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How To Use Chemist In A Sentence

  • That said, the chemistry between the two brings a thrilling tingle of excitement to the tale. Times, Sunday Times
  • When combined with combinatorial chemistry methods, scientists can dramatically increase their chances for a hit. The Scientist
  • Specialty disciplines, such as chemical physics and quantum, bioorganic, polymer, radiation, and nuclear chemistry, are available within the four major areas.
  • He went into chemistry, left New Plymouth in 1946, and returned in 1952 to take up a post at his old school as housemaster and teacher.
  • All this mysticism promoted a general mistrust of alchemists.
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  • The topics in those categories that were less widely dispersed throughout the curriculum included stereochemistry, drug design, drug nomenclature, natural products and biotechnology.
  • Group theory is one of a number of branches of mathematics that have proven useful to chemists and physicists in their work.
  • He has good on-screen chemistry with both actors playing the sons.
  • He got a 'C' in Chemistry and a 'B' in English.
  • I thought of biochemistry in our neighboring sciences and of psychophysics, and more recently of psychopharmacology, as examples of fruitful splitting and recombination in our own science.
  • I graduated with a degree in biochemistry and took a year off. Greatest Person Of The Day: Dr. Patricia Nez Henderson, Native American Health Advocate
  • The musical instruments symbolize an underlying harmony behind nature's powers, to which the successful alchemist must himself be attuned.
  • With other breakthroughs in chemistry, it is now possible to synthesize some natural products, like rubber, from non-natural sources.
  • He was the author of more than 200 articles on chemical kinetic gas-phase reactions, molecular spectroscopy, and thermo-chemistry of organic compounds.
  • There is an uncanny resemblance between this reasoning and that which had earlier led John Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry.
  • Richard gere n diane have good on screen chemistry. harman on Oct 11, 2008 Diane Lane and Richard Gere in Nights in Rodanthe «
  • A team of chemists found that when certain substances are diluted in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.
  • The woman, apart from being a lawyer, has a Master's degree in Chemistry, was the first ever female harbourmaster in Canada and the first ever female CEO of a Port Authority in Canada, and is now a Cabinet minister. Archive 2008-11-01
  • University Chemistry was an important required course for architectural environment students.
  • A rather odd thing has just just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker; after being bitten by a radioactive spider, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered in that he can scale walls and ceilings, and he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger. Listal promoted
  • Industrial chemistry was first recognized in 1931 (Bergius, Bosch), but many more recent prizes for basic contributions lie close to industrial applications, for example, those in polymer chemistry. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The developments of combinatorial chemistry and the identification of new target sites from genomics research are likely to enhance the quality of agrochemicals at the farmer's disposal.
  • Of the three classes of isomeric anhydrides which can be formed from hydroxybenzoic acids, the chemistry of the natural tannins is only concerned with the class comprising the ester anhydrides. Synthetic Tannins
  • This is a fact the significance of which cannot escape anyone, and one which incontestably marks an epoch from the point of view of chemists. Marie Curie - Nobel Lecture
  • In superchemistry, scientists are able to precisely control the pairings and interactions of the atoms and molecules in Bose-Einstein condensates.
  • Chemists and bacteriologists verified the dangerous levels of microorganisms at all four of the city's intake points along the lakefront.
  • This attitude was not taken in earlier years however, as is evident from the following statement made by Committee Chairman Arne Westgren, in a survey over the first 60 years of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • Celestine had met Stafford in a chemistry department seminar dealing with spin labeling.
  • This spiritual purification may be compared with the purification of natural spirits, which is effected by the chemists, and is called defecation, rectification, castigation, acution, decantation, and sublimation; and wisdom purified may be compared with alcohol, which is a highly rectified spirit. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • Cuvier, in one of a series of lectures, delivered at Paris, in the spring of last year, says, "the name chemistry, itself, comes from the word _chim_, which was the ancient name of Egypt;" and he states that minerals were known to the Egyptians "not only by their external characters, but also by what we at the present day call their _chemical characters_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 479, March 5, 1831
  • That was back in the days when she still wore French perfume and brands you could buy at the chemist, before she switched to jasmine oil and clary sage. The Legacy
  • My research has largely been in the chemistry of how the particular components of chondrites, very primitive meteorites, actually formed in the solar nebula.
  • Like a routine play nine hundred and ninety eight spindly human figures stepped forth onto the walls and filed towards the black emptiness arranged around the Core in what a chemist or mathematician might call tetrahedral bipyramidal form. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • My unmarried survey respondents seem to understand that friendship is the basis of a good marriage even as they hold out for chemistry and thunderbolts and soulmates.
  • They sparked such strong chemistry on set that rumours of an off-screen romance followed. The Sun
  • More recently the concept of the "at" - complexes as a counterpart to the "onium" complexes has led to the development of a new chemistry from which have come the sodium tetra phenylborates. Georg Wittig - Curriculum Vitae
  • Understanding these rare molecules will help chemists to find out what is achievable.
  • Chemists discovered that in the presence of light, rhodium compounds react with DNA, and they ultimately kill malignant cells by interfering with their ability to reproduce.
  • The book thus seeks to explain the application of these colorants in terms of their organic chemistry.
  • With the later advent of accelerator mass spectrometry, this has become a useful tool in geochemistry, but our counting techniques were not sensitive enough to make the method work. Raymond Davis Jr. - Autobiography
  • For instance, consider a chemist who is doing an experiment involving carbon dioxide.
  • ‘We're not expecting to find life - it's too cold - but we are expecting to find prebiotic chemistry like that in the very earliest days of Earth,’ he said.
  • The chemistry between conductors and orchestras is mysterious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other four Nobel prizes, for chemistry, physics, medicine and literature, are given in Sweden.
  • Its contents goes well beyond what is actually relevant for analytical chemistry.
  • My husband was a research chemist working on propellants - a real rocket scientist.
  • The pair have impressed viewers with their on-screen chemistry in the results show. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or the tricarboxylic acid cycle, is one of the most important reaction sequences in biochemistry. Krebs cycle
  • Ed Overton -- who is a Ph. D, a professor emeritus at LSU, and who unlike yours truly is a scientist (in analytical environmental chemistry) -- spoke to us the next day and told us that the kind of dispersant used was not only not poisonous, but also that the amount, though it sounded immense, was minuscule, given the volume of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Rachel Ben-Avi: Dinner at Tara
  • A leaning toward chemistry and chemical engineering was no doubt kindled in some way by a Mickey Mouse comic strip.
  • The six-week program covers the fundamentals of nuclear theory, radiochemistry, nuclear instrumentation, radiological safety, and applications to related fields.
  • More recently, scab has developed resistance to the strobilurin as well as the benzimidazole classes, and now Alternaria leaf spot resistance to the strobilurin and carboxyanilide (boscalid) chemistries has appeared. Western Farm Press RSS Feed
  • The subchloride of mercury, calomel, is the great British specific; the protochloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate, kills like arsenic, but no chemist could have told us it would be so. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • This binding affinity was later exploited widely in experimental biochemistry. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • I think if you look at the way the Washington Redskin (s) played in some of the games toward the end of the season, they started to kind of jell together, have that chemistry, they started to play together and they played in a lot of close games. T.O. thinks the Redskins need a receiver
  • Lucid, a 53-year-old biochemist, plans a 143-day stay aboard Mir as a guest researcher.
  • AGB stars in which the abundance of carbon atoms exceeds that of oxygen atoms have chemistries dominated by carbon and are known as carbon stars.
  • It was sub-Post Office, supermarket, hardware store, clothes shop, newsagent's and chemist's packed into one room.
  • Chemistry is one of those things that just cannot be planned for when casting a film.
  • Foster's office bookcase contains about equal numbers of books on chemistry and on accountancy.
  • ‘This new repellent chemistry affords flexibility and choice for protection against a variety of disease vectors,’ says Klun.
  • The oral contraceptive pill, known simply as "the pill, " is a marvel of modern chemistry.
  • The field-based studies were supplemented by thin-section petrography and whole-rock geochemistry to characterize different intrusive phases.
  • In the second approach I have analyzed, with the aid of various semiempirical methods, the molecular orbitals of most types of reactive intermediates in organic chemistry-carbonium ions, diradicals, methylenes, benzynes, etc. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
  • The chemistry between De Niro and Grodin, a solid and smart script by George Gallo and ideally understated direction by Martin Brest. Midnight Run 2 Really Happening; De Niro Returning | /Film
  • Natural science managers oversee activities in agricultural science, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology, or physics.
  • There are numerous excursions in scientific realms of chemistry, biology, meteorology, computer science, and most of all mathematics and philosophy.
  • To evaluate the mouthwashes for compatibility with the DNA purification chemistry, the protein precipitation step was examined.
  • The method was developed as a wide cross-disciplinary collaboration between chemists, physicists and biologists.
  • The present study was therefore undertaken to compare the distribution of the three islet cell types in the native and in isolated islets of rats and monkeys by immunocytochemistry.
  • Tulad ng mga tulisang-dagat Blanchard, Associate Professor ng Chemistry sa Northern Kentucky University, said, "Ito ay katulad ng nasusunog ang mga kasangkapan sa bahay upang panatilihin ang mga bahay na mainit-init sa kalagitnaan ng Enero. »2,008» Hulyo
  • The distribution, water chemistry, ecology, hydrology, limnology, and invertebrate and amphibian fauna of vernal ponds have been investigated.
  • Marvin Herndon was a post-doctoral assistant to Hans Suess and Harold C. Urey in geochemistry and cosmochemistry at the University of California, San Diego. Kepler Discovers Planets-like Objects Hotter Than Stars | Universe Today
  • 'The Bloody Mary has been called the world's most complex cocktail, and from the standpoint of flavour chemistry, you've got a blend of hundreds of flavour compounds that act on the taste senses.
  • Understandably, the Royal Society of Chemistry has just honoured Holmes with a fellowship, the first time an imaginary character is being recognised.
  • The associate professor in biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology takes pride in presenting classes with new information that had not been published the previous year.
  • Water quality is more important than water chemistry.
  • By the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, researchers equipped with microscopes founded modern chemistry - and dismissed alchemy as hocus-pocus.
  • In this way, the weaker students can be assisted by the input from those who are fluent in medicinal chemistry and drug design.
  • As early as the third century, Chinese alchemists used formulations of mercury as elixirs and attempted to transmute other substances into gold to use the gold as an elixir to prolong life.
  • The aqueous-phase chemistry of deliquescent sea-salt aerosols in the remote marine boundary layer is investigated with a steady state box model.
  • I was hopelessly out of my depth in college chemistry classes.
  • Organic chemistry is the chemistry of compounds which contain carbon. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
  • The experimental results of adsorption spectroelectrochemistry indicate that the electrochemical reductive product of VK3 is 2-methyl -1,4-naphthylenediol.
  • They teamed up in carrying out an experiment in chemistry.
  • He graduated from Dartmouth College in New Hampshire in 1957 and received a master's degree in geochemistry from the University of Oklahoma. J. Robert Porter Jr., EarthSat founder, dies at 75
  • State public health laboratories can test for hantavirus by serology, immunochemistry, or virus remnant amplification.
  • Titles will primarily concentrate on subjects covered in the initial stages of an undergraduate chemistry course.
  • I'm taking a bit of a liberty here by omitting alcohols, ethers, and other oxygenated compounds, partly because, ethanol and MTBE notwithstanding, they still don't amount to a large fraction of the mix, and partly because their photochemistry is pretty close to that of paraffins, or ketones that don't photolyze, i.e. break up by the direct action of sunlight. Hot Buttered
  • Sheila was awarded a scholarship in Chemistry, and now her brother has evened the score with a scholarship in Economics.
  • A professor of organic chemistry at the University of Pavia, and two colleagues from Milan offered thixotropy as an explanation.
  • # -- Until within a comparatively recent time black was dyed on wool solely by the use of logwood, combined with a few other natural dye-stuffs, such as fustic, indigo, etc., but of late the researches of colour chemists have resulted in the production of a large number of black dyes obtained from various coal-tar products. The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics
  • Organic chemistry is the chemistry of compounds which contain carbon. Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
  • None of meitnerium's chemistry has been researched, but it should resemble other elements of group 9, like iridium.
  • She studied chemistry and took pre-med classes, undecided on whether to pursue medicine.
  • Two decades later, a particularly interesting group of compounds made from carbon monoxide - the carbonyls - were discovered by the French chemist Paul Sabatier.
  • This is the bunk in which the wrong combination of personalities creates bad chemistry.
  • He is mugging up on his chemistry for the final examination.
  • There is evidence that their body chemistry and physiology begin to change, and in time they may begin to feel the part. Beat Stress
  • Much of this rests on personal relationships and chemistry.
  • No school and I was totally free from the clutches of evil Physics and Chemistry professors.
  • That said, the chemistry between the two brings a thrilling tingle of excitement to the tale. Times, Sunday Times
  • This has contributed to a marked development of preparative borane chemistry. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976 - Presentation Speech
  • These topics are important, but instrumental analytical chemistry plays an essential role in analysis these days and needs better coverage.
  • · chemistry and histochemistry of the acidulation and drying processes to improve the efficiency of these steps; 17 Using Mixed Starter Cultures for Thai Nham
  • (glycogenic function of the liver, the consumption of glycogen through work of the muscles, the discovery of vascular nerves, the chemistry of the bile and the urine, theory of diabetes mellitus, assimiliation of sugar, atrophy of the pancreas, the power of the pancreatic juice to digest albumen, and the theory of animal heat). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The biggest jump is in applications to be chemistry and physics teachers. The Sun
  • Titles will primarily concentrate on subjects covered in the initial stages of an undergraduate chemistry course.
  • Although immunocytochemistry was not performed on our cases owing to the need to keep the slides for archival records, our hypothesis is further supported by a recent study.
  • The impurity of supposedly pure subcellular fractions is a constant threat to the plant biochemist.
  • Julian was interested in medicinal plants, particularly the Calabar bean whose active principle, physostigmine, was first isolated by the German chemists Jobst and Hesse in 1864.
  • It wasn't familiar to Gregory F. Herzog, a Rutgers cosmochemist whose specialty - Latest Articles
  • He continued to work productively, analysing the chemistry of chlorine bleaches and preparing hypochlorous acid and chlorine monoxide for the first time.
  • He states that these findings have relevance for many areas: materials science, polymer chemistry, biophysics, protein biochemistry, and hematology.
  • Its chemistry is the bottom line for oceanic crust. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • To further his research in astrochemistry, he accepted a position at NASA Ames Research Center in 1983.
  • There is real cause for concern," says neurochemist Annette Kirshner at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at Research Triangle Park in North Carolina. The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams
  • I am neurochemist-turned-attorney who just expected a little more by way of factual support for Carter's bias or lies a Clinton-esque lie for example. "Being a former President does not give one a unique privilege to invent information..."
  • Some one went off in the motor to the nearest chemist's shop and returned presently with two large pieces of bread, liberally dosed with narcotic.
  • And although both Ruth and Colin are playing stiff British characters, they do manage some convincing chemistry.
  • The chemistry just wasn't right.
  • The whole 2000 miles has been an everlasting see-saw, shuggy-shoo, and enough to tire the patience of even a chemist, who is the most patient of all animals. The Personal Life Of David Livingstone
  • It is at first perfect at the instant the kernel is going to send forth the acrospire, and form itself into the future blade; it is again discovered perfect when the ear is labouring at its extrication, and hastening the production of the yet unformed kernels; in this it appears, the medium of nature's chemistry, equally employed by her in her mutation of the kernel into the blade, and her formation thus of other kernels, by which she effects the completion of that circle to which the operations of the vegetable world are limited. The American Practical Brewer and Tanner
  • But this ‘primitive chemistry’ was also a sophisticated hermetic philosophy.
  • Analytical scientists should be delighted, because it is not often that those who develop workhorse instrumental techniques are awarded the ultimate accolade for chemistry.
  • Prospective physical geographers should take basic courses in calculus, physics, chemistry, engineering, modern biology, and computer programming.
  • Laboratory studies, including hematology and blood chemistry studies, were obtained at each follow-up visit.
  • Everything changed, however, with the discovery of radioactivity at the end of the nineteenth century - a discovery that led to one of the most remarkable, fruitful, and fateful eras in the history of chemistry.
  • The MRC Unit has been involved in studies of the neurochemistry and genetics of OCD.
  • It is awarded biennially for excellence in physical organic chemistry embracing the relationship between structure and reactivity.
  • A husband and wife partnership ran a chemist's shop.
  • The term excimer is derived from excited dimer, a term coined by physical chemists in the 1960s to describe short-lived energized molecules with two identical components.
  • I had that experience in my own graduate work as a chemist.
  • Our chemist recommended an expensive digital ear thermometer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Cornell's library are her watercolor sketches for the 13 remarkable plates that illustrated the book that changed chemistry.
  • By the mid-nineteenth century, advances in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, and ballistics were influencing the manufacture of weapons.
  • The scientific revolution consisted of new knowledge, particularly about physics and astronomy but also about biology and chemistry. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • Pomiane chose for his career the study of biology, specialising in food chemistry and dietetics.
  • The basic unit of mass in chemistry is the gram.
  • Computational chemistry research on benzaldehyde molecule and gallium pentahydride. - 2006 All-USA College Academic Second Team
  • Of animal cardiac poisons chemists were acquainted in particular with so-called bufotalin, which is present in the skin secretion of certain species of the toad genus Bufo. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1927 and 1928 - Presentation Speech
  • Meanwhile in a basement laboratory in Utah two chemists are working on their own and in secret.
  • Blood chemistry showed cholestatic liver enzymes and ultrasound showed dilated bile ducts.
  • This is to be amalgamated with the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in 1994, when the new professor takes office.
  • She did maths, physics and chemistry at school.
  • In my own discipline, chemistry, I see lecture classes of several hundreds, followed by smaller laboratory sections taught by unfledged graduate assistants.
  • Preparations made from this herb have become hugely popular as a treatment for mild forms of depression, as St John's wort has found its way out of specialist herbalists and onto the shelves of high street chemists.
  • His tireless efforts to promote the education of chemistry included setting up a teachers' centre in Newcastle. Times, Sunday Times
  • My favourite subjects were maths, biology and chemistry. Times, Sunday Times
  • In organic chemistry it is thus more convenient to describe carbon in terms of its valency than its oxidation numbers.
  • The average girl has little love of sozzling and mussing with the elements, and cooking involves problems in organic chemistry too complex to be understood very profoundly, but the rudiments of household chemistry should be taught. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • Coke's chemists still work behind smoked glass surrounded by security guards.
  • In terms of their chemical, pharmacological, kinetic and therapeutic properties, enantiomers and diasteriomers behave as distinct compounds, therefore stereochemistry should be a topic of major concern to all disciplines.
  • Chuck's a nice guy, but the chemistry isn't right.
  • Chemistry and physical chemistry laboratories will later be supplemented by biology and pharmaceutical technology laboratories.
  • A much studied model reaction in organic chemistry is the ring opening of cyclobutane to yield ethylene or the reverse, the combining of two ethylene molecules to form cyclobutane. Press Release: The 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  • The clue to the flourishing creativity lies with phosphor chemistry, which is essential to the manufacture of fluorescent lamps.
  • Elements such as rubidium, zirconium, and aluminum are mostly incorporated into human biochemistry as a consequence of their association with essential elements present in the human diet.
  • The numbers studying chemistry and biology, meanwhile, have been enjoying a steady rise.
  • Bentley composed the first clerihew about Sir Humphrey Davy, the chemist credited with isolating and naming aluminum. And Today Is… - Freakonomics Blog -
  • The money will be put towards the purchase of personal computers for running chemistry software applications.
  • Neuroscience Network Projects: Scientists are increasingly turning to chemistry and biology to create new designs for neural network computer systems.
  • Candidates with a qualification in Chemistry have exemption from this course.
  • No clinically important differences in electrocardiogram, hematology, clinical chemistry, or urinalysis were observed between treatment groups or over time.
  • CONCLUSION: C-terminal region of FPC can interact with KL, which probably provide the approach for further studying the role and biochemistry mechanism of FPC protein in ARPKD.
  • Red Line Chemistry will show off its softer side when it headlines a “special acoustic show” Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • I keep a straight face and the composure of a chemist dispensing a prescription.
  • It is made annually for eminence in organic chemistry and includes a monetary prize of £2000.
  • Rather, it arises from a mixture of species, each one of which has reasonable stereochemistry.
  • Depending upon which chemist you ask, rare earth elements consist of either: the so-called lanthanide series (elements having atomic numbers from 57 [corresponding to lanthanum] to 71 [corresponding to lutetium] The Full Feed from
  • That's because the play is about a neurochemist named Roland Welby who is doing research on a fictional drug called Zeropinealphrine which, it seems, could radically accelerate human evolution.
  • Could Alchemist Isaac Newton have estimated the likelihood of the biogenetics that evolved out of Franklin, Watson & Crick's understanding of chemistry? Is Fusion in Our Future?
  • Matter in the state of equilibrium is studied by physical chemists specializing in chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium electrochemistry.
  • The numbers studying physics, biology and chemistry all rose by just over 6 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • •Fact: Soil test extraction is a complicated dance between the chemistry of the soil and the extractant, in an attempt to mimic the availability of nutrients to the crop over the growing season. Fort Frances Times Online -
  • The coachman hates the automobile, the hand-worker hates the machine, the orthodox preacher hates the heretic, the politician hates the reformer, the doctor hates the bacteriologist and the chemist, the old woman hates the new -- all these in varying proportions according to the degree in which the iconoclast attacks laziness or livelihood. The Price She Paid.
  • Organic chemistry experiment course is a compulsory course of bio - pharmaceutical technology specialty.
  • Cops broke into the flat after staff in the chemist shop finally alerted them. The Sun
  • I ever knew, next my naunt of fairies in the Alchemist [4]. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • Makes me want to learn Spanish just to know what the heck's going on, but you don't need a translator to see the screen igniting chemistry between the two actresses / characters. gooby (356 posts) on May 25, 2008 - 7: 38am. - Because visibility matters
  • The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.
  • Will "solute" suit you, or is that term, from high school chemistry, Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Furthermore, the crystal structure, surface characters of quartz and clinochlore, and the solution chemistry of oleic acid as the anionic collector were analyzed.
  • He is reading a text in chemistry.
  • I asked him why he had performed a microchemistry test, given that it is not an accepted method for detecting acrylic; he said that the test "was just one first step. GoodShit
  • Of the eight main test categories, chemistry, hematology, and toxicology showed a significant difference in the number of tests ordered across the two facilities.
  • At such distances the salt should be so cold it should all have condensed into solid grains, which are undetectable to astrochemists.
  • Metallocenes are useful in industrial chemistry as reducing agents, anti-knock agents for internal combustion engine fuels, absorbers of ultraviolet light, and free radical scavengers.
  • I sat down at my lab counter where my chemistry lab partner was already sitting and guess who it was?
  • To facilitate comparison between Messina and limma results, the rank of Messina's reported probeset classifier margin (a measure of the robustness of the trained classifier) was compared to the log To validate Messina's results, we measured expression of S100A2 protein by immunohistochemistry upon a separate patient cohort from that used in the microarray data PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • These chemists electrolyse either pure calcium chloride, or a mixture of this salt with fluorspar, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The implications for morale, a crucial component in the grim chemistry of war, are obvious.
  • Chemists study the nature of gases.
  • If the chemistry is right, they can be fun, rowdy, and filled with a bit of harmless debauchery.
  • Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.
  • Ministers say that chemists can do more in advising older people on taking medicine and dealing with coughs and colds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Natural science managers usually start as a chemist, physicist, biologist, or other natural scientist.
  • A creative and perseverant chemist has turned this vulnerability into an opportunity to safely remove hardened concrete from a variety of surfaces that are otherwise difficult to clean.
  • Opaque shampoos have different chemistries and may even affect the cuticle of the hair differently.

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