How To Use Charlemagne In A Sentence

  • Charlemagne's numerous capitularies (law codes, relating particularly to landholding) contain instructions to his officials to plant vines.
  • Charlemagne had established a strong body of troops under a commander who was called a margrave; and for some centuries this city, commanding the Danube, had been deemed one of the strongest defenses of the empire against Mohammedan invasion. The Empire of Austria; Its Rise and Present Power
  • The crown of Charlemagne, brilliant with rubies, sapphires and emeralds, adorned with four flowers-de-luce, which the The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • But while in the work of Dionysius the collection of conciliary canons remained unchanged, that of the decretals was successively increased; it continued to incorporate letters of the different popes till about the middle of the eighth century when Adrian I gave (774) the collection of Dionysius to the future Emperor Charlemagne as the canonical book of the Roman Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • One author tries to link the oriflamme to Charlemagne's lance and through it all the way back to Constantine's labarum, which was taken from a pagan sanctuary located near modern Saint-Denis. L'Oriflamme
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  • On the other hand, it was certainly fostered by Charlemagne himself, without whom it would scarcely have happened.
  • These military successes owed much to Charlemagne's ability as a strategist and a diplomat.
  • Historians have not settled on a good name for the centuries between Diocletian and Charlemagne, but this phrase is at least serviceable.
  • This time they make their way to the land of the franks and to Charlemagne court, visiting a muddy and still village-like Paris of 800 AD and the glittering Aix la Chapelle aka Aachen the glittering capital Liviu's Anticipated Novels of 2010 - collated post to be referred to and updated frequently as books come
  • At a time when the court of Rome believed itself deficient in titles, it pretended that Charlemagne had confirmed the donation of the exarchate, and that he added to it Sicily, Venice, Benevento, A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Valéry Giscard D'Estaing, President of the EU Convention, speech in Aachen accepting the Charlemagne Prize for European integration, 29th May 2003. Archive 2008-07-01
  • I want to know what drives the urge to, say, collect Roman coins, or trace the family history back to Charlemagne, or tie flies for hours on end in some dank basement workshop.
  • Sometimes she says she is so old, she is Bertha, the mother of Charlemagne. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • Under Charlemagne and his heirs, the royal court's principal seats were Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) and Paris.
  • Harun al-Rashid received emissaries from the Emperor Charlemagne (See 800), a fact noted in Latin annals but not in Arabic ones. 765
  • This practice of boasting was called indulging in "gabs" (= Eng. "gab"), a good instance of which will be found in "Le Voyage de Charlemagne a Four Arthurian Romances
  • Molimina fluviorum, &c., jungendorum, p. 59-62.)] [Footnote 1121: I should doubt this in the time of Charlemagne, even if the term "expended" were substituted for "wasted. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • Charlemagne introduced at the turn of the eighth century a system whereby actual service was only required of men in possession of a certain amount of allodial land.
  • Charlemagne vouched for him, Charlemagne who was their oracle as grown-up brothers so often are, and they could let loose the exuberance of their puppydom without a fear that a sudden cuff would teach their youth that wild delights find an end in sorrow. The Justice of the King
  • Sometimes she says she is so old, she is Bertha, the mother of Charlemagne. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • It was a thousand years from Charlemagne to Napoleon, and yet the implicit symbolism of the Bonaparte's action was unmistakable.
  • From the time of Charlemagne the above-named German tribes lived under Frankish constitution retaining their own old laws, which Charlemagne codified.
  • Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on Christmas Day 800 AD.
  • One of Charlemagne's capitularies is entitled ‘On Scribes - That They Should Not Write Corruptly’.
  • Charlemagne encouraged the general adoption of the liturgical books used in Rome, as well as the so-called Dionisyo-Hadriana, the main Roman collection of conciliary canons and papal decrees.
  • Roland was not just the chief paladin of Charlemagne.
  • Cet homme, habile dans les affaires, et employ� comme tel par Charlemagne, avoit 閠� en 811 envoy� par lui en ambassade � Constantinople. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • At this point Pope Hadrian I defended the doctrine of procession through the Son against Charlemagne.
  • In the ninth century great bishops occupied the See of Sens: Magnus, former chaplain of Charlemagne, bishop before 802, author of a sort of hand book of legislation of which he made use when he journeyed as missus dominicus, or royal agent for Charlemagne, died after 817; The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • From the Magister Sententiarum he had fallen upon the Capitularies of Charlemagne, and in his insatiable hunger for knowledge had devoured decretal after decretal: those of Theodore, Bishop of Hispalis, those of Bouchard, Bishop of Worms, those of Yves, Bishop of Chartres; then the decretal of Gratian, which came after Charlemagne’s Capitularies; then the collection of Gregory IX; then the epistle Super specula of Honorius III. II. Claude Frollo. Book IV
  • Charlemagne's great new palace at Aachen was built on classical Roman lines, embellished with sculptures and bronzes which would not have disgraced the Rome of the Caesars.
  • As we desired to avoid the possibility of a similar accident happening to us, we dismounted from our _cacolet_, and walked across the ledge to some distance: and, after a short repose beneath the shelter of the overhanging rocks, which a violent shower made most convenient at the moment, we prepared to retrace our steps; satisfied with having advanced so far on the same route taken by "Charlemagne and all his peerage. Béarn and the Pyrenees A Legendary Tour to the Country of Henri Quatre
  • SC: Geokster, re Christian conquest and conversion: In 780 Charlemagne decreed the death penalty for all Saxons who failed to be baptised, who failed to keep Christian festivals, or who cremated theirdead. The Volokh Conspiracy » Genetic Evidence Shows Common Origins of Jews
  • Long after Charlemagne, and even long after the Middle Ages, there were lords in Germany called margraves, still reflecting the administrative inheritance from the early Middle Ages.
  • Anyone who has not yet grasped this fact deserves to wear the dunce's cap - Valéry Giscard, President of the EU Convention, speech in Aachen accepting the Charlemagne Prize for European integration, 29th May 2003. Archive 2008-06-01
  • He [Balzac] tells us that he _is of an old Gaulish family_ (You understand, 'Gaulish' -- one of Charlemagne's peers! Honore de Balzac, His Life and Writings
  • Nor were all these capitularies laws; some were answers to inquiries, some were questions addressed by Charlemagne to officials, some were moral counsels. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
  • Saracen ambassadors bring Charlemagne a white elephant complete with exotic trappings.
  • Charlemagne was conscious of this, and therefore ordered in his cartularies, that no judge should hold a court of justice except in the morning on an empty stomach. Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • Saracen ambassadors bring Charlemagne a white elephant complete with exotic trappings.
  • Germany's national symbol has been the eagle since Charlemagne was emperor from 800 to 814.
  • One of their ancestors is Lakeridge Charlemagne, for example. Field & Stream
  • Charlemagne by the pope, but no historical text affords us any information with regard to this oriflamme, which is perhaps fabulous. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • In 568 the Lombards marched from Pannonia into Italy, conquered the northern part, still called Lombardy, and founded the kingdom of that name, which was afterward greatly extended, and existed until overthrown by Charlemagne in 774. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 04
  • In Charlemagne's court, there are twelve legendary paladins who serve their king.
  • The ceremony in this Anglo-Norman setting was replete with references to Charlemagne, Napoleon, and Churchill.
  • These conquests left Charlemagne's empire virtually conterminous with western Christendom, a fact acknowledged by the Pope at Rome on Christmas Day, 800, with the revival of the imperial title.
  • In 800, Charlemagne was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire by the pope himself.
  • In order for his margraves, especially, to rule the conquered peoples, Charlemagne had their customs set down in writing.
  • As such, the number and extent of his possessions seemed almost the reincarnation of Charlemagne's empire.
  • Charlemagne and later the solidus was the equivalent in value of twelve denarii. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • I can imagine even Charlemagne waving that cumbrous label impatiently aside, though Noyon mixed with Laon was his first capital. Everyman's Land
  • Deep under the confessio in a little stone room Saint Peter himself was buried; here the Emperor Charlemagne had been crowned. The Thorn Birds
  • Charlemagne thereupon fell in love with the lake and could not leave its shores.
  • Hollande we reached Aachen, as the fond natives call the burgh so dear to Charlemagne. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • Otto, with the able assistance of his brother Bruno, archbishop of Cologne, began a cultural revival (the so-called Ottonian Renaissance) in the manner of Charlemagne; late in life, he learned to read, but not to speak, Latin; Bruno knew Greek. 928
  • a long alliance between the papacy and the prede - cessors of Charlemagne had resulted in the re-creation of an “empire” — one in which Charlemagne was able to exercise a sort of “caesaropapism,” controlling the CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • From the time of Charlemagne the above-named German tribes lived under Frankish constitution retaining their own old laws, the leges barbarorum, which Charlemagne codified.
  • When Raphael painted the Coronation of Charlemagne on the walls of the Vatican stanzas, was he being unartistic?
  • It encouraged the adherents of this house to attribute to it an almost regal dignity, and to intimate more and more plainly its claim upon the throne of France, as descended through the Dukes of Lorraine from Charlemagne -- a title superior to that of the Valois, who could trace their origin to no higher source than the usurper Hugh Capet. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • II) also edited a benedictional from two manuscripts of the time of Charlemagne or a little later, formerly in the library of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Unlike many of his time Charlemagne had the skill of writing, as in his imperial signature on a document dated 775.
  • The theological treatises were probably already known at the court of Charlemagne around 800, and a tradition of glosses to the text probably goes back to the later ninth century.
  • Tales of the paladins of Charlemagne once rivalled the stories of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table in popularity.
  • Overseen by evangelist monks Charlemagne's conquering Franks meet fierce resistance from Saxon tribesmen.
  • Frankish warrior from the time of Charlemagne.
  • Charlemagne was crowned Emperor on Christmas Day 800 AD.
  • This time they make their way to the land of the Franks and to Charlemagne's court, visiting a muddy and still village-like Paris of 803 AD and the glittering Aix la Chapelle aka Aachen, capital of the new "Holy Roman Empire". "Raven: Sons of Thunder" by Giles Kristian (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
  • If his arms were victorious, Charlemagne vowed to himself that he would hang Ogier on the field, for still the despite done him by Godfrey rankled in his heart.
  • Winter passed swiftly in the court of Charlemagne, for there was never any lack of amusements.
  • The Byzantines derided the coronation of Charlemagne.
  • An abridgement of the Carolingian capitularies of Charlemagne and Louis the Pious by Ansegisus, possibly acting in an official capacity, was made in the 820s.
  • White grapes, grown mostly on limestone-rich sites, are vinified separately to create some tasty Bourgogne and Savigny blancs—not so surprising when you consider the proximity of the hill of Corton just north of the appellation, source of the majestic Corton-Charlemagne. The Death-Defying Values of Savigny-lès-Beaune
  • The four excerpts below, three from capitularies and the fourth a letter to an abbot, show some of the regulations and methods used by Charlemagne to raise soldiers for his armies in the early ninth century. De Re Militari: The Society for Medieval Military History » Charlemagne’s way of raising troops
  • Charlemagne too fitted out his new capital with monuments constructed with spolia from Rome and Ravenna; his own tomb was an ancient sarcophagus.
  • It is not known when he began to govern, but it is certain that he was already bishop in 798, when Charlemagne sent him into Narbonne and Provence as missus dominicus. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Charlemagne, which was to rise in the "imperialized" church. The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X
  • Under Charlemagne's instructions,(sentence dictionary) many classical texts were recopied.
  • Charlemagne to appoint special agents, called _missi dominici_ ( "the lord's messengers"), to maintain control over them. Early European History
  • The capitularies of Charlemagne speak of the octaves of Christmas, the Epiphany, and Easter. Two Reforms Associated with Pentecost: The Vigil and the Octave
  • In 840 a treaty between Charlemagne's grandson Lothair and the doge of Venice, protected Venice's neutrality and guaranteed its security from the mainland.
  • Meanwhile, 10,000 adventurers, lunatics, criminals, dreamers, and lost souls who had volunteered for Hitler's Charlemagne Division were sent to fight the Red Army in Pomerania. France's Downfall
  • Another point of importance for German development was that Charlemagne fixed the boundary between his domain and the Slavs, including the Wends, on the farther side of the Elbe and Saale Rivers.
  • Moravians, Bulgars, Croato-Serbians, and Poles all sought to overthrow the Avars, but their power was not broken until Charlemagne appeared.
  • Charlemagne, which stood in that cathedral, marked the definitive collapse of the whole fabric of legends out of which the hermandad between Le Puy and Gerona had grown. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • When he was a young, Oliver married Princess Audrey, the granddaughter of a king from a small kingdom that pays tribute to Charlemagne.

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