
How To Use Checkpoint In A Sentence

  • The day before the event they will set out guide posts and will work from 8.30am to 4pm on the day, leading walkers on the route, manning checkpoints and providing information.
  • Once properly tagged and escorted, the visitor passes the initial checkpoint and walks along a corridor into the Headquarters Building lobby.
  • No women soldiers were operating the checkpoint that day, so she was able to pass through unsearched.
  • G, Bartek J, Lukas J (2001) The ATM-Chk2-Cdc25A checkpoint pathway guards against radioresistant DNA synthesis. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The group searched four airport departure gates and, after they could not find the man, returned to the checkpoint to retest the machine.
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  • Before entering Jerusalem, we were stopped by border police at a checkpoint.
  • She tells us tales of ambulances collecting women in labour to take them to the hospital delivery suites, only to be held up at a checkpoint where the women give birth.
  • We are part of the convoy right now and it happened about 10 kilometers right out of town, a place called Iron Gate, where there's a military checkpoint run by government troops. CNN Transcript Jul 8, 2003
  • Formal systems and checkpoints guide and drive strategy and operations, but only through substantial informal interaction among employees.
  • CheckPoint is a pioneer in stateful inspection firewalls and, like Avaya and unified communications, is focused solely on the security business with products dedicated to firewalling, VPNs, unified threat management and intrusion prevention. Cisco's top 10 rivals
  • When he entered he was stopped by a security guard at the entrances checkpoint.
  • Hamra checkpoint, the main Algerian - Mauritanian border point, is a long drive on extremely difficult roads from the main cluster of refugee camps in Tindouf. Global Voices in English » Western Sahara: Landmine Injures Five During Peaceful Protest
  • The cars fired up and drove in single file through the last checkpoint. The Tribes Triumphant
  • No fictional account of human humiliation and shame can capture the frightening banality of the people's treatment at these checkpoints.
  • The new system introduced at the border checkpoints involves more close screening of those arriving and departing.
  • If humans possess a similar checkpoint system and if researchers could someday harness it, they could fine-tune the rate of cellular division to control tumor development as well as tissue aging.
  • But deciding that people from that country should be subjected to heightened scrutiny at our domestic checkpoints … that seems to fall into the arena of debatably reasonable policy. Matthew Yglesias » Profiling Lite
  • This time they breezed through one of the police checkpoints, set up across the roads leading to the parade route. Times, Sunday Times
  • On May 1 2004, he was manning a checkpoint when a car careened through.
  • To strengthen border security and to combat smuggling, Pakistan is setting up more checkpoints along the border.
  • Here are the latest thoughts from Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Bob Hastings, who presides over the coppers manning the checkpoints.
  • They secured the checkpoint and moved into the hallway.
  • The soldier had been talking to a local woman who was passing the checkpoint when he was targeted. Times, Sunday Times
  • A few kilometres from the last former Soviet army checkpoint, the tarmac ends and the journey to Ground Zero continues off-road, across the parched and endless steppe.
  • They built a system that implemented “checkpointing,” a way for the index to hold its place if a calamity befell a server or hard disk. In the Plex
  • You should never have done the Nova program, because now we, the general public, know that the second word on the captcha is a translation effort and has nothing to do with passing through an internet security checkpoint. How the Intertubes Can Help Fix Corrupt Governments
  • You can also create your own race courses through the city by selecting places for checkpoints, which would presumably extend the game's longevity if you were playing online against human opponents.
  • We have to start having undercover security people, armed at the curbside of the terminal, inside the terminal, at the security checkpoint, at the gate, at the aircraft, at the perimeter of the airport.
  • They man checkpoints on a permanent basis, screening vehicles and their occupants for weapons.
  • I'll usually figure my checkpoints about 20 minutes apart, depending on the speed of the aircraft.
  • Most assaults were directed against U.S. military convoys, columns, or checkpoints.
  • Airport Screeners saw a prohibited object in an X-ray image of a carry-on bag after the passenger left the checkpoint.
  • Apparently they're so concerned that they might be missing some tracking data that they'll tip their hand by disrupting all commerce with heavy-handed checkpointing. Politics in Analog
  • Walk south from the old Checkpoint Charlie to the approximate place I stood one week after the Berlin Wall was breached in 1989.
  • There are barricades and numerous security checkpoints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Non payment costs the taxpayer millions of pounds a year, so today roadside checkpoints were set up to stop drivers at random.
  • The woman was rushed in and gave birth, but there have been dozens of cases of women delivering at checkpoints or en route to hospitals.
  • After doing their time at the Hawara checkpoint, Omer and his company spent a few high-adrenaline months in Nablus, a city roiling with politics and rebellion, which the Israelis considered to be a major source of terrorism. The Checkpoint
  • After heisting a gray Honda Wave motorcycle, he drove it straight into a police checkpoint.
  • They are learning to attack checkpoints as well as mountain bases. Times, Sunday Times
  • They recognize a lot of policemen who are on the front line are bearing the brunt of insurgent attacks, that when suicide bombs go off, they are often at checkpoints.
  • The cars fired up and drove in single file through the last checkpoint. The Tribes Triumphant
  • Soldiers wearing flak jackets and armed with automatic weapons replaced unarmed police at checkpoints in Suva.
  • To visit the cemetery, you now go through three military checkpoints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, Wip1 directly dephosphorylates γ-H2AX and cells depleted of Wip1 fail to dephosphorylate γ-H2AX during checkpoint recovery. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • We kept a good pace and started using our own routes to make our way to checkpoints.
  • Initial results are good: the automatically generated code had similar performance profiles to hand generated checkpointing code. 2009 May | Serendipity
  • Today it is still heavily guarded, with numerous checkpoints and a nighttime curfew.
  • A 14-year-old boy, Husam Abdu, trying to cross the Hawarah checkpoint near Nablus, was found to be wearing a vest filled with explosives ready for detonation.
  • Eradication of corruption at border checkpoints and improved collection of custom and excise duties were the topics on the agenda.
  • She tells us tales of ambulances collecting women in labour to take them to the hospital delivery suites, only to be held up at a checkpoint where the women give birth.
  • His first point was to show me that there were no checkpoints or other barriers.
  • Mutations in genes coding for these proteins may be tolerated in an otherwise wild-type cell through the presence of one or more checkpoint pathways.
  • Citing a recent corruption incident at a trade checkpoint in northern Myanmar on the border with China, Shwe Mann said, ‘We have taken action against responsible officials involved in corruption of thousands of millions of kyats.’
  • The census checkpoint on a busy dual carriageway saw one lane in each direction closed. The Sun
  • These include barricades and vehicle chicanes and checkpoints outside the SECDET as well as internal defences.
  • As part of their August crackdown on drugs, police set up a roadside checkpoint under the overpass on Pratamnak Road on August 12.
  • These locations are known as checkpoints, and competitors rarely know these checkpoints' locations in advance.
  • Ouattara forces inspect the papers of everyone who passes through a checkpoint in the Riviera neighborhood as young men build cinderblock barricades. Ouattara Forces Move to Round Up Gbagbo Militants in Abidjan
  • There were tanks and armored personnel carriers on the streets, and checkpoints manned by young soldiers, cold and miserable under the inglorious Polish December.
  • They went all the way: an enormous map indicating the equivalents of the Gaza strip and the West Bank (Zeelandic Flanders and Limburg, respectively), as well as the Frisian military bases, border checkpoints and settlements, Dutch tunnels to Belgium, the works. The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
  • The cars fired up and drove in single file through the last checkpoint. The Tribes Triumphant
  • I don't know about you, but I find my rights more important than spending half an hour at a checkpoint trying to defend them. on 04 / 18 / 2009, -1 / +0and then after his rights were violated he could call his lawer and drop the full force of the law on their asses. Stories / Popular
  • Beamish H, Williams R, Chen P, Lavin M. F (1996) Defect in multiple cell cycle checkpoints in ataxia-telangiectasia postirradiation. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • An armoured personnel carrier and an infantry fighting vehicle rumbled forward past the checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further down the road, at a checkpoint, rufous tree pies fly down and will perch on your hand for suitable compensation.
  • The guide flew with us an hour to Luxor, where we joined a bus convoy for the 10-hour round trip to the legendary temples of Abydos and Dendera with many security checkpoints on the way -- the Egyptians really overdo it to make tourists feel safe. Scott S. Smith: Egypt the Eternal
  • He said that one of the main measures against the criminal groups, whose sources of income included smuggling, was to place security cameras at border checkpoints.
  • Meanwhile, the Immigration Department will deploy 360 additional staff at border checkpoints to ensure smooth passenger flow.
  • The grainy, indistinct images show a familiar scene: an airport security x-ray checkpoint, much like any that you'd find at airports all around the world.
  • Police manned roadblocks and checkpoints and foreigners were told to stay indoors after threats against today's independence day party. The Sun
  • I said, ‘Mr. President as long as there are checkpoints, there are flashpoints.’
  • MECCA - An allegedly drunken 16-year-old driving a stolen car, and a woman wanted for hit-and-run, were among the 10 people arrested at an overnight sobriety checkpoint in Mecca, authorities said. Undefined
  • They arrived at an army checkpoint beside a highway that circles the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the future, visitors will theoretically be able to go to the site when the mood strikes, much as they visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. But for now and the next few years, accessing the Sept. 11 Memorial will entail a laborious process requiring the reservation of tickets ahead of time, and then, on the appointed date, wending through a downtown obstacle course involving two outdoor ticket screening points and a security checkpoint inside 90 West St. At 9/11 Site, Built-In Hurdles
  • She and her friend were stopped at a checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • To safely pass thru the British checkpoints in Istanbul, they disguised themselves as a hoca a religion teacher, pronounced hodja and his wife with Halide covering her face and hiding away her manicured fingers. Archive 2006-12-01
  • With the right software, photographs of missing children could be sent to all border checkpoints and directorates of the Interior Ministry within seconds, he said.
  • The style of the events will be slightly different to many races with checkpoints ready marked on maps.
  • The checkpoint opens and closes randomly, trapping students and workers on the wrong side after a day at work or school, preventing them from returning home.
  • I usually skip Checkpoint on National at five for the reasons alluded to above and also because I dislike its sometimes whiny, querulous tone.
  • However our experience to date has been that the watchtowers have now been replaced by frequent checkpoints on roads in the area.
  • As we headed south, surprised soldiers swallowed my cover story at two checkpoints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now we face the least appealing of the evening's ever-shifting alternatives - marching eight miles through viperous wastes, past a frontier checkpoint, to the nearest outpost of the border patrol.
  • In the Chouf now, the Druze holy colours hang over the militia checkpoints.
  • More route choices were given to teams to navigate to the checkpoints.
  • This will require them to pass through a checkpoint to reach their own kitchen and bathroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • Agence France-Presse/Getty Images A mini bus laden with suitcases drives out of the costal city of Benghazi past a rebel checkpoint, as people flee the city fearing an attack by forces loyal to Col. Gadhafi Loyalists Emerge in Rebel Areas
  • A second checkpoint pathway, the spindle checkpoint, operates at a similar point in meiosis, preventing progression into anaphase if the spindle apparatus fails to connect appropriately with kinetochores.
  • After crossing the checkpoint line, an official punched the appropriate spot on my bib, indicating the completion of the first section, and then pointed me towards the food.
  • It began with the unremitting curfews, followed by reports of babies dying at checkpoints and snipers shooting children.
  • Veterinarians worried they bordered on being too thin, an observation that intensified the scrutiny the 26-year-old experienced in each successive checkpoint along the Yukon River to Kaltag, and from there, overland to Unalakleet and then along the coast of Norton Sound. Iditarod Dogs on the Edge
  • We drove straight up to the first checkpoint on the eastern side of the bridge. Broken Lives
  • Here, then, is a fact that our Martian (but few Americans) might notice: in almost nine years of futile and brutal war in Afghanistan and more than seven years of the same in Iraq, the U.S. has filled metaphorical tower upon tower with the exceedingly unmetaphorical bodies of civilian innocents, via air attacks, checkpoint shootings, night raids, artillery and missile fire, and in some cases, the direct act of murder. Tom Engelhardt: Whose Hands? Whose Blood? Killing Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • This is inferred because spore viability is reduced in some checkpoint single mutants of budding yeast.
  • Wednesday's statement said the two sides had decided to get rid of almost all barriers and checkpoints during the December 13-25 period.
  • He was almost exhausted by the run from the entrance to the security checkpoint.
  • Once through the checkpoint, you'll bump along a maze of rocky, unmaintained roads into the dry Caribbean mesquite forest.
  • According to the government, the last suicide bombing by the PKK was in 2008, when an assailant blew himself up at a police checkpoint in the Mediterranean city of Mersin and injured 13 police officers. Istanbul Explosion Leaves 32 Wounded
  • A driver blew up his car and himself after being stopped at a police checkpoint.
  • They man checkpoints on a permanent basis, screening vehicles and their occupants for weapons.
  • Now that I've passed all the checkpoints, suddenly I find youth is like a bus skipping my stop, and me on the sidewalk in a dream-state.
  • Runners were turning back within a mile of the start and over ten per cent of the field dropped out before the first checkpoint.
  • The driver had simply misunderstood what he was supposed to do at a checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were not allowed through checkpoints without the bib and computerised chip given to every registered entrant.
  • They arrived at an army checkpoint beside a highway that circles the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • The army has set up checkpoints on all the major roads in the area.
  • For example, policewomen search women at checkpoints and are sent into the female quarters of civilian compounds where insurgents often hide. Fighting is cultural, criminal for Afghan policewomen
  • Each barricade is an investigation of both fortification and subversion; designing for the defense of each checkpoint, while simultaneously attempting to undermine it’s perceived raison d'être through a means of confrontation, provocation, or absurdism. Programming (In)Security
  • Eurogamer: Will the game support quick save or checkpoint progress?
  • Police manned roadblocks and checkpoints and foreigners were told to stay indoors after threats against today's independence day party. The Sun
  • The checkpoints come every 12 miles or so and provide an opportunity for walkers to change clothes, eat, lance blisters and brush your teeth (it really helps).
  • He led both of us to a table at a security checkpoint just inside the entrance.
  • I took the back road passing through an abandoned checkpoint on the border.
  • Today, the occasional helicopter still hovers overhead, and sleepy UN soldiers wave cars through the few remaining checkpoints.
  • At the first US checkpoint, the soldiers said they'd been there for thirty hours straight.
  • In Tikrit, guerrillas detonated two car bombs in an attack on a police checkpoint.
  • As a quasi-synchronous strategy, index-based checkpointing algorithms have the autonomy similar to asynchronous strategy, while it is domino-effect free as same as the synchronous way.
  • She and her friend were stopped at a checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • The census checkpoint on a busy dual carriageway saw one lane in each direction closed. The Sun
  • Armed rebels then attacked the checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • As punishment, the US blockades the state, does not allow it's ships to leave port, air travel is prohibited, andany vehicular traffic into other states, if any, must pass through stringent military checkpoints. Gaza and Tijuana; What if Rocket Bombs Were Launched from Mexico Into California
  • The roads are dotted with checkpoints and military convoys power up and down the roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, no bags, rucksacks & backpacks larger than eight inches square will be allowed beyond the ticketing and security checkpoints or into the grounds of the Belfry.
  • Border Patrol enforcement practices common on the southern border, such as highway checkpoints, were implemented, miffing residents on the Olympic Peninsula, the area's congressman and local authorities. 'Twilight' town death sparks Border Patrol debate
  • These are divided up into small cantons, separated by armed checkpoints restricting virtually all movement.
  • The first option is to set up what is the equivalent of a warrant of fitness and registration checkpoint at every entry-point to the information superhighway.
  • Heading home, the matatu is stopped at the same checkpoint and another bribe paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • The soldier stopped the motorist at a roadside checkpoint.
  • A checkpoint-to-checkpoint alleycat race through Seattle that promises cyclists “the opportunity to ingest various prime-themed goodies, including, but not limited to prime rib, pasta primavera, and with any luck, some delicious primordial soup” mid-route. Wheeling Though The Weekend « PubliCola
  • After I received the maps I had to check them with a master copy along with all the other captains to verify that the 30 checkpoints were accurately placed on our maps.
  • The security checkpoints are discreetly set to one side so as not to interrupt views in or out of the building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once past the checkpoint, we crossed into an open concrete area fronted by a baseball field and an extended perimeter fence. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • National Guard soldiers manned the checkpoint at the corner, screening traders on their way to work.
  • The entrance to the mysterious footbridge spanning Eighth Avenue is blocked by yet another security checkpoint.
  • Logan told Esquire that the Egyptian government had dispensed with standard procedure and started using checkpoints that foreign journalists usually "breezed" through to interrogate them. CBS News: Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten while covering Egypt president Hosni Mubarak's exit for '60 Minutes'
  • Concrete barriers, metal fencing and checkpoints have been put in place around key buildings and routes on the mainland and surrounding islands.
  • The process is known as checkpointing: a CT is frozen and its whole state is saved to the file on disk. OpenVZ Wiki - Recent changes [en]
  • We emphasize on the HA technique of Checkpoint Process Migration.
  • Azon was stopped at a police checkpoint in Greenville on May 8, 2008. Reflector - Latest Headlines from The Daily Reflector
  • He said he saw at some checkpoints that some members of the Afghan police force had taken the breast plates, the so called sappy plates, out of their body armor and were using it to grill meat on. CNN Transcript Dec 1, 2009
  • The rebels attacked army checkpoints and said they were inflicting dozens of casualties. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was waved through two checkpoints as he headed from Dover to Calais and breezed through two more on the return trip. The Sun
  • The remaining three team members made the last two checkpoints in a record time for the team, to beat their goal by 16 minutes and break their previous record by four hours, 10 minutes.
  • Each one is manned by two snipers, either at the checkpoint or on the rooftops of tall buildings nearby. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gardai are to mount high-visibility checkpoints throughout the country this weekend in an effort to curb the rising level of road deaths.
  • Once past the checkpoint, we crossed into an open concrete area fronted by a baseball field and an extended perimeter fence. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • A grenade was thrown from a car toward soldiers guarding a checkpoint.
  • It wouldn't go any further the moment that checkpoint staff overrode the control.
  • The only way to get more is to attack checkpoints, or to buy them from unscrupulous soldiers at exorbitant prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poised, confident young woman was tossed into a world of checkpoints, strip searches and interrogations.
  • The dedicated soldier was manning a sangar fortification at a checkpoint when he was attacked at midday. The Sun
  • At the checkpoint we wish each other good health inshallah and say goodbye till the next time. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Last week the superpower-defying website, in collusion with unknown U.S. military personnel, posted 391,832 field reports from Iraq -- SIGACTs, in military-speak, or significant actions in the war -- including the checkpoint incident above. Robert Koehler: Defying a Superpower
  • Three masked men reached a first floor office on Sunday night after passing through at least one checkpoint as well as corridors and rooms secured by coded keypads.
  • The census checkpoint on a busy dual carriageway saw one lane in each direction closed. The Sun
  • The spindle assembly checkpoint pathway is necessary for high-fidelity chromosome transmission in cells in which the spindle or kinetochores are compromised in some way.
  • After going through the checkpoint once, it will seem like a breeze.
  • They set up random checkpoints on roads between Ballymena and Portstewart stopping vehicles and looking for drugs.
  • It goes by the ocean, through mountains, desert, towns and twelve checkpoints, to the finish line. Anyone can enter this race, and there are almost no restrictions on the vehicles.
  • It depends simply on who is manning the first checkpoint you come across. Times, Sunday Times
  • We emphasize on the HA technique of Checkpoint and Process Migration.
  • You detrain, walk across the bridge, go through a checkpoint, and climb on the next train. Barbara Bush
  • At checkpoints throughout the province, the security forces openly extort bribes.
  • Insurgents dressed as policemen waylaid the men at a fake checkpoint, killed all the soldiers and their civilian drivers, and burned the vehicles.
  • Once past the checkpoint, we crossed into an open concrete area fronted by a baseball field and an extended perimeter fence. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • Two young female staff aides carried it right through a security checkpoint.
  • Passengers exceeding the carry-on limit will not be allowed through the security checkpoint.
  • The emphasis was and still is on self reliance with competitors doing all their own navigation as part of a pair or solo, travelling to different checkpoints where they 'dib' their electronic 'dibber' to show they've been there. Singletrack World
  • The only compromise the organisers have made is to give us water at various checkpoints throughout the race, and to provide tents for us to sleep in each night after a day of racing.
  • The DNA is asymmetrically distributed to the daughter cells when the kinetochores do not attach and the spindle checkpoint does not restrain mitosis.
  • The roads are dotted with checkpoints and military convoys power up and down the roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • She used a checkpointing example as a proof-of-concept, and created a domain specific language for describing checkpointing needs. 2009 May | Serendipity
  • He reported personally witnessing at least 20 cases where soldiers had beaten or robbed civilians at checkpoints.
  • There are ten checkpoints on the route, each staffed and equipped with water and first aid.
  • Next, another suicide attacker drove towards the area in an ambulance - but blew himself up when halted at a checkpoint. The Sun
  • The communique mentioned that: we will attack the checkpoints as much as we can, and if we could not able to pass, we will use the bystreets in order to lift the siege imposed on the village.
  • They set up a checkpoint and forced civilians to line up to go in and out, each carrying an identification card printed in English only.
  • Gardai will man checkpoints at the different entrances.
  • The blast of the starting gun seemed to still echo through the Alaskan countryside when the Navy team came blazing up to the first checkpoint.
  • He said that the rebels had attempted to overwhelm a checkpoint in one neighbourhood last week, but were repelled by regime forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • A platoon of soldiers stands at a checkpoint on a barren road in the middle of miles and miles of trackless desert.
  • As dawn approached, police set up checkpoints as part of a plan to ban cars carrying fewer than four people from midtown Manhattan.
  • Transgender men, known as metis or eunuchs, were often robbed, beaten and sometimes raped at Maoist checkpoints, and again at government checkpoints, said Pant, head of the Blue Diamond Society, a gay rights group.
  • There are checkpoints manned by police or soldiers at every junction.
  • Travel in a time of atypical pneumonia has become a nightmare of minimal flight schedules, unsettling health checkpoints, official no-go zones and profoundly unwelcoming hosts.
  • Recently two checkpoint sensor protein complexes have been shown to bind damaged DNA.
  • Funny how those who clammer loudest about government intruding into their lives clammor for illegal wiretapping and police checkpoints, just like the commies have … Think Progress » Obama: ‘Irresponsible’ Arizona Immigration Bill ‘Threatens To Undermine Basic Notions Of Fairness’
  • Security checkpoints have been set up at every entrance, anyone entering the site will have to walk through a metal detector and there will be also be closed circuit television covering the area.
  • At a military checkpoint that should not exist a Russian lieutenant apologised for being unable to offer any tea. Times, Sunday Times
  • We would be called ever so often to augment police units at checkpoints and roadblocks on days when tension ran high.
  • They're going to let me take sentry duty at one of the checkpoints. BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
  • Although detectives mounted checkpoints on roads around Lismore within minutes of the alarm being raised, the gang is still at large.
  • Forestry officials have set up checkpoints and banned hunting around a mountain where a farmer and former hunter snapped the animal gazing directly at the camera. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sensors are being glued to the backs of 5,000 insects and will record each time they pass a checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘My hope is that Checkpoint can give a platform to these other voices, these other perspectives,’ he says.
  • He was waved through two checkpoints as he headed from Dover to Calais and breezed through two more on the return trip. The Sun
  • The driver had simply misunderstood what he was supposed to do at a checkpoint. Times, Sunday Times
  • He used Nadira as a drug mule to bring drugs from a nearby Uzbek - Afghan border checkpoint.
  • They arrived at an army checkpoint beside a highway that circles the city. Times, Sunday Times

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