How To Use Chess In A Sentence

  • In their houses, they play much at that most ingenious game which we call chess, or else at draughts. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 09 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The art of writing a good chess program is thinking of efficient short cuts through the search-space.
  • Chess takes the place of all the other passions, and the people in his life, including his parents, become shadowy, meaningless figures.
  • The political analyst Nikolai Petrov has described Mr. Putin's predicament using the chess term "zugzwang," in which a player sees only moves that will damage his position, and yet does not have the option of passing. NYT > Home Page
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
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  • Suzy Menkes noted in an article that the jewels the Duchess of Windsor gave Princess Michael included: ‘a gold sunburst suite set with pearls and a pair of emerald panther earrings.’
  • The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from. Times, Sunday Times
  • An aide said: 'The duchess is cheerful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The duke and duchess were caught up in a minor earthquake in Assam last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • She rose in rank from fair maiden to fair lady and then to duchess.
  • Right now: Palin a great choice, shows McCain as an insightful, decisive leader, master chessplayer, with the right stuff for America. Report: Palin's Spokesperson Didn't Know About Pregnancy Two Days Ago
  • And he sent for experts of chess and cards448 and trictrac. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Take the chesspiece from the cabinet on the back wall. Gamezebo: Casual Game Reviews, Previews, Cheats, Tips, Forums, Free Games, and More
  • Z lays the chessmen to sleep in one of his four big tin boxes, now empty of their original Altoids. Camo Girl
  • But the British Museum is refusing to back down and insists the chessmen are the highlight within the new Paul and Jill Ruddock Gallery of Medieval Europe. Evening Standard - Home
  • The contention is that the mind is a muscle that is exercised by bridge and chess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sports that were rejected include chess, floorball, orienteering, korfball, sumo and tug of war ? Times, Sunday Times
  • Orders for games included 48 chessboards and chessmen, 12 sets of fox and geese, 6 sets of jackstraws, 9 boxes of ninepins, and 3 sets of German tactics.
  • Netto's mother, the Duchess Atalanta, was screaming curses at her beloved son. THE FAMILY
  • Speaking from the Siberian city of Khanty-Mansiysk, where the ballot was held, CJ de Mooi, the president of the English Chess Federation, said: It was unbelievable. Chess world shocked as Karpov fails to capture top job
  • After a long time, having obtained with difficulty the consent of the timid Du Mont, I made Madame de Saint-Simon speak to the Duchesse de Bourgogne, who undertook to arrange the affair as well as it could be arranged. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • When your brain is whirring constantly with the almost infinite depths of chess, behind the wheel of a Porsche is not where you should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • American Chess Bulletin with the caption 'Capablanca's Bungalow Near Havana'. ChessBase News
  • THE Duchess of Cornwall wins two new fans as she visits a new inner city riding centre that she supports yesterday. The Sun
  • Hanuman loved playing the heretic as he loved playing chess. THE BROKEN GOD
  • In chess, resignation is signaled by tipping over one's king.
  • ¶ Rather the {n} to habou {n} d in rychesses echone. The Assemble of Goddes
  • M. le Comte's guests followed closely on the triumphant bridegroom's heels: M. le préfet, fussy and nervous, secretly delighted at the idea of affixing his official signature to such an aristocratic _contrat de mariage_ as was this between M.le. de Cambray de Brestalou and M. Victor de M.rmont, own nephew to M.rshal the duc de Raguse; M.dame la préfète, resplendent in the latest fashion from Paris, the Duc and Duchesse d'Embrun, cousins of the bride, the Vicomte de Génevois and his mother, who was Abbess of Pont Haut and godmother by proxy to Crystal de The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
  • For all its gingerbready charm, the American Airlines Theatre unlike London's 482-seat Duchess Theatre, where Ms. Aitken directed "Man and Boy" six years ago simply doesn't lend itself to the kind of concentrated intimacy needed to do justice to a small-cast, single-set play. Fraud in the Family
  • Last July I likened Mr Obama to a chess master playing several games simultaneously.
  • One can well forgive an author for relying on internet blitz chess to research openings grandmasters hardly ever play.
  • The bride wore a duchess satin gown - by Christiana Cature - with a detached train and bow detail, and a two-tier veil.
  • Meanwhile, all sorts of things that at one time or another were considered tests for artificial intelligence — playing chess, doing integrals, doing autonomous control — have been cracked in algorithmic ways. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent's king but does not constitute a checkmate.
  • There is even a radiogram, one of the pieces which the Dowager Duchess herself is selling: it is of course a rather grand walnut veneered model by the royal jewellers Garrard and Co. Chatsworth House clearout expected to fetch £2.5m
  • As of mid-December 2003, there were scholastic chess events scheduled in Seattle, for February 2004, that were already fully booked and closed to new registrants.
  • Count Mirabeau is a most wonderful man, but he is a more than questionable character; even if you marry him, your discretion may very reasonably be called in question, but terms of intimacy, except with that view, cannot for a moment be tolerated; - to talk of friendship for such a man is nonsense, unless, like the good old duchess, you had had a tendresse for the father, which made you patronising for the son. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • The prince and his new duchess had invited representatives of their pet charities to share their special day.
  • They were playing chess, another one was reading an encyclopedia. The Sun
  • Besides losing both world wars in spectacular fashion, near total destruction in the thirty years war, being Napoleons personal chess board, and spending half of this past century partitioned and garrisoned by the competing superpowers, Germany has spent most of its history as a collection of small principalities under varying degrees of rule by Hapsburgs. Matthew Yglesias » 18th Century Polish Strategic Dilemmas
  • We're all expected to be there, and all the nobles will be there - lords, ladies, counts, viscounts, dukes, duchesses, barons, baronesses, and marquises; all of them.
  • The Duke and Duchess were so wealthy that they seemed to have money coming out of their ears.
  • In orthodox Chess, if a player has no legal move and his king is not in check, the game is a draw.
  • Ben is the setter who thinks of the game as chess, Chon is the spiker who goes for the kill. Savages
  • The Duchess's ambassadorial role is her first official position with a national organisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proust memorialized his infatuation with her beauty and social grace in the character of the Duchesse de Guermantes.
  • The Windsor Beauties, painted for the Duchess of York (1662-8; Hampton Court, Royal Coll.), handsomely déshabillé and languorous, successfully capture the hedonistic climate of the court.
  • The vulgar always knew what General danced with the lovely Miss A., and how they looked, and what they said to each other; how many jewels Miss A. wore, and the material her dress was made of; they knew who polkaed with the accomplished Miss B., and how like a duchess she bore herself; they had the exact name of the colonel who dashed along so like a knight with the graceful and much-admired Mrs. D., whose husband was abroad serving his country; what gallant captain of dragoons (captains of infantry were looked upon as not what they might be) promenaded so imperiously with the vivacious Miss E.; and what distinguished foreigner sat all night in the corner holding a suspicious and very improper conversation with Miss An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
  • The confederates then passed out from the council chamber into the grand hall; each individual, as he took his departure, advancing towards the Duchess and making what was called the "caracole," in token of reverence. The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 10: 1566, part I
  • Duchess, a whacking big one-hundred-and fifty-ton schooner, a blackbirder. THE INEVITABLE WHITE MAN
  • The wives of a king, prince, duke, marquess, earl, viscount and baron are queen, princess, duchess, marchioness, countess, viscountess and baroness respectively.
  • We were both on the point of retiring; when the Duchess, after a brief consultation with some of the surrounding matronage, made a sign to Mariamne to approach. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 333, July 1843
  • The beau monde even dictates style to the overfed Prince of Wales, ridiculous in his pantaloons, and to soignée duchesses, who trade in their silks and satins for cotton, the ‘poor stuff’ of the French Revolution.
  • Until recently, only the most elite of chess wizards remained beyond the reach of computer chess programs.
  • If you want to get anywhere in chess, you have to study the various openings.
  • Expanding — and flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.” I Am George Jetson
  • But the new duke and duchess were determined to keep Woburn in the family and to make it a paying proposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inspired by the legendary botanical gardens in Padua, Italy where the Medicis plotted the untimely, frothing ends of their enemies, an English duchess has created a garden dedicated entirely to flora deadly and/or narcotic. Alnwick Poison Gardens
  • After only one game, the chess champion had the measure of his young opponent.
  • Pastor in Iceland: Fischer not 'exhumed' broke the news: tissue samples had been taken from chess champion Bobby Fischer's grave, on the order of the Icelandic Supreme Court to settle a paternity dispute. ChessBase News
  • But people are not chess pieces, distinct from one another. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the 1967 Chess LP The Baroques by the Milwaukee band of the same name, the word "merkin" is heard in the song "Bicycle. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The prince and the duchess arrived at Balmoral last night.
  • Let me emphasize, straight away, that he isn't what I would call a friend, but I know him enough to say that he did purposely design himself: single, modest dresser in receding colours, mathematics teacher, sponsor of the chess club, mild-mannered acquaintance to all rather than a friend to any, a person anxious to become invisible. Excerpt: Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland
  • They spend a night in the Birchall mansion where Pythias and Damon play chess. The woe of an aspiring genius.
  • So don't tell me that this game will eventually come to a stalemate like chess, where the player turns over his king and quits.
  • The duke and duchess have talked in the past about their competitive nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • angelica vestis" of the tertiary order; and the "beatified" Duchess who had sold her jewels to buy corn for the poor during the famine of 1670, and had worn a hair-shirt under a corset that seemed stiff enough to serve all the purposes of bodily mortification. The Valley of Decision
  • In fact, one of the duchesses from the princess's court was my best friend.
  • The St. Louis County Municipal League's Executive Director, Tim Fischesser, voiced his concerns about what he called a complicated piece of legislation. Columbia Missourian: Latest Articles
  • The Duchess of Cambridge was among the runners and riders for the "British Style" award, a publicly-voted prize designed to recognise the It-est It-girl of the year. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Rajko Vujatovic - chessboxing chess arbiter for the night ChessBase News
  • Despite her status, the Duchess will not be given preferential treatment.
  • They had a great relationship and would play cards or chess together at lunchtime. The Sun
  • When Bobby Fischer met Boris Spassky at the 1972 World Chess Championship, the event was redolent with the superpower politics of the Cold War.
  • As a consequence, it is theoretically possible to play a perfect game of chess - that is, both players could always work out the exact sequence of optimum moves, right through to checkmate.
  • The students pass their time playing chess and studying. Times, Sunday Times
  • The duke and duchess were staying in Norfolk. The Sun
  • Craig Janek and Dr. Sean Funston "ribboned" the royal path for Duchesses Meg Walker and Jennifer Dominguez and Dukes Keith McFatridge and Dr. James Grant. The Daily News - News
  • The wives of a king, prince, duke, marquess, earl, viscount and baron are queen, princess, duchess, marchioness, countess, viscountess and baroness respectively.
  • He then gave five problems involving the chess board as set up at the start of a game.
  • Marriage made her Lady Andrew Cavendish, then Marchioness of Hartington, th en Duchess of Devonshire that ' s all the same husband, and I can ' t blame Americans who find British nomenclature taxing; since her husband died six years ago, she has been the Dowager Duchess. Portrait of a Vanishing World
  • He feels its stare before he spots it finally: a chesspiece two inches high. Gravity's Rainbow
  • The duke and duchess have form on the subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a pouter, a thrower of chess pieces, a disengager. Letters Home
  • Games and such … backgammon is huge here, you can get hand carved wooden boards, they play it constantly and they will win; p, almost everyone can play chess also, as well as the Russian version of checkers that is not too much different from the American version. Uz Packing Advice (updated 05.11.03)
  • Just as no player can capture the other side's king without sacrificing some important pieces, she is willing to give things up for chess glory.
  • The reason was because it had a great hall with many seats and chess boards and the flooring was faux marble.
  • Some chatted, some played draughts or chess. Somewhere East of Life
  • Rovere, or of other smaller fry who have lent their helot's pens to weave mendacious records of her life, dubbing her murderess, adulteress, and Heaven knows what besides -- I will but refer them to the archives of Ferrara, whose Duchess she became at the age of one-and-twenty, and where she reigned for eighteen years. The Shame of Motley: being the memoir of certain transactions in the life of Lazzaro Biancomonte, of Biancomonte, sometime fool of the court of Pesaro
  • But instead of fire they found the object of their dreams: the bright chess set basking in the reflected glow of the full moon in the sky above.
  • Besides, the duke and the duchess still had much to discuss with each other.
  • What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby? The Sun
  • Their investigative chess journalism is also evidently of high calibre.
  • The Duchess of Cambridge looks like a fairy-tale princess because she is slim and pulchritudinous, but ostensibly it's the long, blow-dried locks that ice the cake; ditto her potential lady in waiting, sister Pippa. The Taming of 'The Do'
  • I called a hansom outside and drove at once to Blenheim House, the temporary residence of the Archduchess and her suite. The Master Mummer
  • The chessboard was still sitting there from last night, the game left unfinished.
  • This would be more fun if I had the faintest idea how to play chess with any strategy.
  • I always considered the ultimate embarrassment in chess to be when you lose your queen to a pawn.
  • As far as is known, however, no other members of the family received any of the Duchess' jewels by bequest.
  • The game of chess is not a good analogy for protein sequences.
  • On reflection the chess metaphor is not a felicitous one.
  • He insisted that his relationship with the duchess was purely professional.
  • That Turturro can be convincing both as a Russian chess master and a Mississippi hayseed is a testament to his versatility as a performer.
  • On top of each table were a wooden chess set, and a little clock with two faces next to each one.
  • What does Demosthenian mean, Senor Don Quixote?" said the duchess; "it is a word I never heard in all my life. Don Quixote
  • One cannot ignore the fact that this chessboard is populated by people who have to endure [this crisis] every day," Kurtzer says, point out how Israel considers it absolutely unacceptable to come under constant rocket bombardment from Palestinian areas and how Palestine considers it absolutely unacceptable for Israeli reprisals to carry such "civilian cost. We Want Two States | ATTACKERMAN
  • It was a pleasure to have Artur Yusupov working as my second, both personally and professionally," Anand writes in the preface to Yusupov's excellent book Boost your Chess 2, Beyond the Basics, published by Quality Chess. Lubomir Kavalek: Chess Champion's Class Act
  • It's just lots of genial old blokes sitting around whittling chess pieces and playing with marbles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three of the four dedications involve members of the Gonzaga family, two of whom lived in Rome, the third one (Duchess Eleonora of Austria) residing at the court in Mantua.
  • a bad chess player
  • A couple of them got to work, one or two asked to be released to talk to other teachers, and a few were playing checkers and chess quietly.
  • When the duchess smiles, her face lights up like a 100-watt light blub. Lisa Mirza Grotts: Royal Observations From the Curb: The Crowds, the Gown, the Crown!
  • But the Duchess rushes to her pet's defense and says she will not be parted from the wise squire.
  • Duchesse de Guermantes, for her part, took good care not to invite when it was her turn to entertain the Princess, but substituted for them without any abstract reasoning about Bonapartism the most brilliant coruscation of all the beauties, all the talents, all the celebrities, who, the exercise of some subtle sixth sense made her feel, would be acceptable to the niece of the Emperor even when they belonged actually to the Royal House. The Guermantes Way
  • The ball opened with a brantle which his Majesty danced with the duchess, The Touchstone of Fortune
  • That obsessive-compulsiveness obviously helped him to chess immortality. Book World: A chess master who defeated himself
  • I suggest that because the emotions in chessboxing are hugely more powerful than those in chess, so the chance of a "neural hijacking" is far more likely!! ChessBase News
  • Japanese chess, story-telling, and the samisen fill up the early part of the evening, but later, an agonising performance, which they call singing, begins, which sounds like the very essence of heathenishness, and consists mainly in a prolonged vibrating Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • Generally grandmasters survey the chess board and forecast the pieces only one move ahead.
  • Kevin looked down at the chess game, and made a move capturing a piece.
  • The story begins in Russia, where the young chess prodigy tore through distinguished grand master opposition like a sickle through soft grain.
  • His chess political and organisational activities also flourished. Times, Sunday Times
  • What more can one do than point to a chessboard and explain the rules of the game, perhaps paying particular attention to the black king as one does so?
  • I would post a pic of her some time in a skin-tight dead-sexy neoprene vest, but she's a chessie so she doesn't need one. Booth Babes?
  • M. de Maupeou came to me in December, and after having gently scolded me for what he termed my carelessness, he showed me a letter from the duchesse de Grammont, which, he said, would wonderfully aid our plans. Memoirs of the Comtesse Du Barry, with minute details of her entire career as favorite of Louis XV. Written by herself
  • He was an accomplished pianist and chess player, winning the Heart of America Competition in 1955.
  • But he held a strong attraction for the the Duchess - and by now she was totally out of the Palace's control.
  • A good size for a queen chesspiece but certainly not human size! Archive 2008-01-01
  • You are good at strategy and probably enjoy games requiring mental skill, such as bridge and chess.
  • Have the dumb Democrats, who think that just because the United States established war policies at the Nuremburg Trials, they must follow them; ever heard of the boxing technique called a feint punch or the legendary chess move called the "ghost knight gambit"? "War Crimes" Memos Questioned
  • The countess Mathilda, grand duchess, his cousin-german, more powerful than himself in Italy, was his mortal enemy. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The Duchess and Mme Arlette exchanged a final nod, then the Duchess mounted the steps to the stage and stepped through the curtains. DEATH IN FASHION
  • The duchess has been the face of Weight Watchers for almost a decade now. CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2006
  • All the young chess masters have been coached by titled players and most began regular instruction of one or two hours per week soon after learning the game.
  • The duke and duchess were there to highlight the threat of poaching and how animals and people can co-exist in such remote rural areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • A lady below the rank of duchess was likely to be rusticated from the court if she sat upon a cushioned stool in the royal chapel or, if in the presence of the King, anywhere else.
  • The term chess has come to represent political, economic, or military maneuvers. Archive 2007-03-01
  • A small table stood nearby on which ivory chessmen stood poised in combat on an inlaid board.
  • But the chess queen's fascinating history calls for a more nuanced understanding of queenship, if such an institution existed, of the interaction of symbol and meaning and of the complex interplay of historical change.
  • He once confessed to owning the prized possessions of a superb board of bird's-eye maple and Moluccan ebony, edged in sycamore, an 1871 boxwood and ebony Staunton set, plus a chess clock by Grant's of Stamford.
  • Here is a foretaste of things to come - a previous encounter displaying wonderful fighting chess. Times, Sunday Times
  • We were privileged and delighted to receive Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall as official guests on Thursday 24 July.
  • The Duchess looked radiant in a red satin gown. The Sun
  • Is it mindless thuggery or as mentally demanding as a game of chess? Times, Sunday Times
  • But sport is different from say, chess or bridge or snakes and ladders. Times, Sunday Times
  • But a childhood spent dwelling on the nuances of chess has left its mark and it remains an abiding passion.
  • He argued that Camilla should not become queen, and instead take the title Duchess of Lancaster - the king is always the Duke of Lancaster.
  • Monpazier is probably the most pristine, with a chessboard layout and arcaded central square. Times, Sunday Times
  • In life, as in chess, forethought wins. 
  • In chess, the idea is to unzip your opponent.
  • As long as we computerize just some of the results of human intelligence, as is the chess game, we hardly can call that “artificial”. we artificialize capacities, not the essence, that’s why AI is now baptised General Artificial Intelligence because what we did until now is specific. Why Don’t We Have General AI? « Tai-Chi Policy
  • His meticulous character suited his outside interests of coin and stamp collecting, chess, genealogy, and Scottish history.
  • Nephew Emanuell, with Troopes of faire and towardly force, who were honoutably welcommed and entertained by the Duke, but much more by the Dutchesse, because shee was their sister in Law. The Decameron
  • And whan thei of the contree herden it, thei senten messangeres to him with lettres, that seyden thus: What may ben y now to that man, to whom alle the world is insuffisant: thou schalt fynde no thing in us, that may cause the to warren azenst us: for wee have no ricchesse, ne none wee coveyten: and alle the godes of our contree ben in comoun. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The duke and duchess have talked in the past about their competitive nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • N'importe quel représentant du peuple, individuellement, à quelque parti politique qu'il appartienne, s'il veut véritablement la promotion du bien commun, ne devrait pas hésiter à réclamer une répartition adéquate de la richesse, respectant la liberté personnelle, la propriété et l'entreprise privées. Qu'est-ce que le vrai Crédit Social? Au-dessus des partis politiques
  • Tracey Thompson agrees there aren't many schools, especially girls schools which can boast two national chess champions.
  • Also, it's the number of squares on the chessboard.
  • The most abundant oxidised ores are the carbonates, malachite and chessylite; the silicates, as also the red and black oxides, occur less abundantly. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Since Haydn was patronized by Marie-Antoinette's mother and the young archduchess grew up listening to his music, it is fitting to see her picture on the cover. A New CD
  • There had been their playroom, and in the large cupboard were games - draughts, chess, jigsaws, snakes and ladders and ludo. THE BLACK OPAL
  • The grand duke or duchess, the ceremonial head of state, appoints the prime minister, who is responsible to a sixty-member Chamber of Deputies that is popularly elected every five years.
  • While you can boast of your three overwhelming millions, we can only produce our poor one million, — a mere nothing in your eyes, though three times the dowry of an archduchess of Austria. A Marriage Contract
  • He was shot near Sangin - after previously cheating death while playing chess. The Sun
  • I love to try to bring chess to larger audiences, and show that it's a fun game.
  • Edward Lucas in The Telegraph, his article entitled "Russia sees us as pawns on its chessboard" is well written, nicely analytical and very very worrying. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The sixth game of the World Chess Championship will be broadcast tonight on Channel 6.
  • I was in baking mode - chess pie, puppy chow, homemade cinnamon rolls, oreo treats ... Its the most wonerful time of the year!
  • The Archduchess and the English king remained friends until his death in 1547.
  • The World Chess Federation has affiliates in around 120 countries.
  • But its website sternly warns: 'There will be no public access or opportunity to view the duke and duchess from afar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chess was popular during the 17th century, and many dice games, including even and odd, hazard, passage, mumchance, and novem were played. New Discoveries at Jamestown Site of the First Successful English Settlement in America
  • Indeed, the knight is the only chess piece that covers an asymmetrical pattern of squares.
  • For chess buffs who tune in for some shoptalk from the game's most revered icon, there is this: Bobby Fischer’s Pathetic Endgame
  • Ally's favorite photograph of the night was one of a chessboard that was perfectly set up, save for two pawns that had fallen over.
  • She's great at tennis, chess, etc.
  • The answer to the puzzle hinges on a chess problem Oliver Garland counts on his son to solve, wherein black can checkmate white in two moves or less.
  • What the better players had remembered, in other words, was not so much the positions of the chess pieces but the overall situations.
  • Having finished the hurried and uncomfortable meal, consisting chiefly of tinned tongue and a rather out-of-date cream cheese, Toni was allowed to run home to change her dress; and at half-past two precisely she was back, robed in the daintiest, filmiest white lawn gown, to take her place with the other stallholders, in readiness for the opening ceremony, performed, much to the delight of the entire Madgwick family, by a real duchess. The Making of a Soul
  • The servant at Blackwood Castle (Grimsby, played by Artur Binder) tries to frighten Jane by placing a snake in her bed (one of many he cares for in the cellar); a neighboring inn begins to see unprecedented seasonal business from visitors (Horst Tappert as "Douglas Fairbanks," CARMEN, BABY's Uta Levka) showing unusual interest in Blackwood Castle... and each other; and the two seemingly harmless old fogies playing chess in the inn's tavern are using a tricked-out chesspiece to send messages to the snake-caring servant. Archive 2006-04-23
  • Cardinal Sigismondo Gonzaga, a very beautiful kneeling figure, robed in the habit of a Cardinal, with the rochet, which is also a portrait from life; and in front of that Cardinal is a portrait of Signora Leonora, the daughter of the same Marquis, who was then a girl, and afterwards became Duchess of Urbino. Lives of the most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 06 (of 10) Fra Giocondo to Niccolo Soggi
  • English-speakers then absorbed the French word for the game, employing English variations of the French plural eschecs, including chesses and chestes and chesse, before settling on chess, which carries the vestigial -s ending inherited from the French. The English Is Coming!
  • The American Duchess is the most genteel paddle steamer to launch on the mighty river. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten-year-old Jackie Peng called checkmate on the nation, as she brought home the national chess crown for her age group in Quebec City Sunday. Jackie Peng Wins Age Group
  • Bobby Fischer Against The World Documentary on the all-conquering cold war chess champ. This week's new films
  • Tomorrow, it's a high stakes game of chess where a checkmate means you might be checked out of Hollywood.
  • By the sixteenth square there was already a kilo of rice on the chess board. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teddy-bear that the matter had to be adjusted by distracting his attention in the direction of some drilling soldiers, while Wally concealed the toy under the embroidered rug which protected the plump legs of the "duchess" -- who submitted with delighted gurgles to being tickled under the chin. Captain Jim
  • Chess, however, is almost inconceivably more complex, and the pieces can be arranged on the 64 squares of the board in 10 distinct ways.
  • I received a pen and quill to go along with a thick green diary, a small lute and some music sheets to play some tunes, a checkers / chess board with pieces, and a jar of lip-gloss.
  • Both were child prodigies in chess, quickly rising to their respective nations' top slots.
  • In the hold of the Dunera they had drawn drawings, held lectures in philosophy, formed a debating society, fashioned chess sets out of maggoty bread-dough.
  • The white marble squares on the pavement glowed as if on a phantom chessboard.
  • In a physical game of chess there is no work for an openside flanker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since her introduction to the game, the shy 15-year-old has played the competitive chess circuit and has won a number of interschool tournaments. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Another tribute to the magnificence of Oppenheimer's mind: in the end he became my master at the game -- he who had never seen a chessman in his life. Chapter 14
  • In fact I have heard that good chess masters now study computer games and learn new strategies from those inanimate models.
  • Little wonder that the kind Duchess looked "disconsolate" in the middle of her content! Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 1
  • ‘Her Grace, the Duchess of Kensingbroke,’ the page announced in his piping soprano.

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