How To Use Cheering In A Sentence

  • There had been a good deal of joking, both Spanish and English, among the passengers; I had found particularly cheering the richness of a certain machinist’s trousers of bright golden corduroy; but as the shades of night began to embrown the scene our spirits fell; and at the cry of a lonesome bird, far off where the sunset had been, they followed the sun in its sudden drop. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • The flag waving was decorous, the cheering polite and the umpire was never once insulted.
  • Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
  • When I got up to criticise her - which led to cheering and catcalling from there on - Cook simply sat back and kept his head down.
  • There would be no cheering crowd, and maybe that was what he felt now, the metallic taste of battle rage pent up. SONS OF HEAVEN
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  • Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.
  • He was one of the guys whooping and cheering Brett, which didn't say very much for his personality.
  • He's a big name and the crowd will be cheering so it gives us an extra boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • York education bosses were today cheering the news that they have won more than £1 million for new school buildings.
  • Across the street, an equally small group of proponents of the measure continued cheering with each passing car that honked, seemingly unaware of the decision reached inside. Maryland House derails bill that would legalize same-sex marriage
  • Thus we get images of dollar bills followed by cheering crowds, or scenes of violence matched with screenshots of video games.
  • These prejudices are gradually and silently melting away; and it is cheering to see the better feelings of our nature effectively advancing the art to its legitimate place in education, under the guise of gymnastics and callisthenics. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • The cheering swelled through the hall.
  • The fans responded in kind, cheering him and howling with laughter at his relentless japery. Jonah Keri: Tim Raines, Andre Dawson, and Being an Expos Fan
  • Spellbound inmates have been cheering every dialogue and applauding the histrionic skills of actors.
  • Two paviors are washing away their cares with a heart-cheering cup.
  • Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.
  • Scheeringa is particularly concerned about the in-betweeners in the 7-to 11-year-old age group, whose ability to convey PTSD symptoms may not be much more developed than the youngest children.
  • People were shouting and cheering in frenzied exultation.
  • Cheering crowds lined the route.
  • My hair was tousled by cheering crowds who thrust a beer can into my hand and said: 'Welcome to freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thereupon the whole audience began cheering.
  • Singing and dancing may bring pleasure to the public, charity concerts may salve guilty consciences and the world is definitely in need of some cheering up.
  • The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer.
  • She made one hell of an entry - with eight minders, hotel staff greeting her and fans cheering.
  • There were no cheering and jubilant fans waiting for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Natasha had finally halted her cheering and shot Seth a frosty glare.
  • The audience began clapping and cheering.
  • Fairtrade Sunflower Sphere arrangement £30; this incredibly cheering arrangement of sunflowers, two-tone Butler germinis and Set Point alstroemeria guarantees a smile from ear to ear. Archive 2008-02-01
  • As I descended the stairs, I was greeted by a room full of people cheering and singing Happy Birthday.
  • All of these people were ringing cowbells, clapping, and cheering.
  • For the past 20 years, kind-hearted Pat has dedicated her spare time to cheering up patients in Salisbury.
  • By the end of the eighth round the packed hall was cheering, chanting and ululating in appreciation of the slugfest playing out in the ring.
  • The people you would expect to approve are cheering to see their preconceptions confirmed.
  • As Nicholas and Colette gaily threw horseshoes, laughing merrily and cheering the other on, Caroline stood at the back.
  • They are used to having people supporting them, cheering them and obeying orders.
  • The gasping and laughter and cheering were all so in sync, it felt like we all had the same brain! 'Fellowship of the Ring' at Radio City Music Hall: High-class geekery |
  • Amid a spray of spilt drinks and nibbles, much cheering, dancing and backslapping, the unruly crowd vented their delirium in the manner of Indian cricket spectators, setting alight their match programs and letting off fireworks.
  • First it was boys who took to the ramp and in casuals and some in sports gear, they had the audience cheering and clapping.
  • There were no cheering and jubilant fans waiting for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The winning team was greeted by cheering crowds.
  • Tea baggers were cheering, as they defecated in their trousers out of pure joy at the sight of the civilian casualties. Aide: Obama doesn't think tea partiers are racist
  • The royal trio will not run in the marathon for security reasons but will be cheering from the sidelines. Times, Sunday Times
  • When they played the barcarole from Contes d'Hoffman everybody sang it and rose to their feet cheering the beautiful prima donna with whom the song was so closely identified, and who made one of a gay group at a flower-smothered table. The Common Law
  • Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.
  • It just felt so good to be up on stage and have people cheering for me!
  • Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window.
  • You can expect a plethora of them over the festive fortnight, and those with a taste for this kind of television must have been cheering last week.
  • It will root you in your seat, when it doesn't have you on the edge of it, or leaping up and cheering.
  • With the home run king watching and cheering from a front-row seat, Ross delivered again, Matt Cain outdueled Cole Hamels and the San Francisco Giants beat the Philadelphia Phillies 3-0 Tuesday for a 2-1 lead in the NL championship series. Giants Win Game 3, Take 2-1 NLCS Lead
  • Hayley's husband Greg walked along side her for the whole 5km cheering and whistling, providing the encouragement she needed to win.
  • People were shouting and cheering with abandon.
  • They were all helicoptered out and spent their last few days near the finish line, cheering on the teams who made it to the end.
  • The deputation saluted, returned to the fallen-out contingent, which gravely unpiled its arms and marched back to its lines, amid a little desultory cheering from some few by-standers who realised what was taking place. On the Heels of De Wet
  • Yet the old instinct which has made the name of Englishman glorious in the past was there, in the audience before him, and there was "immense cheering," relieved by some slight colubrine demonstrations. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864
  • I love hissing the villainess as she works her evil wiles and cheering when she gets her eventual comeuppance.
  • Professor Ito has solved the puzzle and everyone is cheering.
  • Your house detects you need cheering up, so puts the kettle on and plays your favourite song. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the kids started jumping up and down and cheering and waving.
  • As part of the celebration, a formation of fighter jets roared across the sky to the delight of thousands of cheering spectators. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there was poor old Flashy, caught behind the companies of the 24th as they poured their volley-firing into the "chest" of the Zulu army, cheering and shouting for the ammunition-carriers, and Durnford 's bald forehead glinting in the sun above his splendid whiskers as he pulled his men back to the donga and blazed away at the left "horn" sweeping in towards them. Watershed
  • A throng of cheering fans gathered outside for hours just to catch a glimpse of their hero and 60 guests stayed at the hotel overnight to see him.
  • The show ended up being quite surreal, particularly when after My Coco, the crowd would not stop cheering, seemingly choking up the band and the few longtime fans in the audience.
  • Their manic scramble was a source of considerable mirth to those of us cheering them on.
  • I think there were people who bet against him yesterday who were cheering him past the post.
  • On the picket line there was the deafening sound of car horns tooting support, and strikers cheering, singing and chanting.
  • It's cheering to find that Cole & Son, maker of wallpaper and paint since 1873, is not only back in business after a serious wobble in the late 1990s but is working flat out to meet demand.
  • Neighbors of "Slumdog Millionaire" child actor Mohammed Azharuddin cheering as they watch the Oscars on television in Mumbai on Monday. Slumdog Millionaire
  • In fact it was quite cheering in many ways, that the past isn't just airbrushed away.
  • Winning a match in front of a cheering crowd is just amazing. The Sun
  • And pumped up they are, stomping and cheering, ringing cowbells, and making odd mooing sounds from homemade PVC didgeridoos.
  • President Kennedy was welcomed in the summer of 1962 by a cheering crowd estimated at more than 1 million.
  • He came on stage amid clapping and cheering.
  • He made some measure of pass at me. Given the circumstances of a cheese dip, it was cheering.
  • Now I'm hugging my friends when they have good news and even cheering on bloggers I don't even know who are running into streams of great good luck.
  • The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might.
  • A group of football team nimrods were cheering him on.
  • The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer.
  • “Well,” said Mr. Gresley, refreshed by a cheering retrospects. Red Pottage
  • My hair was tousled by cheering crowds who thrust a beer can into my hand and said: 'Welcome to freedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rocket sex appeal cheering squad MM force dunk shot moment!
  • It's the big climactic chapter that had her first whimpering, then sniffling, and finally cheering.
  • How do you make what amounts to a scoreless tie exciting enough to keep a crowd cheering and applauding for two hours?
  • The ladies' cut has a 3-inch inseam, a drawstring and elastic waistband and for style it has a noticeable V-notch leg for ease of movement for cheering.
  • The demons of hell are having a celebration, cheering the moral bankruptcy of our generation!
  • Most of the people sitting at the bar were cheering on the sports team broadcast on the television, and mainly being sold drink after drink.
  • The game was played in front of a very vocal Brazilian delegation cheering loudly for Argentina.
  • A till was hurled out into the cheering crowd, followed by burgers, potato chips and furniture.
  • At the hippodrome on the city's edge, thousands of cheering and whistling spectators watched about 50 riders, many in red-and-black traditional robes, compete furiously at buzkashi.
  • I looked at the crowd and everyone was cheering for us.
  • It buzzes with life every night, and features a band with a phenomenal balalaika player that has practically everyone on their feet cheering.
  • After the long, corrupt reign of an old debauched Prince, whose vices were degrading to himself and to a nation groaning under the lash of prostitution and caprice, the most cheering changes were expected from the known exemplariness of his successor and the amiableness of his consort. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • The frosh in attendance were loud and boisterous in the early part of the game, cheering their Warriors on.
  • I returned home to cheering news from Kingster, who had kindly e-mailed to let me know just how limited my life expectancy is.
  • Beer-sheba to Horeb -- a wide expanse of sand hills, covered with the retem (not juniper, but broom shrubs), whose tall and spreading branches, with their white leaves, afford a very cheering and refreshing shade. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • To your friends, you are always that loyal companion standing by their side, cheering them up when they're feeling down.
  • Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
  • I, for one, will be at a high school wrestling match cheering on my son (and hopefully 3rd generation t-sip), "crackberry" in hand desperating trying to get updates on the game. The Daily News - News
  • It's all these hate group forming, that cannot be good for the country, with people like Bachman and Palin cheering them on it just makes normal people wonder what is wrong with these people. CNN Poll: Two-thirds say things going badly in nation
  • I've been cheering for that pairing from the beginning. Branded By Fire Spoiler Thread
  • To add to the occasion there was a jazz quartet, playing lively music and cheering people up on an otherwise murky day.
  • Right above our dugout was the Stanford cheering section, where all the family, friends and people associated with the university were sitting. Chicken Soup for The Soul : Moms & Sons
  • As much I detest this president, I hope people have more class than the far left wing did in booing bush. remember you are cheering the "presidency" not the president. Obama will take to mound for presidential tradition
  • An essential part of the mumming tradition was audience participation, with the crowd hissing the dragon and cheering St George to victory, and that's probably where we get our robust pantomime backchat these days.
  • But the crowd never stopped cheering and the day was a wonderful antidote to all that had gone before.
  • The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer.
  • On the first day of the month Lester Piggott, in partnership with The Minstrel, raced to his eighth Derby victory with the Queen cheering him past the post.
  • The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.
  • Thank you to the thousands of people cheering who literally got me to the finish line. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the crowd cheering him loudly after he went ahead 15-40 for his first break point of the set, Agassi sent back a service return that Safin jammed into the net. - Safin ends Agassi's winning streak at the Australian Open
  • Points will be deducted for whooping, cheering, successful tackling, goal scoring or any other overt displays of competence.
  • When the Giants took to the ice, though, she found herself cheering along with the rest of the fans in the rink, yelling and screaming encouragement.
  • And in unsettled times, there's always the option of cheering oneself up by playing ‘who have I outlived?’
  • Taken home by car, he was transferred to an open tourer at the outskirts of Newry, the streets thronged by cheering fans, eager to shake the hero's hand and gain his autograph.
  • It was a psyched crowd watching the American take on the defending champ, with large contingents of both face-painted Americans and Australians cheering on their man.
  • The entire team took a victory lap in front of their cheering fans.
  • Gardens had to wait before they could Join the rest of the country in cheering the new year after a tram driver pulled into a restricted zone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Troops of the 101st, pushing deeper into Najaf, are greeted by cheering crowds.
  • The highlight of the dancing was a man in his eighties who tossed his cane away as he gingerly boogied to the cheering crowd. Levi Ben-Shmuel: Finding Joy On The Sea Of Galilee
  • Around him the crowd was going crazy, whooping and cheering at the top of their lungs.
  • She felt a slight tinge of defeat but then turned to see that over half her studio was cheering on the sidelines.
  • At this point the crowd starts cheering raucously for their fellow Finns.
  • They flocked around, cheering and enthusing over his courage and wisdom.
  • The audience showed its approval by cheering loudly.
  • There were no cheering and jubilant fans waiting for them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thank you so much, Iowa, for standing up and not compromising, by standing up and being bold," Santorum told cheering backers heartened by his virtual photo-finish with rival Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum Iowa Caucus 2012 Results: Candidate Declares 'Game On' Following Iowa Finish
  • Given the circumstances of a cheese dip, it was cheering.
  • Tell us what it is like to be up on that podium with that crowd just going wild and cheering for you?
  • The team returned to Skipton and travelled by charabanc past cheering crowds to a reception at the town hall.
  • Young girls, middle teens probably, some in braids, all in the dress of the period, by the side of a road brandishing small swastika pennants and cheering. Glad to be Wrong about the Election « Blog
  • After a few seconds of silence, the crowd began cheering and whooping for the two warriors.
  • And I sure as hell ain't cheering for yet another whiz-bang computer nerd whose whole job is to magically fill in plot holes the scriptwriters couldn't figure out.
  • The members formed a tunnel and were cheering and applauding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The races caused great excitement with the crowds cheering and hooting for their favourite teams.
  • The sound of the cheering faded in the distance.
  • Yet he did, with an appreciative crowd cheering him on. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yeah, she was a dizzy, out-of-this-world blonde, but she was great to party with, and great for cheering me up.
  • Every space along the route was packed with people - office workers, beery rugger types, cheering pensioners and schoolchildren who really should have been elsewhere.
  • Come to think of it, they probably see the green/white hoops and assume I'm cheering for Ireland.
  • In Loreauville, Louisiana, twenty Republicans, mostly blacks, entered the city cheering and shouting profanities at the amassed Democrats.
  • At that time, women were very restricted in their involvement in racing and Mrs Widdis was unable to be in the Members enclosure, so she was standing in the grandstand with one of her daughters, cheering her horse on.
  • Thereupon the whole audience began cheering.
  • The world is a better place for the removal of his influence, of that I'm certain, but I feel it's a time for grim determination and resolution rather than cheering.
  • Christmas Day passed in burying the dead, whose bodies lay in scores between the trenches; in carol-singing, each side cheering for the other; and in a football match, which the Saxons won. The Christmas Truce | Edwardian Promenade
  • Please fill the Ricoh Arena with tens of thousands of rowdy new fans cheering new glories. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oh, with this view of death and with this hope of joining love's buried ones again, you can gather those that yet remain, and talk to them of those you put, cold and speechless, in their bed of clay; and while their bodies lie exposed to the winter's storm or to the summer's heat, you can point the living to that cheering promise which spans, as with an areole of glory, the graves of buried love; you can tell them they shall meet their departed kindred in a better home. The Christian Home
  • The audience was shouting and cheering.
  • Newspapers carried blow-by-blow descriptions of the battle, and in different quarters of New York, cheering fans toasted the luck of their chosen side.
  • It was a bright April day in Kabul in 1978, but the field right next to the American embassy could have been in Iowa: kids in baseball caps and bright yellow T shirts swinging and missing at baseballs, with proud parents cheering overenthusiastically from the stands. An Afghan Childhood
  • I just need you to help out your brother's team by organizing the kids, administering first aid, cheering them on; that sort of thing.
  • The partisan crowd showed their sportsmanship by loudly applauding victors from other nations and cheering trailing athletes from smaller nations. The Sun
  • She shouted herself hoarse[Sentencedict], cheering on the team.
  • Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., despite his expressed concerns about a "political pep rally" with lawmakers "cheering and hollering" while the court just sits there "expressionless," nevertheless headed, sans pompoms, across First Street to attend. Hanging with the Justices at the SOTU Mixer
  • The simple note of the robin is heard through the gloom, – a cheering sound in these dull hours; perched on the topmost boughs of the trees, they are taking an observation, looking out for a convenient building notch. Rural Hours
  • I loved getting up early on Game Days, preparing for "showtime," cheering for my boys, and of course, watching them win. Buckeyes - Being a Hot Cheerleader Has Its Disadvantages. Like Airplanes to New Orleans
  • As we passed along the road that led in to Hudsons Field, the first runners were already coming out and we broke into applause, cheering them on.
  • They suddenly heard a loud cheering, and possibly a firecracker.
  • They were now pressed together by the tens of thousands, and they exploded in a frenzy of cheering and ululation when he came onstage. Jacob’s Ladder
  • The stadium was four soccer fields in length and five in width and the stadiums were packed with people of all ages and races, cheering on a school.
  • A clamdigger in Maine who is watching this “Scott heard round the world” and cheering like a rabid pantload. Roger L. Simon » Sunday PJM/CrossTarget Poll: Brown up 9.6% among likely voters
  • The young Shanavans also united their boyish voices in a cheering hurra, which was echoed by two mounted policemen that rode beside them. Ralph Rashleigh
  • Bells burst forth into joyful chimes, maroons were exploded, bands paraded the streets followed by cheering crowds of soldiers and civilians and London generally gave itself up wholeheartedly to rejoicing.
  • But if they do go well - shoot, even if the teams falter a bit - there will be cheering.
  • There was none of the cheering and clapping that normally accompany a royal coronation. BLOOD AGAINST THE SNOWS: The Tragic Story of Nepal's Royal Dynasty
  • Half-time was over and I could hear the crowd cheering and jeering.
  • A loud crack was heard above the cheering in the packed pub and 47-year-old Paul let out a yelp.
  • Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window.
  • Surely the most important thing for Catholic bloggers is to emphasise things that are true and large-minded and wise and cheering and beautiful. Archive 2008-10-01
  • The crowds were cheering insanely now, spurred onwards by the exultant actions of the boys, jumping around excitedly.
  • The crowd gasped in surprise, but soon resumed their incessant cheering.
  • It was time for more cappuccino and a cheering change of topic.
  • People from every grade were there, either cheering them on idiotically, or yelling at the seniors to stop immediately, claiming that they would get a teacher.
  • Though the chemistry of the two leads for the most part carries the story, what saves the evening from dullsville is more the enthusiasm of the ensemble cast and the audience cheering them on than our identification with sharply defined characters whose plights are meant to be our own. James Scarborough: The Wedding Singer, Musical Theatre West
  • And if their skills can equal their enthusiasm and desire, you may be seeing more and more women on the gridiron catching touchdown passes instead of on the sidelines cheering on the players.
  • But with the ball at his feet, and the Celtic support cheering him on, the tricks come naturally.
  • Why else would I be cheering on self-promoting snakes like Morgan and reactionary fogeys like Moore?
  • She married Prince Andrew in 1986, and even before they were trolleyed through London in an open-top, horse-drawn carriage in front of cheering crowds there were plenty of people who had doubts about the wisdom of red-head Sarah joining the "royal firm. Sarah Ferguson Caught In Bribery Scandal
  • As we drew closer to the meet-up zone, I began to hear cheering and bullhorns.
  • I hope he wins the glitterball for all us couch potatoes cheering him on. The Sun
  • Loud music and cheering; tons of people clattering into you; oversized cartoon characters bobbing in front of your eyes: no, you're not necessarily on something at a NYE all-nighter, you might actually be at the annual London Parade. This week's new events
  • He must have known that we all needed cheering up as we struggle with the credit crunch and financial doom and gloom. The Sun
  • Girlfriend Shirley, a Bangor fan, will be cheering for the Seasiders.
  • Whoever blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City deserves to be drawn and quartered as cheering throngs watch.
  • I hope he wins the glitterball for all us couch potatoes cheering him on. The Sun
  • Spectators lined the shore cheering as actors in 18th-century style uniforms and three-pointed tricorn hats rowed ashore.
  • There was cheering from the Conservative benches.
  • Last two a couple of weeks ago, hance the need for cheering up. Regretsy – WTF Alchemy Request
  • The members formed a tunnel and were cheering and applauding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Half the crowd erupted into delirious cheering and celebrating; the other half sitting silently in the stands.
  • Thank you to the thousands of people cheering who literally got me to the finish line. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sounds of cheering filtered in through the closed window.
  • When you start the London marathon, you've got crowds cheering, you've got pretty girls giving you isotonic drinks.
  • When others were saluting Boise State's top-five preseason college-football ranking last August, sanctimoniously cheering the possibility of a small school's reaching the title game, we penned a diatribe headlined "The Boise State Nightmare. Honk If You Had This Game in Your Bracket
  • People of all ages stood on the footpaths cheering on the vehicles and their drivers as they passed through the towns generously donating into the collection boxes.
  • There is nothing easier than cheering for the overdog.
  • This may not be a cheering prospect; but we shall at least be freed from the vain search for the undiscovered and undiscoverable essence of the term species.
  • In this community of 3,000 on the Arkansas River, where everyone is cheering on the Hillbillies, the high school football team that made it to the state playoffs, turkey is an industry.
  • While Michael Pfleger's words are offensive, the cheering and applauding from the audience worries even more. Obama takes heat from Catholic League over Pfleger
  • This was a close and exciting game with a huge number of supporters cheering their sides on.
  • Most of those who are cheering England on, wearing a replica football shirt or flying a St George's flag are not right wing nationalists.

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