
How To Use Charisma In A Sentence

  • He plays David as a charismatic rogue - someone the audience is supposed to recognize as a bit of a scoundrel, but like nevertheless.
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • In fact, David Hasselhoff is a man of such magnetic charisma that women literally throw themselves out of high-storey windows to attract his attention.
  • Truly a charismatic man, he projects loving kindness to everyone and it shows.
  • Devoid of the ceremony and liturgy associated with the Church of England, charismatic itinerants made a straightforward appeal.
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  • In ancient Egypt, charismatic prophecy apparently was not commonplace, if it occurred at all, though institutional prophecy was of the greatest importance.
  • Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
  • In 1974, Lawrence Stone identified "the absence of charismatic leadership" during Edward VI's reign as one of the causes for political instability yet the behavior of Mary's household suggests that Catholics, in particular the Catholic dependents associated with Mary's household, had found in the princess householder a leader of sufficient thaumaturgical charisma that they were willing to risk death on her behalf. 95 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.
  • That would be Robert Downey Jr., whose antisentimental charisma is the most dramatically definitive feature of Colorado Springs Independent
  • Even though her storyline - which follows João on the road to stardom, with several stopovers in prison - can seem underdeveloped, Ramos is always charismatic.
  • On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.
  • Mental ability tests do not measure personality, social adroitness, leadership, charisma, cool-headedness, altruism, or many other things that we value.
  • For those who don't remember him, Osborne was the charismatic founder of Osborne Computer, makers of the world's first luggable computer, the Osborne 1.
  • In concert, the band displayed a power and charisma unparalleled in modern music.
  • Cantona was never one to berate or cajole teammates, but on the pitch or training ground he was a huge, charismatic figure who inspired fellow players.
  • It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook". The Social Network – review
  • Young, intense, lean, charismatic and stubbly, the two are separated by the great cultural wall that keeps Barcelona and Real Madrid apart. Pep Guardiola the extra-special one adds realism to romanticism
  • Her charisma and warmth made her the object of many a student crush, and Margarett was no exception.
  • For this aged, scholarly, conservative, uncharismatic Bavarian theologian will surely hasten precisely the de-Christianisation of Europe that he aims to reverse.
  • This album exposes him as an unremarkable singer, largely devoid of charisma or vocal prowess.
  • On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.
  • Though he lacks Clinton's charisma, Gore is considered a safe choice.
  • He was a charismatic teacher who used silence as well as sharpness of argument as a pedagogical technique. Times, Sunday Times
  • a vital and charismatic leader
  • On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.
  • He deserves support because his charisma is a big asset to the game. Women - Second round
  • But in the last 20 years or so, each has developed into one of the most uniquely charismatic showmen in contemporary music. Comebacks and Co-Conspirators
  • While the species has made a modest recovery in the past 50 years, we still do not fully understand its needs, and the changing character of the West itself now further imperils these charismatic animals.
  • In a September 11 article in the leading French newspaper Le Monde, titled "Sarah Palin, a funny kind of parishioner" (Sarah Palin, une drôle de paroisienne) sociologist Yannick Fer gives a competent overview of the Charismatic movement to which Palin belongs, but his conclusion is widely off the mark: Scott Atran: Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don't Get It
  • But regarding 2 this teacher was not especially charismatic - in fact more self-effacing than naturally the centre of attention.
  • The junior leading men, admirable technicians to whom the notion of charisma is alien, don't appear destined for stardom.
  • Reggae, soca and merengue will all get fired up,’ says the master percussionist, who is considered one of the more charismatic performers in the province.
  • He shows effortless charisma as he glides and even dances through the film.
  • Laurel Canyon (2003), each focused on an innocent young woman swept up in the glamorously baffling sex-and-drugs scene swirling around a charismatic older female artist, the situation here is reversed; unexpectedly drawn in to and fascinated by the ultra-domestic household created by a pair of charismatic femmes, the swinger is the straight man (literally). SF Weekly | Complete Issue
  • He smiled, and though his eyes had been replaced long ago by visual sensors that glowed dimly red in the half-light, I imagined that I could yet detect a spark of that charismatic man who had won the hearts of thousands even as he brought about their destruction. Lo, a fic. « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • * Charismata de heichon, hoi men elattona, hoi de pleio; kai touto aition schismatos autois egeneto, ou para ten oikeian phusin, alla para agnomosunen ton eilephoton; hoite gar ta meizona echontes eperonto kata ton ta elattona kektemenon; outoi de au palin elgoun, kai tois ta meizona echousin ephthonoun. Pneumatologia
  • He's unsympathetic, but charismatic and complex.
  • She has an extra charisma , or whatever you like to call it.
  • Like Aerosmith at its best, Buckcherry has both the rhythmic sway to go with its rock-and-roll stomp and the raw charisma to get away with its period pretensions.
  • Niamh has a voice of undisputed international quality and she also exudes charismatic quality, which guarantees a vibrant live performance.
  • In the place of different political parties what Fatton terms "accumulation alliances" have arisen, based on clientship and centered around the charismatic personality of a particular gwo neg ( "big man"), engaged in a "criminalized zero-sum game" in pursuit of power. Haiti: The Fall of the House of Aristide
  • He was an intensely charismatic actor and conveyed the meanings of words as dramatically and sensitively as the music.
  • He skated with charisma, changing from one gear to another, from one direction to another, faster than a sports car.
  • With its overbearingly charismatic, slo-mo vocal, chomping techno stabs and Roland 303 squiggles twisted into tight new party balloon shapes, this is raw, unbridled fare from a label that's kept up the dark, crunching, nasty end of the dancefloor spectrum for over two decades. This week's new singles
  • It's a minimalist sci-fi mystery about a Silver Lake couple who infiltrate a cult led by a charismatic woman Ms. Marling whose ambiguous identity unsettles the pair. Visions of the Horizon for City Moviegoers
  • The death's-head, a forbiddingly charismatic insect with a distinctive skull pattern on its thorax, has been sighted along the south coast at Arne, Dorset, and in Plymouth, Devon, in what is proving to be a vintage autumn for exotic migratory moths. Indian summer sees exotic moths fly in
  • A lot of skates and rays and the chimaeras are not as charismatic as white sharks or whale sharks or a manta ray, but these things are probably taken in far greater numbers in terms of by-catch.
  • But he was instead an apostle, an ad hoc theologian, a proclaimer, a charismatic who saw visions and spoke in tongues - and a religious genius.
  • Many Charismatics appear to have absorbed some of the doctrine of the sects from which the movement originated. Archive 2007-02-01
  • On the plus side, Catch Me at the Neil Simon, boasts two incredibly entertaining leads - a sensational Aaron Tveit as the charismatic Frank, and the always superb Norbert Leo Butz as Carl Hannraty, the crumply married-to-the job FBI agent who ultimately catches him. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: Catch Me If You Can, Peter and the Starcatcher, Urge For Going
  • Today, almost 525 million people around the world identify themselves as Pentecostals or charismatics.
  • He starts pulling kids off the cushionless sofa and stone-slinging them toward the door while the other kids and the jivey charismatics keep urging Juano on. Underworld
  • Uncharismatic, cautious and controlling, she does not look like the natural winner of a popularity contest. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm fascinated by this character trait known as charm or charisma.
  • Practicing charismatic prophecy, many of Montanus's followers were women, who were allowed to teach, heal, and exorcise demons.
  • Somewhere along the line, I fell in with the charismatic megafauna, and now I work on the physiology, bioenergetics, behavior, and bioacoustics of marine mammals.
  • The charismatic renegade Jedi spoke fondly of Kenobi's old mentor, Qui-Gon Jinn, who had once been Dooku's apprentice.
  • The word guru in gurukula is often mistakenly thought of as a charismatic cult leader wearing flowing robes with total control over his followers. Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • How long before someone charismatic, competent, and efficient takes charge of one of these wacko organizations?
  • Being a charismatic church, the proceedings went along as usual.
  • The death of Hannah Schneider, movie-star beautiful and charismatic, is the mystery at the heart of the novel. Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl: Questions
  • He's got that magic combination of 19-year-old cockiness and born-with-it, estate-lad charisma.
  • As a head Stubbs was charismatic and outwardly eccentric, making it policy to shake every child's hand and say something nice about them.
  • The squids had wads of cash ready to spend on some ditzy chick, but we had pure animal charisma and the Under-18 set.
  • The new charismatic fellowships have warm fellowship and regenerate church membership.
  • I meant to convey not just his strange, slow but charismatic drawl but also his character - unsentimental, tough to the point of roguishness with an unadvertised, indeed sometimes concealed heart of gold.
  • Not even a bravura turn by one of the most charismatic actors of his generation can relieve the torpor.
  • A pugnacious, charismatic figure, the potentially dicey situation he is facing at Rangers is small beer in comparison to the personal trauma he has overcome through sheer force of will.
  • Still, it must be remembered that the truly ecumenical councils of the first millennium produced great and charismatic saints to guide the church.
  • Truly a charismatic man, he projects loving kindness to everyone and it shows.
  • The microscopically self-analyzing and charismatic Benjamin-the Harold Brodkey of his time-was drawn to Belle's frankness and intelligence, found her "so original and lively," and her company so unconventional and invigorating, that he gave himself up "rapturously" to her company. Something About Beauty And Integrity
  • Not a devastating puncher, the charismatic Baby Bull, more than makes up for it with uncanny speed of foot and hand.
  • What it lacks in status and history, however, Croydon more than makes up for in sheer chutzpah, at least if its charismatic mayor is anything to go by.
  • It is an attractive diversion somewhat enhanced by the charm and charisma of its stars.
  • It's not just Australians who have switched on to the charms of this charismatic comedian.
  • Look, you can compare Obama to McGovern and Stevenson if you want and you can just as defensibly compare him to JFK, RFK and FDR in his charisma, leadership, ability to make history, and capacity to transform our entire political dynamic. Obama-McGovern-Adlai-Stevenson Reading List
  • Where I found Dylan to be a dry kind of character, Manson -- like any notable bad guy -- comes off as a charismatic conniver. Rabid Reads: "Lucas Manson" by Thomas Hauck
  • Budget restrictions will mean the ‘Late Late Show’ producers can now only afford a vapid, self-important and uncharismatic host.
  • Tue 10/13/09 11: 36 PM reid would’ve been a MUCH better choice! jake is cute but he doesnt have much charisma, he’s really vanilla!! Jake is the new Bachelor. What, was a box of rocks not available? |
  • Ted was charismatic, playful, strong-willed, and above all, one of a kind.
  • Gateway is a charismatic evangelical church with lively worship and a good range of ages in the congregation.
  • We have to learn to see such charismata when they appear; the charismatic phenomenon is essentially new and always surprising.
  • An inspirational teacher and leader, her charismatic personality has endeared her to generations of children as she encouraged the very best from each and every one of them.
  • Especially among Evangelicals and so-called Charismatics you will find that the word Latest Articles
  • And up on the screen was Manson---a charismatic, good-looking, messianic orator. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • Charisma by Madame Tussaud", fumes venerable film critic Roger Ebert, as the film prepares effortlessly to hold its position at the top of the box office on both sides of the Atlantic this weekend.
  • What he lacks in terms of looks, he more than makes up for with charisma.
  • Nick Stahl does a good job portraying Bobby as a vicious, detestable bully (with perhaps just a hint of reptilian charisma).
  • The classic sailing frigate was a fast and powerful warship, and was one of the most successful and charismatic ship designs of the age.
  • Guillory is obviously ready to understand the positing power of language as simply one more theme by means of which rhetorical reading generates and savors the pathos of non-human agency, but his swerve away from de Man's thematization of the performative may be taken as symptomatic of his desire to purge the theory of elements that resist being returned to cognition, and thence to self and the pedagogue's charisma, and thence to a social world. Professing Literature: John Guillory's Misreading of Paul de Man
  • The stayaway will be the first major action taken by the ZCTU since its charismatic former leader Morgan Tsvangirai left the group to head the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Its central figure is a charismatic, obsessive megalomaniac bent on avenging himself on the civilized world.
  • But once all these types of stories cease to be published -- and features by their nature rely on the leisureliness of print reading and generous photographic layouts that lure in the semi-curious reader -- I worry we'll have lost the shared understanding and celebration of Chicago as an infinitely unpredictable, loving, misguided, charming, ugly, pretty and charismatic city. David Murray: The Socially Catastrophic Demise of the Light Feature Story
  • She is a very charismatic actor so it doesn't take all that much to establish her as a beloved, expansive grandmother, endlessly giving and loyal.
  • The store manager appeared to possess a certain charisma which enhanced his position as a manager of others.
  • Though immensely talented and charismatic, his success may be as much an accident of history as anything.
  • It is a creative company with a particular style set by a charismatic and autocratic leader.
  • Victims of this form of offence have tended to be the more charismatic species such as bluebells, orchids, snowdrops and water lilies, yet some lichens and mosses have also suffered.
  • The death's-head, a forbiddingly charismatic insect with a distinctive skull pattern on its thorax, has been sighted along the south coast at Arne, Dorset, and in Plymouth, Devon, in what is proving to be a vintage autumn for exotic migratory moths. Indian summer sees exotic moths fly in
  • It's hard to think of a performance by an actor billed as the star of the picture that is any worse than the muttered, uncharismatic, disinterested effort delivered by Ice T in this film.
  • The final section on lay spirituality is a pastiche of elements from a number of sources (the charismatics, monastic renewal, and others).
  • Evil has charisma. Though people are repulsed by it, they also are drawn to its power.
  • Perhaps, but how many have charisma and the ability to motivate and inspire players?
  • So surely the central issue for a film depicting such a charismatic character is casting an appropriate actor in the lead role.
  • The old charisma is back and all those rumours of flab injections can be scotched once and for all - until the next time.
  • He looks at the essentials of what we really can say about Jesus with any degree of historical certainty, and places him in the context of the wandering charismatics and faith healers who were about at the time.
  • The fear was that a charismatic leader could use the office of tribune, with its base of power in the common citizen, to become a demagogue.
  • If the disease lay dormant for just over twelve months and only sprang into action at the hint of uncharismatic but otherwise cool presidential candidates.
  • True to Mozart's intention to present the incorrigible libertine as a dramma giocoso - a funny drama - Erwin Schrott was a charismatic and riveting Don Juan, while Kyle Ketelsen's Leporello, the Don's comic and unwilling manservant, stole all the rest of the scenes. Don Giovanni
  • To be a senior manager, a CEO or any high-powered corporate executive you need to be smart, sharp, presentable and have reasonable charisma.
  • If he keeps being cast as such one-dimensional, charisma-free characters, his fall may be as quick as his meteoric rise.
  • Your personal charm and charisma take you through difficult situations smoothly.
  • Never missing a comic beat, their charisma worked every time and they knew how to milk the audience dry.
  • She originally joins the group because of her attraction to its charismatic leader, Andi.
  • Center stage is now occupied by Pentecostals, charismatics, evangelicals, fundamentalists, conservative Baptists and Lutherans, and select Roman Catholic writers and movements.
  • That is largely because in number after number, a dream ensemble led by a lithe and charismatic Aaron Tveit as Frank, Tom Wopat as his con man, boozy dad, and Norbert Leo Butz as Carl Hanratty, the shleppy cop who takes him in, dazzles. Regina Weinreich: Con Me If You Can: The Broadway Musical
  • Keith is charming and very charismatic, but not reliable.
  • No one in this film shows a spark of charismatic quality, much less any halfhearted attempts at believable characterization.
  • He hasn't a charismatic figure or a flamboyant style, but he is definitely mild, modest and mellow.
  • In the February issue of The Atlantic Monthly, Robert D. Kaplan extrapolated from the implosion of public order in West Africa and posited a world slowly overwhelmed by sociopathic street gangs, each with its own charismatic gangsta-meshuga. The Threat Of Tribalism
  • Catholic Charismatics have adjusted the concept to mean something more like a full realization or appropriation of the gift of the Spirit already received in chrismation. Archive 2007-02-01
  • He's about as uncharismatic as you can get.
  • A charismatic flagship mammal is the strictly endemic bontebok (Damaliscus dorcas dorcas) which once grazed the extensive renosterveld plains of the South Coastal Forelands and is now mainly found in protected sanctuaries. Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • So my dream ticket: some combination of a western governor (ritter, napolitano) and either Strickland, Warner or a Wildly Popular And Charismatic Florida Democrat (too bad there aren't any). Poll: Bayh On The Ticket Could Turn Indiana Blue
  • I've rolled the icosahedron and painted a few miniatures myself so it only raises my charisma to be accepted by that culture. Archive 2009-08-01
  • She said that he doesn't have any charm or charisma in front of the camera and that she could do a better job.
  • The jasmine tea was replaced with a rare pomelo blossom perfumed tea*, which seems to have captured the essence of Charisma more fully – including it’s rounded floralcy and pungent aroma from the kewda and spearmint. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Cohen especially had the charisma turned on at full blast, pausing before the songs to chat with audience members, tell stories, or just gush with thanks over so many people showing up to support them.
  • Certainly “bin Ladenism” seemed to share some commonalities with the Nazis and the Soviets: their anti-Semitism; their antiliberalism and general contempt for Enlightenment values; their cultlike embrace of charismatic leaders; their deft exploitation of modern propaganda methods; and their bogus promises of utopia here on Earth if their programs were implemented. The Longest War
  • Her rough-hewn charisma brought in a steady flow of revenue to fund the organizations she created, which were run by members of her immediate family.
  • All the King's Men let its protagonist, a charismatic and power hungry politician who loses all restraint, grow into his detestability, and Willy Stark devolves into the mire of corruption gracelessly. DVD Times
  • Whitehead appears as a smarmy stand-up comic without the charisma or patter to carry off his narrative duties.
  • He is intensely irritating, with a cockiness untempered by charisma and exacerbated by a grating accent he brought from England when his family emigrated.
  • Theissen's tertiary charismatics, community sympathizers in the villages, did not abandon their traditional way of life; they remained in their homes, and adhered to traditional household norms and values.
  • The charismatic Studebaker gets a kick from pulling a quick switcheroo.
  • We've yet to pick our candidate, so I've got to be circumspect, but we certainly need a charismatic candidate.
  • Charismatics in America are being informed they are involved in apostasy. 1 of the reasons is they tolerate Catholic heresy and rebellion when they are commanded to correct truth errors. TEXAS FAITH: Is shame still part of our culture? | RELIGION Blog |
  • The debt they owe to Reformation theology is explicitly acknowledged; and unbiblical ecumenism and charismaticism are rejected.
  • He is inclusive, uncharismatic, moderate and a veteran of the governing class. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or through their charisma, reputation, energy, or sheer popularity - qualities which help win business and motivate staff.
  • I find this truth self-evident, that while all men may have been created equal, there's still something just a little bit extra-snazzy about Kapranos, who, in an era where the notion of the wildly charismatic, omnisexually intriguing rock n 'roll frontman has become increasingly antiquated and irrelevant - "frontmen" are so last century - has nevertheless managed to create a viable and compelling model of this waning art form in his own image. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • She has a folkie's unjaded commitment to social justice, a punk's DIY ethic, and the incandescent charisma of a born pop star.
  • Gamini Dissanayake made a charismatic case for Sri Lanka cricket on that day in June 1981, winning over the fustiest of cricket administrators with an eloquent plea for them to be granted Test status. The speech that set free Sri Lanka cricket and glued a troubled nation | David Hopps
  • I'm fascinated by this character trait known as charm or charisma.
  • 5 However, even the few references in the New Testament that touch upon the worship of the early Church show that, far from being a wild group of free-spirited "Charismatics," the Christians in the New Testament worshiped liturgically as did their fathers before them: they observed hours of prayer (Acts 3: 1); they worshiped in the Temple (Acts 2: 46, 3: 1, 21: 26); and they worshiped in Synagogues (Acts 18: 4). Latest Articles
  • He is handsome, charismatic and a terrific actor, yet he really should have spent more time improving his English, which was woeful.
  • We Calvinists are charismatic Christians because we love the Lord Christ who first loved us.
  • When you prioritize seeking a partner who supports your becoming your favorite, best self -- instead of just crushing on someone's superficial sexy looks, charisma and wealthiness -- you wind up with a happy love relationship! Karen Salmansohn: Do You Suffer From Prince Harming Syndrome?
  • One strike against him as a candidate is his perceived lack of charisma.
  • What he lacks is the charisma of an Olivier, whose epochal Coriolanus is dazzlingly evoked in two pages of Kenneth Tynan's Curtains.
  • Policy wonk, nerdy control freak, bureaucrat-in-chief, charisma-free bore and junketeer are some of the kinder epithets the whingeing Aussies have applied to the man.
  • A long time ago, in the Charismatic Church I belonged to, there was a big split - 1/2 the church went into 'discipleship' and the other half stayed where they were. Cerulean Sanctum
  • Colbert is the opposite of Fouquet, abstemious, quiet, and utterly without charisma, working in the background to depreciate Fouquet's popularity like a rat gnawing at the woodwork.
  • That was the excessively charming, charismatic Catherine O'Connor.
  • On stage, he is truly dynamic, exuding a palpable charisma comparable to the likes of Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra.
  • The United Nations chief is charming and charismatic, but his nervy doctrine for ending wars makes world leaders twitch.
  • He's so funny, and so purely charismatic here as to defy adequate description.
  • The actor's roguish, rough-and-tumble approach isn't well-suited to playing a heroic type, and his version of the Greek king lacks both presence and charisma.
  • Nils Hognestad as Desmond is a bit of a ringer for Prince William and manages an impressive degree of bumbling charisma.
  • And I know you just must be gutted that your charismatic guru, the voice and the face of so many shifts at the green baize is finally tossing in the chalk.
  • His secret life was just that, too secret to ultimately be known and give a rounded picture of the man handsome and charismatic enough to be a pop star himself.
  • All the Pauline references to charismata, Campbell insists, are to be taken only in the latter sense.
  • He has got fantastic charisma, a great personality, wonderful kids and a wonderful wife.
  • He is a smart, religious, handsome, family man with charisma, vision, passion, good suits, his own teeth and an accent that shifts between plummy and mockney as the company requires.
  • They get the chance to cadge a bit of his energy and charisma.
  • The three uniting congregations were an Independent Holiness Church, a charismatic House Church, and a Brethren Assembly.
  • It's an anarchic assemblage of petty autocracies with numerous additional charismatic nobles advising the autarchs.
  • Cavayé’s breakneck thriller takes the viewer on an adrenaline-fueled ride through the streets of Paris, and stars newly-minted French star Gilles Lellouche as our Everyman Samuel; the charismatic Roschdy Zem as the menacing criminal Sartet; and the magnetic Elena Anaya as the mother-to-be Nadia. Kristin McCracken: Point Blank: What Would You Do?
  • The religious scholar - whose studies qualify him for the honorific of "mullah" - lacks Hakimullah's charisma and reputation for boldness but retains a sizable following. Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
  • They were intellectual liberators, triple-threat men gifted with soaring imaginations, glowing charisma, and literary genius.
  • Kazan's direction judiciously draws on Dunn's still functioning charisma (his character is the best-liked, least-employed man in his neighborhood), his personal history (his character is an alcoholic, whose dreams of becoming a music hall star have collapsed because of his problem) and a new kind of interiority (Dunn needs no dialogue to express his anguish and tragic resolve when, on a fateful Christmas Eve, he looks at his sleeping daughter and realizes he will never be able to give her the education she deserves). NYT > Home Page
  • The Twilight Herald: Lord Bahl is dead and the young white-eye, Isak, stands in his place; less than a year after being plucked from obscurity and poverty the charismatic new Lord of the Farlan finds himself unprepared to deal with the attempt on his life that now spells war, and the possibility of rebellion waiting for him at home. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Labour's unlikely leader was terse and uncharismatic but very effective - the improbable Mr Attlee.
  • My heart goes out to his family on this day of incredible loss…The rose he wore on his lapel to help people pronounce his name illustrated some of his traits I most admired: practical with a dash of charisma and a bit of fun thrown in for good measure. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Both within the camera frame and outside it, the Chevrolet came to symbolise status, aura and charisma.
  • It's not just Australians who have switched on to the charms of this charismatic comedian.
  • His downfall begins when he develops a feud with the charismatic history teacher, Mr Eccles.
  • Like all truly charismatic people he can work his magic on both men and women.
  • A spellbinding orator and a man of great charisma, he was able to whip up crowds with his fervent speeches about the colonial exploitation of his country.
  • Victims of this form of offence have tended to be the more charismatic species such as bluebells, orchids, snowdrops and water lilies, yet some lichens and mosses have also suffered.
  • I, too, was attracted to Steve's courage and charisma, and we became fast friends.
  • `I prophesy charismatic wonders, incense in the College chapel and a collective nervous breakdown for the remaining staff. ULTIMATE PRIZES
  • Even charismatic American wildlife such as the Florida panther, now with only 60 adults remaining in the wild, are in real danger of vanishing forever unless we act.
  • By this time it carried the advertisements of a well-known whisky, and had lost some of its charisma.
  • Unlike the other mendicant orders founded in the thirteenth century, the Franciscans were blessed, and burdened, by having a profoundly charismatic founder.
  • When it comes time to argue in the Israeli forum, there is nothing in that brief that would “judicially estop” him from investing “some of his charm and charisma in wooing the Israeli public.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Only 6% of Jewish Israelis think Obama is Pro-Israel,
  • John Neffinger is a founder of KNP Communications, a consulting firm that teaches clients how to be more charismatic through a particular combination of traits: strength plus warmth. Science of Charisma | clusterflock
  • Rabinowitz hoped to find remaining pockets of additional charismatic fauna - elephants, tigers, and rhinoceroses - and to set up a biological reserve to protect them, but he soon learned that these large mammals had disappeared.
  • The Cardinal's reflections elaborated an understanding that the charismatic and institutional aspects are quasi coessential to the constitution of the Church.
  • I knew you were single and available and working at Charisma, so I finagled an invitation to the Elliotts' New Year's Eve party from Cullen.
  • He is, despite his multiple and self-professed flaws, strangely charismatic, painfully honest and funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not even the charisma of its leading lady can save it from the overlong bore it becomes, due to its laborious pacing and cliché-ridden script.
  • In his youth, Machiavelli had watched Savonarola from afar; the great religious charismatic was both anti-Renaissance and opposed to the new merchant class that was emerging.
  • This talented and charismatic alpinist also knows Bass, yet he awkwardly dismissed attempting to influence him by mumbling banalities about how everyone has to work within their own comfort zone. David Holbrooke: Skiing and Sacrifice
  • a charismatic leader
  • Also in terms of personal charisma he comes across to me as rather wet.
  • He told those attending she had ‘aura, charisma and a precious gift of working with children’.
  • Well, experience and positions WILL play a part (As they did with Obama), but charisma is going to count, too. Matthew Yglesias » The Intra-Republican Fight
  • July 6th, 2009 11: 24 am ET this president is working for American people .... obviously the job left undone for the last 8yrs; and that's why the republicans are so critical because they know Obama is far more charismatic and a better leader than that "Bush" man they gave us for 8 friggin yrs!!! rachel Obama, Medvedev commit to nuclear arms reduction treaty

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