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How To Use Cheery In A Sentence

  • A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell.
  • He was delighted to hear a cheery yodel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such are your own and your friends’ impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery — too volatile and versatile — too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • Around others at the wharves was the cheery hum of contented labor. War-time sketches : historical and otherwise,
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  • Oddly, they don't return my cheery waves. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a utility player who has quickly impressed Reds bosses with his cheery personality and trademark smile.
  • Nor do they return the cheery wave of the locals who have graciously made way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without exception they were bright and cheery, and full of hope and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's true that the atmosphere back in the office when I got back wasn't quite as cheery as the one when I left.
  • These are low-fi tunes, sometimes slouching, sometimes cheery, more subdued and experimental than usual. The Sun
  • So much for the cheery welcome of the English wayside inn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Day after day there was an old Irish labourer, a stonebreaker, by the wayside, kneeling on a sack beside a great heap of stones, who gave her a cheery good-morrow as she passed. The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius
  • Such are your own and your friends 'impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery -- too volatile and versatile -- too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • Oddly, they don't return my cheery waves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Behind the cheery facade of constitutional government lurks the inextinguishable specter of legally unregulated power.
  • Hullo, young cockbird," said the owner of the face -- a middle-aged, respectable, nautical-looking sort of man -- speaking in a cheery voice, which went to my heart; "what's the row with you, my hearty? On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • She was cheery and happy. The Sun
  • There is no cheery speech, no overlapping dialogue, no badinage, no heartiness - real or false - almost no voice raised in anger or twisted in sarcasm.
  • Could it be time to install two-way intercoms in all carriages, so that we can offer a cheery hello to the driver whenever we set foot on a train?
  • I can recall happy evenings sitting round cheery fires, making our own entertainment, and a wonderful spirit of friendliness and fellowship prevailing.
  • The casual wink from you, the cheery salute from your buddy, the you-rascal-you smiles of recognition from your workmates.
  • Without exception they were bright and cheery, and full of hope and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a gray chip that said club bingo in cheery red letters around the outside. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • Again Bryson threw a cheery smile, but this time it was forced. Kissed By Venus
  • A visit and a cheery chat with someone will bring in life and sunshine and make a bleak day pass quickly.
  • The smell of sawdust and fresh wood permeated the little store with a cheery sense of renewal.
  • The fun of it and his cheery look belied the serious and scholarly content. Times, Sunday Times
  • But as cheery, tune-filled postmodern parodies of cheesy slasher movies go, it's not bad. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is often described as ‘avuncular’ - even by hard-hearted business writers - which the dictionary defines as ‘kind-hearted and cheery’.
  • The music can be frothy; it can be fizzy, bubbly, cheery and it most definitely is catchy.
  • It doesn't take much of a storyline shift for a cheery Lothario to be recast as a self-serving pesterer. Can 'Bonking Boris' have his cake and eat it?
  • Somehow, the caliginous man's intimidating demeanor always failed to discourage or frighten Josh, much less hamper his cheery, gossiping attitude.
  • He and his cheery smile and kind nature will be missed by so many people in Otley
  • This one has cheery deep yellow flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead we were greeted with cheery waves and broad smiles. The Sun
  • They want the road to be easy, with lots of bright, cheery colors and happy songs paving the way. Christianity Today
  • No, there was nothing sublime and dolorous about Miss Manners; her face was round, cheery, and slightly puckered, with two little black eyes sparking and shining under dark brows, a nose she unblushingly called pug, and a big mouth with eminently white and regular teeth, which she said were such a comfort, for they never ached, and never would to the end of time. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • I cannot believe I will not get another cheery call with a bright idea, a suggestion, a bit of encouragement, or a bit of a plaudit for something I might have done that had a bit of an effect.
  • The woman behind the counter greeted us with a cheery hello.
  • She was cheery and happy. The Sun
  • Shaking my head, I buckled my seat belt as the cheery voice of the stewardess announced out arrival.
  • Whenever anyone felt down, she would buck them up with cheery word.
  • Catherine hummed and sang a hymn that faded quickly from a cheery ode to a mournful dirge.
  • The site has a roving reporter and European Editor in Chief, who writes cheery newsletters from, for instance France, and the Left Coast of the USA.
  • There is no electric display telling you of the next station, but you do get a cheery conductor who can criticise the beautiful morning, when it is raining.
  • Nor do they return the cheery wave of the locals who have graciously made way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pangloss is the wildly optimistic character in Voltaire's Candide -- "Panglossian" is to say overly cheery. W.C. Varones
  • But the sickroom was a different place now, when we had Allan's cheery visits to enliven our long evenings. Esther : a book for girls
  • Without exception they were bright and cheery, and full of hope and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Performing a whimsical mix of popular German chansons and original compositions alongside Cuban rumbas, cheery foxtrots, elegant tangos and covers of modern pop songs, Palast has earned rave reviews and standing ovations in glamorous concert halls across the globe. UCLA Live Unveils Their 2007-2008 Jazz Series
  • Though unscented, it makes a cheery sight in winter. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was a twist in the corridor they were approaching, and a distant babble of voices lifted in cheery shouts, loud demands, drunken slurs.
  • He had seen women of sixty, rouged, and jewelled, and furbelowed, foot it deftly in the halls of the Faubourg St. Germain in his earliest youth; and this cheery, healthy woman, with lingering blooms on either cheek, and uncapped head of curly black hair but slightly strewn with silver, seemed quite as fit a subject for the accomplishment. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • The trees around them were thin and willowy, soft breezes shook their leaves and sounded like cheery tintinnabulations ringing throughout the air.
  • A rounded shrub with very supple stems bearing sweetly scented clusters of unusual cheery yellow flowers in January and February. Times, Sunday Times
  • From one side you hear the solemn notes of the fanfarade from Libuša; a little farther away a very cheery brass band is stirring its audience with a rattling march -- impossible to keep your feet still; then while the brass band pauses for breath and beer the insistent cadence of a dreamy valse floats up to meet you. From a Terrace in Prague
  • Christmas lights decorated every house with cheery lights and lit up Santas, reindeers frolicking on the bright green grass.
  • He is always ready with a cheery smile and wave, and is famous for sheltering passengers with his own umbrella.
  • Veronica had come up to him with her usual cheery smile.
  • Take the Go Compare tenor, a cheery bulbous eejit warbling doggerel set to melodies so basic that the average nursery rhyme sounds like one of Sun Ra's more outre soundscapes by comparison. The Hard Sell: Direct Line
  • His publicity pictures show a perky looking man - puckish perhaps - with a cheery grin of white teeth and lightly raised eyebrows like cedillas.
  • Cheery yellow flower heads nod all around me, their colours heightened.
  • The broadcasts always ended with a spookily-cheery valediction of ‘Good-bye, dear listeners’ and a tinny recording of the Internationale.
  • Instead we were greeted with cheery waves and broad smiles. The Sun
  • But he was not hung up until October 1449, when, after Talbot had left the Vieux Palais, the Council joyfully gave orders to Laurent des Loges, "pour pendre et asseoir certaine cloche nommée Rouve estant en la tour du beffroy"; and in the town accounts stands the cheery item of "Sept sous six deniers pour vin donné aux ouvriers," when it was hung on the very The Story of Rouen
  • And then, with a cheery wave, he is gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • More World Cup related nonsense, this time from those cheery chappies at Strathclyde fire brigade who warn of the increased danger of fire in the home during the month-long football fest.
  • No wonder ministers and regulators are taking a slightly jaundiced view of their cheery claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's superficially lovable, in that Brodkin makes him a cheery as well as cheeky chappie, confident that the woman in the front row will be charmed to hear he'd like to "cum on [her] tits". Lee Nelson's Well Good Tour – review
  • Marshal Stone called a cheery greeting, the while his horse dropped its head to drink. Heart of the Blue Ridge
  • Then I checked my email and found a cheery e-card waiting in my inbox from the guy I'd gone to dinner with.
  • The heavy gold mica is the perfect foil for the bright and cheery colors of yellow and purple, giving the look a little edge. Geometric Soap Reveal
  • The nurse called a cheery greeting to a young man in a beribboned cap, and he whistled in reply. The Mad Ship
  • His publicity pictures show a perky looking man - puckish perhaps - with a cheery grin of white teeth and lightly raised eyebrows like cedillas.
  • And then, with a cheery wave, he is gone. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Bitter Orange lotion has extracts of orange, wheatgerm, fenugreek and winter cheery.
  • As well as using clear, sandblasted glass, Kelly works in cheery yellow and orange.
  • He was delighted to hear a cheery yodel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cheery views such as this are out of vogue and easy enough to dismiss as the ravings of a serial optimist.
  • So what about winter, when a cheery planting of foliage and flowering plants can brighten any aspect? Winter Garden Glory
  • I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell.
  • Watson's orotund voice is complemented by swooning strings, lush orchestration and gloriously cheery tempi, conjuring the Med, lemon trees and a large dollop of la dolce vita straight into your living room.
  • Give your neighbour a cheery smile and roll your eyes to suggest you would far rather be talking to him than the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • His face was now cheery, no longer hinting darkly at his knowledge.
  • Too cheery, no doubt, with all that grey and beige. Times, Sunday Times
  • And although Beryl, simple lass of cheery disposition, has tried to sweet talk Tom on more than one social occasion, the old cuss has always rebuffed the olive branch.
  • The cascading stream makes a cheery companion as the track climbs steadily up through the forest for a couple of miles and eventually terminates in a wide clearing.
  • If we enter the nearest institution of Charity Sisters, Sisters of Mercy, or of the Poor, we cannot fail to remark the contrast between the healthful, cheery, unsolicitous countenances of the inmates, and the nervous, suffering, careworn faces of the wives and mothers in our midst. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 4, April, 1864
  • The clerks can be extra cheery, since the end of the shift is right around the corner.
  • He affected a cheery enough demeanor on the surface, but she could tell it didn't run very deep. AFTERMATH
  • The experience is not unlike stepping onto a flight and being greeted with a cheery smile and a hot towel. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is nothing more annoying at 6: 00 o'clock in the morning than a cheery-voiced desk clerk telling you it's time to get up.
  • It had the same cheery fruitiness as it had before the ham -- if anything it was even fruitier -- and suddenly it seemed ... insipid. Uncorked: Telling the difference between fine wine and Two Buck Chuck
  • Standing on the giant heap of refuse, she waved us a cheery goodbye. Times, Sunday Times
  • I returned to shuttler IV, beamed Moya, and filled him in, forcing myself to be cheery. Attrition
  • Their classic open blooms come in pure whites through light pinks into deeper, richer pinks with contrasting cheery yellow centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • The text is helpful, and the maps are bright and cheery.
  • A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • She's pleasant, cheery and happy to pose for a photo. The Sun
  • They were a delight to work with and after each practice jump brought their cheery, carefree smiles into the stadium control room. The Sun
  • The ranchman, who is half-hunter, half-stockman, and his wife are jovial, hearty Welsh people from Llanberis, who laugh with loud, cheery British laughs, sing in parts down to the youngest child, are free hearted and hospitable, and pile the pitch-pine logs half-way up the great rude chimney. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • On occasion, law enforcement personnel boost their arrest quotas by collaring cheery cinephiles engaged in such activities. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • The wall appeared completely black from the outside, allowing for a cheery atmosphere while ensuring complete privacy.
  • By all accounts the Thatcher family is a close-knit foursome, and Husband Denis is a cheery, supportive consort.
  • Arielle blinked twice before opening her eyes fully and staring at Luke with her usual cheery smile.
  • Will it be the supportive lawyer, the needy, cheery, recently divorced neighbour, or will his sister in law finally relent?
  • Well afterwards you should wave a cheery thank you at the man in the Porsche. The Sun
  • A rounded shrub with very supple stems bearing sweetly scented clusters of unusual cheery yellow flowers in January and February. Times, Sunday Times
  • Where the most heroic character in the piece also happens to enjoy sadistic torture it's never going to be cheery and relentlessly upbeat, is it?
  • No wonder ministers and regulators are taking a slightly jaundiced view of their cheery claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tenencias decalcomania below that, and handed Jerezano his plates and documentation with a cheery Tramites: Mexican Paperwork----ouch!
  • All at once fall in, arms are unpiled, and, enlivened by our band, we again step out; now feet begin to ache, and boots to chafe; but the cheery music of the bands, bugles, or drums and fifes of the regiments marching next to us, generally the Rifles, infuses energy into the most footsore. Our Sailors Gallant Deeds of the British Navy during Victoria's Reign
  • Soft music would now be heard on the background, and happy and cheery voices as well.
  • Against a bright, cheery backdrop, choose from more than a dozen variations of this Chicano chow, most of which are presented four to a plate, open-faced on soft corn or flour tortillas.
  • Kat, cheery is a good word -- it is a pretty nice thing to have greet me in the kitchen every morning! If there was any doubt that Christmas is coming...
  • No longer can a lot of cheery-sounding mush from teachers and administrators substitute for hard facts.
  • And Ambrose Campany, a cheery-faced, middle-aged man, with booklover and antiquary written all over him, shockheaded, blue-spectacled, was there now, talking to an old man whom Bryce knew as a neighbour of his in Friary The Paradise Mystery
  • Lunch arrives fresh and cheery and bright and eager to please. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a cheery, chatty atmosphere tempered with solemnity at each and every shrine where offerings were made.
  • From time to time I poked my head out into the rain, and called cheery encouragement to the reinforcements, or sent messages to Havelock - I remember one of them was that Delhi had fallen at last, and that old Johnny Nicholson had bought a bullet, poor devil. Fiancée
  • From time to time I poked my head out into the rain, and called cheery encouragement to the reinforcements, or sent messages to Havelock — I remember one of them was that Delhi had fallen at last, and that old Johnny Nicholson had bought a bullet, poor devil. Flashman In The Great Game
  • His cheery disposition masked a fierce determination to win, which culminated in a phone call to Cochrane - now his agent.
  • Sitting on a low stool and cradling his beloved guitar he sang in a rich baritone a mixture of haunting ballads and cheery folk songs.
  • I cannot believe I will not get another cheery call with a bright idea, a suggestion, a bit of encouragement, or a bit of a plaudit for something I might have done that had a bit of an effect.
  • Bubbly, cheery people would be bustling around buying gifts, making dinners, taking their lovers out.
  • Peculiar plants, friendly creatures and cheery waters stream down relaxative spirit of pure beauty and simple joy into your PC and your mind. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Their classic open blooms come in pure whites through light pinks into deeper, richer pinks with contrasting cheery yellow centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hail pelted down on the forlorn figure making her way up an elegant brick path leading up to a cheery little house.
  • I also liked the idea of a group of Italian circus acrobats who, when held hostage by Protestant terrorists, drive their captors to suicide by their unstoppably cheery singing. Review | Theatre | And the Horse You Rode in on | Barbican Pit | Michael Billington
  • She said that she knew all the children and their parents well and each one said a cheery good-morning as they passed by.
  • Lizzie has crumpled him up altogether, although when he comes to see us he is the same cheery Ted of yore, and he, Rayner, and I had some grand kangarooing together when he was here last. Tom Gerrard
  • A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • Give your neighbour a cheery smile and roll your eyes to suggest you would far rather be talking to him than the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's definitely not a cheery, light-hearted book at all, but I enjoyed it anyway.
  • The air was that perfect refreshing nip of cold, just enough to tint the cheeks pink, and the topaz sky was cloudless and cheery, even in the late morning.
  • I sat and waited, listening to cheery early morning conversation from the staff on the other side of the blind.
  • Mrs.X. and you occupy a very light bed, which has a tall canopy of red "percale;" the windows are smartly draped with cheap gaudy calicoes and muslins; there are little mean strips of carpet about the tiled floor of the room, and yet all seems as gay and as comfortable as may be -- the sun shines brighter than you have seen it for a year, the sky is a thousand times bluer, and what a cheery clatter of shrill quick French voices comes up from the court-yard under the windows! The Paris Sketch Book
  • The interior is bright and cheery, without being tacky. The Sun
  • Paddy spotted Mary Ann and gave her a cheery wave.
  • A cheery New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • When we finally reach Ariel's cabin, the counselors are cheery and welcoming, but her bunkmates are sitting on their beds like astronauts about to be launched on a rocket they know is defective.
  • Shortly after the horrendous cafeteria ‘food’ was disposed of, a familiar cheery voice resounded through the room.
  • Meanwhile, the place had filled up, and cheery voices filled the small room.
  • Isn't it funny how something intended to be cheery can in fact be so perversely irritating?
  • We made love in the cheery, blinking lights, and I gave her a ring with a little pinprick of a diamond in it.
  • They dispatched the past in a cheery talk; for the face of each was enough to show that it might have been troublous — as all past is — but had slidden into quiet satisfaction now, and a gentle flow of experience. Mary Anerley
  • So I headed off with a cheery smile at having escaped from the maze of never ending aisles.
  • Hence his cheery greeting to a posse that were hoisting distress signals at such an early hour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Standing on the giant heap of refuse, she waved us a cheery goodbye. Times, Sunday Times
  • Soon, however, Altair began humming, his usual cheery mood returning.
  • ‘Ooh, thank god, it's Friday,’ Faith chirruped, but the real deal was she wasn't looking very cheery.
  • Everything's crammed in together, bright cheery whites transformed into depressed murky greys. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not cheery, but dreary, to be left in pathlessness, blanketless, guideless, and with breadths of lake and mountain and Nature, shaggy and bearish, between man and man. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
  • The brothers had always been identical in appearance, but usually Pockets was a cheery soul and easy to identify by his smile.
  • She's pleasant, cheery and happy to pose for a photo. The Sun
  • The jam around Samuel's mouth was like a big cheery grin, but his eyes remained sullen.
  • The anteroom of his county election headquarters is festooned with cheery signs such as one saying Voting Just Got Easier.
  • And he galloped on, as cheery as a boy, shouting at the rabbits as they scuttled from under his feet, and laughing at the dottrel as they postured and anticked on the mole-hills. Hereward, the Last of the English
  • The fun of it and his cheery look belied the serious and scholarly content. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • There's a cosy fire, Mrs Moran's husband is tonight's cheery barman and the islanders are friendly.
  • She was cheery and talked to them about their problems.
  • Life is going to feel rather diminished by the loss of his welcoming, cheery and optimistic voice. The Sun
  • The texture of the dish was simply beautiful - the crisp crab, the tongue-clinging cream, the gelatinous, tenuous tomato uniting into a cheery little song of sweet and light.
  • Give your neighbour a cheery smile and roll your eyes to suggest you would far rather be talking to him than the office. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everything's crammed in together, bright cheery whites transformed into depressed murky greys. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cheerful in a different way, for sure, but I still have plenty to be cheery about.
  • Everything's crammed in together, bright cheery whites transformed into depressed murky greys. Times, Sunday Times
  • The parents who brought their girls to the Taliaferro bus stop in the morning were a cheery bunch.
  • She was short, with big curly brown hair and a little bald husband, and she was always cheery and happy and had an improbably posh accent and as with most such people a fearsome temper that you really didn't want to provoke.
  • The vocals are supported by guitar, violin and keyboard and, of course, the occasional handclaps, providing an up-beat, cheery backing to the shopping of Argos customers (who pass by with looks of bemusement).
  • It will not “lift” under cheery or lively circumstances, although it may have a rhythmicity of its own less intense in the late afternoon or early evening and worse in the early morning. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Well afterwards you should wave a cheery thank you at the man in the Porsche. The Sun
  • I'm trying to keep a cheery face on and make things as happy as possible.
  • The prospects for this buck — riding a riverine ice flow somewhere equally cold — seem less cheery. Bucks on Ice!
  • Life is going to feel rather diminished by the loss of his welcoming, cheery and optimistic voice. The Sun
  • She was cheery and talked to them about their problems.
  • She's pleasant, cheery and happy to pose for a photo. The Sun
  • Clove Eppingwell vanishes from the story after a single mention but Charley admires Mrs. Eppingwell, a cheery lady of great fortitude and courage. “There be things greater than our wisdom, beyond our justice.”
  • That cheery assessment is what distinguishes "Masters of Management" from its predecessor, which was more dourly titled "The Witch Doctors" and was written by Mr. Wooldridge with his Economist colleague John Micklethwait in 1996. Reworking The Workplace
  • That daft, cheery, fearless gesture people make before a fun run or a bungee jump. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet they all seem cheery about their arrangements. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • You'll probably be looking for something uplifting and cheery. Times, Sunday Times
  • a cheery hello
  • The experience is not unlike stepping onto a flight and being greeted with a cheery smile and a hot towel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Montbrison afforded me the main matter of the sixth and seventh stories; and that, moreover, I once journeyed to Caer Idion and talked for some two hours with Richard Holland (whom I found a very old and garrulous and cheery person), and got of him the matter of the eighth tale in this dizain, together with much information as concerns the sixth and the seventh. Chivalry
  • The art collection Mr. Shorenstein amassed with his late wife, Phyllis, included Gustave Caillebotte 's cheery river view from 1882, "The Seine at Argenteuil. Christie's Super-Sized Sale Brings In $231.4 Million
  • Being nice and bright and cheery is not enough in politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we are back to the cheery waiting room with the wall of photos, which seems less delightful now. Times, Sunday Times
  • He vindicated the honour of Warbeach by drinking a match against a Yorkshire skipper till four o'clock in the morning, when it was a gallant sight, my boys, to see Hampshire steadying the defeated North-countryman on his astonished zigzag to his flattish-bottomed billyboy, all in the cheery sunrise on the river -- yo-ho! ahoy! Rhoda Fleming — Complete
  • Down whar the burnie rins whimplin 'and cheery, vol. v., The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volume VI The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century
  • This one has cheery deep yellow flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Woolly gloves in nice cheery colours for the twins, scarves for Dilys and Mam, and a marcasite brooch in case my luck was in with Renée. MR STARLIGHT
  • A cheery little robin hopped down from one of the branches, and sang a few bars of his winter song as if to comfort her; she had gone but a few paces further when she saw the red of his breast repeated in a glimmer of ruddy light in the distance. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • I boarded the Five McAllister, forgetting to say hello to the cheery Muni driver.
  • Lunch arrives fresh and cheery and bright and eager to please. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being nice and bright and cheery is not enough in politics. Times, Sunday Times

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