
How To Use Chastity In A Sentence

  • I've known Chastity since she was young, and this girl was a total tomboy.
  • Slowly the edge parted and flattened out, broadwise, displaying the marbled brilliance of the butterfly's inner wings, illumining the pale chastity of the sleeping figure as if with a quivering and evanescent jewel. Success A Novel
  • Perhaps if I simper and pout and let you call me Chastity, it will be easier for you? TREASON KEEP
  • 9 And burnt his beastly heart to efforce her chastity. efforce > force, overcome by force (SUS); _hence: _ violate The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • With regard to marriage Luther pursues the same idea: The marital relationship between a man and a woman is true chastity and of higher value than monastic asceticism.
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  • And both mouths, while generously proportioned, carried the impression of girlish sweetness and chastity along with the muscles that could draw the lips to the firmness and harshness that would not give the lie to the square, uncleft chins beneath. CHAPTER IX
  • Another group of monasteries grew up around friars who although taking the triple vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience were mendicants who moved about the country using any house of their own order as a base.
  • Now, it is true that virtue and chastity are not the same thing but, like any of the natural appetites, a question of moderation is involved.
  • In this passage, Oothoon's rhetoric of purity and defilement reveals her unwitting capitulation to Theotormon's ascetic dualism (which opposes chastity to harlotry), while her use of the verb "rend" in her instruction to Theotormon's eagles implies, most appallingly, an invited repetition of Bromion's act of rape. Gender, Environment, and Imperialism in William Blake's _Visions of the Daughters of Albion_
  • The show will spotlight the classic Bunny costume, one of the most recognizable outfits of all time, complete with bursting cleavage, name-tag rosette and a tail that Norman Mailer once called "the puff of chastity. The Bunny Is Back
  • This mask is as barbaric as the chastity belt. The Sun
  • After a period of such mutual abstention it became a virtue, like an oath of chastity. FAIRYLAND
  • I have a hard time with it, knowing that if my brother ever found out I was, you know, * festive*, he'd likely think I was too perverted to be near his kids and grandkids, even though I'm chaste and have been even back when I was a neopagan and didn't believe chastity was mandated or even all that great. Keeping the Riff-Raff Out of Heaven
  • More resonantly, Joan, due to her chastity, courage, chivalry, piety and intelligence, personified an exceptional female figurehead.
  • Also patron of academics, chastity, pencil makers and schools.
  • Imagine a particularly ascetic monastic order, whose rule not only enjoins chastity, but forbids sexual desire.
  • The monks also take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel that it is not necessary for me to go further to convince any one of my readers that the lustfulness of the priestcraft is a menace to the chastity of womankind, for if this nun has told the truth, and which I know from past experiences is true, and which I also know is a recital that could be intensified ten thousand times over, if the whole truth could be told, but which cannot be told in this volume, as I have too much respect for my readers to recite what I have seen with my own eyes and what I have had repeated to me by broken-hearted "sisters" who have come to me with tears in their eyes and with sighs in their throats to tell me of their miseries. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • Chastity bent down to tie her shoelace, and after succeeding in making it into a perfect bow, she looked up and examined the locker room.
  • Br Dennis Murphy has just completed his novice year at the Dominicans and took his first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience this Wednesday.
  • I have an Episcopalian Franciscan friend, a monk who has become a priest, and who took the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • However the unwomanly freedom they enjoy in the public, commercial realm of the city only confirms the cultural connection between domesticity and chastity, between the walls of the household and the sealed-off female body.
  • There is evidently something about a life of poverty and chastity that appeals. Times, Sunday Times
  • `That chastity oath of hers was an act of arrant lunacy, Joanna. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • … On the other hand, it must be obvious, that when Circe’s unfortunate animals are induced to worship chastity, all they see and _worship_ therein, is their opposite — oh! and with what tragic groaning and fervour, may well be imagined — that same painful and thoroughly superfluous opposition which, towards the end of his life, Richard Wagner undoubtedly wished to set to music and to put on the stage, _And to what purpose? The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • Comus is a sort of fairy tale about chastity — a mask, actually. Some Milton « Unknowing
  • It is mystical and ascetic, with the sisters observing vows of poverty, chastity and silence.
  • A growth of male chastity would ruin the oldest profession the world.
  • I. i.217 (15,1) in strong proof] In chastity _of proof_, as we say in armour _of proof_. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Or maybe the concept of a glass ceiling is as old-fashioned as a chastity belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the motive for FGM is to ensure chastity before marriage and to curb female libido, then the nick option is not sufficient. ProWomanProLife » Thanks, Ayaan Hirsi Ali!
  • It was a cruel _snouch_ in the Painter, a fine Girl having paid him seventy-five guineas for an hour's work, and being unable to pay for the other half of her portrait, to exhibit her with such a sarcastic allusion to her private life -- to call her Thais -- to put a torch in her hand, and direct her to set flames to the temple of Chastity. Highways and Byways in Surrey
  • The hymen was not simply a sign or proof of chastity; rather, being physically ‘intact’ supposedly imparted strength, youth and holiness to the woman.
  • Programs are screened for scenes that contradict the codes of sexual chastity and religious observance.
  • It is like a chastity belt in alloy wheels. The Sun
  • Re 22: 15; Mt 7: 6; Tit 1: 15, 16): "dogs" in filthiness, unchastity, and snarling (De 23: 18; Ps 59: 6, 14, 15; 2Pe 2: 22): especially "enemies of the cross of Christ" (Php 3: 18; Ps 22: 16, 20). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • She celebrates the family values promoted by the tondi: paternal nurturing; maternal piety, chastity, and fertility; and health, beauty, and innocence in children.
  • “You are not a real man because you cannot attract The Ladies with your innate sexual virility/status/wealth etc” to go along with the “you are a bad lady because you do not believe chastity is the cardinal female virtue.” Relevancy of Client Status « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Members of other orders may, if they choose, gallop across the tundra to succour outcast Siberian lepers, or go white-water rafting in Katmandu, but a Benedictine takes vows of poverty, chastity, and stability.
  • Now since chastity, purity, and sanctity exist only in love truly conjugial, it follows, that it neither does nor can exist in polygamical love. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • She could have had a Court of Virgins, or gone like Artemis, buskined through the thickets, with a hundred high-girdled nymphs behind her, all for her sake locked in chastity. Little Novels of Italy Madonna Of The Peach-Tree, Ippolita In The Hills, The Duchess Of Nona, Messer Cino And The Live Coal, The Judgment Of Borso
  • Or has our boasted progress brought with it a suspicion that female chastity is, after all, an overprized bauble -- that what is no crime against nature should be tolerated by this eminently practical age? The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 1.
  • Rooted in paternalistic culture and practiced for centuries, female circumcision in Uganda is thought to protect a girl's chastity by "reducing the urge for sex in women, " Mirundi said.
  • On the subject of chastity until marriage she is just as vehement.
  • Adrina suddenly decided that she preferred the Lady Chastity's company to others '. TREASON KEEP
  • Their language bears no affinity to the idioms of the Continent: in the habits of domestic life, they are not easily distinguished from their neighbors of France: but the most singular circumstance of their manners is their disregard of conjugal honor and of female chastity. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The Lady is eventually rescued by Sabrina, the nymph of the river Severn and an embodiment of chastity.
  • It is generally accepted among the elderly people the chastity before marriage is still demanded.
  • The fifth five that was used, as I find, by this knight was free-giving and friendliness first before all, and chastity and chivalry ever changeless and straight, and piety surpassing all points: these perfect five were hasped upon him harder than on any man else. The Pentangel Depaynt of Pure Golde Hwes
  • At the worst, that is, if she found I was not disposed to be as virtuous as herself, she knew she might play an aftergame; and could easily relax by degrees from the severity of her chastity, accordingly as I made it worth her while. Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph
  • Legendary entertainer Cher is speaking out for the first time about losing her daughter Chastity Bono — and gaining a son, Chaz. Chastity/Chaz Bono Memoir “Coming Clean” Spring 2011
  • After a period of such mutual abstention it became a virtue, like an oath of chastity. FAIRYLAND
  • This Mercy was granddaughter to one of Cromwell's ironsides, and brought her rare personal merit into their house, and also the best blood of the old Puritans, than which there is no blood in Europe more rich in male courage, female chastity, and all the virtues. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 109, November, 1866
  • A woman's chastity is considered as her highest virtue and all Hindu traditional literature extols the greatness of a chaste woman.
  • Much more, therefore, can he be dispensed from the vow of continency which is about an act of chastity. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • Particularly in terms of illegitimacy, mothers were punished more harshly than fathers, suffering public humiliation, even ostracism, as they were denounced from the altar and denied (either for a limited period of public penance, or indefinitely) churching and the sacraments. 63 Here, then, was a reinforcement of the chastity requirement of middle-class ideology. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Chastity sighed in relief, but fear quickly returned when she noticed the forest was no longer bright and magical, but dark and eerie.
  • At the base of the triangle made by her stomacher, and foregrounded by a white ribbon tied in a bow, hangs an emblem of the Queen's chastity.
  • The Bishop of Middlesborough received and consecrated her as a hermit in 1994 and she took her vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
  • `Give me chastity, Lord," Augustine had prayed, `Give me continence But not yet! RIDDLE ME THIS
  • And because that he wist well and knew that chastity in delices, pity in riches, and humility in honour often perish, he took and gave his courage to sobriety and good diet, to humility and misericorde, keeping himself right curiously from the pricking sautes and watch of the world, the flesh and the devil, and chastised his body and brought it to servitude by the ensample of the apostles. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • An interlude follows in which are described the adventures of Chastity among humbler folks, a tailor, a soutar, and their wives.
  • He has some excellent things to say about the importance of chastity, especially among persons consecrated to God by sacred ordination or by vows.
  • Songs performed by women country singers of the 1960s and 1970s that promoted motherhood, chastity, monogamy, and child rearing outsold country songs about women expressing their sexuality, cheating on their mates, dancing at honky-tonks, or drinking. A Renegade History of the United States
  • With one, her reputation for chastity and probity was at its height, while the other was embroiled in rumour and vicious innuendo. ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
  • They shared a common acceptance that chastity was formed by exercises in self-denial comparable to athletic training.
  • Members of other orders may, if they choose, gallop across the tundra to succour outcast Siberian lepers, or go white-water rafting in Katmandu, but a Benedictine takes vows of poverty, chastity, and stability.
  • Some classical moralists debated whether such sins involving a priest consecrated both by ordination and by a vow of chastity constituted one or two sacrileges.
  • It is generally accepted among the elderly people the chastity before marriage is still demanded.
  • It was this witness of life which gave me the courage to come here at the age of twenty-three, and finally to take Solemn Vows of chastity, poverty and obedience a few months ago.
  • I HAVE been wearing a chastity belt as a way of coping with my frustration. The Sun
  • As a monk, he took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.
  • The third virtue central to the sangang doctrine is jie or chastity (preserving the marital fidelity of the wife or the virginal purity of an unmarried woman).
  • Perhaps because I'm a lapsed Catholic who was taught by nuns, and as an adult have interviewed women who prefer the convent and vow of chastity, I've learned something of the utility and defense that something like a veil, habit of dress, and separate habitation, if not outright cloistering, affords women who wish not to be sexually objectified by commercial and sexual interests. G. Roger Denson: Shirin Neshat: Artist of the Decade
  • What he counsels as the proper Christian behavior for them is chastity.
  • The laurel tree, which Correggio renders with great naturalism, simultaneously evokes notions of fidelity, chastity, and poetic attainment.
  • Chastity is the third monastic virtue, the opposite of voluptuousness.
  • Horrified and overcome by guilt, Kate prays constantly for forgiveness and chastity.
  • Whatever it may do in this way, in men, in women it is sure, unless prevented by age or by salutary ugliness, to produce a moderate, and a _very moderate_, portion of chastity. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • For example, some groups stressed premarital chastity more than others did.
  • Religion is an intensely personal matter and is as sacrosanct as chastity.
  • With one, her reputation for chastity and probity was at its height, while the other was embroiled in rumour and vicious innuendo. ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • A friend of mine suggested that "lilied" was peculiarly appropriate to form "cold nymphs chaste crowns," from its imputed power as a preserver of chastity: and in MR. HALLIWELL'S folio, several examples are quoted from old poets of "peony" spelt "piony;" and of both _peony_ and _lily_ as Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • Except me, having spent the season in abstinence, chastity and Good Works. Cheeseburger Gothic » Sweet jeebus, lookit this mess!
  • Male and female members of religious orders took a vow of chastity and ordained priests were obligated to celibacy.
  • Nay, but they say that the precious metals foster all manner of vice, such as the seduction of women, adultery, and unchastity, in short, crimes of violence against the person.
  • The most terrible thing for the prisoner within the four walls in which he is buried, is a sort of glacial chastity, and he calls the dungeon the castus. Les Miserables
  • But it has great elements -- the idolon, the chastity of Helen, the prophetess Theonoe which has to be one of the best names for a prophetess ever. Archive 2005-03-01
  • Dating conflicts with strict cultural norms about female chastity and its relationship to the honor of the woman and her family.
  • Whatever fasts a vowess might neglect as non-obligatory, it seems probable that she would not willingly forgo any opportunity of showing reverence to the Blessed Virgin, who, in the belief of St. Augustine, had taken vows of chastity before the salutation of the Angel. The Customs of Old England
  • Chaste women are often proud froward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity.
  • Dating conflicts with strict cultural norms about female chastity and its relationship to the honor of the woman and her family.
  • A growth of male chastity would ruin the oldest profession the world.
  • Chastity made an excited sound in the back of her throat, sort of like a growl, flinging her arms around Zac's neck.
  • Here the sensuous wooing of the traditional lover is replaced by a display of coy and squeamish chastity.
  • The authors also fail to understand that for Jesuits chastity is a way of relating to God, not just to other people.
  • Most of it is a defence of Sappho's chastity, which some German had denied, and I can assure you the passion with which these two gentlemen argued, the learning they displayed, the prodigious ingenuity with which they disputed the use of some implement which looked to me for all the world like a hairpin astounded me; especially when the door opened and Professor Hobkin himself appeared. Monday or Tuesday
  • Julius Caesar, Livy and the geographer Strabo all had a go before Tacitus published his monograph in 98 A.D. But it was his account of these pure-bred, frighteningly tall, dazzlingly blond warriors with their piercing blue eyes, their chastity and their courage, that stuck in the German mind and, nearly two millennia later, bolstered the Nazis' fantasies that they were destined to be the Master Race. Hitler's Golden Book
  • Though in his youth he had been much addicted to intemperance and licentious pleasures, after he had ranked himself among philosophers he was never known to violate the laws of sobriety or chastity.
  • Thus can Diana reveal herself to Actaeon and enjoy the roguery of that revelation, opening herself to her chastity's shame.
  • The entire book is announced by her as an attack upon her own image as ‘Miss Chastity Belt’, ‘America's la-di-da happy virgin’.
  • But Pope Paul had the fleur-de-lys on his coat-of-arms, and he was the Pope who published Humanae Vitae, exalting chaste love during the a time when chastity was becoming a rare commodity. Archive 2009-03-01
  • there are many vowers of chastity but few who observe it
  • Thus, about matters of chastity, a man after inquiring with his reason forms a right judgment, if he has learnt the science of morals, while he who has the habit of chastity judges of such matters by a kind of connaturality. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • By the eighteenth century, masculine chastity was closely connected with one's respectability and membership among the middling sorts.
  • Chastity kicked her legs out from under her, but Miriam cartwheeled away, keeping her balance and landing lightly on her feet.
  • Chastity before marriage is still demanded in some societies.
  • I'm glad I did even though it meant I had to commit to a life of chastity because of my new faith, rather than being chaste in a unplanned way because of my unattractiveness. Oh, No, it's Nanowrimo!!!
  • Trading tribes rarely affect the pundonor which characterizes the pastoral and the predatory; these people traffic in all things, even in the chastity of their women. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • His Latin version taught them how to live as monks in poverty, chastity, and obedience, while French additions dealt with military organization and tactics.
  • John C. Wright has produced a six-part essay on the subject of why chastity is good, why the erosion of marriage leads to a breakdown in society, and why homosexuality is disordered: Notes on a Recurring Topic
  • We agreed I can remove the chastity belt once a month. The Sun
  • Siva's young followers are taught to protect their chastity as a treasure and to save sexual intimacy for their future spouse.
  • They know the difference between darkness and light; and know that genuine love consists in manifesting chastity of heart, which lives upon love alone, and does not pride itself on dissimulation, which is a vice. The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
  • Made Chastity not biteable and fixed Sin Bin handle and area change. - All about games!
  • During that period, a woman was more concerned with preserving her chastity than with saving her life.
  • In the capable hands of author, mother, and BYU alum Stephenie Meyer, chastity is charged with sexual excitement. TWILIGHT SAGA WEEKEND NEWS WRAP-UP FOR DECEMBER 5TH & 6TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • The topics addressed are swearing, falling from God, an exhortation against the fear of death, obedience to earthly rulers, adultery and unchastity, and contention and brawling.
  • Others seem more far-fetched: hart's tongue apparently promotes chastity; wild clary prevents envy. Welsh villagers market Myddfai as mecca for herbal remedies
  • He immediately points out that sins against this commandment include not helping one's neighbor in preventing unchastity.
  • So I will have to modify my previous position: the problem is a culture of unchastity, whether hetero or homosexual.
  • We have certain core issues we lobby on, including the sanctity of innocent human life, chastity, marriage and the traditional family.
  • In spite of being single and professing the vow of chastity as a nun, I sometimes feel this way.
  • And Messer Giojoso, full of parental indignation at this gross treatment of his child, and outraged chastity at the notion of a young man of churchly aims, as were mine, being in perversive dalliance with that peasant-wench, repaired straight to my mother with the story of it, which I doubt not lost nothing by its repetition. The Strolling Saint; being the confessions of the high and mighty Agostino D'Anguissola, tyrant of Mondolfo and Lord of Carmina in the state of Piacenza
  • Rather, we should stop treating young adults like children, we should throw out this artificial and ill-conceived concept of "teenager," we should teach a full-orbed concept of chastity, and we should encourage younger marriages. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Also patron of academics, chastity, pencil makers and schools.
  • There is nothing that so poisons princes as flattery, nor anything whereby wicked men more easily obtain credit and favour with them; nor panderism so apt and so usually made use of to corrupt the chastity of women as to wheedle and entertain them with their own praises. The Essays of Montaigne — Complete
  • At his humble prayer, the lives of the Romans were spared; and the chastity of the maids and matrons was preserved inviolate from the passions of the hungry soldiers. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Chastity pulled her hand away quickly, as if the book was a roaring lion.
  • The biblical virtues of modesty, chivalry, chastity and fidelity are ignored.
  • In 1534 they all swore an oath of poverty, chastity and obedience to the pope.
  • Mr Cousins sees in this the disorderly, self-defeating aspects of both sexual desire and chastity.
  • Nuns are under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
  • Then they would take their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER: A Journey Through the Science of Feelings
  • For the early Christian writers the tree has even become the symbol of chastity.
  • You owe him civil behavior, consideration, and decorum, not a vow of chastity.
  • In fact chivalry has been defined as the interpenetration of Christianity into the practice of arms: the chivalrous knight of the Middle Ages was not only a brave and skilful fighter, ready whenever occasion arose to reveal his prowess on the field of battle, but also he stood for utter chastity, for a high standard of honor, for the protection of the defenseless and the weak, and for mercy and humanity to a vanquished foe. Chivalry in the British Empire
  • She is a real temptress, testing his chastity.
  • They have taken vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Christianity Today
  • Mother Mary of the Passion, who was beatified on October 20, followed St. Francis of Assissi's evangelical spirit of simplicity, poverty and chastity.
  • It is generally accepted among the elderly people the chastity before marriage is still demanded.
  • Chastity was as deep ingrained in them as Party loyalty.
  • More specifically, chapter one examines how a new language of gallantry competed with older Christian perceptions of adultery as a sinful unchastity requiring public policing.
  • Every husband is the exactor of chastity; but beauty, a believing (husband) does not require, because we are not captivated by the same graces which the Gentiles think (to be) graces: an unbelieving one, on the other hand, even regards with suspicion, just from that infamous opinion of us which the Gentiles have. "Don’t worry, O blessed ladies, no woman is ugly to her own husband; she was pleasing enough when she was chosen."
  • Chastity was as deeply ingrained in them as Party loyalty.
  • Perhaps more surprisingly, Lucio, the rake and libertine, also sees the value of chastity.
  • The daughter of Sonny Bono and Cher, Chastity Bono is an actress and gay rights activist. Five People Born on March 4 | myFiveBest
  • The ‘Black Canons’ followed a strict religious life of poverty, chastity, obedience and prayer.
  • If you're a fan of vampires, but don't want to see high school kids staring longingly at each other before taking vows of chastity, then we highly recommend that you tune in for this adult-oriented "bawd" ville horror-fest. IGN TV
  • Mary goes off to a lonely place to give birth to the child, she brings the child back, her family accuses her of unchastity, the child speaks out of his cradle to assure everybody that Mary is not unchaste.
  • Perhaps if I simper and pout and let you call me Chastity, it will be easier for you? TREASON KEEP
  • And the value of my chastity is one level on which men cannot compete with me. Archive 2009-01-25
  • And just as spontaneously, that door will slam shut again, and your brain snaps closed like a mental chastity belt. How Writing Can Be Like Great Sex: 17 Hot Tips | Write to Done
  • They occur in all languages, and hint how readily the worship of fire glided into that of the reproductive principle, into extravagances of chastity and lewdness, into the shocking orgies of the so-called phallic worship. The Myths of the New World A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America
  • Penniless and without protection, Pamela is pursued by Mr B., Lady B.'s son, but she repulses him and remains determined to retain her chastity and her unsullied conscience.
  • In Letter xlvi. the reproach is not addressed merely to a "religieuse echappe de son cloitre," as De Broglie has it, but to a nun guilty of unchastity. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Were poverty, chastity and obedience a drama for you?
  • She had put on an emotional chastity belt which was every bit as tantalising to a man in love as a tactual appliance. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • Throughout the volume, Lanyer lauds her primary dedicatee Margaret Clifford, the Countess of Cumberland, for her charity, piety, chastity, learning, and nobility.
  • Shakespeare places a high value upon chastity, but he does not go so far as some of his contemporaries who thought that virtuous women had no physical desires.
  • After a period of such mutual abstention it became a virtue, like an oath of chastity. FAIRYLAND
  • It seems that almost everything is provided as far as I am faithful to the vows of chastity, obedience and poverty.
  • Do they not sometimes get called waspish and shrewish by virtue of their very chastity? Plutarch's Morals
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  • `That chastity oath of hers was an act of arrant lunacy, Joanna. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • During that time she has had immense difficulty with her vows of chastity and obedience.
  • They took vows of chastity and poverty, and if part of a monastic community, obedience to the abbot.
  • Another group of monasteries grew up around friars who although taking the triple vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience were mendicants who moved about the country using any house of their own order as a base.
  • The monks also take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second is a highly effective silk chastity belt. Times, Sunday Times
  • The culture that encourages chastity is seriously misrepresented in the mainstream media. ProWomanProLife » Now that’s romantic
  • Women have proven that they are capable of moving about alone and unviolated, able to protect their chastity while earning their own livelihood and working outside the home.
  • The tenderness of their green appeared under the glaucous mantle; while that grey suffusion, which is the blush of green life, spread its damask chastity. Lorna Doone
  • Her mind is still afraid of the unknown and of what she does not understand; that is what they call chastity and purity. Reminiscences of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The story of "Philomela," "penned to approve women's chastity," is the best of Greene's tales, and approaches more closely the modern novel than any work of the time. A History of English Prose Fiction
  • Chaste women are often proud and froward, as presuming upon the merit of their chastity.
  • With regard to marriage Luther pursues the same idea: The marital relationship between a man and a woman is true chastity and of higher value than monastic asceticism.
  • The monks also take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just reflect for a moment on the purpose of the human chastity belt.
  • The penultimate line, with its ‘If’, seems to place the relationship between chastity and sartorial pudency as speculative, as if to emphasize the gravity of an accusation against ‘Honour, and true Chastity’.
  • Emphasising chastity over consummation, courtship over marriage, and desire over fulfilment, Platonic love inverts much of the medical advice for what Renaissance doctors hold to be healthy in romantic love.
  • From these women arose a new type of religious woman, the beguine. 7 These women took temporary vows of chastity, while embracing apostolic poverty and a life of prayer combined with service. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • When Christianity took over, the veil was changed to represent chastity and modesty.
  • But don't say yes to a chastity belt. The Sun
  • These three women fall into different measures of status: Castiza, the epitome of chastity, rejects material status for moral status; Gratia tries to gain material status at the expense of moral status; and the Duchess has material status which seems to insulate her from any problems with moral status. Draft: Women's Negotiations of Moral and Material Status in The Revenger's Tragedy
  • A friend of mine suggested that "lilied" was peculiarly appropriate to form "cold nymphs chaste crowns," from its imputed power as a preserver of chastity: and in MR. HALLIWELL'S folio, several examples are quoted from old poets of "peony" spelt "piony;" and of both _peony_ and _lily_ as Notes and Queries, No. 209, October 29 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • Vaerting is inclined to see in this order, especially in the predominance of the clergy, the favourable influence of an unexhausted reserve of energy and a habit of chastity on intellectual procreativeness. Essays in War-Time Further Studies in the Task of Social Hygiene
  • Those are the two extremes of human sexuality, and there are all gradations of chastity and sensuality in between.
  • The Transalpine Redemptorists aim to live a life of poverty, chastity, and obedience, just as Celtic monks did on the same spot 1000 years ago.
  • Or, again, if we borrow from Pope Innocent III. his ideas as to the mystical meanings of gems, we find that chalcedony, which is pale in the light and sparkles in the dark, is synonymous with humility; the topaz with chastity and the merit of good works, while the chrysoprase, the queen of minerals, implies wisdom and watchfulness. The Cathedral
  • A cumbersome, antique chastity belt perhaps? The Sun
  • In fact, although at times he attempted to abstain from sex for the benefit of his art, Matisse found chastity a severe test.
  • As all celibates do, they sometimes struggle with the vowed life, but if they find themselves too much at odds with chastity, they leave the order.
  • Through chastity, as opposed to adultery and harlotry, both spiritual and physical, a person refuses to be made into an instrument and vessel of pleasure.
  • ‘Back to cameras,’ Chastity said and slung her carryall on her shoulder as Brandon wrestled their suitcase to their brownstone.
  • A long, simple, sleeved tunic bordered with a purple stripe was the standard uniform for both freeborn boys and girls in Rome, and a protective neck chain called a bulla in the case of boys and a moon-shaped lunula for girls the moon being the symbol of Diana, the Roman goddess of chastity their only adornment. Caesars’ Wives
  • If history is correct, for once, then the kiss began as an osculatory wiretap, an oral snoop, a kind of alcoholic chastity belt, after the fact. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
  • If one day it should fall to the ground, it may emit a cloud of dust and leave visible ruins; but, less material even than a palace on the stage, though it has not the same exiguity, it will subside in the magic universe without letting the fall of its heavy blocks of stone tarnish, with anything so vulgar as sound, the chastity of the prevailing silence. The Guermantes Way

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