How To Use Cheekbone In A Sentence

  • Marya shook her head, her neatly bobbed dark hair brushing against high cheekbones.
  • His face was smooth and beardless, a testament to his youth, with high cheekbones and a delicate looking nose and mouth.
  • He's got more cheekbone than Snoop, bloodshot and rheumy eyes, and he's wearing a scruffy black overcoat and woolly hat.
  • Peachy tones look great on most complexions (or dab a bronzy shade on eyelids, cheekbones and lips), while a frosty white tone adds instant sexiness to darker complexions.
  • The hollows beneath his cheekbones showed his stress.
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  • Revlon Skin Brightening powder dusted lightly over your decollete and cheekbones should be lovely, and an eyelash curler and waterproof brown mascara will keep your lashes visible and unsmeared by tears of joy. Wedding Make-Up: Pastors Can Help!
  • Her face seemed thinner, the high cheekbones more prominent somehow.
  • Its face was chalk white with lurid spots of rouge on the cheekbones. TALES OF THE CITY
  • She sketched the lines of his cheekbones and carefully shaded in the delicate curve of his upper lip.
  • One had a cut above his cheekbone like an old duelling scar. SKORPION'S DEATH
  • He had high cheekbones and did not have a weak chin.
  • Just draw a diagonal line under your cheekbones and blend. Times, Sunday Times
  • This beautiful, green-eyed film star with the perfect cheekbones might seem more obviously at home in a ballgown in some 1940s Hollywood melodrama or film noir than in a pinny in a school in northern Scotland.
  • I would recognize the slanted eyes, the dark glistening skin and the high cheekbones anywhere.
  • Kicks of warm colour were added by dusting bronzer on parts of the face cheekbones. The Sun
  • She went on playing, one prominent cheekbone dusted orange by the candlelight.
  • With your prominent cheekbones and square jaw, you need to soften your look by avoiding glasses that are sharp and angular. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the back of the room sat a handsome young man playing the gusla and singing, apparently the proprietor, and two very pretty young women, all with that characteristically Slav look which comes from the pulling of the flesh down from the flat cheekbones by the tense pursing of the mouth. Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: Part V
  • Then, with a blush brush, gently apply a light pink color along cheekbones.
  • Those eyes were deep pools of cocoa brown and set over well chiseled cheekbones and a straight aquiline nose that was shadowed by a ghost of a goatee.
  • She looked thinner than before - her eye sockets were more pronounced, as were her cheekbones.
  • A close-up on Mr. Kim's face showed what looks like a large bruise on his right cheekbone that appeared after he reportedly fell ill in 2008.
  • High, sculpted cheekbones, large, dark eyes and, boy, could she pack a punch.
  • Apply it lightly to the apples of the cheeks, rather than in diagonal stripes under the cheekbone. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had an angular face with prominent cheekbones.
  • She gave me a vigorous 15-minute facial massage that made frown lines fade and cheekbones appear. Times, Sunday Times
  • When our smiles are false, the corners of the mouth are drawn toward the ears by the zygomaticus major, which stretches from the corner of the mouth to the cheekbone. Undefined
  • She suffered a suspected fractured cheekbone and claimed to have had blurred vision and numbness in her face following the fracas.
  • His skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones.
  • Her raven hair and high cheekbones gave her a striking look. Times, Sunday Times
  • His nose was hawkish but it suited him, as did the high cheekbones and cynical quirk of his mouth.
  • But now the erupted capillaries on his nose and across his cheekbones revealed a different sort of appreciation. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • She is a tall, elegant woman with fine cheekbones and smooth pale skin.
  • Rub some color straight from the bullet of your lipstick onto your first two fingers, then gently pat it onto your cheekbones and tap to blend.
  • The president of the bank was a hard-faced aesthete with cheekbones so deeply indented that he appeared skull-like under harsh ceiling lights.
  • Ed's incredibly distinguished-looking; elegant, a young forty-one, with strong cheekbones and an aquiline nose. RESCUING ROSE
  • He had dark red hair and rather elven looking features - high cheekbones, sharp chin.
  • Dressed all in black with high-heeled boots, her hair is scraped back in a ponytail, revealing sculpted cheekbones.
  • Why hide razor-sharp cheekbones and perfect pout behind middle-aged fringed follicles? Times, Sunday Times
  • He is handsome, with high cheekbones, a strong chin, and a shock of thick hair, and he stares with a slight frown at something in the distance.
  • I stare at the high cheekbones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her face would be pale except for two red spots high on her cheekbones.
  • He, too, was attacked and suffered a fractured cheekbone. Times, Sunday Times
  • They'd also left two gouges running diagonally across the cheekbone down to the jaw.
  • The shadows on his face accentuated his chiselled cheekbones and chin, and his uncombed hair hung over his face.
  • His leg was broken, his cheekbone and nose fractured and he spent eight days in hospital.
  • Her eyes gleamed above those remarkable high cheekbones of hers.
  • Her face was perfectly formed with high cheekbones and tanned smooth skin.
  • Dark shading created sharp cheekbones of elfin faces, softer blending produced squashier, round ones.
  • Golf is a thoroughly national game; it is as Scotch as haggis, cockie - leekie, high cheekbones, or rowanberry jam. Lost Leaders
  • Her high cheekbones will keep her looking fresh-faced but deep grooves will emerge on the sides of her mouth. The Sun
  • He had sharp features, with very high definition cheekbones and a sharply defined chin.
  • I had a fractured cheekbone and eye socket. The Sun
  • Shadows and negative space create daft hallows of his beautiful shapes, in her eyes, there were no shapes as reticent and mature as the ones that outlined cheekbones, eye sockets and the willowed depth bellow his chin. Whispering to the Creature, “You are the Reason the World Is…”
  • It was an almost unreasonably handsome face, the sharp chiseled cheekbones and slightly aquiline nose lending it an air of aristocracy she had not expected to find in a small Virginia town in the middle of nowhere.
  • I squinted over the lump swelling on my cheekbone and plopped back on my bar stool. Mercy Kill
  • She wore just enough rouge to accent her high cheekbones and enough eyeliner to bring out her beautiful light brown eyes.
  • She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones.
  • Her wide dark brown eyes and her thick coarse hair that she keeps styled in a professional bob accent the highness of her cheekbones.
  • So here she is on this bus, and the elderly gent sitting next to her is transfixed by the perfectly coiffed, frosted blonde hair, the imperious cheekbones and the effortlessly elegant, straight-backed deportment.
  • She had waist length brown hair, with hazel eyes, high cheekbones and a fair complexion.
  • Her silver-and-black hair was pulled back loosely in a ponytail, accentuating her high cheekbones and good jawline. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • The boy nodded, a crooked grin gracing his high, rosy cheekbones.
  • And forgotten, too, the sharpened jut of his cheekbones and his chin, and the thinning high arch of his nose.
  • Tara recognized the Queen of Pentacles, with a moonlike face, carved with high cheekbones. Rogue Oracle
  • Hair color I mostly remember, but not always … And when you throw out descriptors like “lantern-jawed” or “delicate cheekbones” or “strong nose” I can rarely think of a name to use as an example. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Character descriptions: a poll
  • Androgynous models with enviable cheekbones skulked down the catwalk in bulky, tie-waisted trenches in lacquered microfiber or wrinkly microfiber with stiff, standup necklines and drop-crotched harem pants. Archive 2010-01-17
  • Dressed all in black with high-heeled boots, her hair is scraped back in a ponytail, revealing sculpted cheekbones.
  • After applying a light foundation all over the face, smudge a little cream or gel blusher over the cheekbone with a brush or finger.
  • However, Mr. Cumberbatch's cheekbones are so high and so valleyed that they've sliced their way not just into the psyches of his fans, but his screenwriters. Meghan O'Keefe: The Benedict Cumberbatch Situation
  • Apply the dark colour underneath your cheekbones and the paler highlighter on top. The Sun
  • The Elder's eyes flashed, his wide face craggy with age, his cheekbones and jaw resolute.
  • I think it has something to do with my face, my cheekbones are similar to his. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition to the embryos and eye, the fossil find includes portions of a snout plus jawbones, skull bones, cheekbones, and teeth.
  • Her eyes gleamed above those remarkable high cheekbones of hers.
  • She slipped and fell while she was out shopping, and has fractured her cheekbone, and a bone in her upper arm.
  • McGowan on one side of him, a young blond guy with cheekbones on the other.
  • Skin was defined and volumised, firmer and with improved tonicity around the jaw and cheekbones. The Sun
  • White hair was cropped short and he had nice cheekbones.
  • There is a flush of blusher on her cheekbones, mascara outlining her eyes and a hint of pink lipstick.
  • Forlorn eyes, a bulbous nose and sweeping cheekbones (reminiscent of Faye Dunaway, but in a manly sort of way) complete the landscape.
  • She stroked it just under the cheekbones and then added some apricot blusher for warmth. The Sun
  • Her raven hair and high cheekbones gave her a striking look. Times, Sunday Times
  • She escaped with severe bruising and whiplash while her sister Pauline, 21, had fractures to an arm, a foot and a cheekbone.
  • This will secure the glitter and give skin a gorgeous sheen, while adding definition to your cheekbones. The Sun
  • Her normally perfect ash-blonde hair was plastered to her forehead, and her cheekbones glistened in the dim light.
  • Play with pink and purple tones to add definition to cheekbones, foreheads and nose. The Sun
  • A face halfway between the round and the oval, with sculptured curves and high cheekbones.
  • With your prominent cheekbones and square jaw, you need to soften your look by avoiding glasses that are sharp and angular. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apply the dark colour underneath your cheekbones and the paler highlighter on top. The Sun
  • After applying a light foundation all over the face, smudge a little cream or gel blusher over the cheekbone with a brush or finger.
  • He had a face like worn-out leather: gnarled by high cheekbones and a sullen brow. NIGHT SISTERS
  • ‘But a good looking putz,’ he joked, kissing my cheekbone gently.
  • In addition to the embryos and eye, the fossil find includes portions of a snout plus jawbones, skull bones, cheekbones, and teeth.
  • Use it to highlight the arch of your brows, cheekbones or collarbones - but don't overdo it or you'll look like something out of Taboo.
  • Left the field yesterday with a suspected fractured cheekbone. Times, Sunday Times
  • While sipping this delicious coffee, her conversation intentionally allowed her to spread the confidence of her beautiful thin, high cheekbone face with an aquiline nose and skin with a softness and color of milk. Page 2
  • Then the new pope came out—burly, light-haired, broad cheekbones. Make Him a Saint
  • He is tall and dark, his brown eyes intense above his high cheekbones.
  • Following the assault last October, her cheekbone was found to be fractured, her finger broken and she required 24 stitches to head wounds.
  • Maybe it would make his cheekbones look sunken and athletic and sexy.
  • John Hayden was hurt and Thomas Walsh got a bang on the cheekbone, which looks like a fracture.
  • She was no dog, certainly, and in fact her high cheekbones and widely spaced greenish eyes and rather full lips and her svelteness and her prodigious heightshe was easily five-ten, almost as tall as Tristanqualified her as hot, a term that Tristan detested but also knew applied in this case, at least where other guys would be concerned. Excerpt: The Dart League King by Keith Morris
  • A few dots of gel blush on your cheekbones and the bridge of your nose will give you a lit-from-within glow.
  • He was thinner, too, his cheekbones jutting out sharply from the hollows of his cheeks.
  • Apply it lightly to the apples of the cheeks, rather than in diagonal stripes under the cheekbone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just draw a diagonal line under your cheekbones and blend. Times, Sunday Times
  • His lip was curled in a snarl, and angry blotches of red stained his cheekbones.
  • Her features were classically beautiful, with perfectly structured high cheekbones.
  • Old ladies with still - good cheekbones, groomed swept-up hair and a slash of red lipstick are everywhere.
  • Her high cheekbones will keep her looking fresh-faced but deep grooves will emerge on the sides of her mouth. The Sun
  • Apply the dark colour underneath your cheekbones and the paler highlighter on top. The Sun
  • He was impressively tall, cadaverously thin, yet upright and youthful-looking for his age, clean shaven and silver-haired, with high, prominent cheekbones and a large aquiline nose. Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
  • High cheekbones and lips that always seemed to be on the cusp of a pucker.
  • Instead use a creamy pink blush and put it really high on your cheekbone, right under the eye socket. The Sun
  • His skin was stretched taut across his cheekbones.
  • It can be used to highlight your cheekbones, just under your eyebrows to open the eye, and down the centre of your nose to contour and slim. The Sun
  • But also striding into the frame with glossy hair and cheekbones to die for is a stunner familiar to us all. The Sun
  • Highlighters are usually applied to cheekbones, the bridge of the nose and brow bones to bring out bone structure.
  • Not even the fading bruise high on her cheekbone detracted from her beauty; she only looked more fragile.
  • Her skin was cleft with deep lines running from the jaw to the high jutting cheekbones.
  • A hairline fracture of his cheekbone is a painful reminder of his escapade.
  • Other early examples demonstrate the full range of masculine features, with thrusting forehead, strongly marked cheekbones, and sharply protruding eyelids.
  • She was striking to look at - auburn hair, bright-blue eyes, high cheekbones and a great figure.
  • He suffered a fractured nose, fractured cheekbone, swelling to his right eye and he had to get stitches to his inner lip.
  • The rugby league convert has recovered from a fractured eye socket and cheekbone. The Sun
  • Why hide razor-sharp cheekbones and perfect pout behind middle-aged fringed follicles? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was obvious that the men were brothers just by looking at them - they all shared the same dark hair and tanned skin, square jaws and high cheekbones.
  • But that has not stopped thousands of people swooning over his chiselled cheekbones. The Sun
  • Use make-up to accent your cheekbones and eyes.
  • Collared trench coats, foggy airports, Bergman's cheekbones, and Bogart's gun hardly seem the stuff of history.
  • As I took in the movie my index fingers dug hard into my cheekbones, supporting the full weight of my head.
  • Her high cheekbones were rouged subtly, as were her perfectly formed lips.
  • Her features were feminine and delicate - full, high cheekbones; small, pert nose; Cupid's bow.
  • The way to change my life and the way to fix everything is to go and change a cheekbone or an eye or a boob…
  • Typical adult females have smaller jaws, noses, and chins, and thus eyes and cheekbones that are more prominent and appear to be larger than in typical males.
  • If you were to look in a mirror and see a bone structure enhanced by cheekbone implants or a bustline pert with silicone, would the so-called improvements bring an enhanced sense of satisfaction with the self?
  • The semicircle of his high, wide forehead swung down to the protuberant knobs of his cheekbones, and then tapered, concaving to the pointy bulb of his chin.
  • Her breaths had shallowed, pink tingeing her high cheekbones. Demon From The Dark
  • Once in Lhasa I tried to buy a turquoise necklace off a very attractive young woman with high red cheekbones and coral beads in her plaited hair.
  • There are endless stories in those expressive eyes, and the shadows that catch on sharp cheekbones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use a giant brush and blend it well under the cheekbones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking down at the curve of her cheekbone, still wet with tears, he suddenly wanted her, quite overwhelmingly.
  • My wife is still very sore, she's very distressed, her cheekbone is aching.
  • His nose was hawkish but it suited him, as did the high cheekbones and cynical quirk of his mouth.
  • Somehow my cheekbones looked higher and that furrow between the nose and mouth disappeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • With excess bronzer worn under the cheekbones, the colour was unblended, breaking all the traditional beauty rules. The Sun
  • Their skulls, while perhaps round-faced with high cheekbones, also have a low receding brow.
  • Her cheekbones protrude from the top of her face, the hollows below seem to sink all the way to her teeth before climbing the gully of her jawbones.
  • She had a broken jaw and cheekbone.
  • She had a slim and meager body, her neck was long, and her cheekbones were easily distinguished.
  • Her broad flat forehead and high cheekbones catch the light from the windows behind them.
  • Slavic cheekbones caught the gentle light; one eyebrow was incomplete but the other was angled like a circumflex.
  • The blood from her cuts cannot hide the bruises and swelling emerging above her nose, eye sockets and cheekbones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her raven hair and high cheekbones gave her a striking look. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tall, handsome woman with the colouring and cheekbones of her Irish engineer father, Murphy exudes both strength and sensitivity.
  • With her dark eyes and hair, her prominent cheekbones and chin, she looks like Jackie Kennedy, only a taller, rangier version, not so coiffed and demurely feminine. Imperfect endings
  • The woman's face is almost square, her jaw and cheekbones wide, her mouth a groove with calm, correct corners.
  • My cheekbones looked higher, my green eyes looked bigger and brighter and my lips were plump and full.
  • She had a striking face, dark, lean, taut, with faded sandy hair and long, narrow eyes set a little aslant over sharp cheekbones. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Apply dabs of cream onto your forehead, cheekbones, chin, and neck, and gently smooth it over the skin in a circular motion, working from the outside of your face toward the center.
  • The rugby league convert has recovered from a fractured eye socket and cheekbone. The Sun
  • He has to be a fiery redhead with cheekbones and stubble. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had a fractured cheekbone and eye socket. The Sun
  • I quickly regained my footing and rubbed at the sore spot just below my cheekbone.
  • The blood from her cuts cannot hide the bruises and swelling emerging above her nose, eye sockets and cheekbones. Times, Sunday Times
  • A vertical line ran down from just above his eyebrow to the bottom of his cheekbone.
  • Her raven hair and high cheekbones gave her a striking look. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cavesson should be fitted in such a way that the noseband lies below the cheekbones and on the nose-bone, this way, it will not interfere with his breathing.
  • There was a bruise on her cheekbone and her forearms were mottled with them.
  • The president of the bank was a hard-faced aesthete with cheekbones so deeply indented that he appeared skull-like under harsh ceiling lights.
  • Apply the dark colour underneath your cheekbones and the paler highlighter on top. The Sun
  • A vertical line ran down from just above his eyebrow to the bottom of his cheekbone.
  • The stage was set for an uninhibited six-foot Australian who strode into view with a thrusting jaw, high cheekbones, and trendy designer costumes.
  • He had dark mahogany hair that was parted in the middle and fell just below his cheekbones, half covering his dark eyes.
  • Age meant her cheekbones were more pronounced, giving her face a sculpted air it had never had as a full-faced twenty-something. JUST BETWEEN US
  • With his soft grey eyes, enviable cheekbones and hair that tousles endearingly at the merest touch, he has all the makings of a teen idol.
  • The makeup artist has smoothed and buffed the skin of his face, highlighting the wide planes of his cheekbones.
  • His face classified as ruddy, his cheekbones hollow. SEASONS OF GOLD
  • She highlighted Juliana's cheekbones with a pinky brown blusher and added a hint of warm tawny colour to her lips.
  • There was no time for emotion as the blood was swabbed away and she concentrated on the badly gashed cheekbone.
  • The area of zygomaticomaxillary suture (joint between the cheekbone and upper jaw) showing the "nick," that is, the misalignment of bones owing to the fact that some fragments, such as the jugal crest shown here, are badly stuck together. Not Philip II of Macedon
  • The left-back was nursing a fractured cheekbone and so wore a protective face mask. The Sun
  • She went on playing, one prominent cheekbone dusted orange by the candlelight.
  • I remember, too, her strangely spaced cheekbones and severely cut hair.
  • His face was hard and chiseled, as though from stone, with high cheekbones.
  • He rode up with an Italian girl in spotless whites, cheekbones and nose daubed with something black and nonreflective. Wonder Woman and the Lasso of Truth
  • He suffered a broken femur, broken jaw and broken cheekbone.
  • Silver winked in the man's grizzled brown hair and in the stubble that grew on his cheekbones.
  • Her sharp cheekbones blunted themselves, and her nose was once again too narrow, the chin round and stubborn.
  • According to Abbate and his team, the skull's long ovoid braincase, wide cheekbones, and massive browridge resemble African H. erectus and H. ergaster. New Skull from Eritrea
  • She noticed the slight hollows under his cheekbones.
  • His Navajo cheekbones dazzled; his classic Romanesque nose left one breathless.
  • Framed by the silver fur her face took on a glow that emphasized her high cheekbones.
  • Long legs, slim hips, flashes of cheekbone through slash cut hair, tip-tilted noses and wolven eyes.
  • The brutal attack left him with a fractured cheekbone, while the mugger walked away with $33.
  • Three others were bleeding from face wounds, including a fractured cheekbone. The Sun
  • My cheekbones had no striking sculpture or grace, and my jaw-line no particular character.
  • Looking gamine with her short, blonde hair, freckles, good cheekbones and slight Roman nose, she is an exuberant, deliciously sexy woman of 58.
  • I suspect she has a fractured skull and her cheekbone is also broken.

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