
How To Use Charles darwin In A Sentence

  • I've been reading Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle and dipping into his correspondence.
  • In 1883, Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, actually coined the term ‘Eugenics’ (good in birth) as a science dedicated to improving human stock by getting rid of so-called undesirables and increasing the number of desirables.
  • It emerged in public consciousness as a reaction to Charles Darwin and the evolution controversy.
  • There is no doubt that Charles Darwin was sceptical about the claims of physiognomy with regard to expression and emotion.
  • : 1) Expelled quotes Charles Darwin selectively to connect his ideas to eugenics and the Holocaust. Archive 2008-04-01
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  • Charles Darwin made the first scientific study of tektites (Australites) during his famous five year voyage on HMS Beagle.
  • The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.
  • Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution by means of natural selection, stressed the role of competition.
  • Instead, like many other agnostics at the time -- including Leslie Stephen, George Eliot, Herbert Spencer, Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley who coined the term agnostic three decades earlier, in 1869 -- he thought belief should rest on evidence, not faith, but also that evidence itself was in some key instances wanting. The Full Feed from
  • Its overthrow was a necessary precursor of, and possibly stimulus to, the theories Charles Darwin was developing a century later.
  • He is that eminent Victorian Charles Darwin, the progenitor of the theory of evolution.
  • But the merely decorative celebrity cameos — bluff, bearded Walt Whitman, with an "epicene" male friend, and Charles Darwin, who loudly and repeatedly breaks wind — make clear that "Heyday" is infotainment for readers Andersen must consider clueless. He'll Take Manhattan
  • Charles Darwin complained quite crossly in his autobiography that, despite many denials, people still kept saying he thought natural selection was the sole cause of evolutionary development. A valuable onslaught on neo-Darwinist simplicities « Anglican Samizdat
  • In 1862, Charles Darwin correctly predicted that the Christmas star orchid, which is endemic to Madagascar, was pollinated by a moth with a 30cm-long proboscis. Unique night-flowering orchid found
  • Dickens was replaced on the ten pound note by an equally hirsute Charles Darwin in 2000 (beards being reputed to be a deterrent to would-be forgers).
  • Smith knew nothing of the idea of organic evolution that Charles Darwin was to enunciate some decades later.
  • Beagle 2 was named to commemorate Charles Darwin's five-year voyage around the world in HMS Beagle (1831-36). Archive 2003-12-01
  • Smith knew nothing of the idea of organic evolution that Charles Darwin was to enunciate some decades later.
  • Charles Darwin divided taxonomists into lumpers and splitters.
  • Charles Darwin divided taxonomists into lumpers and splitters.
  • Charles Darwin performed early auxin experiments, observing the effects of a hypothetical substance modulating plant shoot elongation to allow tropic growth toward light.
  • Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Charles Darwin forges ahead: Charles Darwin forges ahead
  • This second approach relies heavily on Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.
  • One thing I would add is that the modern cult of beatifying Charles Darwin is dependent upon demonizing his younger half-cousin Francis Galton. Blog Articles » Print » “The Darwin Show”
  • The findings could finally end a debate that has raged ever since the first archaeopteryx fossil was discovered in a German limestone quarry two years after Charles Darwin published his On the Origin of Species in 1859.
  • Galton was Charles Darwin's cousin and believed that human evolution could be consciously directed, by using biometry to explain the mechanisms of inheritance that would prescribe new rules for human reproduction.
  • Some are just amazing bits of work, including this one that looks like a standard butterfly on first glance, but is actually the four finch species that helped Charles Darwin formulate his early ideas on evolution. Boing Boing
  • Charles Darwin once visited, and his words about the view have been engraved on a rock.
  • What did Charles Darwin have to say about crying because he certainly gave some attention to the emotional makeup of the human psyche?
  • At the same time newspapers were trumpeting the arrival of Prince William at Eton in September 1995, Kate enrolled at Downe House, an exclusive all-girls boarding school that started out in the family home of Charles Darwin but had since taken over the Cloisters in the nearby town of Cold Ash. William and Kate
  • He mistakenly ascribes the expression "survival of the fittest" to Charles Darwin.
  • He mistakenly ascribes the expression "survival of the fittest" to Charles Darwin.
  • The blue plaque said 'Charles Darwin, biologist, lived here'.
  • This is the key principle of modern biology, as described by Charles Darwin in the mid-nineteenth century.
  • Much the most coherent explanation for the evolution of such phenomena is still Charles Darwin's.
  • We encounter the term ‘ape man’ in its Greek version, Pithecanthropus, in the writings of Ernst Haeckel, who was one of Charles Darwin's great supporters in Germany during the nineteenth century.
  • Examples include Charles Darwin deducing the fact of evolution and then formulating a powerful theory to explain it, thus laying the very foundation of our modern understanding of life.
  • Charles Darwin explained the shoulder shrug by the " principle of unconscious antithesis ".
  • Charles Darwin used Werner's Nomenclature of Colors but the only mention of "broccoli-brown" in Voyage of the Beagle is in a description of some kind of planaria. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Probably a type of hemipteran, like kissing bugs -- which is what is believed to have killed Charles Darwin. Edmonton Sun
  • It was Charles Darwin who first noted that it is the choosy peahen who plays a crucial role in the evolution of this extravagant sexual display.
  • Charles Darwin was particularly struck by the fact that in this more extreme state of anger, cats do not bother to horripilate. The Cheshire cat
  • Charles Darwin was apparently the first naturalist to approach bioturbation from a scientific angle. Bioturbation all around you
  • For this reason, Charles Darwin called the corrugator the muscle which controls this movement “the muscle of difficulty.” How to Speak Dog
  • It emerged in public consciousness as a reaction to Charles Darwin and the evolution controversy.
  • The tortoises, marine iguanas and land iguanas on the Galapagos Islands, studied by Charles Darwin, provide some of the most striking examples.
  • The theory of natural selection was first propounded by Charles Darwin.
  • Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species was not a bolt from the blue: it fitted naturally into, as well as transcending, a corpus of writing on evolution.
  • He also expressed pleasure to be following in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor Charles Darwin.
  • Charles Darwin's core claim is that the apparent design we intuitively observe in nature is an illusion that can be explained by mindless, purposeless, mechanistic and accidental processes.
  • She was the oldest living chelonian and the only living creature to have met Charles Darwin and traveled aboard the Beagle. Steve and Me
  • In addition to shedding light on an age-old riddle involving a plant Charles Darwin called ‘one of the most wonderful in the world,’ the discovery has implications for biomimetic systems.
  • July 1st, 2009 WASHINGTON - Contradicting Charles Darwin's theory, scientists have now shown that despite abundant food supply, energy intake reaches a limit even in animals with high nutrient demands, such as lactating females. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Whatever is shaping your story, must take heed of the Charles Darwin rule.
  • The creationist group Answers in Genesis is running an amusing new ad campaign in various conservative magazines, blaming racism on Charles Darwin, whose Origin of Species was published on the eve of the American Civil War, six years after Gobinau’s pseudo-pscientific racialist ur-text An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. Racism: Plaguing America Since 1959!
  • No less than Charles Darwin first suggested that the appendix was a vestigial organ from an ancestor that ate leaves, theorizing that it was the evolutionary remains of a larger structure, called a cecum, which once was used by now-extinct predecessors for digesting food. Lead Stories from AOL
  • Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.
  • And the mneme to be altered corrects a mangled interpretation of Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • What may be called the evolutionist theory of population was originated and incompletely stated by Charles Darwin, and developed by Herbert Spencer. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Yet it is hard to see why he was any more dangerous than Charles Darwin, whose theory, when distorted and vulgarized as the survival of the fittest, provided scientific support for Himmler's program to breed flaxen-haired demigods—so unlike the physique of the dear Führer and his closest associates. Hitler's Golden Book
  • Charles Darwin once visited, and his words about the view have been engraved on a rock.
  • Can the scientific theories of Charles Darwin really contribute to our philosophical understanding of ethics?
  • Along with the demands of teaching and co-ordinating Charles Darwin University's new external law degree, there hasn't been much time or energy left over for blogging.
  • Charles Darwin didn't invent a belief system.
  • In 1836 naturalist Charles Darwin says, ‘I so much enjoyed my rambles among the roads and mountains of St. Helena.’
  • He was also an ardent heretic and freethinker, maybe an out-and-out atheist, and a vocal defender of the ideas of Charles Darwin.

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