How To Use Chemical analysis In A Sentence

  • Typically, the chemical analysis for each sample yields results on over twenty elements.
  • Maturation studies, based on geochemical analysis, demonstrate that gas-generative maturity is largely dependent on Jurassic burial.
  • Maturation studies, based on geochemical analysis, demonstrate that gas-generative maturity is largely dependent on Jurassic burial.
  • The estimation of the individual coloring matters in these extracts by means of a chemical analysis is under all circumstances a task requiring much experience, especially as the coloring principles are associated in different qualities of each class of dyewood with different proportions of other constituents which often give much trouble to the unpracticed experimenter. Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889
  • Electrochemical techniques are also widely used in chemical analysis.
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  • Whereas biogeochemical methods require chemical analysis of plant organs, the geobotanical methods depend on direct observations of plant morphology and the distribution of plant species.
  • A subsample of the perfusate was refrozen for chemical analysis.
  • It is the basis of quantitative chemical analysis, for example.
  • Wendy Matthews, whose micromorphology studies required the most intensive sampling—and who frequently organized the taking of samples for chemical analysis and other tests—was often the focus of resentment. The Goddess and the Bull
  • Chemical analysis of the pinkroot has shown that it comprises proved medical elements like spigeline, lignin, tannin, albumin and myricin. Find Me A Cure
  • By means of the spectroscope, which is essentially a magnifying lens attached to a prism of glass, it is possible to locate the lines with great accuracy, and it was soon shown that here was a new means of chemical analysis of the most exquisite delicacy. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • The protonation of template molecule of tetramethylethylene-diamine( TMEDA) trapped in the channels of zeolite ZSM-35 , ZSM-5 and mordenite was studied by using (13)C CP MAS NMR and chemical analysis.
  • Ceramics Two general approaches have been much used: thin-section petrography and chemical analysis of the body fabric or composition.
  • The failure of a gear shaft was analyzed by SEM analysis, macrograph, metallographical examination, mechanical test, chemical analysis and etc.
  • Other compounds function in chemical analysis and in synthesis in a chemistry laboratory of organic compounds.
  • As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
  • Chemical analysis revealed a high content of copper.
  • Chemical analysis of the ice and the air bubbles in these cores provide a picture of climate and atmosphere during the past 110,000 years.
  • Since different molecules absorb different colours, this microscope can be used to make a microscopic chemical analysis of the surface.
  • Ceramics Two general approaches have been much used: thin-section petrography and chemical analysis of the body fabric or composition.
  • Ideally the appointee will have prior experience with insect semiochemical analysis or other flavour and fragrance type molecules. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Minimum 1 years equivalent work experience in Chemical Analysis.
  • The sample for general chemical analysis was freeze-dried and ground to pass a 1-mm sieve.
  • Chemical analysis of this natural, waterproof glue showed that the key to its adhesiveness is a family of unique proteins called mussel adhesive proteins, which contain a high concentration of DOPA (dihydroxyphenylalanine). RedOrbit News - Technology
  • The degree to which a bar may be decarburized depends upon the chemical analysis of the steel.
  • Chemical analysis revealed a high content of copper.
  • Typically, the chemical analysis for each sample yields results on over twenty elements.
  • Maturation studies, based on geochemical analysis, demonstrate that gas-generative maturity is largely dependent on Jurassic burial.
  • As illustrated in our immunohistochemical analysis and described previously, there is a large intracellular population of nicotinic subunits PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For high-accuracy chemical analysis and research work, a volumetric transfer pipette is preferred.
  • The left set of leg bones was cleaned by dermestid beetles and airdried in preparation for chemical analysis.
  • You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.
  • Heat analysis—the chemical analysis determined by the steel producer as being representative of a specific heat of steel.
  • _elements_; since his time an element is "the actual term whereat chemical analysis has arrived," it is that which "with our present knowledge we cannot sub-divide"; and, as a working hypothesis, the notion of _element_ has no wider meaning than this. The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry
  • To isolate the andromonoecy gene in cucumber we used a candidate gene approach in combination with genetical and biochemical analysis. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Fig 2 shows the chemical analysis of melanins from dorsal midline fur of adult agouti mutant mice.
  • Over a five-day period in 1978, the Shroud of Turin Research Project did a definitive scientific analysis of the Shroud, using X-ray fluorescence analysis, ultraviolet fluorescence photography, and infrared photography, as well as microphotography and microchemical analysis. The Shroud Codex
  • Chemical analysis of lupulin reveals bitter substances, including the alkaloids codeine and morphine, which are responsible for the bitter flavor of hops.
  • Red cells and hemoglobin may be accompanied by seeing red cells in a microscopic examination, by a positive chemical analysis for blood or by both.
  • Chemical analysis of residues in amphorae (the great storage jars of the Roman period) has proved that many did contain wine and olive oil, as had been assumed, but some contained wheat flour.
  • Using back scattered electrons, Co-% magnetism meter, coercive force meter and chemical analysis etc, the compositions, Co-% magnetism and coercive force of vacuum sintering cermets are studied.
  • On the basis of geochemical analysis and field studies the extrusive volcanic rocks are generally interpreted as being associated with crustal extension.
  • Biochemical analysis of plant metabolites and enzyme activities is usually performed following tissue homogenization.
  • It remains one of the most sensitive methods for chemical analysis ever developed.
  • One lecture in 1814 was memorable for its first description of volumetric chemical analysis.
  • An FBI bulletin said that preliminary chemical analysis revealed the presence of ethylene glycol, which is used in coolants and antifreezes. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2009
  • Chemical analysis of cosmetics samples found in Egyptians tombs and the reconstitution of ancient recipes as reported by Greco-Roman authors have shown that two non-natural lead chlorides (laurionite Pb (OH) Cl and phosgenite Pb2Cl2CO3) were purposely synthesized and were used as fine powders in makeup and eye lotions. Egyptology News
  • In electrochemical analysis by such methods as anodic stripping voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse polarography, and potentiometry, the anode always functions as the site of oxidation.
  • You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.
  • You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water.
  • But they must remember that it was almost impossible to detect certain vegetable poisons, such as aconite and atropia, without minute chemical analysis. Madame Midas
  • As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
  • Broadly expressed cell markers, such as the neuronal nuclei antigen NeuN, the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) and the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 (which identify neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and microglia, respectively), are commonly used in immunohistochemical analysis of brain development or disease. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Besides these, its specific gravity is 2.8, hardness, 8.5; from calcspar it cannot be distinguished except by chemical analysis, as the two species blend almost completely with every intermediate stage of composition into either calc spar, or, what occurs in this locality, aragonite, similar in composition to it, or dolomite. Scientific American Supplement, No. 363, December 16, 1882
  • A chemical analysis of impact crater residue allowed him to distinguish between impacts due to naturally occurring micrometeoroids and those due to artificial space debris.
  • We cannot be certain that what we regard as simple to-day is indeed simple; all we can say is, that such a substance is the actual term whereat chemical analysis has arrived, and that with our present knowledge we cannot sub-divide it. The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry
  • It has been discovered by scientists that there is a chemical difference between that sudden cold exudation of a person under a deep sense of guilt and the ordinary perspiration; and the state of the mind can sometimes be determined by chemical analysis of the perspiration of a criminal, which, when brought into contact with selenic acid, produces a distinctive pink color. In Tune with the Infinite or, Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty
  • Like the chemical analysis, the urine must be collected by the midstream or clean catch technique.
  • If two molecules or complexes have the same molecular formula they are candidates for stereochemical analysis.
  • Chemical analysis revealed a high content of copper.
  • Additionally, chemical analysis indicated that the right side of the Orbiter was sprayed by hot propellant gases exhausting from the hole in the inboard circumference of the right Solid Rocket Booster. Shuttle Shutdown Coming - NASA Watch
  • The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.
  • He had X-rayed the thing thoroughly, tested it with apparatus I'd never heard of, taken scrapings from all over it for microchemical analysis, and even tried it himself on a roulette wheel. ...Or Your Money Back
  • As a multi-skilled employee, her shifts involve chemical analysis, production monitoring and work as a colourist.
  • Ceramics Two general approaches have been much used: thin-section petrography and chemical analysis of the body fabric or composition.
  • Heat analysis—the chemical analysis determined by the steel producer as being representative of a specific heat of steel.
  • Typically, the chemical analysis for each sample yields results on over twenty elements.
  • For chemical analysis of the sputum, the samples of sputum were homogenized in a glass homogenizer and centrifuged.
  • It remains one of the most sensitive methods for chemical analysis ever developed.
  • Yet chemical analysis has clearly proved that the manurial value of straw is perfectly insignificant, and that, as a constituent of stable manure, it is chiefly useful as an absorbent of the liquid egesta of the animals littered upon it. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • As will be seen from the chemical analysis of raw umber, it contains quite a high percentage of manganese dioxide.
  • By chemical analysis and microscopic examination we found that the spheres and end fittings were made from a sophisticated Titanium alloy.
  • It is also important that the chemical analysis of the specimen be started within 20 minutes of drawing the specimen. 191.
  • The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.
  • And there is hope that because each of the three countries used slightly different techniques, microscopic and chemical analysis might show up where the chemical was from.
  • Edwards notes from chemical analysis that there are traces of yttrium which are undoubtedly of diagenetic origin.
  • I imagine, in fact, that, as regards chemical analysis, the antitoxic and the toxic protein stay exactly the same after detoxication as before; what changes is simply the activated condition; in the same way as the conductors of positive and negative electricity, before and after compensation of their active conditions, remain the same substances in terms of chemical analysis. Emil von Behring - Nobel Lecture
  • The chemical analysis of precious metal artefacts can be difficult because their value and decorative finish usually prevent sampling.

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