How To Use Chesty In A Sentence
She glanced over at the bar, where she saw the chesty redhead flirting with a customer as she refilled his drink.
I am resting in bed with achy bones/muscles and a horrid chesty cough.
He always thought that, so long as a fellow didn't get "chesty" and kept his head from swelling, he was all right.
The Shuttle
Colonel Lewis B. " Chesty " Puller, the regimental commander of the 1st Marines, left late that afternoon by rail with the 2d Battalion, 1st Marines, "to clear up the situation.
Doctors have warned that a regular chesty cough can be an indicator of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - the collective name for smoking-related illnesses such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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She often gets chesty in wet weather.
I had begun to find their intense flowery scent stifling and had the impression that they were causing my chesty cough.
Expectorants for example guaiphenesin, ammonium chloride, squill, sodium citrate and ipecacuanha may help chesty coughs.
The genius, here, is that the athletic soar of that chesty attitude indicates not boyish high spirits or exuberant tough-guy mayhem, but a desperate cling to a fading image of the larger-than-life.
He has - he sort of has that same kind of chesty quality.
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And why do you get all chesty at the slightest provocation?
To break up a chesty cough, try inhaling some steam.
‘I'm prone to picking up chest infections, like chesty coughs, and I get violent headaches,’ he said.
Expectorants for example guaiphenesin, ammonium chloride, squill, sodium citrate and ipecacuanha may help chesty coughs.
Today I didn't go into work as I haven't been feeling very well - headaches, chesty cold, etc.
I did my thousand words a day, travelling or stopping over, suffered my last faint fever shock, saw my silvery skin vanish and my sun-torn tissues healthily knit again, and drank as a broad-shouldered chesty man may drink.
Chapter 33
One of these cold-eyed, chesty parties, Willis G. is; tall and thin, and with a big, bowwow voice that has a rasp to it.
Torchy, Private Sec.
Expectorants in cough mixtures can promote mucus removal for a chesty cough and help to ease breathing for exercise.
Still have a bit of a chesty wheeze and cough too, but, hopefully it will all be cleared in the next day or two.
We jokingly refer to those whose self-respect verges on conceit as "chesty," while we compliment one who is not so extreme by saying, "He is no slouch.
How to Live Rules for Healthful Living Based on Modern Science
As it was I was felt a bit chesty and shivery on Sunday but am alright now.
Well, that and he always has pictures of chesty babes.
Las Vegas encourages tourists to indulge in sexual voyeurism with a wealth of cheesy, chesty revues - your choice of gender.
chesty as a peacock
As her other children - Ben, nine, and Kylie, six - played outside, only a chesty cough betrayed their mum's desperate struggle.
Eric obediently hands over his wallet; the drunk friend subsides into a stupor; but Ike Marcus gets "chesty," confronting their assailants with the brave and foolhardy formula "Not tonight, my man.
In Priceland
This was all done with a very snotty cold and tight chesty cough, the like of which would have made me take a day off were I working for someone other than myself.
So that's it I suppose, I did nothing today, I have a chesty cough and my nose is running away from my face.
If they really want to remaster, they can make all the chesty green alien girls greener and chestier!
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I gave up the roll ups way back purely because of the chesty coughs and my Grandfathers death.
Regarding his health he said that he did not have any major illnesses but did suffer from indigestion, heartburn and a chesty cough.
A chesty cough rattled its way from inside the frail woman.
Or it could simply be ‘fashionable’ now to hand out inhalers to everyone with a chesty cough.
Liz: Speaking of surprises, did you hear Sawyer call Lapidus "chesty"?
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She writes, ‘I hesitate to interrupt the victory laps, the chesty posing, the passing out of medals.’
It will either help my chesty cough or make me whinny and jump fences.
Not that I know much about it, but I do know that there are a lot of chesty airheads on TV these days who couldn't act if someone was holding a gun to their heads.
Then there's a scene where Chesty is interrupted by a mobster clicking away in his office.
It's an audacious bit of dialogue for a cheapo skin flick starring some of the most naturally chesty gals you'll ever see in your life.
‘Jess is a bit more chesty than you, though’ Kath muses.
I would describe the symptoms as flu-like but the chesty cough made it appear like bronchitis.
Most chesty illnesses get better on their own, although the cough may take a long time to go completely.
By March we had started rehearsals, the chesty senior (whose name was Ann) was playing Helena (one of the main heroines), and Rick was playing Oberon king of shadows.
There are a couple of pneumonectomies for the week after -- both chesty.
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But, in addition to the emotional strain of her younger daughter's death, she has been battling with a virus which has left her with a chesty cold.
Some develop chesty coughs - and all of these can be helped by acupuncture, said Hugh.