always ate, and our mother and father ate their meals and drank their bottle of Chianti, which is what they always drank, I begged them to let me go down the lift by myself. Summer of Deliverance
  • For this rural city nestled in an Appalachian Mountain valley at the headwaters of three major rivers, the question was whether trees could reduce flooding.
  • Much of the wine world has banded together to recognize the true origins of wines-that champagne is from the Champagne region of France, chianti is from Chianti in Tuscany, chablis is from the Chablis area of Burgundy, and so on. U.S. News
  • His previous album, Conasauga, dwelt almost wholly in Appalachian ruralisms and pristine fingerpicking, and you can hear that ornate classicism in the well-mannered portions of ‘Warpaint’ and ‘The Nest.’
  • Several features of the mountain belt are atypical when compared with other Palaeozoic orogens such as the Appalachians, Caledonides and Variscides.
  • To their credit, Quick & Ruben (2009) do note that some birds (including kiwis, emus and the extinct elephant birds and mihirungs) have very small sterna that don't extend as far posteriorly as the abdominal air-sacs: these sterna are actually smaller, compared to trunk length, than those of such non-avian saurischians as dromaeosaurs and diplodocoid and macronarian sauropods (Wedel 2007). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Dotson’s coif is pretty expansive, and the comedian can’t resist throwing in a continual, left-hand finger flutter – over-the-top, yes, but it seems to manifest the metaphysical Lynchian truth. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Et oui pour les chianlie ambulante j'ressemble a un chaton ET TOC! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Oils produced in the Chianti Classico region of Tuscany have a new label of distinction: a black rooster, also seen on wine labels.
  • The concepts of winemaking, viticulture, varietals and everything surrounding wine production in the Chianti Classico zone have been reborn.
  • Preceding and separating the cold glacial periods were three main interglacials (Cromerian, Hoxnian, and Ipswichian) when the climate was rather warmer.
  • The University of California Museum of Paleontology is proud to present displays of ornithischian dinosaurs.
  • he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians
  • Siliciclastic sequences within or close to the Laurentian foreland of the Appalachian-Caledonian Orogen preserve a clear depositional contact with basement that constrains their site of accumulation to Laurentia.
  • The eustachian tube, leading from the middle ear to Joe's throat, is the culprit.
  • A small Chian coin of which the exact value is unknown: if it amounted to 1/40th of the gold stater (20 drachmae) it would be worth 3 obols, 4d. The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • Occlusion of the eustachian tube produces a sense of fullness in the affected ear and a mild conductive hearing loss, which may be increased if there is fluid in the middle ear.
  • The Petrarchian Sonnet is not quite as successful, Cliburn's dynamics favoring mezzo-forte and forte a little too much throughout.
  • In the meantime they put pressure on a small domaine called Santa Marcellina in Chianti because they had a “Marcellina” trade-mark among the many they had patented. Gallo’s humor (or lack thereof) | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Together with the Appalachian, Caledonian and Variscan orogens, the Uralian orogeny contributed to the assembly of the late Palaeozoic supercontinent of Pangaea.
  • Lachian rows the boat to the middle of the loch and then he jumps in the water and starts pretending to drown.
  • In comparison, the rugged terrain of the Appalachians is a different matter. Stories
  • The model of therapsid relationships proposed by Rubidge and Sidor implies that a crista choanalis evolved at least three times, in biarmosuchians, eutherocephalians, and cynodonts.
  • Early in the spring of the following summer Dercyllidas, a Spartiate, was sent with a small force by land to the Hellespont to bring about the revolt of Abydos, which is a Milesian colony; and the Chians, while Astyochus was at a loss how to help them, were compelled to fight at sea by the pressure of the siege. THE LANDMARK THUCYDIDES
  • And there's been more from the latest Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, papers on the "rauisuchian" archosaur Batrachotomus kupferzellensis; the ontogeny of Stegosaurus; ontogenetic and taxonomic implications of pattern and transition of surficial bone texture of the centrosaurine frill; and Adeopapposaurus, a new prosauropod dinosaur from Argentina. "Fill the night with stories. The legend grows."
  • -- The logwood of commerce is the red heart wood, or duramen, of a fine lofty growing tree (_Haematroxylon Campechianum_), growing in Campeachy and the bay of Honduras, and which is also now common in the woods of Jamaica and St. Domingo. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • Chiang had been forced to abandon the mainland and retreat to the island of Taiwan in 1949.
  • Ceratopsians were ornithischians, or ‘bird-hipped’ dinosaurs.
  • The scientists postulate that the Gusev rocks, with their significant 16 to 34 percent content of carbonates, were probably deposited from a carbonate-rich solution with a near neutral pH under hydrothermal conditions - similar to those obtained in the hot springs on Iceland and Spitzbergen - during a period of volcanic activity in the so-called Noachian epoch some 3.5 to 4.6 billion years ago. Innovations-report
  • The only thing missing is a good glass of Chianti or Barolo, since Vivere has yet to get their liquor license.
  • From Chiang Mai, Thailand, to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, Democrats Abroad, the overseas brach of the party, is holding a series of American-style barbeques planned to celebrate Democratic politics and principles and to encourage overseas Americans to register to vote. Overseas, Democrats Gather for the 4th - The Caucus Blog -
  • Hopefully with Bush gone and an adult in the White House for a change we can move forward with ending this horrible practice before one more mountain in the Appalachians is beheaded simply to line the pockets of the CEO of a coal company. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 8, 2010
  • He had moog music, a lot of classical music and musique concrete, and lots of country blues, really raw kind of stuff, pre-electric blues, and lots of Appalachian music. Holly Cara Price: Sxip Shirey's Magic Journey: Sonic New York
  • It is one of seven Chianti subzones others include Chianti Fiorentini and Chianti Rufina, home to top producers Selvapiana and Frescobaldi. Chianti Without the Candle Wax
  • The Eight Pieces for Four Timpani, for example, of which four were performed — "Saeta" and "Canaries" are both early (1949) experiments in simultaneous tempi and metric modulation, and, with their predominantly triplet -, eighth -, and dotted-eighth-note vocabulary, there are fleeting audible glimpses of Reichian phase-shifting. Magna Carter (7): Either/Or
  • Early in the spring of the summer following, Dercyllidas, a Spartan, was sent with a small force by land to the Hellespont to effect the revolt of Abydos, which is a Milesian colony; and the Chians, while The History of the Peloponnesian War
  • And lot of that issue comes not just from Kyle making its way up to eastern seaboard, but rather, from a pocket of showers and storms that were at parts of the Appalachians, that is going to be drifting off to the east. CNN Transcript Sep 27, 2008
  • The show features a blend of dance traditions, including Irish step dancing, African gumboot, English sword dancing and Appalachian clog dancing, all accompanied by a fiddler. Parental Guidance
  • Your flight will depart Chiang Kai-shek International Airport at eleven o'clock.
  • The Ornithischia - unlike saurischian dinosaurs, reptiles and birds - possessed mammal-like cheek muscles and cheek pouches to aid in chewing.
  • Meanwhile, the much smaller ornithischian dinosaurs - the ornithopods and stegosaurs - browsed on the undergrowth.
  • Kochian's lab is also working on finding ways to grow crops on marginal lands such as acid soils, where toxic levels of aluminum limit crop production.
  • Tuesday's installment was looking woefully predictable until North Carolina Dance Theatre hit the stage with Appalachian strings and a barnstormer aptly named "Shindig. Bluegrass pickin' perks up Ballet Across America's opening
  • We all have a small passage leading from the middle ear to the back of the nose called the eustachian tube, which equalizes the air pressure between the middle ear and the outside world.
  • This is a woman who has spent a lot of time in Chianti, and has a lot to say about it. Sasha Smith
  • C'est d'un chiant et j'me suis pris une trousse a pharmacie parce que ca m'obligera a trier mes medoc dont les sacs trainent partout ma commode! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Most of the action takes place in the Appalachians, which is ruled by a grim cult, based in a 'papal compound' (that's the ACM --- Anti-Catholic Moment). CSFF Blog Tour: Sigmund Brouwer: Broken Angel
  • Basically it's two hours of endless fun and hilarity capped off with about fifteen minutes of Baumbachian pathos and sincerity.
  • So you pretend to be absorbed in a book, or take an unnatural interest in the wine bottle label, which you have now read 36 times and even played anagrams with the word ‘Chianti’.
  • For mains I decided to try the beef tenderloin in a Chianti sauce.
  • A related PS: Did anyone else chuckle at the irony of the Decanter promoting its “How to Analyse Colour” video at the bottom of the page where they announced the latest scandal in Chianti? Wine trends of the Naughties – reflections through the wine glass | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • And it's kind of damming in along the Appalachians. CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2008
  • Theropoda is the second saurischian group, consisting of the carnivorous dinosaurs.
  • The forest east of the Appalachians had largely gone, to be replaced by pasture and plowland, and had been severely reduced between the mountains and the Mississippi.
  • Noachian deluge
  • After the 2005 vintage no longer will any white grapes be allowed in the Chianti Classico blend and an era will come to an end in the hills south of Florence.
  • One type of toy, Appalachian primitive dolls, has been a standard plaything for many children in the mountain communities of Alabama and northwards.
  • Second, to promote the reform of international reserve currency system, Asian countries should, based on the Chiang Mai Initiative, explore the SDR as the Asian reserve currency.
  • The thyreophorans are the armored ornithischians: the stegosaurs and ankylosaurs.
  • Of all the carnivorous animals of the Archipelago the only one found in the Moluccas is the Viverra tangalunga, which inhabits both Batchian and The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
  • Readers will not see any mention of the massive "externalized" social, environmental, cultural and political costs of Chiang's touted "economic miracle" or the ever-present institutional corruption of the KMT party-state which later surfaced in its possession of over NT$200 billion in "ill-gotten" party assets. Happy 100th, Chiang Ching-kuo
  • The infection spreads from the nose or throat through the Eustachian tube, a passage between the throat and the middle ear.
  • By the mid-1920s the nationalist movement dominated much of southern China, and Chiang was able to lead an enormous military expedition which aimed to defeat the northern warlords and reunify China.
  • The title suggests Lynchian grotesquerie, but the horrors in this Calcutta-set drama are far more straightforward: hunger, poverty, and desperation.
  • Then they had some seafood with a light salad, focaccia bread and a smooth white Chianti to wash it down.
  • By the end of April, Chiang and his soldiers had reached Tsinan, the capital of Shantung province, where they ran into trouble. The Last Empress
  • Stretching from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River, the West contained more than half of the Confederacy's land and its breadbasket.
  • There are also nods to the foot-stomping hoedown sounds of the Scottish and Irish settlers who stamped their musical signature on the Appalachian Mountain country of the Deep South.
  • Sensing a losing battle, they began to study maps and guidebooks over a shared bottle of Chianti Classico.
  • A piece of advice Ms Gibbons, if you are going to ask the children to name a cuddly toy, then I suggest vetoing the names Chiang Kai-shek, Falun Gong, Wang Dan, Chai Ling, Zhao Changqing, Wuer Kaixi, Dalai Lama, Jiang Zongxiu and Pastor Cai Zhuohua. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Carboniferous volcanism, occurring at converging plates margins, both at the Appalachian and at the Ouachita margins, was decidedly not tholeiitic.
  • This was some 3.5–4.5 billion years ago in what is called the Noachian age of Mars, yet remainders of those days have been detected in low levels of magnetism still present in some areas. First Contact
  • Flanking and behind us marched the giant batrachians, fivescore of them at least, black scale and crimson scale lustrous and gleaming in the rosaceous radiance; saucer eyes shining circles of phosphorescence green, purple, red; spurs clicking as they crouched along with a gait at once grotesque and formidable. The Moon Pool
  • There were many kinds of ornithischian dinosaurs, dating back to the early Jurassic.
  • Yeah, it's called the inbred Appalachian baby-factory cult. Think Progress
  • White, rectangular paint blazes mark the Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia.
  • It required the extraordinary acumen of the great Cuvier at once to recognize, when the first specimens [v. 03 p. 0069] of the _Gyrinus edulis_ or _Axolotl_ of Mexico were brought to him by Humboldt in the beginning of the 19th century, that these Batrachians were not really related to the Perennibranchiates, such as _Siren_ and _Proteus_, with which he was well acquainted, but represented the larval form of some air-breathing salamander. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • The trees are rarely as majestic as some of those found in the coves of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • The man in the video starts scatting, familiar and quaint at first but soon his voice starts evoking everything from Appalachian folk to an angel-dust fit.
  • At present no toad-eating is connected with the acceptance of hospitality, or, if occasionally a small "batrachian" is offered, it is so well disguised by an accomplished _chef_, and served on such exquisite old Dresden, that it slips down with very little effort. Worldly Ways and Byways
  • The infection spreads from the nose or throat through the Eustachian tube, a passage between the throat and the middle ear.
  • The subsequent Late Griesbachian rift event involved faulting along splays of the basin-margin faults, causing fragmentation of the original wide blocks and intrabasinal fault-block rotation.
  • Chiang Stumps Even Her Teacher, the reporter for The Christian Science Monitor listed indehiscence (a botanical term for the state of being closed at maturity), maunder (to move slowly and uncertainly), and cenote (a sinkhole) among a list of eight difficult words she had used, saying that even Wellesley professors had to consult their dictionaries. The Last Empress
  • I must drink water, that you may play the cottabus (This game consisted in projecting wine out of cups; it was a diversion extremely fashionable at Athenian entertainments.) with Chian wine! Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches — Volume 1
  • Carboniferous volcanism, occurring at converging plates margins, both at the Appalachian and at the Ouachita margins, was decidedly not tholeiitic.
  • Ornithosuchus itself was originally considered a ‘pseudosuchian thecodont,’ then reclassified as an early theropod dinosaur, then later as a dinosaur uncle, and is now considered to be a side-branch on the line to crocodiles.
  • His obsessive hope of finding a land passage to the Pacific made him the “expounder of a realm never made coherent by map or report,” Mr. Ross writes, a realm stretching from the Appalachians to Oregon (a name Rogers coined for the Pacific Northwest Territory) and “so vast and alien in its contours, fauna, botany, and human occupation that it ­resembled a new planet.” The Pioneer of Special Ops
  • Also in the Appalachians is the Cumberland Gap, a mountain pass, which is the title of a folk song. The Annotated "Cumberland Blues"
  • This mediumbodied Chianti with pleasing black cherry and herb flavors would be a delightful match with grilled hamburgers.
  • The Boschian art direction here is impressive, with awe-inspiring architecture and angry, blackened skies.
  • Modern, skeleton-breaking predators, particularly teleosts, neoselachian sharks and rays, and decapod crustaceans, began to diversify in nearshore environments during the Jurassic Period.
  • Mr. Lee is widely credited with ushering Taiwan into democracy from its previous autocratic rule by Chiang Kai-shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo. Former Taiwan President Indicted
  • I detect a David Lynchian coyness here - Lynch is famous for disavowing any complex or psychologized readings of his work.
  • The two main mountain ranges in American are the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains.
  • Tornado Alley is a vast stretch of the North American continent that stretches from the Texan coastline to the Great Lakes, and from the Rockies to the Appalachians .
  • Tornado Alley is a vast stretch of the North American continent that stretches from the Texan coastline to the Great Lakes, and from the Rockies to the Appalachians .
  • On various trips to the Blacks, Mitchell calculated several elevations that exceeded the height of New Hampshire's Mount Washington, then regarded as the highest of the Appalachian cordillera.
  • The evidence of nesting and parental care in ornithischian, sauropod, and theropod dinosaurs is extensive.
  • We can't have a man running about on the pitch imagining what his opponents would look like with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. The Sun
  • In this version, the Wolf dissects Grandmother, then invites Red in for a meal of her flesh, presumably with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti.
  • Similarly, Darcy's music privileges a quaintly macabre sensibility; there's an echo of Appalachian murder ballads and maudlin clipper-ship shanties.
  • In the coalfields of the Appalachian Mountains, broomsedge dominates abandoned surface strip-mined areas, even after significant periods of time have elapsed since mining.
  • Oh, I've also slowly been making my way through the new (September) issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, and have read, over the past few days, "A new ornithischian dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Kuwajima Formation of Japan," "The anatomy and systematics of Colepiocephale lambei [Dinosauria: Pachychephalosauridae]," and "Rapid somatic expansion causes the brain to lag behind: the case of the brain and behavior of New Zealand's Haast's Eagle [Harpagornis moorei]. So not awake it hurts.
  • Small amounts of oxygen are trickled through the fermentation tank causing the yeasts to thrive and produce a Chianti almost unrecognisable for its voluptuous concentration of fruit.
  • A parenthetical remark from Craig Keller: "One barely cognates Lubitschian mise-en-scène; apprehension happens faster than you can incant 'cathexis-anti-cathexsis!!!' GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 5/11.
  • Meanwhile, the much smaller ornithischian dinosaurs - the ornithopods and stegosaurs - browsed on the undergrowth.
  • One sunny afternoon as I sat nursing a chilled glass of Chianti on the square, a wedding party spilled out from an old church, a blur of confetti and colour.
  • In the women's single sculls, the heats were won by Yoon Hui Lee and Chien Ju Chiang.
  • Chiang Kai-shek who is trying to usurp the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance and ourselves who oppose his usurpation.
  • A viral upper respiratory infection may impair the ventilatory function of the eustachian tube.
  • Indeed, they are not of any use at all, except that the first becomes the Eustachian tube bringing the ear-passage into connection with the back of the mouth, and that the second and third have to do with the development of a curious organ called the thymus gland. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • Rewi Alley wrote: "Actually the work of Gung Ho was done in the 1938-1942 peroid. The contribution towards keeping Chiang Kai-shek in the war was then the main raison d'etre.

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