How To Use Cheep In A Sentence
Ai fink dey yoost 2 bye up spaer seets on playnes an sell dem cheep, but dey woz nawt eggsaklee abuv bored.
Captalist cat has 2 bukkits - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Coward! Poltroon !'squeaked Reepicheep. " Give me my sword and free my paws if you dare.
A few birds cheeped in bird innocence, but that was the only sound as the man sauntered toward that purse like some tough sheriff in a Western, though then again, maybe it was just the leather chaps, well, chapping, that made him walk that way.
The Six Rules of Maybe
cheepy-teet-teet" of the Pine Grosbeak, only louder and more broken, changing to the jingling of Blackbirds in spring, mixed with some Bluejay "jay-jays," and a Robin-like whistle; then I saw that it came from a Northern Shrike on the bushes just ahead of us.
The Arctic Prairies : a Canoe-Journey of 2,000 Miles in Search of the Caribou; Being the Account of a Voyage to the Region North of Aylemer Lake
a little "cheeping" cry of complaint at having their repose disturbed.
Little Folks A Magazine for the Young (Date of issue unknown)

In spring, birds nested in the eaves, the twitterings, cheepings and chorus of birdsong wrecking the soundtrack.
With maxixe (pronounced mah-SHEESH '), Mangan and others at UMass grow chipilin (cheep-LEEN'), a legume from Mexico and Central America; jilo (hee-LOH '), an eggplant-like crop grown in Brazil and West Africa; and hierba mora (eer-BAH' MOR-rah), a member of the tomato family.
Ethnic Food: Farmers Find A Future In Immigrant Vegetables
By two hands a cave, and a bridge, cheeper line up from the hole drill.
Finally replete and satiated, the bronze bird cheeped happily, mouth opening to reveal four flat, stubby teeth.
Five minutes later, the alarm wakes him again, cheeping insistently like a mechanical bird.
There was not a cheep out of her, not a sulk or a pout until the euphoria began to wane.
The chicks had been downy and charming, and cheeped sweetly with their permanently open mouths.
Gleefully, my offspring grabs at the gobbets of uncooked lamb, squeaking and cheeping as she voraciously devours her meal in a matter or a few minutes.
Even last night, in all the kerfuffle, there was hardly a cheep out of her.
There are market crosses, called "cheeping" crosses after the
English Villages
Sum yeers ago, wehn Canada still had teh Armee in Germanee an Frawnce, we wud go to teh Canadian PX an get bagz full ov awl kinds ov Twynings – fur reel cheep!
Bwavo - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
If free will had ever been more than a myth, I would be out there right now, weaving flight paths with my buddies, cheeping in joy at my incomparable skill.
Here Comes Another Lesson
Mr Soal said Mr Scheepers was one of the most "verligte" party members, which was reflected by his land reform views.
ANC Daily News Briefing
How do you do it? cheeped the Gripes in a wherry whiggy maudelenian woice and the jack - asses all within bawl laughed and brayed for his intentions for they knew their sly toad lowry now.
Finnegans Wake
Newer: this weekend is all about … big and what great stuff is and what great stuff is there to write about tonight? so yeah, a web log is cheep therapy, not good writing. what else is new? it’s the same sort of brain spillage that has always filled my various diaries - I’m just more self-consious … because I do know that it’s public. that’s actually a weird part of the appeal.
And what great stuff is - emergency weblog; or: epersonae; or: elaine nelson
I let out a few screams when one flapped their wings and chittered and cheeped at me.
It's not a bad thing -- a while wi 'a lass after the horses are bedded and foddered, but horses first; and as for Joseph "-- his smile broadened until I could see his teeth --" if it had been Dauvit the leddy had met on the stair, the meenisters wid never hiv heard a cheep about it ....
The McBrides A Romance of Arran
Quality leather work gloves are a good thing too … used the cheepy ones yesterday tilling the garden and yup you guessed it … blisters all over the hands.
Lone Star Times
Yes | No | Report from radam wrote 13 weeks 6 days ago good way to keep it cheep is to make your own. every year when i go pheasant hunting i collect a few feathers and use them for flys in the up comming year
Hey i want to know what flies are the best for trout so i don't spend my time and money on flies i dont need.
Paralysed from the neck down, all I could do was to emit more cheeps.
um..yeah. olive garden is not expensive it's quite cheep acutally. & olive garden is the best italian place in this world. so whatever you say about it..olive garden is fine!
Olive Garden vs. C&O Trattoria, Marina Del Rey - Who's more Italian?
The eggshells crackled, and the turkey babies fluttered and cheeped and snuggled against me.
'Cheep, cheep ," Chiku peeped, and ignored the filthy look Sharon shot her way.
That's a nice "cheep" Halloween getting to reuse all the costumes, I wish we didn't have to buy any, but Andrew has just grown to much.
Green Halloween
'Cheep, cheep ," Chiku peeped, and ignored the filthy look Sharon shot her way.
In a few days, the curls will unfurl and get rough, turning the precious karakul pelt into cheep sheepskin.
How does cheeper prevent summer virus sex encephalitis?
House sparrows sing by stringing together a variety of cheeps, chirps and ‘chissiks’, and flocks can make a loud noise during courtship rituals.
The choice draws content leaves imaginary space to cheeper, it is the premise that develops creativity.
And then he gets home from work and parks his backside in front of the telly and I don't get a cheep out of him all night.
The Grosbeak's note is described by different observers as a shrill _cheepy tee_ and a frog-like _peep_, while one writer remarks that the males have a single metallic cry like the note of a trumpet, and the females a loud chattering like the large Cherry Birds.
Birds Illustrated by Color Photography [August, 1897] A Monthly Serial designed to Promote Knowledge of Bird-Life
There is one particularly loud and insistent cheep cheep that I wish I could identify.
True, these pets may have heard their parents 'calls before they were taken from the nest, but it is not at all likely that they would have remembered them, for at first they only "cheeped" after the manner of most bantlings, and only a good while afterward did they fall to using the adult chirp.
Our Bird Comrades
I let out a few screams when one flapped their wings and chittered and cheeped at me.
The only problem was that my hearing aid kept cheeping feedback at me, so I had to remove it, but I was still able to enjoy the music with the good ear ...
Archive 2009-04-01
The A group contractor labor bill is much higher and the work goes faster but we chose the "cheep" route as my husband was on site full time to supervise and we have the philosophy, more time than money.
Time urgency and cultural differences
The air is full of the rattle of the cicada, which is like the sound of a loud cricket, or the 'r-- r' of a corncraik's note going on for ever and ever; and the house lizard in the church goes cheep -- cheep -- cheep every now and then.
From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
Even last night, in all the kerfuffle, there was hardly a cheep out of her.
There was a quarter moon shining, the stars came out, the crickets cheeped.
My wife loves watching cheep celeb telly, money; weight and fame generally ooze from the TV.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Today’s Comic: “People are lame”
Reepicheep hops into his coracle and paddles over the wave to the paradise beyond.
Well, heres 3 lures you have to use: needle fish, kastmaster and silver pencil popper. you'll catch stripers and blues left and right. also try live eels, they are great for stripers. for gear just strap on some waders and a cheep rain jacket, big surf cating rod and your good to go.
I am going to Newport Rhode Island for a few days in the end of August. Does anyone have suggestions for surf fishing?
If you think nature sounds CDs are merely soft, relaxing waterfalls and bird cheeps to calm you down after a long hard day, listen again.
As the mechanical creatures quietened, a faint cheep could be heard, then a sort of indignant squawk.
Even last night, in all the kerfuffle, there was hardly a cheep out of her.
(*Danss, puff, puff*) Teh liddul gurl at teh till sayd “Oh themz are cheep” (but in English *Danss, danss, shimee*) an ai, eeger to spred teh gud news sayd “O aise goin to use them 4 a stirrer in hawt choklit. ( in English agen, danss puff*) and did a liddul mime, sort ov, cos she was lukin blank.
And now witness the power of this fully armed - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Maybe just put the pill in cheep cider - better targeting of the population in question. on August 3, 2006 at 7: 58 pm | Reply Daisy
But all I heard was the cheeping of birds and the occasional scuttering of small animals along the forest floor.
The Children of the Lost
Its centerpiece was a cracked glass vase brimming with fake Hawaiian leis and a bouquet of cheep plastic flowers.
The little birds in the tree kept up a constant cheep of complaint, but it didn't break cover.
She looked at Cheepy-cheepy lying next to the bereaved mother and hollowed her cheeks; a hungry look widened her eyes slightly although they were practically buried in crinkles.
Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
cheep is the salutation of the newcomer, the emigrant, the casual at the gates of the new world.
The resulting percussion sounded like a gunshot in the relatively tight quarters; the bird panicked and flew back into the window, where it cheeped pathetically and skittered along the windowsill.
October 24th, 2005
They nod eagerly, cheeping and chirping, “Yes-yes-yes!”
Myne having lots uv toys, an still steel teh cheepy kwik-an-eezy wuns ai make!
Just doing my part. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Even last night, in all the kerfuffle, there was hardly a cheep out of her.
Those slender birds with narrow wings, with the white patches on the wings, that soar around in the evening, making nasal "cheep" sounds?
Grouse Diary Entry
But as they grew, they took to following me everywhere, first cheeping like the tinkling of little bells, later clucking in animated adult discussion.
Talk is cheep. But it can save priceless lives.
Traditional silk is an evergreen commodity and the latest styles in Kacheepuram, Valkalam, Puttapakka, Venkatagiri and the likes are always in demand.
Even last night, in all the kerfuffle, there was hardly a cheep out of her.
a sudden babble of cheepy voices, and simultaneously Sarah cried:
Australia Felix
A few birds cheeped in bird innocence, but that was the only sound as the man sauntered toward that purse like some tough sheriff in a Western, though then again, maybe it was just the leather chaps, well, chapping, that made him walk that way.
The Six Rules of Maybe
A faint warm breeze stirred the hairs on his arm as the navy blue sky turned to black as the cicadas cheeped like mobile ringtones.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Small Pepsi challenge.
The term "Piyo" means to cheep, which is sure to be what you'll hear inside your head once you see this adorable calendar.
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A young woman with bright red lips and a high-pitched cheep of a voice flew at me.
The swallow settled down next to him, cheeping softly at him as if she trusted this human and knew him.
As you follow it along the street you begin to hear the cheeps and trills of other birds launching into a discordant chorus.
Under Mr. Scheepbouwer, KPN 's share price recovered from € 2 ($2.80) in September 2001 to € 11.5 now, after crashing from a high of € 70 when the Internet bubble burst in 2000.
KPN Taps Veteran as New CEO
'Cheep, cheep ," Chiku peeped, and ignored the filthy look Sharon shot her way.
There are other sounds, now that the shrill cry of the hyla is stilled -- the cawing of crows beyond the wood, the scratching of a beetle in the crisp leaves, the cheep of a prying chickadee, the tiny chirrup of a cricket in the grass -- remnants of sounds from the summer, and echoes as of single strings left vibrating after the concert is over and the empty hall is closed.
The Hills of Hingham
:: And alle men that herden wondriden, and of these thingis that weren seid to hem of the scheephirdis.
Making Light
What They cannot know is that dumbness—Cheepness—sincere and vital ignorance—reveal far more about the interestingly violent and taboo world around us than any overpriced geegaw that Pincritics have told us is “art” or “science.”
The Book of the SubGenius
However, he reached the point as which he aimed, but he had not been there a minute before he heard that peculiar sound of heavy blocks working, _cheep, cheep, cheep_.
The Three Midshipmen
If the world economy continues to wither, stimulosus attempts by encouraging Detroit to have fuel efficient cars and tax credits for homeowners to weatherize homes will backfire because a bad world economy means temporarily plenty of cheep fuel.
Terror Twilight | ATTACKERMAN
Can anyone explain to me why you used the word cheep?
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
For a while, an hour and a half, though she did not know it, until the men came in from the fields trailing dust and slapping their stomachs, Rupban clutched Cheepy-cheepy's limp and bony neck and said only "Coming, coming" to all inquiries about the bird.
Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
The air is full of the rattle of the cicada, which is like the sound of a loud cricket, or the 'r-- r' of a corncraik's note going on for ever and ever; and the house lizard in the church goes cheep -- cheep -- cheep every now and then.
From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
She looked at Cheepy-cheepy lying next to the bereaved mother and hollowed her cheeks; a hungry look widened her eyes slightly although they were practically buried in crinkles.
Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
She made about five and was on the sixth when she heard something fall on the floor and a frightened cheep from the other room.
Perhaps this marks a new beginning, a piercing of the hide that will bring a frenzy of feeding on the dead wood beneath, the excavating of nest holes for cheeping babies to come.
Country diary: Bedfordshire
Cheepy-cheepy, you are old and stringy," she said, calling the bird by name as she always did, "but I would like to eat you, indigestion or no indigestion.
Excerpt: Brick Lane by Monica Ali
Pots clattered; hatchlings cheeped with single-minded fury.
Snarkometer #24
Cheepers reached over and pushed the button on top of the pen that made the ballpoint of the pen come out.
Christine remembered teaching Zack and Lolly, then five and four, to recognize the quirky cheeping: quick three beers, quick THREE beers.
Without A Trace
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The mother bird and a few others were on the roof of the house next door, cheeping with distress.