How To Use Charm In A Sentence
Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity.
Coates wry, muttered lyrics lend his ditties a mischievous if subdued charm.
And this, to my mind, is his distinctive failing as a writer: that he has exalted charm and mannerliness above all else.
But the world is not full of exclusively charming and likeable people.
The Sun
The features in this home are just too many to mention such as coffered ceilings, multi-light windows, heavy door and window casings, and other elements that give this home great charm. - Business News

One of these gentlemen just happens to be the madwoman's father, a charming chap who seems unfazed by most things in this day and age.
Had such a nice time, it was really charming in a slightly run-down way and on a beautiful little lake called Stoney Lake.
He'd come up with some charming excuse: he'd left his long filbert brush, he couldn't go on without it.
she had a warm mesmeric charm
A swarm of princesses totter on stage, got up like topiary on legs in every shade of scarlet, crimson, cerise, cochineal, each foolishly imagining Prince Charming must choose her as his red queen.
Cendrillon; Rinaldo – review
He was an immensely charming, kind, lovable man.
Times, Sunday Times
Brown, OTOH, is attractive and charming, with a compelling tie to the military – MASS National Guard Units (like everywhere) have been heavly involved in the wars over the last 8 years, and stories about them abound on local news.
Matthew Yglesias » The Limits of Scott Brown
Then the pleasant little surprises of all kinds that we imagined; and the pleasant looks that greet us when we condescend to accept them; the patience that can translate our most unwarrantable "crossness", because there has been some trifling difficulty in obtaining the half of a star or the corner of a moon which it had pleased us to require, into "such a good sign of being really better"; and then our appetite (which the gods know is at that season singularly keen), how is it not tempted with unutterable dainties and friande morsels, all sorts of amateur cookery in our behalf, where Love himself has not disdained to turn the spit, and look into the stewpan! and all served up so gracefully on the small tray, covered with its delicate white damask cloth, arraying with more than mortal charms the moulds of crystal jelly and pure-looking blanc mange!
Zoe: The History of Two Lives
I offered a charming smile of my own, showing pearly teeth.
He might be 900 feet tall, and gentle as a lamb in real life, but Micky Clarkskies has got a manic look in his eyes that reminds one of the bulging diabetical look Biggie used to charm the ladies.
Our Top 10 Picks to Play Notorious B.I.G. | Best Week Ever
It was for them a blameless activity, and involved a charming motif of the new art.
Times, Sunday Times
Cleopatra asks Charmian for mandragora to pass the time while she waits for Antony to come back.
She recounts in detail her nervousness around him, her supposedly dangerous fascination with his charm.
simple unstudied charm
‘She's naturally flirtatious and not exactly shy about being charming towards gentlemen ’, says one who has experienced her allure.
The idea of being a farmer had lost its charm for me by this time.
But it was the bowler's general bearing and neatness which charmed the young writer almost as much as the name he'd been seeking for his newly conceived character of a gentleman's gentleman.
From Jeeves to Herriot: all creatures great and sporty | Frank Keating
To begin with the surface is coherent – now and again she smiles sadly at the charm he manages to bestow on that foul-smelling tannery – but as she turns the pages she sees it start to break down.
Rachel Cusk | Portraits
Faces of great dignity and considerable charm.
In spite of her off-screen antics, she remains the darling of Disney remakes, with her on-screen innocence and charm.
The house retains much of its original charm.
Friday variety pack, now with Bonus! charming ichthyoid
Friday variety pack, now with Bonus! charming ichthyoid
They include worm charming where two teams compete to entice the slimy creatures out of the ground.
The Sun
Their songs have a certain elegant charm and a quality of innocence that's genuinely disarming.
Collaboration I would agree the word convening has its charms
The pieces of the digital engagement puzzle at Helpful Technology
What makes Christopher Hitchens such a capable and persuasive debater is a mixture of his ides, arguments, and charm.
Danny Groner: We Need Discussions, Not Debates
What a charming possession of himself, that he could be in such a brangle, as I may call it, and which might have had fatal consequences; yet be so wholly, and so soon, divested of the subject; and so infinitely agreeable upon half a score others, as they offered from one or other as we sat at tea!
Sir Charles Grandison
He was so funny and incredibly charming.
The Sun
Doubtless the series will spark a rush of transsexuality-centred reality shows that, given the ready and infinite corruptibility of the form, will lose within a year all vestige of the charm of the original and become as mainstream, dreary and degrading to everyone concerned as its other reality brethren.
TV review: My Transsexual Summer; Sorority Girls; and Imagine … Simon and Garfunkel: the Harmony Game
Spin fantasies in your head, she's probably the most charming and intelligent creature on earth.
True, Olbermann and Patrick would also make plenty of references to pop culture, but the references came across as charmingly haughty, as if the anchormen were showing us that they had interests that extended beyond the court or field.
The Enthusiast
They were not very varied in design and the emphasis was on good luck charms such as four-leaf clovers, horseshoes and wishbones, again set with tiny diamonds.
Such women are mostly presented as sexless in that once their family is complete, they appear to lose all sexual desire and physical charm.
He turned up at the swish hotel suite to meet us all by himself, with no fuss and no entourage, and was utterly charming.
The Sun
As he presented his fall 2011 collection recently, Mr. Gordon said, We line everything in silk charmeuse!
Materials Girls: Designers Trim Hemlines, Costs
She mocks their employer savagely behind his back and displays a kittenish charm to his face.
The "Very Funny" cable network burned off the whopping nine-episode season of its sly charmer about Chicago sportswriter PJ (Jordana Spiro) and her pals on Sundays opposite such sky-high-profile cable competition as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Mad Men — whose costar Joel Murray, aka rehabbed alky Freddy Rumsen, guested on Boys as the owner who sold the gang's hangout, Crowley's, to Brando (Reid Scott) in the season finale.
Cheers & Jeers: My Boys to Men?
We ended up buying a GE front-loading pair, and they work like a charm (so quiet -- you can barely tell the washer is on!).
Archive 2006-08-01
Her charms would captivate me and make it difficult later to leave her.
And despite herself, Matilda gives in to Ric's charm - she's totally melting for the guy!
This charming, home-loving, God-fearing young man was on early evening television, blaring into the living-rooms of millions of impressionable young people.
A worker beyond belief, exuding charm and hospitality.
Times, Sunday Times
Chilean reds don't hide their charms either.
Times, Sunday Times
Like many vainglorious self-publicists, he probably thought he could charm the acid interviewer.
her resistance melted under his charm
But a long way from endless fields of sunflowers and locals arguing charmingly about porcini.
Times, Sunday Times
That diamond horseshoe is her lucky charm.
He had enormous charm and a great sense of humour.
Luke was everything she could've hoped for: sweet, charming and gorgeous.
And as an ancient sage once said, ‘Democracy is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder, and dispensing a sort of equality to equals and unequals alike.’
Now entering its first full season, the Hidden Springs Ranch offers a unique experience that blends rustic charm with spa-caliber amenities.
The castled crag of Drachenfels can be only a little mouldier for the delay, and I believe the mouldiness of these things is their principal charm.
The Lovels of Arden
Here is a guy who seemed like Prince Charming, but a number of women found out that Mr. Right was actually Mr. Very, Very, Very Wrong.
CNN Transcript Mar 7, 2007
I think he's the most charming, most considerate man I've ever known.
On Tuesday Fred and Charmaigne travel to Zanzibar, an island state within the United Republic of Tanzania.
In the Middle Ages the onion was used as a charm against evil spirits, the plague and infection.
In others, such as Alessandro Allori's image of a magnificently dressed and bejeweled, strong-minded young woman c. 1580s, the name of the subject is unknown, while in still others, such as Jusepe de Ribera's imaginary portrait of an ancient philosopher or Lucas Cranach the Elder's modishly attired 16th-century Saxon charmer, we are given an ideal or a general type, rather than a specific individual.
See Their Worlds in Their Faces
But Bacon's version of the piece on this disc, with its built in rallentandos, is charming and convincing.
Kincaid had to admit the tearoom was a charming enough place, a warm retreat with heavy oak furniture and bright Blue Calico tea services, but the drawing of Alice in Wonderland on the restaurant’s paper menus made him think of Vic.
Dreaming of the Bones
A famous roué who played the violin, swilled whiskey, ran after women, and could charm even the most bumptious crowd of voters.
Suzanne Berne's "Missing Lucile," reviewed by Carolyn See
He was clearly bright, personable, charming and capable of writing good journalism.
I had to move fast, it met my needs, and it has a kind of unpolished charm.
My Hatchets have always been healthy and add charm to the upper layer of the water.
He is just a very cool dude, and charming with it.
Times, Sunday Times
Lotuses their heads uprear from the pure wave, and charm the view with mingled tints of red and blue.
Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm.
Deliciously charming or incredibly irritating, depending on your point of view, he is always ready with smooth-tongued flattery, eyes innocently beaming behind his spectacles.
The story goes that downtrodden Sophie works in a hat shop and one day meets the glamorous wizard Howl, a charming ladykiller who has garnered the reputation of eating girls' hearts, despite looking more like a ladyboy.
He was notoriously unfaithful, often falling prey to the charms of vampy female villains.
His superficial charm masks a gaping hole where his soul should be.
Times, Sunday Times
They belong to one of his students, a wealthy, charming Cuban-American named Consuela Castillo, whose thrilling desirability enchants, infatuates, and torments Kepesh.
The Nihilist
The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket.
That he is a superior instrumentalist, a thoughtful musician, a questing spirit, and a great charmer, no one doubts.
He had a sweet smile and good looks, but most of his magnetism came from his charm and wit.
Thirdly, for the mutual agreement, as being of the same kind: Sus sui, canis cani, bos bovi, et asinus asino pulcherrimus videtur, as Epicharmus held, and according to that adage of
Anatomy of Melancholy
Italy was a country of inexhaustible charm, sybaritic pleasure, and cultural wealth, of course, but it was not to be taken quite seriously in an economic or political sense.
Now, the kitchen is charming yet functional, with fitted heavy duty cupboards, red-tiled worksurfaces and a window seat.
The charming old buildings and cottages are a throwback to the colonial past.
Zack, all beaming blondness and supersocial to the core, charmed all the guests, crawling on the lawn and the deck, raising his arms to ask people to pick him up.
Falling Apart in One Piece
They are indescribably charming, John with his round, open face and close-shaven hair and Leo with his rascal grin and an explosion of curls pulled into a ponytail.
Washington teens John and Leo Manzari have all the right dance moves
He's a bit of a charming scamp, a perfect fit for the exuberant, free-wheeling '60s.
For me, his random interviews with various down-and-out characters in Cleveland, on sidewalks and in living rooms, while charmingly syncopated in the Jarmusch family style, with intermittent jazz music and grainy shaky filming, did not result in a clear "what is this about"--although Tom insisted that for him, it was exactly the Cleveland he wished to express, "meant to be an imperfect portrait.
Karin Badt: The Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival: From Soviet Cannibals to Jarmusch's Cleveland
For all its gingerbready charm, the American Airlines Theatre unlike London's 482-seat Duchess Theatre, where Ms. Aitken directed "Man and Boy" six years ago simply doesn't lend itself to the kind of concentrated intimacy needed to do justice to a small-cast, single-set play.
Fraud in the Family
Young guys and gals in sparkling evening wear added a dash of charm.
He apparently made a charming studio companion with his courtly manners and elegant conversation.
Times, Sunday Times
His face in repose possessed a boyish charm that disarmed her.
He was suffering from canker sores in his mouth although he wore knot charms against them.
The legend of Mata Hari is, for sure, the most enduring image of the female spy - the vamp who wheedles state secrets out of men by her seductive charms.
Lesser priests and priestesses serve the shrines of fetishes, minor spirits, and focus on cures and magic charms.
A unique combination of tact, charm, deportment and sartorial style, he was all one would wish to see in an idol.
With the publishing success in France of her novel The Season of Lillian Dawes (Sous le charme de Lillian Dawes), they were bringing out her first novel, Private Altars (which will be called Sanctuaires Ardents here), this fall.
Beth Arnold: Letter From Paris: On Location -- Liwan
Substantial, wholesome, and clean -- though generated by a wet, helpless creature having no personal charms, and which, having passed the phase of life in which it enjoyed the gift of locomotion, has become a plant-like fixture to one spot -- the gas mingles with other diffusions of the reef, recalling villanous salt-petre and sheepdips and brimstone and treacle to the stimulation of the mental faculties generally.
My Tropic Isle
His alcoholism took a toll on his enigmatic, sphinx-like charm.
He was such a charming and likeable man that you wanted to do things simply because he was Sergio.
Afternoon tea, for example, at the legendary Reid's Palace Hotel is just one of a range of charming social customs that woos tourists.
he is suavely charming and all the ladies love him
This brings a birthday message especially to say how much I love you and you are as young and charming in my calendar as before,and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks and grace.
This charming paragraph illustrates the vitality of scandal, and at the same time shows how ludicrously rumor and tradition mistell stories in the face of evidence.
A Book About Lawyers
Somehow he charms his way through his anger.
Times, Sunday Times
& odq; I had noticed that she was much changed, & cdq; Mr. Wentworth declared, in a tone whose unexpressive, unimpassioned quality appeared to Felix to reveal a profundity of opposition. & odq; It may be that she is only becoming what you call a charming woman. &cdq;
The Europeans
The panel laughed over Mike Huckabee's Sunday touting of his poll numbers among Republicans, which Douthat termed characteristically "charmingly passive-aggressive.
HuffPost TV: Sam Stein On 'Ed Show': Time For Birthers To 'Move On To The Real Issues' (VIDEO)
No one could fail to be charmed by the magic of this beautiful city.
Elf is a charmingly daffy movie that feels like a leap back in time to more genuinely heart-warming Christmas fare.
The former silver-tongued charmer did not utter one word during the entire occasion.
The word dyed Julia's cheeks crimson, and for the long hour that they lingered over their tea she seemed to Jim more charming than he had ever found her before.
The Story of Julia Page
Her secret, it seems, has been a confluence of business savvy and a folksy but formidable disarming charm.
Times, Sunday Times
Vehicles break down, complaints come in, work needs to be rescheduled, but it is all done with irrepressible good humour and charm.
Making a face, Ethan dug into his jacket pockets, producing an astounding array of charms, talismans, herbs, and potions in corked test-tubes.
I am constructing a silk charmeuse evening dress of two layers that I would like to dye green and blue.
He was handsome, with a devilish charm.
Images includes those of vivid rehearsals as well as behind-the-scenes pictures of seminal company personalities such as Margot Fonteyn and Ninette de Valois, plus never-before-seen views of the dancers off duty, most charmingly a snap of Lynn Seymour and Rudolf Nureyev, drinking in a London pub.
This week's new dance
Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.
By this point in their charmed lives, the thirtysomething mom and dad characters had stopped wearing saris and polyester pants and now dressed, inexplicably, for tennis: picture a darker, paunchier Bjorn Borg, in those snug shorts of the era, but with a bushy mustache and too many wristbands.
Bollywood's NRI Reel Finally Gets Real
He can be charming and funny, eager to introduce potential allies to people who can help them.
By charms that glorify the place and every charm outvie.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
In the hands of lesser songsmiths, such lines would inevitably sound like so much rot, but Gough has a peculiar charm about him that gradually disarms the jaded listener.
Rose of Ireland and the White Rose of Devon, a noted Society phrasemonger had dubbed them, seeing them together on the lawn one Ascot Cup Day, their light draperies and delicate ribbons whip-whipping in the pleasant June breeze, ivory-skinned, jetty-locked Celtic beauty and blue-eyed, flaxen-locked Saxon fairness in charming, confidential juxtaposition under one lace sunshade, lined with what has been the last new fashionable colour under twenty names, since then; only that year they called it _Rose fané_.
The Dop Doctor
‘Ah - Miss Corel,’ he greeted her charmingly, ignoring the clangor of alarms and frantic shouts from outside.
The most gratifying thing about starting this blog has been the opportunity to get acquainted with so many smart and charming people.
At night, luxuriate at charming inns, sampling Scotch whisky.
The alluring charm of the FA Cup has always been in its ability to throw up incongruous situations.
Times, Sunday Times
A fortune-teller had given Declan the charm, telling him to keep it close to his heart for luck.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior
But Benedict, however "charming," is still stifling theologians who challenge ideas about Catholicism, says Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and former editor of the Jesuit-owned magazine America.
U.S. visit will give pope a defining moment
More recent Indian medicine men carried charms, fetishes and sacred talismans in similar deerskin bags that must have been a potent symbol of tribal authority.
I think she was a little gauche, thoroughly charmed by the literary excitement of it all, and didn't realise he was maybe a little more amorous than she gave him credit for.
He was often unable to resist her girlish charms and detested the thought of making the poor child work more than she should.
She said he is a real charmer who constantly has her in stitches.
The Sun
Yet for almost two hours he carried the crowd with genuine charm and a canny knack of making his fans feel like friends.
Times, Sunday Times
He wrote charming letters, but was sneering face to face.
Times, Sunday Times
This town, clean and quiet, has a charm you couldn't find in a big city.
He talks in that old familiar manner of his, all easy charm and trademark gap-toothed smile.
Fuzzy wriggled himself into an ingratiatory attitude and essayed the idiotic smile and blattering small talk that is supposed to charm the budding intellect of the young.
Strictly business: more stories of the four million
This town, clean and quiet, has a charm you couldn't find in a big city.
Everybody knows who the Poet is, but if they want to know him as a kind of Good Samaritan in a different way than they know him in his verses, they should read this charming idyll.
Little Miss Grouch A Narrative Based on the Log of Alexander Forsyth Smith's Maiden Transatlantic Voyage
The characters are unengaging, the actors never called upon to produce anything beyond pure ham (although they do it charmingly enough).
John is a lonely gay man with a father fixation and a forbearing best friend (played by John Cardone with impish charm) who worries about the approach of middle age in the form of his 40th birthday.
He did sometimes express amazement that some of the great canonical books (The Faerie Queene comes to mind) were taken seriously; this was part of his conversational charm.
After wading around in difficult seas of theory and producing some charming and intriguing drawings, he made his name with the Jewish Museum in Berlin.
Billy (a charming Jamie Bell), is motherless, his dad and brother jobless, and he prefers ballet to biffo.
An outgoing tide can sometimes be a lucky charm when a channel current sweeps all the baitfish through it and the predator fish line up and wait for them.
To me, a squeak or rattle is reason enough to sell a car, to him it's part of its charm.
A charming romcom for the whole family.
Times, Sunday Times
A warm midrange is the appealing platform that supports Jim James's voice, one of the most alluring in rock, as MMJ delivers songs that incorporate elements of rock, folk, funk and, on the track "The Day Is Coming," a charming bit of old-school jazz-pop vocalizing.
My Morning Jacket of Many Styles
She was very young, I remember now with sorrow, and very beautiful; though _beautiful_ is not so much the word to describe her as _charming_ -- magnetic, graceful, intelligent.
The New Penelope and Other Stories and Poems
His best work, though, is self-indulgent, redundant, and exasperating, and therein lay its charms.
Patrick never, like the Pied Piper, charmed actual snakes into mass suicide so the Irish people wouldn't ever have to worry about them again -- but he did "rid" the island of the snake-tattooed Druids, in a way.
Chris Weigant: Saint Patrick and the Snakes
He was pleasant, very charming, but when we were waiting for filming and he was standing behind me, he wrote on my ear with a marker pen!
Along with the spells, charms, incantations, and potion recipes, there were manuals, instructions, factoids, magical messages, and even stories.
Manager of its football team from 1963 to 1974, this prince of charm was a true gentleman, magnanimous in defeat and generous in victory.
Ftan is but one of many charming villages in the Lower Engadine, which includes Vna, Sent and Guarda.
Switzerland's Rugged Alpine Gem
Yes, the station had a perfectly charming garden including a herbaceous border, rose beds, lupins and mop-headed bay trees in green tubs.
Hey presto, his luck changes and he wins big on the roulette wheel and then scores in the bedroom with his lucky charm.
Times, Sunday Times
Arthur reckoned with some justification that he had had ‘a charmed life.’
Now, here is a lady whose charms are abounding and abiding.
It was too cold to stand there and listen to a panegyric on the loved one's charms.
He did not have on his other lucky charm, a pair of green socks.
In a distant past, when there were vast territories still unmapped, there were secret places everywhere, though, I imagine, few of them held nostalgic charms for those who stumbled on them accidentally on their way to somewhere else.
By day the city is charm itself, attracting thousands of visitors who revel in its beauty, history and shops.
Don't try to charm the secret out of me.
On this 14th of September the warmth and dazzlingness of mid-summer still reigned at Pougues; and the scenery in which we suddenly found ourselves, bosquets, dells, and glades, with all the charm but without the savageness of the forest, recalled the loveliest lines of the laziest poet: --
East of Paris Sketches in the Gâtinais, Bourbonnais, and Champagne
Charm can be a dubious quality, hiding a multitude of sins.
Times, Sunday Times
Not for them exactingness, caprice, the gay or grave analysis of love and lover: such moods charm alone in lovely women, and even in _them_ bring risks along.
Browning's Heroines
Calliope "Calli" Reaper-Jones has had a Forgotten Charm put on herself so she can lead a normal mortal's life in New York City, trying to break into the world of fashion.
Review: Death’s Daughter by Amber Benson
Are they on some kind of charm offensive?
Times, Sunday Times
In fact, standing on the top of Jodhpur's Meherangarh Fort watching hanuman langurs playing over the battlements and vultures spiralling on thermals above the blue-washed houses below pretty well sums up the charms of Rajasthan.
You're a regular little charmer, aren't you?
The room had no windows and all the charm of a prison cell .
He has passed sentence of condemnation upon Lycidas, and has taken occasion, from that charming poem, to expose and ridicule (what is indeed ridiculous enough) the childish prattlement of pastoral compositions, as if Lycidas was the prototype and pattern of them all.
The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to Prose, Vol. IV (of X)—Great Britain and Ireland II
But their lack of harmoniousness yields an ungainly charm, familiar and easy to settle into.
And Calvino's charming Marco Polo and Marcovaldo and Mr. Palomar are archetypal narrative functionaries, nowise to be compared with the great characters of narrative/dramatic literature.
When we talk about historic town , People will associate with the poetic charm environment of old trees , alley in flagstone street and little bridge flowing water.
The charm bracelet itself has come in and out of fashion over the decades.
Times, Sunday Times
If the owner's froideur doesn't deter you, this 10-room semi-troglodyte hotel overlooking the vineyards of Saumur-Champigny has a lot to offer: a charming site; thematically decorated rooms; and, above all, a dramatic heated swimming pool carved into the rock of its own troglodyte cave.
Soul Food
Neal Caffrey (Matt Bomer), a charming criminal mastermind, is finally caught by his nemesis, FBI Agent Peter Burke (Tim DeKay).
Set a Thief to Catch a Thief « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
There's something charminglyold-fashioned about his brand of entertainment.
He is attracted to Lena's beauty and charms.
He had hung crude crosses and other charms all around his home and regularly recited the Magnificat, and he fervently entreated the protection of the Lady every night.
Edwinia, with its attractive waxy white flowers, and potentilla, with bloom of gold, are shrubs which lend a charm to much of the mountain-section.
Wild Life on the Rockies
Charles sighed in relief, and kissed Catherine in the most charming and gallant manner.
He was a cad and a bounder, but not without charm.
Charmed by his obliqueness - ‘doing’ and ‘getting’ as euphemisms for fundraising and boondoggling - I told him the name of my book.
He is the type not of the charmingly nutty but of the exhaustingly garrulous professor.
She fell an easy prey to his charm.
Mother was quite wonderful -- very charming, very witty and a fascinating conversationalist.
Members of the Banu Sa'd al-Din, a prominent Sufi family in Damascus, made talismans and charms which could reportedly heal the sick and cure the insane.
Every culture has its own shared, socialized habitual responses, which are charming when on a holiday, but for immigrants trying to function on a daily basis they can be downright frustrating.
It's just the exuberance of puppydom, and it's charming to watch, if you manage not to get run over in the process.
Actual Knitting Content
They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits.
It's visually poetic, whimsical and has a larrikin charm.
More than a typical jukebox musical, this charming and sentimental production is sure to make you shed a tear or two.
Times, Sunday Times
Roberts meant a lot to a vast audience of Pentecostals, those believers ridiculed - by atheists, agnostics and mainstream religions alike - as backwater snake charmers, poor, uneducated serfs lucky to scrape up enough money to pay the rent on the shack and procure "vittles" for Sunday dinner.
People have been delighted by the response to their films, charmed by the courtesy and enthusiasm of the festival staff.
By turns crusty, combative and charming, Mr. Clements, who died Sunday at age 94, was elected to two nonconsecutive four-year terms as governor, in 1978 and 1986.
Rough-Cut Governor Helped Turn Texas Red
She was a talented artist and had considerable personal charm.
A once charming rural idyll, Emmerdale had become a moral cesspit.