
How To Use Chasm In A Sentence

  • Not without a painful emotion of impending danger, as I watched the stellular reflections dancing in the rushing river, did I wander on in the wake of a group of pack-ponies, and took my turn in being assisted over the broken chasms by the muleteers. Across China on Foot
  • He talked about landslides in previous monsoons that had opened gaping chasms in the cliff behind the village.
  • The group was surprised to find a strong water current flowing through a wide chasm where the road had been.
  • The results also highlight a growing chasm between the borough's best and worst performing schools.
  • I wonder if the experts are truly cognizant of the unnecessary chasm that separates the layman from the cultured.
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  • A jagged chasm ran across the cavern, and on the other side of the defile was a writhing sea of furred flesh and sharp teeth. Curse of the Shadowmage
  • Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii. Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
  • This growing chasm, initially masked by the housing boom, is now causing seething resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the end, players will find themselves skirting around gaping chasms and outracing avalanches while being battered senseless by Mother Nature's best.
  • Before her the shadows danced illusively; the film of brightness changed and shifted; then all glimmering and partial shade were swallowed up in a black chasm. Under the Rose
  • Here, during the rainy season, rapid bubbling rivers flow along the bottoms of these chasms.
  • Some cleistogamous flowers never open, in contrast to chasmogamous flowers that open and are then pollinated. Pollination
  • Observe the patellae -- with what tenacity they cling to save themselves from being washed into the deep water, and being devoured by the fishes that are playing in its chasms! The King's Own
  • At the brink of the chasm the upper half of his body rose for an instant with the arms uplifted.
  • The road was uneven, often concealing deep chasms, all too ready to welcome unwary travelers into the darkness of some unseen cavern far below.
  • Now, economic worries are rising fastest in households with smaller paychecks, and that chasm is widening. Americans increasingly concerned on economic future
  • Reunited with the Doctor, Ian is trying to find another exit from the cave along a narrow ledge above a chasm.
  • Even with the occasional glamor and glitz of Chasm City's environment, and the unmistakable steampunk and William Gibson references in visuals and invention, the overall sense of doom and the obviously cold-blooded souls of the main characters would get to anybody (there is not a single good-natured human being along the way). Alastair Reynolds "Chasm City" and "Revelation Space"
  • A chasm separates my generation from my parents '.
  • No, it is a _katavothron_, or chasm, in which the accumulated waters of the plain disappear. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 1, July, 1862
  • This resulted in an inept and weak government unable to bridge the chasm between sectarian factions. Times, Sunday Times
  • He freely admits there is a chasm between the man on stage who audiences love and the real person. The Sun
  • That this result has been a shock betrays the chasm between the top two divisions.
  • To me, this paints a picture of a deeply insecure woman who had long since waved goodbye to the verge of paranoia and blundered into the chasm of abject delusion.
  • There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.
  • Cage seems unusually glum about his task, though Ron Perlman does get to headbutt Satan, and there's a tatty rope bridge across a chasm to give this dun-coloured trudge at least one hokily diverting set piece. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Like any deeply held belief, it knows no bounds and opens up a chasm of design differences. Times, Sunday Times
  • It matters because it tells us of the yawning chasm between Labour's dreams and what happens when it tries to implement a policy.
  • At a little distance, was discovered a rude and dangerous passage, formed by an enormous pine, which, thrown across the chasm, united the opposite precipices, and which had been felled probably by the hunter, to facilitate his chace of the izard, or the wolf. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • Dr. Baumann says that the lake at Riabba from which the spirit Uapa rises is more holy, and that he is small, and resides in a chasm in a rock whose declivity can only be passed by means of bush ropes, and in the wet season he is not get-at-able at all. Travels in West Africa
  • It not only meant seeking ways to bridge the chasm between dance and theatre, but also to resolve the divide between high and low art, the refined and the demotic.
  • The ravine grew more and more beautiful, and an ascent through a dark wood of arrowy cryptomeria brought us to this village exquisitely situated, where a number of miniature ravines, industriously terraced for rice, come down upon the great chasm of the Kinugawa. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • But an earthquake had changed the scene — under our very feet the earth yawned — deep and precipitous the gulph below opened to receive us, while the hours charioted us towards the chasm. The Last Man
  • Revised technology life-cycle bowling alley main street tornado chasm Inno Ear Ear Late Lag ly A ly M vato gar Maj dap ds ajor rs ority tors ity Uzanto Consulting Design for Strangers Workshop Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Round the outer coast only a few houseless gaps marked the spots where 'long lines of cliff, breaking, had left a chasm '-- the gaps that afterwards bore the familiar names of Ramsgate, that is to say Ruim's Gate, or' the Door of Thanet; 'Margate, that is to say, Mere Gate, the gap of the mere (Kentish for a brook), Science in Arcady
  • The movie also shows a panoramic view of the mountains, deep chasms and valleys going into oblivion and the sounds of crackling icicles and snowstorms.
  • At last we reach the summit, where Alex shrinks back from the yawning chasm.
  • In contrast with the chasm of two years ago, the rival politicians are now fighting over a somewhat narrow ravine. Times, Sunday Times
  • From this point the outer arm of the cantilever extended far out over the broad chasm of the strait, where, a hundred and fifty feet beneath its unfloored level, the broken ice from the upper lake crashed and thundered on its wild passage of the strait. Out of the Primitive
  • Everyone seems to agree that something drastic needs to be done to try to bridge the chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cost of not repairing them could be huge as motorists can claim if their car has been damaged by a yawning chasm in the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • The common thread that ran throughout the entire discussion focused on the chasm that sometimes exists between teachers and retailers.
  • Saw ye not white fog-wreaths floating through the cold gray dawn over ice-laden billows, as they roll through yon rock-cinctured chasm? The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • The basin that had flooded became a thin, turbulent river at the bottom of a chasm, and their path was surrounded on either side by sheer cliffs of slate.
  • When you've reached that great yawning chasm of despair and see no hope at all, then it's time to make that call.
  • Ius Chasma is believed to have been shaped by a process called sapping when water seeped from the layers of the cliffs and evaporated before it reached the canyon floor. Scientific Frontline by SFL ORG Educational News Network
  • There, 150 years ago this month, 132 delegates from 21 states bickered, bargained and tried in vain to bridge the chasm that widened beneath them even as they met. The Willard: Where hope collapsed as slavery raged
  • It had a drawbridge that was not over a moat filled with water, but a chasm that seemed to go to the center of the Earth.
  • Further legends state that the omphalos at Delphi stands upon the spot where Apollo killed the serpent Python, or upon the chasm through which the waters of Deucalion's flood drained away.
  • This generation gap between older and younger men is an increasingly yawning chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • And as always, there is a yawning chasm between their accounts of what happened and what others say took place. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alley below is a thin chasm of darkness patched by windows to the left, a neon sign at the corner, sliced for a second as a sword of light sweeps the rain. Escape From Hell!
  • She could see every shell which crawled on the white sand at her feet, every rock-fish which played in and out of the crannies, and stared at her with its broad bright eyes; while the great palmate oarweeds which waved along the chasm, half-seen in the glimmering water, seemed to beckon her down with long brown hands to a grave amid their chilly bowers. Westward Ho!
  • Brownley perceives this ‘chasm’ as so great that the first two chapters serve as a theoretical apologia for even discussing the state.
  • He wants to aggressively grab the most interesting software technology the labs is working on and herd it as quickly as possible into new products if it shows potential -- what he calls crossing the chasm from applications to products. Avaya stares down Microsoft, Cisco
  • Vibrant light played in the Tukar'ramin's body, which spanned the upper chasm. Tides Of Light
  • I think the chasm between reality based people and those in denial is growing so wide that people are now shouting across it … Think Progress » Attacking Global Warming Science: Where There’s George Will, There’s a Way
  • The tunnel floor became a bridge over an incredible chasm that was so deep that no bottom could be seen.
  • (thus running out into the sea in steep promontories) occurs -- what they would call a 'chine' in the Isle of Wight; but instead of the soft south wind stealing up the woody ravine, as it does there, the eastern breeze comes piping shrill and clear along these northern chasms, keeping the trees that venture to grow on the sides down to the mere height of scrubby brushwood. Sylvia's Lovers — Volume 1
  • Its 70 doubles and eight duplex suites spread over two floors, with views of the chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chasm is not a peaceful picturesque place, but a reminder of nature's power, which is emphasized by the scratchy crosshatching of the drawing.
  • The top of the peak has a slightly slanting surface of perhaps twenty square yards, very irregular in outline; -- southwardly the morne pitches sheer into a frightful chasm, between the converging of two of those long corrugated ridges already described as buttressing the volcano on all sides. Two Years in the French West Indies
  • At a stroke, a cultural chasm narrowed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have been an observer of this unbridged chasm for two decades, flying across the open space to each community, trying to entice a dialogue between them. Pius Kamau: Campaign Brought Communities Together
  • A driblet of water emerged from the spring to flow along a winding channel and finally trickle down into the chasm. A Spell For Chameleon
  • A chasm runs through his overgrown lawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • New technologies typically develop by steps, perceived needs leading to new developments, and those in turn suggesting new steps -- but we're talking about _steps_, not leaps across chasms. Who Do You Say I Am
  • Even where deep affection remains unaltered, the gap between them often becomes a chasm as years go by.
  • The philosophers in the first century wrote of gases producing euphoria and of a spring emanating from fissures, or chasms, in the bedrock inside the oracular chamber.
  • Every bend takes you higher while your breath is suspended looking at the yawning chasm below.
  • After an hour you reach the top, a shunting yard next to the phosphate mine, and then you trundle back down again through deep romantic chasms and caverns measureless to man.
  • Perhaps, although believing all that requires a leap of faith into the misty chasm of supply-side assumption.
  • In fact, it really just underlines the now yawning chasm between the old and new world approaches to wine.
  • In contrast with the chasm of two years ago, the rival politicians are now fighting over a somewhat narrow ravine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Plates had moved inside Anne, chasms had opened up and this boiling rage of molten rock was seething to the surface. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • In the middle was the caldron of the torrent, called the “Scarfe,” with the sheer trap-rock, which is green in the sunlight, like black night flung around it, while a snowy wreath of mist (like foam exhaling) circled round the basined steep, or hovered over the chasm. Mary Anerley
  • Getting out to inspect, we discovered a yawning chasm in the middle of the bridge, with two girders going across it.
  • Another mine was consequently started which was exploded on the 1st of July, destroying an entire rebel redan, killing and wounding a considerable number of its occupants and leaving an immense chasm where it stood. Memoirs of the Union's Three Great Civil War Generals
  • Families showed significant variation in shoot mass, number of seeds set in chasmogamous CH spikelets, and mean mass of CL and CH seeds. Altruism: Even Plants Can Do It - The Panda's Thumb
  • Fenna is chaos as well as order, and brings, on fiery dragon breath, the full danger of the chasm.
  • Many of the game's platform puzzles require you to double-jump across vast chasms.
  • The inspection of these chasms brought him a second pulsation of that old horror which he had used to describe to Viviette as produced in him by bottomlessness in the north heaven. Two on a Tower
  • Wordlessly they walked the last few yards to the yawning chasm in the ground, their little fingers linked once more.
  • The chasm between the wealthy elite and broad layers of the population will only continue to widen under conditions of slump.
  • Enjoy the stunning panorama and dare to gaze down into the 100 metre chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the brink of the chasm the upper half of his body rose for an instant with the arms uplifted.
  • Perhaps, although believing all that requires a leap of faith into the misty chasm of supply-side assumption.
  • In the fourteenth century a pseudo-spiritualism akin to that of the ancient Euchites or Messalians, culminating in the famous Hesychast controversies (see HESYCHASM; PALAMAS), greatly disturbed the mutual harmony of Greek monasteries, especially those of Mount Athos, one of whose monks, Callistus, had become Patriarch of Constantinople The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • There's no yawning chasm of difference. Times, Sunday Times
  • But this served only to enlarge the social chasm between home owning wealth-holders and families with no assets.
  • The landscape was a series of mountains, chasms, canyons and valleys.
  • Reunited with the Doctor, Ian is trying to find another exit from the cave along a narrow ledge above a chasm.
  • And furthermore, that "30 percentage point chasm" is obviously meaningless since there is no base unit for the test scores; a different normalisation could make it into a 0.3 point gap or a 99 point gap. Giles and Stereotype Accuracy, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The burghers of Lucern were rich but, in those days, the chasm between the rich and the poor was enormous.
  • Now turned aside by an insurmountable precipice ; now starting back from a deep chasm.
  • That shows the chasm between the views being expressed in this country.
  • Look, here's a quote from Witton and Naish 2008: "...evidence from anurognathids, campylognathoidids, rhamphorhynchids, ctenochasmatoids and non-azhdarchid azhdarchoids [86]–[91] indicates that ankle-attached wing configurations are more accurate. Life's Time Capsule: Dr. Mark Witton weighs in on Pterosaur wings
  • English, if they spoke it at all, with the halting speech and the twisted idiom that betrayed their foreign birth; being persons who found it entirely consistent to applaud the preachment of planetic disarmament out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other side of their mouths to pray for the success at arms of the War Lord whose hand had shoved the universe over the rim of the chasm. The Thunders of Silence
  • Such comments underscore the chasm between the response of liberals and of socialists to social inequality.
  • The security measures sanctioned by the state serve only to widen the chasm between the powerful and powerless.
  • There is always a plenitude of star gazing enthusiasts around the world who direct their telescopes toward glistening worlds of hope that hang in the dimmest chasms of an enigmatic universe. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1237
  • All the same, he laughed, but admitted that the gorges, gaps, chasms and rock formations they've seen in the Centre are each so very different.
  • It also would widen the chasm between the economic haves and have-nots when economic dislocation is feeding a dangerous rise in populist politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drive back here was delightful, from the wintry height, where I must confess that we shivered, to the slumbrous calm of an endless summer, the glorious tropical trees, the distant view of cool chasm-like valleys, with Honolulu sleeping in perpetual shade, and the still blue ocean, without a single sail to disturb its profound solitude. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • It is approached along what is effectively a chasm with fighting platforms above on either side.
  • We've become hung up on the chasm between indie and mainstream sensibilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faint noises from outside dwindled into the peaceful black chasm of sleep.
  • Hidden deep within this region's rocky chasms and valleys lie overhangs and stone shelters containing vast galleries of ancient Aboriginal rock paintings.
  • There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.
  • A far wider chasm is presented by the production's restless, ceaseless search for gravitas and momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • At that moment I believed Oliver and I stood on opposite sides of an untraversable chasm.
  • This, ultimately, is a play about existential resemblances and contrasts, kinships and irreconcilables, uncomfortable truths and futile lies that underlie delicate relationships and unbridgeable chasms.
  • I could not conceive of him saying, “Our generation has an obligation to use these new forms of communication to create a common mind-set that can bridge the chasm between the failed orders of market capitalism and totalitarianism and the coming age of postpolitical ecumenicism.” EVENING’S EMPIRE
  • A torchbeam played into the cavernous yawning chasms of cargo holds would shatter like an exploding chandelier, while silver fry splintered and splashed off into the deeper gloom.
  • This resulted in an inept and weak government unable to bridge the chasm between sectarian factions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though he could see them walking towards the chasm, he was powerless to save them.
  • Mysterious Lagoon is now a commercial dive site, with an aerial ropeway for transporting dive-gear to and from the chasm, a stepped walkway for access and a platform at the water's edge.
  • Crossing the chasm is a major accomplishment, and you must take credit for it. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • Coahuilaceratops is a chasmosaurine ceratopsid, often called a "ceratopsian" or "horned" dinosaur, and was almost certainly an herbivore. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • There's a chasm between rich and poor in that society.
  • Even 20 years after Justice Thomas joined the Supreme Court, and Americans heard the term sexual harassment'' in televised hearings featuring his accuser, Anita Hill, his confirmation remains a painful chapter in the nation's history because of its mix of race, sex and the left-right political chasm. NYT > Home Page
  • The biggest chasm is no longer between early adopters and mainstream users. How Many Web Services Can One Person Use? - Bits Blog -
  • As a result of this dialectic, social policy must become more visibly coercive in providing new forms of control over the working class, in the context of a growing chasm between the reserve army and surplus population.
  • Suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth.
  • The photos from these fly-bys have revealed amazing detail in the structures of craters, grooves, and chasms crossing the frigid surfaces of these little worlds.
  • There's a yawning chasm between their user-experience of partially-universal machines and universal machines.
  • This yawning chasm between intent and action is because we are busy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gaps in things wanting always get filled with something, so that no chasms are to be seen on the surface; at any rate, one's life rounds itself off somehow, and so my Egyptian is a thing altogether apart. Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Others had the chance to descend into a crevasse on a rope ladder, and see first hand what it's like inside one of those virtually bottomless icy chasms.
  • The chasm between privilege and utter destitution made me uncomfortable. Times, Sunday Times
  • a byss ', _chasm; deep space_. phan'tom, _ghost; airy spirit_. New National Fourth Reader
  • The failure to overcome the chasm in skills is an indictment against any government committed to fairness. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.
  • Occasionally the path hugged a precipice where updraughts hinted at deep chasms.
  • The newborn worms, thanks to a slight viscidity, cling for a moment to the wire gauze; they swarm, wriggle, release themselves and leap into the chasm. The Life of the fly; with which are interspersed some chapters of autobiography
  • The proliferation of the international scene magnifies the chasm between the hemispheres. Times, Sunday Times
  • A far wider chasm is presented by the production's restless, ceaseless search for gravitas and momentum. Times, Sunday Times
  • They leaned over the rails and peered down into the dizzying chasm below.
  • But soon he will be gone, and then the yawning chasm will open up once more. Times, Sunday Times
  • We saw a number of bears that trip, one skidding down the river bank on his rump to try for sockeye which we'd seen fishermen dip-netting and gaffing above the narrow chasms at Moricetown.
  • South of this chasm lies the twinkling fairyland that is gastronomic Manhattan, from Jean Georges to Nobu.
  • By now she had surfaced to consciousness enough that it was too late to fall back into the deathlike chasm of rest. Nevermore
  • One year later and the chasm between this side and that side has grown ever wider.
  • That famous landlocked harbour is surrounded by rock so soft that streams don't cut V-shaped grooves but Y-shaped chasms that suck in unwary ramblers and climbers, this not two hours from the city.
  • Further legends state that the omphalos at Delphi stands upon the spot where Apollo killed the serpent Python, or upon the chasm through which the waters of Deucalion's flood drained away.
  • The chasm between the editorial side and the technology side is more or less accurately replicated when it comes to the layman.
  • Though they are close together on the couch, there is in fact a chasm between them.
  • Does one plug on, rounding out characters, filling in the yawning chasms in the plot?
  • But there is a chasm between how she is perceived in America and here.
  • A chasm runs through his overgrown lawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have systematically poisoned the social environment through hate campaigns and this widened the Hindu-Muslim chasm.
  • There was a big chasm between us - we were musical snobs to them and they thought we were elitists.
  • A large string of mules, however, which met us from Toulon, loaded with barilla for the great glass works at Beausset, showed us that the one or the other was practicable, and on advancing a little farther, we distinguished the chasm through which the road to Toulon is conducted, surmounted by the black ruins of an old castle to the left. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • I find fault with this presumption; it disrespects the chasm.
  • Its 70 doubles and eight duplex suites spread over two floors, with views of the chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stared straight up at us through ages of charred skin, sun baked to the brownest of browns and cragged with lines and chasms of life, which had left ages of toil squinting through slit eyes as he looked up at us and broadly smiled. Mexico compared to what?
  • A chasm runs through his overgrown lawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most romantic places in the whole of the Luberon is the Fontaines de Vaucluses, where water from underground chasms rises dramatically to the surface.
  • I realised that the pace of technological change had turned the decade between us into a gaping generational chasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which just goes to show the difference - nay, the yawning chasm!
  • The philosophers in the first century wrote of gases producing euphoria and of a spring emanating from fissures, or chasms, in the bedrock inside the oracular chamber.
  • She stood at the edge of the chasm and stared into the void.
  • The sea, rolling direct from the shores of North America, has in fact eaten a chasm into the middle of a hill, and the giant, embayed and unobtrusive, stands in the rear of pigmy supporters. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • Fraser Kelton of Adaptive Blue said, The biggest chasm is no longer between early adopters and mainstream users. How Many Web Services Can One Person Use? - Bits Blog -
  • But an earthquake had changed the scene -- under our very feet the earth yawned -- deep and precipitous the gulph below opened to receive us, while the hours charioted us towards the chasm. Dave Astor: Mary Shelley and 9/11
  • This is the yawning chasm she thinks Whistles can fill. Times, Sunday Times
  • At some point, however, it will become increasingly difficult to bridge the chasm between their faith and their values.
  • Faint noises from outside dwindled into the peaceful black chasm of sleep.
  • The lake invades the glacier's deep chasms and crevasses, detonating thunderous explosions as great shards of ice detach and re-emerge as icebergs.
  • Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.
  • Suddenly a huge chasm opened in the earth.
  • F 1 plants had chasmogamous flowers, indicating that chasmogamy was dominant to cleistogamy.
  • An even more striking feature of the gravity map is the deep chasms, known as fracture zones, that cut across the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean basins.
  • The closer war seems to get, the larger the chasm between sides grows.
  • It also would widen the chasm between the economic haves and have-nots when economic dislocation is feeding a dangerous rise in populist politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first impression on seeing the correspondence of the horizontal strata on each side of these valleys and great amphitheatrical depressions, is that they have been hollowed out, like other valleys, by the action of water; but when one reflects on the enormous amount of stone which on this view must have been removed through mere gorges or chasms, one is led to ask whether these spaces may not have subsided. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • All this has produced explosive social contradictions, including a vast chasm between the wealthy elites and the mass of the population.
  • The extraordinary recent result is the discovery of little gullies on the flanks of lots of the chasms on Mars that seem to be very young and indicate almost certainly the flow of water.
  • Today we halted at the grim-looking chasm which formed the entrance and watched a thundering swell drive into the cave mouth.
  • A society where the social divide between haves and have-nots has become a chasm is a society that breeds violence and brutality.
  • This yawning chasm between intent and action is because we are busy. Times, Sunday Times
  • developers provide the best custom software devpt solution incl. solution architecture, design optimization, database creation. indicee This post by @bijan is a microchasm of Saas vs. On-premise software. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The falls emerge from a cave, shoot over a cliff, and plummet 110 feet before disappearing into another chasm.
  • It had a drawbridge that was not over a moat filled with water, but a chasm that seemed to go to the center of the Earth.
  • sparrowgrass," so handy to fill the black and yawning chasms of summer fireplaces and furnish green for "boquets. Timothy's Quest A Story for Anybody, Young or Old, Who Cares to Read It
  • He leaps an 8ft chasm between two housing blocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here, during the rainy season, rapid bubbling rivers flow along the bottoms of these chasms.
  • It also would widen the chasm between the economic haves and have-nots when economic dislocation is feeding a dangerous rise in populist politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chasm is wide, but people born on opposite sides of it can still meet. Christianity Today
  • Up ahead he could see some sort of bridge, crossing a wide and deep chasm.
  • But the Jesuit is not exempt from the prejudices of his order; he adopts and adorns, like his rival Buchanan, the most absurd of the national legends; he is too careless of criticism and chronology, and supplies, from a lively fancy, the chasms of historical evidence. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • This is due to the microclimatic conditions present in the collapsed galleries and the shallow chasms of the river valley, allowing Mediterranean species such as Adiantum capillus-veneris to grow beside Alpine species such as Primula auricula and Viola biflora. Skocjan Caves Regional Park, Slovenia
  • Negativland's splicing together of these texts only makes more noticeable the huge chasm that goes unnoticed daily as the news that reports violent acts daily is interrupted by advertisements for chalupas, Jeeps, Luvs, and Viagra.
  • He went on to say that the demonstrations, and the fact that the war was being carried out despite such enormous opposition, expressed the deep chasm that exists between a ruling oligarchy and the vast majority of the world's population.
  • And with the change came the bridging - over period -- the kind of cantilever which hope thrusts out from one side of the bank of the swift-flowing stream of adversity in the belief that somebody on the other side of the chasm will build the other half, and the two form a highway leading to a change of scene and renewed prosperity. Peter: a novel of which he is not the hero
  • Scottish youngsters have the widest chasm between savings expectation and intention, second only to those in southwest England. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are mountains of huge boulders full of chasms that go down to unsounded depths.
  • Pat had earlier made a dive of 80 feet from the Chasm Bridge.
  • Not even the yawning chasms in the road caused by freeze-thaw action during the recent cold spell can upset it.
  • I seemed every night to descend, not metaphorically, but literally to descend, into chasms and sunless abysses, depths below depths, from which it seemed hopeless that I could ever reascend. Confessions of an English Opium-Eater

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