How To Use Cheer In A Sentence

  • Some lucky local with an open fire had determined the evening warranted a little extra cheer, more than the central heating could provide, and had lit a small blaze on his hearth.
  • The experience was a little like being seated next to a cheerful, open-faced fellow on a long airplane flight who begins talking to you - and then never, ever, ever stops, not even when he has his Salisbury steak dinner in his mouth.
  • Hurrah!" came from the right, and the cheer was taken up from the left, while _crack, crack, crack_, rifles were being brought well into play. Charge! A Story of Briton and Boer
  • Mum has been a lot more cheerful since Quigley was declared bankrupt, insane and guilty of fraud.
  • They were energetic, bright eyed, and cheerful.
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  • A UT cheerleader named Harley Clark syllogized: A & M has a hand sign, A & M is winning, UT has no hand sign, therefore UT is losing.
  • She gave me a cheerful grin and rattled off her past employers, accompanied by a brief biodata, both seemingly satisfying.
  • Cheerful competition between strongmen is harmless enough in times of peace. Times, Sunday Times
  • A year later, in ‘L' Allegro ’, the delphic element had disappeared, and Milton's cheerful man heard ‘Sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native woodnotes wild’.
  • The cheerful room was panelled in pine.
  • February is seldom a month to bring many people much cheer but this year for Championship clubs on the breadline, it will be tougher than ever. Chelsea's £50m deal for Fernando Torres worries Uefa | Digger
  • There's a reason that those invites a fortunate few received, allowing them to attend the après-opening private reception at the latest, greatest Place To Be, the Feral Cheerleader, are tinctured with a hue you cannot find at Sherwin-Williams. James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
  • Onlee citement from himz wuz teh teem wun da match n himz cheered. Meh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Amid fireworks, a color guard and torrents of cheers, 62 former Redskins were introduced on Sunday night at FedEx Field, from Carl Kammerer, who played in 1963, to Darnerien McCants, who retired in 2004. Shanahan, McNabb are helping the Redskins recapture their past
  • Clean and cheerful, the rooms are decorated with children's artwork and handicrafts.
  • He was one of the cheeriest of guys. The Sun
  • A cheery Christmas and the New Year hold lots of happiness for you!
  • Be happy, be cheerful.It's time to celebrate.My friend was born today.Hope your course is charted for lots of luck all the year through.
  • As he completed his speech, the room echoed with applause and cheers of celebration.
  • Instead of being crushed at once, as perhaps the writer expected, it darted forward, quite briskly and cheerfully, at six or seven miles an hour; requiring no spur or admonitive to haste, except the shrieking of the little Egyptian _gamin_, who ran along by asinus's side. "[ Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Three cheers for the winner!
  • Benny and Mark erupted into cheers as Anna ran the bases.
  • We found a cheap and cheerful cafe .
  • An aide said: 'The duchess is cheerful. Times, Sunday Times
  • At fifty years of age, he began to be grievously afflicted with the stone and nephritic colic; but bore with cheerfulness the most excruciating pains of his distemper. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • My son seems much cheerier now, happily, although being me I worry that he is just putting a good face on things so as not to worry me. Fragments From A Week « Tales from the Reading Room
  • “Hi,” she called cheerily and grabbed the broom and began to sweep. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Mom
  • She agreed cheerfully, turning her face up towards the rain, letting the heavy droplets splatter against her drenched face and hair.
  • He loves Anne Garland, but has a rival in his brother Bob, a cheerful, light-hearted sailor.
  • Some cheered at the decision, but the president's decision is unpopular among some parties who priorly bid coalition with Yudhoyono's Democratic Party (Partai Demokrat - PD [id]). Global Voices in English » Indonesia: Central Bank Chief, the next VP?
  • They walked out of the fountain room together, still cheerfully chatting.
  • They cheer as they spill out of their cars, scrambling up the wrought-iron gate and backflipping into the yard like an invading army. THE EXILE OF GIGI LANE
  • The entire crowd of guests cheered and applauded as the two walked towards the dance floor.
  • A great cheer went up from the crowd.
  • Behind her cheerful facade , she's a really lonely person.
  • I'd like to smile and skip down shopping lanes whistling cheerfully but it just isn't in me.
  • Cheerfulness is the best promoter of health.
  • The flag waving was decorous, the cheering polite and the umpire was never once insulted.
  • The nectarean beverage seemed to operate cheerily on the matron's system; and placing her hand on the boy's curly head, she said (like Andromache, Paul Clifford — Volume 01
  • He made our swimming mascot the 'ucker, which was supposed to be a colloquial way of saying "sucker," a trash fish, but was really so we could do our team cheer, "Be tough, be tough, be tough 'uckers" loudly in mixed company. Instead of Doing My Lesson Plan, I Idly Toondoo
  • His strong able-bodied cockswain did good service in cheerfully carrying his much-loved Commander, and they managed to return to the boat, and brought the two bereaved and sorrow-stricken ladies back to the “Pioneer.” A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • The banquet hall was bright and cheerful, full of nobles and lords looking dignified and regal.
  • We'll cheer for your team.
  • The cheerfulness he preached was always qualified by an awareness of the real world's iniquity.
  • Despite the cheers and applause, the officers had their share of mishaps.
  • It is determined to cheer up the region's grumps.
  • With drink and festive cheer in excess, it's easy to throw caution to the wind and find yourself acting recklessly on a Christmas night out.
  • The honest man was grown splenetic: disregarded by every body, he was become disregardful of himself: he hoped for a cure of his gloominess, from her cheerful vein; and seemed to think himself under obligation to one who had taken notice of him, when nobody else would. Sir Charles Grandison
  • I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell.
  • He was of a mild and cheerful temper, generous to the extent of his means, and of an inventive genius; and his conduct after marriage was irreproachable.
  • The candidates were delighted that the public came to cheer them on and present leis of flowers to wish them luck.
  • For what Steyn calls a cheerier take, though, there's this, from some make-pretend academic on the wingnut gravy train: Firedoglake
  • That there's a knife-rest, sor," said the ugliest cheerful man — or the cheerfullest ugly man — Kellen had ever seen. The Outstretched Shadow
  • Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.
  • I didn't go to the prom and I wasn't a cheerleader.
  • He was a cheerful, gregarious man, as endlessly curious as a cat, highly emotional and susceptible.
  • Despite the skill with which Jellicoe and Beatty had enmeshed the High Seas Fleet, Iron Duke had fired only nine salvos when Scheer turned his ships around and vanished into the mist. Castles of Steel
  • Testament to all of this are the ear splitting cheers to which Jon-Lee exits the stage.
  • My dog came and nuzzled my foot to try and cheer me up.
  • A cheer went up from the Democratic side when the amendment was voted down.
  • But their leaders were full of admiration for their pluck and cheerful acceptance of the conditions.
  • The Sarsfields however will be hoping to meet the challenge head on and they will be looking for a big support to cheer them on for what is undoubtedly their biggest game of the year.
  • When I got up to criticise her - which led to cheering and catcalling from there on - Cook simply sat back and kept his head down.
  • When the police were leaving the women clapped and cheered. Times, Sunday Times
  • The atmosphere is decidedly creepy as the increasingly inventive deaths take place against a backdrop of innocent carols, glittering tinsel and good cheer. The Sun
  • The normally cheerful blond felt chilled by the expression on Lukas' face.
  • She's been supporting the new album and is his biggest cheerleader. The Sun
  • From rowing lake and canoe rapids to velodrome and swimming pool, the cheers of frenzied spectators have been spine-tingling. The Sun
  • But Dominic Iglesias made effort to comfort him, speaking not uncheerfully, determining even to fight the fatigue and weakness which, as he could not but own, daily increased on him, if only for the sake of this faithful and simple adherent. The Far Horizon
  • When I ask if it has been going for three months, her cheerful voice fades to caution. Times, Sunday Times
  • A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.
  • If doctors fail thee, be these three thy doctors; rest, cheerful-ness, and moderate diet. 
  • I went outside to nip at a cigar before the show began, and I found myself filled with vim & cheer - hey, this was going to be fun!
  • Venetians cheered from the rooftops as the docks burnt but the medieval city escaped damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Christmas comes but once a year.But when it comes it brings good cheer.
  • After the drivers were introduced by a traveling emcee called ‘The Motor Mouth,’ an invocation and the national anthem, cars left at one-minute intervals to cheers from the crowd.
  • He was delighted to hear a cheery yodel. Times, Sunday Times
  • She teaches how to continue with discretion what is thoughtlessly undertaken; she inclines the mind to cleave steadfastly to what was imposed upon it by authority; and imparts to a choice which, though rash at the time, is now irrevocable, all the sanctity, all the advisedness, and, let us say it boldly, all the cheerfulness of a lawful calling. Chapter X
  • Everyone cheered when we went back in to resume the game but we just laughed it off. The Sun
  • He is in a cheerful mood. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crowd cheered on the unknown Tunisian, hoping for a fairy-tale ending to the race.
  • Special events held at the school are real treats for the kids, bringing joy and cheer into their lives.
  • More than 10,000 Ellen fans recently turned out to cheer on their hero as she sailed her trimaran from Greenwich to Tower Bridge along the River Thames.
  • The small sofa on which she had placed herself had the form to which the French give the name of _causeuse_; there was room on it for just another person, and Ransom asked her, with a cheerful accent, if he might sit down beside her. The Bostonians, Vol. II (of II)
  • When piper played cheerly, and crusie burned bright, Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 3
  • There would be no cheering crowd, and maybe that was what he felt now, the metallic taste of battle rage pent up. SONS OF HEAVEN
  • But her aunt's intimations, coupled with the cheerful prattle of her French governess, Elise, had fired Anna's imagination. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • His manner was rather that of a music hall artist, complacent, even cheerful, as his one-liners provoked from his audience the rejoinders he sought.
  • Colors also step away from the original blue and silver, with Retro packaged in a more cheerful teal.
  • Such are your own and your friends’ impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery — too volatile and versatile — too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • Hope you would have enjoyed your long break in cheerful way. Chunda
  • No, Sarge,' he repeated, feeling for some reason slightly cheered up. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Around others at the wharves was the cheery hum of contented labor. War-time sketches : historical and otherwise,
  • The housebreaker's unclean face was still cheerful and mocking, although a slow worry had begun gathering at its edges. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • BRITAIN'S business leaders were cheered yesterday with a triple whammy of bright economic news. The Sun
  • The crowd stood and cheered when the two appeared together, Romo sporting a choppy bob instead of her famous long locks.
  • Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.
  • They cheerfully hailed us in Dari, then Urdu, then broken English.
  • At that moment, his was a saint's blithesome face, loose and half a-smile with the generosity of his gift and with a becoming neutrality toward his own abilities, as if he had long since cheerfully submitted to knowing that however well he rendered a piece, he could always imagine doing better. Cold Mountain
  • Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers.
  • He is someone who starts off bright, cheerful and confident and then has everything taken away from him.
  • Oddly, they don't return my cheery waves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Little Women is a cheerful, wholesome account of the daily life of a highly principled family.
  • As he was announced the winner to a huge cheer, he looked astonished.
  • Can we talk about a more cheerful subject?
  • He was one of the guys whooping and cheering Brett, which didn't say very much for his personality.
  • He is a kind of bewhiskered Sir Galahad who goes in quest of Trilby instead of the Holy Grail, and having found her, sits down on her bed and cheers her up while she kisses and caresses him. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
  • He was cheered to the echo and, a trifle remarkably, joyously, and continually, waved to the thousands who were acclaiming him.
  • Two of them then, equally cheerily, climbed into his bed (the third crashed out on the sofa).
  • He's a big name and the crowd will be cheering so it gives us an extra boost. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wore their red and white colours with pride, enjoyed their success with shouts and cheers.
  • He is a utility player who has quickly impressed Reds bosses with his cheery personality and trademark smile.
  • In fact, there were cheers and catcalls and laughs scattered throughout the performances - a welcome change from fancy dancy, high-class outings.
  • It can be more if the landlord is full of good cheer and less if he is not. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the lights went down, the cheers went up and Madonna was lowered onto the stage inside a giant glitterball. Heat exhaustion on a dance floor « Sven’s guide to…
  • Nor do they return the cheery wave of the locals who have graciously made way. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cheer went up from the worshippers, who donned masks of animal heads.
  • More reasons to be cheerful include more meals being made from fresh ingredients, a sign of the pleasures of home and hearth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless your reason for living is to play the foil to a self-described cheerio pisser, just let it pass. Matthew Yglesias » The Problem With Political Journalism
  • Statistics from the afternoon game are just a snapshot of the Mets' 1991 season, when both the left-handed hurler and his team, the one he had cheered for as a boy, collapsed. Clout for the Cyclones
  • Knots of spectators were there to cheer me on aggressively, and by 10 miles I had caught Peter.
  • It is hoped that lots of supporters will come to cheer us along.
  • Unless your reason for living is to play the foil to a self-described cheerio pisser, just let it pass. Matthew Yglesias » The Problem With Political Journalism
  • Traders and residents are being warned the city will be drab and cheerless if funds are not found to pay for proper illuminations.
  • ” Utterson was amazed; the dark influence of Hyde had been withdrawn, the doctor had returned to his old tasks and amities; a week ago, the prospect had smiled with every promise of a cheerful and an honoured age; and now in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked. Remarkable Incident of Dr
  • York education bosses were today cheering the news that they have won more than £1 million for new school buildings.
  • He said he was thankful to his teachers, who had encouraged him and cheered him up when he was unhappy.
  • The sound of cheers and shouts echoed throughout the whole gym.
  • Across the street, an equally small group of proponents of the measure continued cheering with each passing car that honked, seemingly unaware of the decision reached inside. Maryland House derails bill that would legalize same-sex marriage
  • Chile begin tentatively but some brassy moves at the back seem to invigorate the frontman and he rewards us with some classy moves – cheered on by his fellow players. Pop World Cup 2010: Group H – Chile 1 Honduras 3 | FreakyTrigger
  • -- In Act Two, a immature Pompey is in fighting behind opposite a triumvirate of Octavius, Antony as good as Lepidus, fervent to rehabilitate a reputation of his father, once cheered by a Roman mob, killed in conflict by Julius Caesar. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Thus we get images of dollar bills followed by cheering crowds, or scenes of violence matched with screenshots of video games.
  • Without exception they were bright and cheery, and full of hope and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were scattered groans from the Petrocchis, and cheers, not quite certain and even more scattered, from the Montanas. THE MAGICIANS OF CAPRONA
  • All late morning and early afternoon long, Ernie puts on his cheerful song and dance routine while carefully layering the ingredients on fresh-baked buns in what he calls the rainbow effect -- a special order as to what ingredients goes on from first to last. Tom Keshishian: Ernie's Market: A Slice of Americana, Baby
  • To cheer himself up he spends the money he manages to earn on booze instead of food. Times, Sunday Times
  • They do it cheerfully, and, strange to say, are as careful not to be "hived" as The colored cadet at West Point : autobiography of Lieut. Henry Ossian Flipper, U. S. A., first graduate of color from the U. S. Military Academy,
  • Such a success story, so unapologetically, cheerfully puerile.
  • Johnny was refusing to eat his Cheerios and was squirming in his chair as his mother tried to feed him.
  • And when I bought those horrible little overdyed red saveloy thingees at the butcher, no one had any idea what the “cheerio” was that I asked for but instead offered me “little boys” – sigh I say pyjama…
  • These prejudices are gradually and silently melting away; and it is cheering to see the better feelings of our nature effectively advancing the art to its legitimate place in education, under the guise of gymnastics and callisthenics. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • A great cheer went up from the crowd as they caught sight of their idol.
  • They will be hoping to have a full strength squad to choose from and hopefully a big crowd will turn out to lend their support and cheer the Sarsfields on to what we hope will be a victory.
  • While the announcement of the results brought cheer to some, many others looked crestfallen.
  • She has precious little to be cheerful about.
  • A cheer went up from the other passengers.
  • Two or three athletes, who stood erect on their boards as they swept exultingly shorewards, were received with ringing cheers by the crowd. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • It's true that the atmosphere back in the office when I got back wasn't quite as cheery as the one when I left.
  • The cheering swelled through the hall.
  • Pupils have brought some traditional festive cheer to a small rural village, by repairing nativity figures and a crib.
  • When we reconnected at a Middlebury Christmas party a couple of years ago, she informed me, being perhaps slightly under the influence of holiday cheer, that her self-confident college persona had been a ruse—that she was insecure, alienated and frankly didn't know how to have a good time. She's Gone to the Dogs
  • The fans responded in kind, cheering him and howling with laughter at his relentless japery. Jonah Keri: Tim Raines, Andre Dawson, and Being an Expos Fan
  • Our pleasant duties over, we looked into the cheerful glow of the turf sods while I read aloud Thackeray's Peg of Limavady. Penelope's Irish Experiences
  • It seemed a bright and cheerful cloth and one well suited to your color. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • What would be the point of Blackburn fans rejoicing in the victory over the ‘old enemy’ if many can't be bothered to cheer the side on to a potential semi-final clash at the Millennium Stadium?
  • The concert hall resounded with cheers and applause.
  • He is despised by the overwhelming majority of the population, and most of them will secretly cheer if he gets a drubbing at the hands of the protestors.
  • This weekend in sickening episode of political cynicism Livingstone cheerleaders dragged out the corpse of Stephen Lawrence onto the stage courtesy of his duped mother. Black Issues or White Guilt
  • The goal is to pair patients with books which will serve as an inspiration for them to get better - or at least cheer them up.
  • DR STEVE HAGEMOSER, TREATS PTSD VICTIMS IN IOWA: We don't use the word cheerer (ph) with our veterans, but we do like to let them know the truth that there is life after PTSD. CNN Transcript Dec 13, 2005
  • These are low-fi tunes, sometimes slouching, sometimes cheery, more subdued and experimental than usual. The Sun
  • There was always great excitement among the fans just before game time as people arrived by horseback and in tally-hos or fancy carriages to cheer for their favorite team.
  • Spellbound inmates have been cheering every dialogue and applauding the histrionic skills of actors.
  • Delaunay's bright, geometric gouache, watercolor and black crayon "Rythme couleur, Paris" (1966) is estimated at £20,000-£30,000; carrying the same estimate will be Otto Freundlich's cheerful pastel "Cosmic Rainbow" (1922). Tips to Starting a Collection
  • And despite their efforts at good cheer, the atmosphere in the dang now was somber.
  • A cheerful wood-fire blazed in the capacious hearth; a little at one side an old-fashioned table, with richly-carved legs, was placed -- destined, no doubt, to receive the supper, for which preparations were going forward; and ranged with exact regularity, stood the tall-backed chairs, whose ungracefulness was more than counterbalanced by their comfort. The Purcell Papers, Volume II
  • Hakim Amir said ... assalamualaikum, lama tak borak .. jersey france ni kira antara yang paling klasik ... take care mie! cheers France 1998 World Cup team Adidas team kits
  • According to Foxe, Elizabeth's servants "entertained and cheered" the commissioners "as appertained to their honors. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • PP aka greeny cheersRe: Pursuit of HappinessRe: Pursuit of Happiness Undefined
  • Always self-deprecating and modest, he fought bravely a long struggle against cancer, remaining cheerful and full of amusing unrepeatable anecdotes.
  • We will miss him as a worker amongst us and also as a cheerful friend who could always brighten the day around here.
  • So much for the cheery welcome of the English wayside inn. Times, Sunday Times
  • So you cheer up, an 'somet'ing sure to come ob it; an' if not'ing comes ob it, w'y, de cheerin 'up hab come ob it anyhow. The Middy and the Moors An Algerine Story
  • Day after day there was an old Irish labourer, a stonebreaker, by the wayside, kneeling on a sack beside a great heap of stones, who gave her a cheery good-morrow as she passed. The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius
  • You put a little of water in their terrarium, and you can put a log in there for them, and then feed them like some little bit of bread and Cheerios.
  • Two paviors are washing away their cares with a heart-cheering cup.
  • Such are your own and your friends 'impressions; and behold! there starts up a little man, differing diametrically from all these, roundly charging you with being too airy and cheery -- too volatile and versatile -- too flowery and coloury. Villette
  • Enlist the help of a life coach, friend, or family member to cheer you on in support.
  • It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.
  • Cheering crowds greeted their arrival.
  • Scheeringa is particularly concerned about the in-betweeners in the 7-to 11-year-old age group, whose ability to convey PTSD symptoms may not be much more developed than the youngest children.
  • He appreciated the mixture of cheers and booing from the audience. Globe and Mail
  • One of the biggest cheers of the first period came when the linesman slipped and gave a thumbs-up to the crowd. The Sun
  • Jessica had gotten into her perky attitude, and was waving her green and white pompoms in the air even when they weren't doing a choreographed cheer.
  • The scary bits created tense silence, while relieved cheers followed the good moments.
  • He raised the pole above his head, drove the spike into a log at his feet, shinnied up the pole, and to a chorus of cheers, bowed as he stood upon the far side, triumphant.
  • SO was there sikerness made on both parties that no treason should be wrought on neither party; so then the knights departed and made them ready, and that night Sir Uwaine had great cheer. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • For the pretty 23-year-old used to be a rugby league cheerleader and regularly performed on the pitch with pompoms at home and away matches.
  • They heard his cheerful voice coming from within as he hailed the proprietor of the establishment.
  • Our spirits, however, were much cheered by hearing that the sultan had received a letter from a seyyid at Meshed (probably the nice one who had been in India and had leprosy in his legs), telling him how very badly the sultan of Hagarein had behaved about us. Southern Arabia
  • By the time the senator had finished his 20-minute address, the cheers had turned to angry jeers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crowd cheered the winning hit.
  • In the trees outside, a flock of birds was already warbling a cheerful morning chorus. Secrets of the Soil
  • I will investigate the links and come back with yet more half-baked questions, I imagine… cheers chaps!
  • But the desire to make things palatable and shiny and cheerful needs to be resisted. Christianity Today
  • Everybody cheers and takes another chug of their beer.
  • People were shouting and cheering in frenzied exultation.
  • She has an infectious humour, a hearty laugh and can fill a room with her cheerful personality.
  • Oddly, they don't return my cheery waves. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can also cheer on England while saving cash. The Sun

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