How To Use Chattering In A Sentence
He carefully draped it over Ramirez, and soon the warmth from the luxuriant fur stilled his chattering teeth and banished the damp.
So I hied myself downtown to a famous pet shop named Trefflich's, where there was an entire floor filled with chattering squirrel monkeys.
Jay Weston: Do Monkeys Make Good Pets?
As I trolled back and forth in the microfiche looking for the relevant piece, I was struck by the other things the chattering classes brayed five years ago.
The studio was filled with the same chattering and babble of languages that I had encountered upon my arrival.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
Mark was still chattering about the movie scene when all the cathode ray screens went blank.

Tots fell silent; birds stopped chirping; you could hear hearts beating amid the chattering teeth.
Then I heard the red-head chattering and the plaintive mew of the sapsucker.
All three buses stopped outside the pool, and each disgorged a tumbling jumbling pile of wee kiddies, clutching their swim-bags and chattering like flocks of birds on a nature programme.
He let her lead him down the beach, arm in arm, chattering on about her friends, his old friends, weddings, funerals, and graduations.
I looked at the bird chattering away, looking at my mother.
Times, Sunday Times
I looked at the bird chattering away, looking at my mother.
Times, Sunday Times
That monotony of form, those commonplace cadenzas, those endless bravura passages introduced at haphazard irrespective of the dramatic situation, that recurrent _crescendo_ that Rossini brought into vogue, are now an integral part of every composition; those vocal fireworks result in a sort of babbling, chattering, vaporous mucic, of which the sole merit depends on the greater or less fluency of the singer and his rapidity of vocalization.
Upstairs, reporters jammed into a tiny antechamber, the shaggy cameramen and newspaper photographers chain-smoking and the lady reporters chattering nervously.
Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
Feeling disconnected in a chattering city of twinkling lights.
Times, Sunday Times
When a deadly snake, a black krait, slithered into my nursery and my ayah [Indian nanny] ran screaming from the room, her ankle bracelets chattering in panic, it was Yah Mohammed who calmly killed the krait.
People are chattering and laughing; dice are being thrown; there is the constant clattering of mah-jong tiles.
Constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes.
Why does he think his brand chimes so well with the chattering classes?
Times, Sunday Times
He coughed, sneezed, and barked simultaneously -- bleated in one breath, and cackled in the next -- sputteringly shrieked, and chatteringly squealed, with a bass of suffocated roars.
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 8 Epigrams, On With the Dance, Negligible Tales
Programming note: Chattering with chimps in chimpanzee
Programming note: Chattering with chimps in chimpanzee
I must be brave for Perdita's sake, said Daisy through chattering teeth as she pressed the door bell.
Between rubber-necking the shiny, red-faced clientele around the dining room, "picnicking" on the potato salad, and chattering away about the unraveling of events of the evening, I was tempted to press the tiny little doorbell that is attached to the edge of every table in the restaurant.
Archive 2007-02-01
| Programming note: Chattering with chimps in chimpanzee »
Alas and alack for us, lawyers and pharisees, hypocrites that we are...
She spent the morning chattering away to her friends.
Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses; nor could I laugh, nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage, with the silly superficial chatterings of women, who, underneath all their silliness and softness, were as primitive, direct, and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals.
Chapter 29
Plus, we stayed up a bit late, drinking vino and back-yarding and chitter-chattering Barzak and I have lived disturbingly parallel lives.
Chattering teeth
Its widespread attraction contrasts sharply with those pet projects of the London-based chattering classes which have previously won Lottery millions.
Considering the number of life (and lifestyle and/or employment) threatening events that could be staved off with what the chattering classes consider “small change”, it would add much needed stability to millions of households.
Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
Along the coast just now you may come across parties of little terns, chattering, hovering and diving for fish.
Times, Sunday Times
My first taste of the Fringe Festival came in the form of Baba Brinkman's chattering yap.
She spent the morning chattering away to her friends.
And along beside Mott's Road the stream is gurgling, babbling, chattering, bubbling, giggling, chortling, burbling - so many words to express the natural joy, the hilarity of nature doing what it does best: glorifying God in its self.
We were walking through the rose gardens, chattering about whatever took our fancy when something unordinary happened.
She rolls in the long soft grass, where the gold colored snakes are at play; she watches the young monkeys chattering and swinging among the trees, hung by the tail; she chases the splendid green parrots that fly among the trees; and she drinks the sweet milk of a cocoanut from a round cup made of its shell.
The Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball That Floats in the Air
It's a question all education leaders, politicians, and the chattering classes have been busying themselves with since the release of Davis Guggenheim's searing (and unflattering) documentary.
Steve Barr At Big Task Weekend: We're Close, But We're Still Just 'Cute'
They often feed in flocks, and when they are disturbed they go chattering away delightfully in a dark cloud across the sky.
Times, Sunday Times
In, Kutcher — who isn't wearing his wedding ring and much was made of that by the chattering/blogging class — states, "There is no gatekeeper of the truth ... people can bastardize the truth in any way, shape or form that they want and spread that around the world.
Ashton Kutcher: People Can Bastardize the Truth
The "gallant failure" had been the biggest botch since the Kabul Retreat, thanks to the idiot Maximilian, who was damned if he'd be rescued, so there, and I'd come off by the skin of my chattering teeth and the good offices of that gorgeous little fire-eater, Princess Aggie Salm-Salm, and Jesus Montero's gang of unwashed bandits who were on hand only because Jesus thought I knew where Montezuma's treasure was cached, more fool he.
Above the sounds of the powerful wind, parakeets and troupials can be heard chattering, and the bleating of goats reverberates across rolling hills.
Radical feminism is currently the fashionable topic among the chattering classes.
When a deadly snake, a black krait, slithered into my nursery and my Indian nanny ran screaming from the room, her ankle bracelets chattering in panic, it was Yah Mohammed who calmly killed the krait,’ she explains.
A long peaceful silence followed, the distant sounds of car engines humming and people chattering were the only thing audible.
It's not true that the chattering classes are unengaged.
She walked out of her room and into the hallway, breezing past a group of people who were chattering about their day.
Birds were chattering from the eaves, and she could hear the clip of the swallows 'beaks as they caught the last insects of the day.
Excerpt: Grass For His Pillow by Lian Hearn
This was best demonstrated by Everything But the Girl's rendition of Antonio Carlos Jobim's "Corcovado," which deftly blended light chattering drum and bass rhythms into the delicate ambiance of the song.
At Long Last, a Red Hot Return to Rio
We are not tired of the endless processions of cheerful, chattering gossipers that throng these courts and streets all day long, either; nor of the coarse-robed monks; nor of the "Asti" wines, which that old doctor
The Innocents Abroad
Gone were the rucksacked school kids, chattering and chasing around the old ladies who hobbled along almost in slow motion with yappy dogs and hair in a bun and little trolleys full of bread.
In order to weaken the chattering phenomenon of sliding mode control, a method of fuzzy sliding mode control(FSMC)based on the slip ratio control of automobile ABS was presented.
Chattering noisily, the crowd began to filter into the auditorium.
Janir rode in his carrier on our way home, chattering away in a language of his own invention.
But no sooner did he declare himself in form, than the gaudy wretch, as he was before with her, became a well-dressed gentleman; — the chattering magpie (for he talks and laughs much), quite conversable, and has something agreeable to say upon every subject.
The music of the spheres turns out to be a mixture of whistles, chirrups, howls, static and something that sounds like chattering voices.
The monkey mind has been too too prominant and after so long off, it's chattering is drowned out by the need to GET ON WITH IT!
We'd all sat down at the enormous round table by the time she arrived, eleven of us, chattering away, and she arrived, this tiny white-haired lady, and nestled into a space next my brother, exaggerating her tininess.
Since Sally was the only member of the group who would acknowledge Yap's existence, the little gnome dogged her every step, chattering excitedly.
Mason was putting on a brave front, but his chattering teeth told us all we needed to know.
They often feed in flocks, and when they are disturbed they go chattering away delightfully in a dark cloud across the sky.
Times, Sunday Times
The magpies were chattering in the trees
The dream which he dreamed that night was the answer of the skull, which spoke with a clappering noise like that of teeth chattering together.
The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
She was acting friendly enough now, chattering away like they were in college, but there she was, on the verge of harakiri with an American.
For the Sake of the Boy
Why does he think his brand chimes so well with the chattering classes?
Times, Sunday Times
I could neither laugh with nor at the solemn utterances of men I esteemed ponderous asses; nor could I laugh, nor engage in my old-time lightsome persiflage, with the silly superficial chatterings of women, who, underneath all their silliness and softness, were as primitive, direct, and deadly in their pursuit of biological destiny as the monkeys women were before they shed their furry coats and replaced them with the furs of other animals.
Chapter 29
So Louis and I rendezvoused in a livery stable, and with coats buttoned and chattering teeth played euchre and casino until the time of our exile was over.
Chapter 19
Now what would otherwise have been a uninviting troglodytic restaurant is transformed into what promises to become a popular meeting place for the city's chattering classes.
People are chattering and laughing; dice are being thrown; there is the constant clattering of mah-jong tiles.
The blue kingfisher is investigating the tumour made by white ants in the bloodwood wherein the nest is annually excavated, and soon the chattering notes of the pair will be heard.
Tropic Days
Mark was still chattering about the movie scene when all the cathode ray screens went blank.
Five vulnerable species, four of which are found nowhere else, are found in the ecoregion: invisible rail (Habroptila wallacii), caranculated fruit-dove (Ptilinopus granulifrons), chattering lory (Lorius garrulus), and white cockatoo (Cacatua alba).
Halmahera rain forests
The teacher told the children to stop chattering in class.
Cafes lining the ice-blue water are busy with fishermen knocking back treacly shots of espresso, chattering away in Roman slang, the air scented with freshly roasting porchetta.
Plucking the Finest Fruits From the Sea
A restaurant with an open-air bar, it's a place to sit amid warm wood hues and chattering groups of friends as you enjoy tasty sushi hand-rolls and a Mango and Cardamom Daiquiri , perhaps?
Against incredible odds, this chef fed chitterlings to London's chattering classes and had them begging for more.
There was no need; she was chattering away.
Wives and Daughters
The place was packed with people, chattering happily and laughing loudly.
Sara picked up one of Ana's two bags and started briskly for the stairway, chattering in an enchanting English drawl about how "disorientated" jet lag left a person, and then about the weather.
A Darker Place
Zach's chattering was only a faint rumbling echo in the distance.
Sedge warblers advertise their presence by a chattering and varied song, but are often invisible due to the dense herbage they haunt.
Ay," they chorused hoarsely between their chattering teeth.
A Raid on the Oyster Pirates
Patrick dressed quickly, his teeth chattering in the chill air, and then hurried down to the kitchen.
By turning these complex debates into a story of noble defenders of liberty versus power-grabbing tyrants (whether politicians or officials), the liberty lobby reinforces the lazy antipolitics of the age - a sort of UK Independence party for the chattering classes.
An Englishman's Castle
The rest of the class seemed to get the idea soon enough and before long the group was chattering in mad excitement.
The minstrels have a fabliau of a daw with borrowed feathers — why, this Oliver is The very bird, and, by St. Dunstan, if he lets his chattering tongue run on at my expense, I will so pluck him as never hawk plumed a partridge.
The Fair Maid of Perth
They often feed in flocks, and when they are disturbed they go chattering away delightfully in a dark cloud across the sky.
Times, Sunday Times
This he sums up as a simple question: "what is behind the opinions and attitudes of what are called the chattering classes?
Archive 2007-07-01
Chattering about tabloid trivia or television celebrity shows, he can barely conceal his lack of interest.
The click of poles and chattering of skis was reminiscent of the tinkling of an old-time piano.
Tots fell silent; birds stopped chirping; you could hear hearts beating amid the chattering teeth.
At a time when voter apathy and distrust of politicians is a concern on the lips of almost the entire chattering class, this is a measure sure to help solidify all these problems.
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Programming note: Chattering with chimps in chimpanzee
« Programming note: Chattering with chimps in chimpanzee |
Squeaking and sqawking with the animals
Rob managed to get his shivering somewhat under control, although his teeth were still chattering from the cold water.
She had seemed so girlish, chattering on about clothes and gossiping about the recent betrothals.
He loves chattering away but some of his words are unprintable!
In summer, we went swimming in the Barrow every day, and swam until we were blue with the cold, our teeth chattering as we practised for competitions.
Everyone began chattering at once.
The Crossing-Place
They were followed by a wild though picturesque rabble of rabona women, carrying great bundles tied on their heads or backs, shrieking and chattering in their native tongue like gariho monkeys.
The Story of Paul Boyton Voyages on All the Great Rivers of the World
The reason they are chattering is because they keep bruxing their teeth over polls.
Poll: Obama's Core Groups Launch Him To Six-Point Lead Over McCain
At night the restaurants and bars fill up with the chattering classes down from the city.
As the strips of the image painted on the screen, the room of chattering scientists fell quiet.
As an artist and a member of the chattering classes, I have attained a particular niche celebrity.
Times, Sunday Times
It keepeth and preserveth the head from whirling, the eyes from dazzling, the tongue from lisping, the mouth from maffling, the teeth from chattering, and the throat from rattling.
Her teeth are chattering, and I run to get a blanket to throw over her.
Why does he think his brand chimes so well with the chattering classes?
Times, Sunday Times
Hamlet re-visited, or Art aspiring to the condition of group therapy for the chattering classes?
If I could only find my friend Basket, or get a message taken to him," ingeminated the Major, whose teeth were chattering despite the tropical atmosphere of the gallery.
The Mayor of Troy
He is more modest and self-deprecatory than the chattering and critiquing classes give him credit for.
Times, Sunday Times
While Marie was chattering to the French boys, Amedee called Emil to the back of the room and whispered to him that they were going to play a joke on the girls.
O Pioneers!
She remembered her contemptuous silence before Stillman's obvious suavities, the high, assured laugh which his companion, Mrs. Condor, threw out to meet his quiet sallies, the ruffling satisfaction of her mother, chattering on irrelevantly, but with the undisguised purpose of creating
The Blood Red Dawn
You save more lives that way, even if the wilfully ignorant of the chattering classes get into a lather because of it.
I invested in a snazzy pin-on mic to counter the ambient sound of chattering and clinking china.
Mornings would see me waking to my fancy alarm clock's digital readout of a temperature of a tooth-chattering plus three Celsius.
The word here is possibly derived from the magpie, a noisy, chattering bird.
My teeth were chattering, and the juice from the pear was dripping over my red wool mittens.
Most quislings come from the chattering classes, from academics and intellectuals.
The studio was filled with the same chattering and babble of languages that I had encountered upon my arrival.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
Not even the chickadees chattering and hopscotching in the shrubs at our yard's edge can break my mood.
Without instruments, listeners will hear whooping, chattering, burbling, aspirating and the occasional thumping beatbox.
When the Necks seem vaguely jazzlike (the big tone of the acoustic bass, the small repeated shards of a chattering drum or piano pattern), they sound full and authoritative.
NYT > Home Page
They made a cheerful racket, chattering away and laughing all the while.
They communicate by stamping their forepaws, chattering their teeth, and emitting a variety of whimpers, whines, hisses, and other vocalizations.
They communicate by stamping their forepaws, chattering their teeth, and emitting a variety of whimpers, whines, hisses, and other vocalizations.
Because "selectionist" thinking is so verboten in American intellectual life today, the chattering classes have no practice in thinking critically about selectionist theories, as opposed to demonizing them as Thoughtcrime.
It Takes a Selectionist to Catch a Selectionist
At certain times of the day, small birds flock to these branches, chattering and fluttering, as if this were a festive occasion.
She spent the morning chattering away to her friends.
Every hour, through the chattering and bargaining, we would hear a single, ominous drumbeat.
Dori's teeth were chattering with cold, and Roger gave up with a sigh.
The Grosbeak's note is described by different observers as a shrill _cheepy tee_ and a frog-like _peep_, while one writer remarks that the males have a single metallic cry like the note of a trumpet, and the females a loud chattering like the large Cherry Birds.
Birds Illustrated by Color Photography [August, 1897] A Monthly Serial designed to Promote Knowledge of Bird-Life
At the top of a steep ravine, I heard a chattering scream and was overtaken by a giant shadow.
Tuning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic
It is an exciting moment for me when I see a blade of grass or see a leaf of a tree, and when I listen to birds chattering and to running water in a stream.
Teenagers clustered around in groups, chattering excitedly or busy text messaging family to pass on the news before rushing off to celebrate in the sun, although it was not all joy.
Then, as he placed the net on the table, the wildly chattering monkey grew quiet.
The door into the lobby opened again, the sound of voices chattering excitedly.
“What are you two people chattering about there?” says the Queen, who was rather good-natured, though not over-burthened with wisdom.
The Rose and the Ring
In many a lonely village not an ounce nor a grain of anything could be brought, and yet there might be standing around scores of white-garmented, stalwart Koreans, smoking yard-long pipes and chattering, chattering — ceaselessly chattering.
The Yellow Peril
There were a couple of students outside, chattering before school started.
He kicked it absently as he made his way to the entrance, his arms folded over his torso, his teeth chattering from the biting cold.
Everyone's chattering away in different languages.
There's an easy way to stop your wipers 'chattering' - but do it with care
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Within 20 minutes, she is chattering away.
Times, Sunday Times
Those basking on the sunlit uplands of the chattering classes were born there or have passed through this barrier.
Times, Sunday Times
The "cardinal grosbeak" (_Pitylus cardinalis_) with his bright scarlet wings; the blue jay, noisy and chattering; the rarer "crossbill" (_Loxia_) with its deep crimson colour; and many others, equally bright and beautiful, enlivened the woods, either with their voice or their gaudy plumage.
The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North
Constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes.
The fall through leafy branches and the dizzy heights; the snakes that struck at me as I dodged and leaped away in chattering flight; the wild dogs that hunted me across the open spaces to the timber -- these were terrors concrete and actual, happenings and not imaginings, things of the living flesh and of sweat and blood.
Do stop chattering on about the weather when I'm trying to read.
The chattering dissipates a bit and a few of the nodder-offers open a curious eye at the startling silence.
Archive 2008-10-01
The night was brief and terrible as in an access of fever, and I lay shaking and chattering in the burning bed.
It is an exciting moment for me when I see a blade of grass or see a leaf of a tree, and when I listen to birds chattering and to running water in a stream.
Upstairs, reporters jammed into a tiny antechamber, the shaggy cameramen and newspaper photographers chain-smoking and the reporters chattering nervously.
Those basking on the sunlit uplands of the chattering classes were born there or have passed through this barrier.
Times, Sunday Times
Why does he think his brand chimes so well with the chattering classes?
Times, Sunday Times
So they played, and he lost and went away, chattering in Frankish jargon and saying,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
This debate engaged all but the most garrulous of the chattering classes rather less than the issue of how many angels can stand on the point of a pin.
When she looks back, Rosalind is in the doorway, and the tray she is holding is chattering.
L. Debard and Aliette
Bursts of vicious guitar abuse, chattering electronics and blurty synths weave over stuttering, semi-metronomic percussives.
She turns them all on so she can listen to the crazy chorus of crescendoing cacophony; it's a distressing dissonance like chattering chipmunks and chirping canaries conversing.
Nancy Ruhling: Astoria Characters: The Saw Lady
Jack came awake with a start, teeth chattering madly from the cold.
Restaurants often open in a blaze of glory and maximum volume from the chattering classes.
Times, Sunday Times
Constantly chattering over each other, the vast room is buzzing with an infectious excitement.
I should, however, feel inclined to forgive much of his extraordinary romancing for the admirable manner in which he settled that chattering twaddler, Bishop Burnet:
Notes and Queries, Number 183, April 30, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
Those basking on the sunlit uplands of the chattering classes were born there or have passed through this barrier.
Times, Sunday Times
The house nearly buzzed from the sound of their chattering.
I was escaping from my seamstresses again - darn those chattering women anyway.
Excited chattering rose to a crescendo in the auditorium as the sound of the fast-moving convoy fell upon the ears of those at the back of the crowd.
I have chattering and squealing, screeching and cooing, crabbing and carping.
I am sure that I am not the only person who would love to see the old style market and hear all the music playing, chattering from children, stall holders yelling their wares and the smell of hot dogs and candyfloss.
The studio was filled with the same chattering and babble of languages that I had encountered upon my arrival.
No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
In the backyard, four bushy-tailed squirrels scamper up to the screen door, chattering loudly.
Snow is frequent in winter and the temperature, particularly on the high berg can plunge to a teeth-chattering minus 18C.
Through the surging chattering crowd, -- which fell back right and left before their quietly determined advance, -- the Residency party made their way in to the partial shade of the _shamianah_, wherein chairs had been set for the English guests; four on either side of the Palace group.
The Great Amulet
In the aftermath of the American elections the chattering classes in Britain have portrayed the moral majority in America as the peculiar aberration of a raw, uncivilised culture.
Jacko was found guilty of these two charges by the steward and helmsman, (whose pipe Jacko had also committed to the waters of the Scaggerack,) and ordered to the mast-head; and there he remained for three hours sitting close to the jaws of the gaff, and chattering, without cessation, his annoyances to the gaff halliard blocks.
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
A wheat fungus in Ukraine, a class-action defeat, a movie that bombs, a CEO ouster, a bad quarter: whenever I think I have a bead on the future, the financial chattering class tells me that the institutional investors, private wealth managers and arbitrageurs have been yawning about that news for months.
Marty Kaplan: Who's Afraid of a Countdown Clock?
At eleven at night this transplanted city of Cathay is still all alive; the streets crowded with a moving stream of black blouses and yellow faces – every one cheerful, chattering, and wide awake.
In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
A pause before the next burst, the children chattering excitedly, "oohing" and "aahing" as they spotted the lights of the Christmas tree.
Frost at Christmas
This time it was a loud thudding and scraping, as though furniture was being moved around and, all the while, there was a persistent chattering.
Within 20 minutes, she is chattering away.
Times, Sunday Times
Why does he think his brand chimes so well with the chattering classes?
Times, Sunday Times
He "kowtowed" some more, and at the answer of the chattering savage we looked at Annie.
They told beautiful wonders, half-understood glories; their eyes far, their fingers quickly delicate, their teeth chattering endless secrets.
The Future and Why We are Afraid
Heaven knows what we might have become in that tiny plantation, for I was sick of life, and the mosquitos and flying ants, and the chattering parroquets, the grim gallinazo, and the quatre, or native bed -- a wooden frame and canvas; but one day at Kingston I met a man, one Cassandro Biatt, who had an obsession for adventure, and he spoke to me privately.
The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
But the bright, blindingly yellow-white sun glared down onto Nikrya, and sparrows shot from tree to tree, chattering in high-pitched chirps.
Chattering daws," Martin muttered under his breath, and went on talking with Ruth and Arthur.
Chapter 37
Everyone began chattering at once.
The Crossing-Place
The _No. 5_ heaved anchor, the chain clanking and chattering in a hawsepipe.
Poor Man's Rock
He is presenting himself as a man who has little time for the chattering classes, the academics and lawyers and newspaper columnists who will recoil from the spectre of reviving chain gangs, and all the time in the world for the people he describes as "hard-working Ontarians who play by the rules.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
All the while he'll be chattering: a stream of free-associative hyper-speed commentary and self-addressed peptalk.
The Piano Man
Let the chattering classes recognize their stupidity and ignorance and ponder on them.
Now, as we intimated a week ago, the thought that he might depart to run the Victoria and Albert Museum fills the chattering classes with horror.
It is a jungle resort where the hill villas are surrounded by lush greenery containing the sounds of screeching monkeys and chattering cicadas.
The response seemed to be generally positive from the online community, but the idea of chattering newspapers frightens me.
Talking newspapers invade Indian breakfast tables
The hum of chattering voices floated through the still air, accompanied by the faint strains of music.
Chattering, always chattering with the indecipherable burble of an audience.
Perfect sunny day - in the shade of towering trees with magpies doing elegant swooping fly-bys, lorikeets twittering in packs and huge, vivid rosellas chattering from aloft.
The media fixation on all things negative is so ubiquitous now - and any attempt at "cosiness" or "optimism" is dismissed so sneeringly by the chattering classes and ordinary Joes alike - that I find it hard to imagine any other way.
The norms of Norman Rockwell | Peter Preston
After being cooped up in those constricting nests for months, here they were climbing, diving, spiraling and chattering feverishly, becoming better aeronauts by the minute.
The peloton entered Jean de Florette country to the highpitched chattering of cicadas, with the domestiques making constant visits to their team cars to refill their riders ' bidons.