How To Use Chemical weapon In A Sentence

  • IS is said to have used chlorine gas in attacks and built up a substantial chemical weapons cache. The Sun
  • Weapons of mass destruction and chemical weapons had a lot of people worried.
  • When the toad is attacked, this chemical weapon oozes out as a thick, creamy liquid.
  • Among the substances in third-hand smoke are hydrogen cyanide, used in chemical weapons; butane, which is used in lighter fluid; toluene, found in paint thinners; arsenic; lead; carbon monoxide; and even polonium-210, the highly radioactive carcinogen that was used to murder former Russian spy Alexander V. Litvinenko in 2006. Organic Consumers Association News Headlines
  • Targets could include chemical weapons storage and production sites, although there would be a risk of chemicals entering the atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.
  • There is also the threat of chemical weapons, which it has used in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • Presumably, sarin, tabun, phosgene, adamsite, prussic acid and a family of mustard gases, comprising the basis of KPA chemical weapons, are produced here.
  • Resolution 44/115 on chemical weapons was adopted without a vote.
  • I think they are going to fight and chemical weapons are going to be part of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have also been unconfirmed reports of unspecified chemical weapons being stockpiled in a school in Homs, with guards handed gas masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have not sold anyone chemical weapons, as far as anyone knows.
  • In the 1950s, chemical weapons, like hydrogen bombs, became symbols of terror that could bring terrible destruction.
  • The next adversary may use chemical weapons or pull its main forces into urban areas to fight to the bitter end.
  • A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.
  • The vessels could be used for harmless industrial processes or for making chemical weapons.'
  • All chemical weapons facilities will be deactivated.
  • We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.
  • Among the substances in third-hand smoke are hydrogen cyanide, used in chemical weapons; butane, which is used in lighter fluid; toluene, found in paint thinners; arsenic; lead; carbon monoxide; and even polonium-210 ... What Do I Know?
  • A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons.
  • A chemical weapon is any weapon that uses a manufactured chemical, such as sarin, mustard gas or hydrogen cyanide, to kill or injure.
  • They have every incentive to cooperate with us because these are people who are promising to, you know, detonate dirty bombs or chemical weapons and the like in Europe.
  • The U.S. search, however, has so far not found any actual stockpiles of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons.
  • And, ominously, it includes use of chemical weapons without regard for their spillover effect on the enemy's own troops and civilians.
  • Give the Assad Government the tightest of deadlines to supply a detailed inventory of his chemical weapons and their exact location. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nuclear and chemical weapons are definitely human products.
  • Development of chemical weapons was restrained in the 1920s by public outrage on moral grounds as well as protests from old-line army leaders on the basis of tradition and ineffectiveness.
  • It fired no nukes or chemical weapons, and posed us no danger.
  • One expert who was a chemical weapons specialist with the U.S. government says malls in the U.S. and elsewhere are susceptible to what he calls a defuse threat. CNN Transcript Dec 26, 2005
  • We committed ourselves to arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation and to the conclusion of a chemical weapons convention this year.
  • The manufacture of chemical weapons produces chemical by-products and chemical contamination.
  • In 2002, the Bush administration had what it believed to be reliable intelligence that Ansar al-Islam, a Kurdish Sunni extremist group, was producing chemical weapons at Khurmal in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq. Wonk Room » In 2002, Bush Neglected Actual WMD Threat In Order Not To ‘Derail’ Iraq War
  • We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.
  • Look, I'm no fan of how-to guides for chemical weapons or backyard nukes.
  • The scale of the outbreak is still being assessed, with checks being conducted at the top-secret Porton Down laboratory in Wiltshire, where biological and chemical weapons are tested. Anthrax deaths expose addicts' plight
  • A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons.
  • I think they are going to fight and chemical weapons are going to be part of it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some moles and shrews carry chemical weapons.
  • According to declarations made by Iraq, in the period from 1981 to 1991 the chemical weapon programme produced approximately 3,850 tons of the chemical warfare agents mustard, tabun, sarin and VX, the report states. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: July 10, 2006
  • There have also been unconfirmed reports of unspecified chemical weapons being stockpiled in a school in Homs, with guards handed gas masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Never develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, transfer, or retain chemical weapons or help anyone to do so.
  • He has used chemical weapons on his own people, and has issued respirators to his troop.
  • Use of chemical weapons is a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group was originally formed to oppose the incineration of chemical weapons.
  • It also has a large chemical weapons stockpile scattered at 30 to 40 sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is possible that the leader gave orders to torch oil wells, launch chemical weapons or fire missiles, but that the commands were ignored, he added.
  • The Government has banned the use of chemical weapons.
  • We know that he's rushing hard to try to get a nuclear capability, that he is building biological and chemical weapons and has missiles with which to deliver those.
  • Worldwide availability of chemical weapons will be higher, and we will know less about other countries' chemical activities.
  • We are sure they will use chemical weapons again. Times, Sunday Times
  • President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons.
  • The specter of biological or chemical weapons being used in terrorist attacks substantially raises the possibility of widespread human and social destruction.
  • My relatives and friends lived in fear of nuclear attack or bombardment by chemical weapons.
  • The UK dossier is the least specific regarding the diversity of Iraq†™ s existing or potential arsenal; it states that Iraq has an unspecified useable chemical weapons capability, which has included recent production of chemical agents. Think Progress » The Intelligence Agencies Didn’t Get It Wrong, The Bush Administration Did
  • And this excludes the possibility of chemical weapons being used to further degrade defences. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Aside from the nuclear variety of WMD, biological and chemical weapons pose serious dangers.
  • In previous wars it took large artillery bombardments to make chemical weapons effective.
  • Let the wingnuts quibble over the minutae of whether or not white phosphorous is a chemical weapon (clearly it is) …. lets keep our eyes on the bigger picture. Think Progress » The Truth About ThinkProgress’ White Phosphorus Coverage
  • Wait, they're going to poison us with chemical weapons!
  • This harks back to the summer of 2004 when the Polish military contingent in Iraq paid thousands of dollars to recover chemical weapons filled with sarin and cyclosarin. Think Progress » Defense Department Disavows Santorum’s WMD Claims
  • President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons.
  • IS is said to have used chlorine gas in attacks and built up a substantial chemical weapons cache. The Sun
  • Also, the governments have to think seriously about the threat of chemical weapons and biological toxins.
  • In 1997, the U.S. and 65 other countries signed the Chemical Weapons Convention.
  • One application for the X-ray destruction method could be in the politically sensitive area of destroying chemical weapons.
  • The war that followed saw them employing chemical weapons and both sides firing ballistic missiles at major cities.
  • It says the top secret plan involved allowing 200 mainly Australian combat troops to be aerially bombed and sprayed with the chemical weapons. U.S. Planned Nerve Gas Tests on Australian Soldiers | Disinformation
  • Coalition bombing, which struck nuclear and chemical weapons installations, also caused serious environmental damage.
  • We saw an example several days ago when U.S. forces were taking fire from a hospital in southern Iraq and when they eventually took the hospital over, which was flying the flag of the Red Crescent, which is a violation of the Geneva Convention, they found chemical weapon suits, munitions, and even a tank inside this hospital. CNN Transcript Apr 1, 2003
  • The subject was the unusual cruelty towards civilians, including the summary shooting of male teens and the use of white phosphorus as a chemical weapon; the goopers played it up that WP wasn’t a chemical weapon, it was an ordinant blah-de-blah-de-blah about the technical reasons, redirecting attention from the horrific wounds on the bodies of women, children, teenagers, old person lying in their beds… Firedoglake » Bubble Boy No Longer? Hmmmm…
  • Unsurprisingly, we are also selling to the Gaddafi government in Libya, another nation which has not signed the Chemical Weapons Convention.
  • There is also the threat of chemical weapons, which it has used in the past. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have also been unconfirmed reports of unspecified chemical weapons being stockpiled in a school in Homs, with guards handed gas masks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chemical weapons have most commonly been used by states, in military warfare.
  • The main concrete result of the discussions was a preliminary agreement on chemical weapons.
  • A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.
  • Worldwide availability of chemical weapons will be higher, and we will know less about other countries' chemical activities.
  • Next week he will appeal to the Senate to ratify a global treaty to ban chemical weapons.
  • Saddam "had had" biological and chemical weapons, including sarin, tabun, and VX; he'd used them pretty openly in the Iran-Iraq war and his suppression of the Kurdish uprising. Thompson: Saddam "Clearly" Had WMD And A Nuke Program
  • Just be happy you weren't "fragged" with Molotov wine-coolers or "stoned" with chemical weapons. Welcome to California: Your passport please?
  • My guess is that we'll find small amounts of chemical weapons and perhaps some evidence of bioweapons factories - but no bioweapons themselves.
  • He has had chemical weapons and he's used them.
  • There are now credible claims that the regime has used chemical weapons against civilians. Times, Sunday Times
  • After Iraq indisputably began deploying chemical weapons against Iranian forces in 1983, the U.S. secretly provided Iraq with intelligence, including satellite images, to "calibrate" its chemical weapons attacks against Iranian forces. The Selective Prosecution of Saddam Hussein
  • Organophosphates are also used in the most common types of chemical weapons.
  • Pohnert used deuteration techniques to figure out which nutrients are being used to make the chemical weapons.
  • Too many nations already possess chemical weapons.
  • But there was no decision to use chemical weapons for fear of retaliation.
  • Fear grows when Harry begins showing signs of nerve gas poisoning, suggesting a chemical weapon attack
  • After Iraq indisputably began deploying chemical weapons against Iranian forces in 1983, the U.S. secretly provided Iraq with intelligence to "calibrate" its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops, including satellite photos of Iranian targets. Reaping the Bounty of Imperial Arrogance
  • They are taking precautionary measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons.
  • We committed ourselves to arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation and to the conclusion of a chemical weapons convention this year.
  • Targets could include chemical weapons storage and production sites, although there would be a risk of chemicals entering the atmosphere. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this excludes the possibility of chemical weapons being used to further degrade defences. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • It doesn't matter who uses chemical weapons, their mere activation has let an evil genie out of the bottle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shielded devices could also be used in bunkers or tanks, to counteract chemical weapons.
  • The e-nose can monitor air quality; identify pathogens; monitor food ripeness or spoilage; monitor physiological conditions from breath analysis, for example; and detect biological or chemical weapons. Gadget Freak Files
  • It has been alleged in the course of the raids that chemical weapons and napalm bombs were also used.
  • Next week he will appeal to the Senate to ratify a global treaty to ban chemical weapons.
  • The manufacture of chemical weapons produces chemical by-products and chemical contamination.
  • Among the substances in third-hand smoke are hydrogen cyanide, used in chemical weapons; butane, which is used in lighter fluid; toluene, found in paint thinners; arsenic; lead; Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • He is alleged to have said that all chemical weapons were destroyed, that he personally had ordered their destruction.
  • For the most part, the press has bought into the line that white phosphorous is an incendiary munition, and is not properly classified as a chemical weapon. Think Progress » Exclusive: Classified Pentagon Document Described White Phosphorus As ‘Chemical Weapon’
  • Chemical weapons found in Iraq... and it's our fau... 02/22/2007
  • The completion of multilateral negotiations on the abolition of chemical weapons will be pursued.
  • This work imparts seminal information on the use of biological and chemical weapons in the ancient world, and as such it provides an outlook missing from much current thought about this era.
  • No chemical weapons and no bioweapons in sight - only leaky pipes and empty vaccine bottles.
  • The north has responded with mysterious plans using thousands of commandos and chemical weapons.
  • Give the Assad Government the tightest of deadlines to supply a detailed inventory of his chemical weapons and their exact location. Times, Sunday Times
  • We manufacture chemical weapons detection devices for the US military, and those need to detect at concentrations measured in parts per billion. Computing
  • The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons.
  • A senior Foreign Office official revealed on Wednesday that it had received reports just days before the invasion that Saddam Hussein may not be able to use chemical weapons as they had been "disassembled". BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • Next week he will appeal to the Senate to ratify a global treaty to ban chemical weapons.
  • The proliferation of chemical weapon and abuse of chemical poisons make chemical terrorism flourish and diversified in occurrence.
  • He said the crisis had brought to the fore the need to stop the proliferation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons though strict adherence to international treaties and conventions.
  • We are sure they will use chemical weapons again. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, stocks of chemicals that are restricted or banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention are lying around unguarded, literally waiting for terrorists to take them.
  • There are now credible claims that the regime has used chemical weapons against civilians. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are forswearing the use of chemical weapons for any reason.
  • A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.
  • Nobody should be trumpeting about chemical weapons.
  • Next week he will appeal to the Senate to ratify a global treaty to ban chemical weapons.
  • But the very intensity of his conviction discouraged divergent views, notably the claim that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes, or the intelligence report received just days before the war that Saddam's chemical weapons may have been "disassembled". news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The 'Guerrilla Garderners' work under the cover of night, armed with seed bombs, chemical weapons and pitchforks . Their tactics are anarchistic, their attitude revolutionary. Their aim: to beautify.
  • The woman could not be less interested but the blackboard she gets for her dowry comes in handy as a rather ineffectual shelter against chemical weapons.
  • There is, however, evidence that the group was experimenting with crude chemical weapons, was exploring the use of biological weapons such as botulinum, salmonella, and anthrax, and also made multiple attempts to acquire radioactive materials suitable for a dirty bomb. The Longest War
  • A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons.
  • The sale of these chemicals is strictly controlled by the international chemical weapons convention, to which Britain is a signatory, and any sale to nations that may use them as a weapon of war is illegal.
  • For a long time terrorists had drawn the line at using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
  • A scientist has been arrested for revealing state secrets concerning chemical weapons.
  • Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
  • They clearly violate the spirit of existing treaties as well as the pro posed Chemical Weapons Convention, which is now before the Senate.
  • He said chemical weapons had never been sited in Germany.
  • There are now credible claims that the regime has used chemical weapons against civilians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the devastating details presented to the inquiry was the revelation that British spies reported 10 days before the invasion that Iraq had "disassembled" what chemical weapons it had - but Mr Blair went ahead and sent troops into battle. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • I bet they'd be easier to find than the supposed alleged secret cache of biological and chemical weapons.
  • Nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and missiles are viewed, probably erroneously, as the potential equalizer of superior Western conventional power.
  • Knowledge that the threat is in place; that nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons are armed and ready to be used.
  • She also urged Japan to quicken the pace of a project aimed at disposing of the huge stockpiles of chemical weapons left in China by retreating Japanese armies.
  • One application for the X-ray destruction method could be in the politically sensitive area of destroying chemical weapons.
  • Declassified documents reveal the Pentagon toyed with the idea of an aphrodisiac chemical weapon in 1994.
  • Among the substances in third-hand smoke are hydrogen cyanide, used in chemical weapons; butane, which is used in lighter fluid; toluene, found in paint thinners; arsenic; lead; carbon monoxide; and even polonium-210, the that was used to murder former Russian spy Alexander V. Litvinenko in 2006. Junkfood Science
  • Reflecting Soviet military doctrine, the DPRK has traditionally viewed chemical weapons as an integral part of any military offensive.
  • What if a chemical weapon detonates on a crowded New England dock?
  • Use of chemical weapons is a war crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this excludes the possibility of chemical weapons being used to further degrade defences. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Four guys sitting around with flip chart & pens discussing prevention of & countermeasures for an aerosolised chemical weapon attack at Flemington on Melbourne Cup day. Cheeseburger Gothic » A North American Federation.
  • The use of the gas in warfare is banned under international chemical weapons treaties.
  • We should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.
  • It also has a large chemical weapons stockpile scattered at 30 to 40 sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike biological and chemical weapons, however, they affect humans indirectly rather than directly.
  • It has been alleged in the course of the raids that chemical weapons and napalm bombs were also used.
  • The Jerusalem Post is reporting that American forces have captured an installation used to manufacture chemical weapons.
  • And for the record I do think he had WMD - chemical weapons in particular.

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