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cheap shot

  1. an unnecessarily aggressive and unfair remark directed at a defenseless person
  2. an illegal and unsportsmanlike act of unnecessary violence
    he called a penalty on them when the lineman took a cheap shot at the quarterback

How To Use cheap shot In A Sentence

  • he called a penalty on them when the lineman took a cheap shot at the quarterback
  • Or, analysts say, it could be a cheap shot by an employee at an Apple competitor.
  • My tongue-in-cheek postscript admits that I don't know everything about this band, that there's more to the story, and throws in a few cheap shots.
  • Sorry, that was a cheap shot and entirely irrelevant to the question.
  • The Farrelly Brothers are masters of the gross out comedy, but this effort is simply obnoxious and unfunny as it takes cheap shots at race, midgets, albinos and mental illness, along with the usual lavatory humour.
  • His remark was a cheap shot at short people.
  • It's also worth noting the cheap shot thrown at the State Department's intelligence agency, which actually has a very good track record.
  • Is this just a cheap shot at unreconstructed public choice theory?
  • He called a penalty on them when the lineman took a cheap shot at the quarterback.
  • That means I welcome debate from any side of the political fence but not cheap shots or sloganeering which will derail the conversation - or rather rail it - into the usual grooves.
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