
  1. Russian dramatist whose plays are concerned with the difficulty of communication between people (1860-1904)
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How To Use Chekov In A Sentence

  • Chekov's first instinct was to spit at him, but he decided that wouldn't be wise, considering how quick to make use of his agonizer Oben seemed. Firestorm
  • The selection process for the Conservatives and Unionists candidates for the various N. Irish Westminster constituencies is presently trundling along - Chekov echoes a few of my own doubts about the possible final outcome in this post over at Open Unionism. May the best (or loudest) Conservative and Unionist win?
  • She was trying to keep her expression haughty, Chekov suspected, but the flush of girlish anger that leapt into her cheeks when Uhura drew alongside her betrayed more than he thought she realized. Firestorm
  • Chekov slid from his seat behind Sulu and trotted into the front as the engineer reported, "I've got…some bad problems out here, Captain—a dust storm, or a cloud, or something…I just busted my tail to repatch a conduit that's been shredded by dust, and—" The channel didn't waver, Kirk heard Scott swear softly before continuing. The Kobayashi Maru
  • Anthony Chekov's tragicomedy "The Cherry Orchard" talks about a declining family whose members keep hovering on options to save their homeland, but whose lack of action leads to a final failure.
  • Which is why the Royal Exchange decided to do it in rep with a Chekov.
  • We were going to question the sense of using a trailer park for Anton Chekov's Ivanov, a 19th century Russian tragedy, until we read a synopsis.
  • He smiled wide while reaching to his waist, and his expression distracted Chekov just long enough that he didn’t see the disruptor until the Prastorian had fired it at him, point blank, right into his chest. Mudd in Your Eye
  • Hannah writes like a born novelist, with a calm, seductive style and an almost Chekovian vision of subtle humour and generosity.
  • The planet's name," Mr. Chekov said, "is 1212 Muscae IV: the fourth body out from 1212 Mus, an orange type-F8 star with no spectrographic or historical anomalies worth mentioning. Doctor’s Orders
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