
How To Use Chari In A Sentence

  • He plays David as a charismatic rogue - someone the audience is supposed to recognize as a bit of a scoundrel, but like nevertheless.
  • Thus, developing a vaccine directed against one or a few capsular polysaccharides may not be widely effective.
  • And David took from him a thousand chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: David also houghed all the chariot horses, but reserved of them a hundred chariots. 1 Chronicles 18.
  • Beneath the third was a vast treasure which the emperor then used for charitable purposes.
  • Most work places have a huge manual of lists of organizations, religious, animal charities, local characteries. Latest Articles
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  • Most often, this implies a life on city streets begging, panhandling, petty theft, and using charity and soup kitchens close to the drug source.
  • Because each monosaccharide can link to more than one other monosaccharide, oligosaccharides can be branched.
  • The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
  • Benedict, put simply, is living out what he spoke of in Deus Caritas Est, which is true charity: Can we simply exclude them, as representatives of a radical fringe, from our pursuit of reconciliation and unity? Ecumenism
  • Fr Benjamin blesses the faithful with the Most Holy Eucharist. Oxford Corpus Christi Procession 2009
  • Fetuin was resistant to a single O-glycosidase digestion due to the fact that its N-linked and O-linked oligosaccharides are sialylated. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • J.C. nodded and I followed him down into the dark dankness of Zacharis' unfinished basement. The Dog Catcher
  • The dinner has highlighted the difficulty for the duke and duchess of how careful they should be about where their charitable donations come from. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dot and I took some manchets about the manor to sell for charity, although she did all the talking.
  • Vanessa raised hundreds of pounds for the charity by playing requests in exchange for donations to the appeal.
  • Zechariah, however, is given a punitive sign, while the annunciation to Mary concludes with her pledge of willing submission.
  • Cash will be the vital ingredient as celebrity chefs cook up a special fundraising treat for charity.
  • The Church and the laity were increasingly active in charity work.
  • And how can those who profess to revere this charismatic figure, propound views so intolerantly divergent from those of their great leader?
  • Take spinal charities competing vigorously for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Sunday evening, after the dishes had been washed and Jared was in bed, Charisse and Stefàn were lounging comfortably on the plush leather cuddler sofa in their den and listening to a classic Grover Washington, Jr. CD. Who Said It Would Be Easy
  • In fact, David Hasselhoff is a man of such magnetic charisma that women literally throw themselves out of high-storey windows to attract his attention.
  • The Year 9 mentors are trained by children's charity Childline and run lunchtime support clubs as well as a drop-in centre where younger students can call in for advice or help.
  • There she goes again with that faith, hope, charity, and creativity twaddle.
  • The Cameo cinema in Edinburgh has just announced an Eighties all-nighter, featuring saccharine delights such as Pretty in Pink and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
  • They were primarily portraitists, but Thomas is now chiefly remembered for his dramatic Boadicea monument at Westminster Bridge, London, showing the fearsome warrior queen in her chariot.
  • Truly a charismatic man, he projects loving kindness to everyone and it shows.
  • Whether you ride a moped or a Honda, a scooter or a vintage Hog, the organisers of the annual North Coast Children's Motorcycle Toy Run want you to join the ranks raising money for charity this weekend.
  • Devoid of the ceremony and liturgy associated with the Church of England, charismatic itinerants made a straightforward appeal.
  • With no money and hand-me-down charity, they still manage to look 100 times more chic and svelte than the rest of us.
  • He could only regard her existential pain as a cup of instant coffee to be sweetened with saccharin.
  • Police, park rangers and animal charities say that dangerous dogs are being used by gangs as status symbols and becoming a growing public menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Charity begins at home, but should not end there. 
  • The Kensington High Street rag reckons chuggers—paid workers who stop you in the street and persuade you to give over your bank details for charity—are well on their way out.
  • Giving money to charity in your will is another handy way to sidestep the taxman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stray too far in one direction and you devolve into saccharine sentimentality, go the other direction and you risk crass exploitation.
  • I should add that I am only really interested in results from the UK as we are a UK based charity and cannot help anyone outside of Scotland Testing Search Engine Page Ranking Techniques « Lorelle on WordPress
  • The Medes, perhaps, had such chariots, though no traces of them are found in Assyrian remains. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The charity added that birds that no longer performed had their necks wrung. Times, Sunday Times
  • In ancient Egypt, charismatic prophecy apparently was not commonplace, if it occurred at all, though institutional prophecy was of the greatest importance.
  • On June 15 at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London, his original pastels will be auctioned, with some proceeds going towards children's charities.
  • This charity aims to help people to help themselves.
  • After his retirement he immersed himself in various charitable activities.
  • In contrast, Princess Sirindhorn, his sister, enjoys a saintly image as a patron of charity.
  • His stunt mimics magician David Blaine's attempt to survive 72 days in a glass box above London but Michael decided he would use the idea to raise cash for charity.
  • Some of the most charismatic cloud forest species such as the resplendent quetzal (Pharomacrus mocinno) and three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculata) are equally dependent on the seasonal moist forests as they migrate annually to these moist forests at the completion of their breeding season. Costa Rican seasonal moist forests
  • The finding of large cavernous spaces filled with mucopolysaccharides is consistent with ischemic processes elsewhere in the central nervous system.
  • The charity also revealed it had cost £27,500 to kennel the dogs since they were confiscated in October, 2003.
  • He's started up several charities to help the favelados -- ` ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • In 1974, Lawrence Stone identified "the absence of charismatic leadership" during Edward VI's reign as one of the causes for political instability yet the behavior of Mary's household suggests that Catholics, in particular the Catholic dependents associated with Mary's household, had found in the princess householder a leader of sufficient thaumaturgical charisma that they were willing to risk death on her behalf. 95 From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
  • He now plans a triathlon in aid of cancer and spinal charities. The Sun
  • The Cuckoo Fair is non-profit-making and benefits a range of local charities.
  • By microwave-isted extraction and intermittent microwave radiation heating, the new technology of obtaining Porphyra haitanensis polysaccharides was studied.
  • The ability of snails to hydrolyze plant polysaccharides xylan, mannan, starch and cellulose as well as chitin, an animal and fungal polysaccharide, is probably an indication of their omnivorous diet. Archive 2006-04-01
  • The availability of much of distance learning is possible only because of the charitable funding of trusts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Problem is, they're too busy raising money for charity or building an electric bike to care that their dad is holding out an olive branch. The Sun
  • Yorkshire folk turned prickly yesterday after a wild flower charity announced that the common harebell had replaced the white rose as the county's floral emblem.
  • Nearly three-quarters of staff took part in voluntary charitable activities during work time last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • An impression of the original statue group on top may be gained from the chariot groups on the triumphal arch in the relief on the south.
  • The charity also needs volunteers and furniture, clothes and food.
  • Would you like to make a donation to our charity appeal?
  • Off to the Charity Ball is a firm favourite, with its livid pastels against bright white, the skulking figures throwing dark, tactile shadows onto the projecting shelf below.
  • She has that intangible quality which you might call charisma.
  • People who would either forsake government aid if possible, or volunteer their time to create non-state charitable institutions, are liable to be considered suckers.
  • The dose of vaccine is 0.5 cc (25 ug of polysaccharide capsule material from each of the 23 serotypes) and may be given intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
  • That would be Robert Downey Jr., whose antisentimental charisma is the most dramatically definitive feature of Colorado Springs Independent
  • The gift of the grace of God," may mean the gracious gift, i.e. the gift due to the grace of God; or, the gift which is the grace of God; so that the charis, grace, as Paul often calls his apostleship, is the thing given. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
  • The charity aims to relieve poverty and distress caused by natural disasters.
  • Even though her storyline - which follows João on the road to stardom, with several stopovers in prison - can seem underdeveloped, Ramos is always charismatic.
  • He loved his game of cards and supported card games for charitable purposes.
  • In the poem, Hector's body, attached to Achilles' chariot and dragged around Troy, cannot be mutilated because Aphrodite has anointed it with ambrosia.
  • It seems they made a dreadful charivari at the village boundary, threw a quantity of spell-bearing objects over the border, a buffalo's skull and other things; then branded a chamur -- what you would call a currier -- on his hinder parts and drove him and a number of pigs over into Jelbo's village. Under the Deodars
  • Did Charity lure him into her sticky web? The Sun
  • Katie Charing, currently on a gap year, has been accepted into Somerville College, Oxford to study English.
  • There was, however, a rumor that later, when the alpha, beta, gamma theory went temporarily on the rocks, he seriously considered changing his name to Zacharias.
  • Moreover it seems to me atrocious that we who insist on seven millions of Catholics supporting a church they call heretical, should dare to talk of our scruples (conscientious scruples forsooth!) about assisting with a poor pittance of very insufficient charity their 'damnable idolatry.' The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.
  • A pox o’ your throat, you bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog! Act I. Scene I. The Tempest
  • He also keeps himself fairly socially active, spearheading a charity to benefit inner-city youths of musical talent.
  • Someone makes a heartfelt, tear-jerking appeal on behalf of the charity, and then up pops some sweaty, half-cut minor-league celebrity who's a mate of someone on the committee.
  • A common feature of cryptobiotic processes is the production of large amounts of saccharides triggered by the detection of stressful conditions.
  • The charity will forward the letters to the foreign embassies to make them aware of the level of public support for the drivers.
  • On screen Garbo had this great charisma so that you couldn't take your eyes off her.
  • The shop and cafe were once a thriving business and despite a recent upturn in fortunes, a three-year period of losses have led to charity chiefs deciding it is no longer financially viable.
  • The second beneficiary, the Suffolk Accident Rescue Service, relies totally on charitable donations for its desperately-needed equipment.
  • Employees make regular donations to charity.
  • Food and Dining Has anyone ever tried a 'plumcot' or a 'peacharine'? Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • When al Molqi took off, he was under the charge of Roman Catholic charity workers.
  • I wouldn't demean myself by asking for charity.
  • Mental ability tests do not measure personality, social adroitness, leadership, charisma, cool-headedness, altruism, or many other things that we value.
  • A friendly and charitable man Bill was very popular throughout the area and highly respected.
  • But charities said owners should also be forced to muzzle aggressive dogs. The Sun
  • A few months ago a friend sent me an article entitled "The Eucharist in the West" by the Irish Jesuit Michael McGuckian (New Blackfriars, March 2007), which also draws on De Lubac's work which had showed that prior to 1050 the term Body of Christ had referred to the Church and that the Eucharist had been referred to as the Mystical Body, but that that after this the Eucharist became the Body of Christ and the Church came to be referred to as the Mystical Body. Orrologion
  • I am bored by Monkey Wood's blantant over-use of charientism and cacophemism for my darkie brethren - it is an abomination to the Lord - who is ironically my next door neighbour ". : Spoof News : Front Page
  • Somewhere down the road, somebody got it into their head that kids won't watch it unless the themes are saccharine, the voices high and squawky, and there just happens to be some kind of jabbering animal wandering around. A review for INK
  • 'Friend,' whispered he, 'for charity conduct us to some safe place where we may withdraw this bier from the sacrilegious eye of curiosity.' The Scottish Chiefs
  • All the money raised from the show goes to charities and good causes - mostly in Orkney.
  • I have thought it, for example, not humane to variegate the text of an Anthology with despairing obeli: and occasionally I have covered up an indubitable lacuna by artifices which I trust may pass undetected by the general reader and unreproved by the charitable critic. Preface
  • Charity dinners and celebrity dos for a cause are a trend these days - what better way to raise a big sum for a noble cause?
  • All proceeds go to charities helping quake victims. The Sun
  • Marziya knows with money you get sweets toys, but here she is aware that what she gives the Umbrella lady will not get her anything in return..but a sweet smile .. and this is the lesson I teach Marziya , giving charity without compulsion, I teach Marziya along with photography the meaning of humility... Archive 2009-08-01
  • The terret would originally have been attached to a chariot yoke, probably serving to guide the reins for a double harness.
  • Charity organizations have chastised the Government for not doing enough to prevent the latest famine in Africa.
  • They had long been sailing west upon their expeditious and stead ship, the sun had now sat upon her throne, and her red and gold stallions that drew her chariot pranced among the hoary clouds.
  • People become charity trustees for myriad reasons, often wanting to give something back to society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wargames Factory have posted a photo of a painted version of the "Boudicca" figure that is included in their upcoming Celt Chariot boxed set. Tabletop Gaming News
  • The charity advises all people looking at their options to seek independent advice. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seemed that Alice was expiating her father's sins with her charity work.
  • Poseidon clothes himself in raiment of gold, grasps his gold whip, and takes his stand upon his chariot.
  • The lawyer asked the jury to take cognizance of the defendant's generosity in giving to charity.
  • Ministers thought the public needed protection against their charitable contributions being used to further political agendas they might not endorse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Public trust in charities has crashed to an all-time low. The Sun
  • The charity aims to highlight excellence and encourage best practice in teaching by raising the profile and public perception of the teaching profession.
  • Yes, it raises money for charity but what is really funny about sitting in baked beans?
  • This new cadre of charity leaders will bring to the sector an exciting set of skills, fit to face a new set of challenges. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his gardens and chariot-racing center, called the hippodrome, almost a thousand people were brutally murdered. Raw Story
  • Giving money to charities and building bridges does not mean that people should follow your lead.
  • A by-product of her spirituality, manifested in a variety of ways, has always been her generosity and charitable disposition.
  • But the charity stresses that infection can occur on first contact with an infected partner or needle.
  • One of several reasons this makes me a bit huffy is that it's not at all evident (far from it!) that what an Evangelical such as Colson believes about justification, faith, and charity is what Luther believed. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • For those who don't remember him, Osborne was the charismatic founder of Osborne Computer, makers of the world's first luggable computer, the Osborne 1.
  • Many frequent visitors to the Doorley household over the years belonged to the Rosminian Order, also known as The Institute of Charity.
  • Next, a row with wealthy philanthropists and charities over a cap on tax relief for charitable giving. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bungee jumping, a fun fair, car boot, craft and charity stalls will be the order of the day.
  • British naturists are doing a charity swim in Loch Ness in Scotland to raise funds for cancer research.
  • A young woman was accepted as being in a stage of preparation for receiving the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
  • Zechariah performs his priestly service at the geographical center of Jewish piety, the temple.
  • It would entail suspension from Eucharistic communion and taking one's seat in a special part of the church building reserved for penitents.
  • The classically trained singers that I've heard inevitably sound less than spontaneous, to be charitable, and their diction is invariably too "correct" and too lots of other things that I don't want to hear. Salvati dunque e scolpati
  • She is supposed to have disguised herself as a pauper for a young priest who, out of charity, took her to an inn to feed her.
  • Heat-jaded Sahibs and Memsahibs came here to escape the coast's hottest months, they invented snooker at the pukka Ooty Club and came to gossip at Charing Cross - locations were named by the British.
  • The financing structure is not just a bunch of charitable institutions collecting donations and dispensing funds.
  • Why not include hand-to-hand battles with Roman characters, or even chariot races for control of a particular piece of land?
  • She has always interested herself in charity work.
  • Because the organization is a charitable enterprise it is free from tax worldwide.
  • Services charities say not enough is being spent on prosthetic legs and arms in some areas. The Sun
  • Many options exist for charitable giving that can affect your tax bottom line. Some options can reduce estate taxes too.
  • Everything he likes or wants, from saccharine to cigarettes, is doomfully reported as causing cancer or cholesterol. The Business of Playing Hockey
  • Donating a share of one's income to charity, zakat, is a fundamental requirement of being a Muslim, more important - some say - than the pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Service learning often relies on a notion of volunteerism, charity or philanthropic effort.
  • Swindon Counselling Service, a registered charity, has 16 years of experience in helping people to get through rough patches in their relationships and also come to terms with unacknowledged emotions.
  • Phoebus > (Who each day drives his chariot across the sky) 9 In western waves his weary wagon did recure. recure > restore, refresh The Faerie Queene — Volume 01
  • And whoever had done those carvings on the wall, Twoflower thought charitably, had probably been drinking too much.
  • North West Hospice is incorporated as a limited company and is also registered as a charity.
  • The prince and his new duchess had invited representatives of their pet charities to share their special day.
  • The recent application trend and development direction of acidifier, probiotics, enzyme preparations, oligosaccharide and natural extract etc. were overviewed.
  • Data on the number of charities with distressed reserve funds are hard to come by, but insurance consultants report an increased number of groups seeking to "reinsure" their obligations with outside firms. Donors Find
  • But charities said yesterday that diabetics may be denied free access to the equipment after a government consultation on funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had a visit from somebody collecting for charity.
  • Only a fundamentalist Freudian would maintain that simple love or charity is impossible in this world.
  • The charity calendar is 7.99 plus 1.50 postage and packing. The Sun
  • The affined colonic anchorage alaska hotels shawm me to virilization you guys buffalofish in with any and all prominently housefather disaccharidase you can entoprocta of. Rational Review
  • His season on the pitch has not been too eye-catching but his selfless act in donating the receipts of his testimonial game to children's charities is one of the greatest things a Premiership footballer had done this season.
  • Objective : To extract and determine total flavonoids and polysaccharides in Ephedra sinica.
  • Florence write and establish their final condemnation of noblesse living by rapine, those 'Ordinamenti della Giustizia,' which practically excluded all idle persons from government, and determined that the priors, or leaders of the State, should be priors, or leaders of its arts and productive labour; that its head 'podesta' or 'power' should be the standard-bearer of justice; and its council or parliament composed of charitable men, or good men: "boni viri," in the sense from which the French formed their noun 'bonte.' Val d'Arno
  • Vast estates that had been managed by monasteries as endowments for religion and charity were impropriated to swell the wealth of courtiers and favorites; and the commons, where the poor man once had his right of pasture, were taken away, and, under forms of law, enclosed distributively within the domains of the adjacent landholders. Our American Holidays: Lincoln's Birthday A Comprehensive View of Lincoln as Given in the Most Noteworthy Essays, Orations and Poems, in Fiction and in Lincoln's Own Writings
  • We wouldn't be trying to run or control the charities, just to do everything we could to make their own task less burdensome. "
  • We have a very diverse charity sector that enjoys high public trust and confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The charity blamed the increase on the growing popularity of package holidays and excessive use of sunbeds. Times, Sunday Times
  • But something so pleasurable hardly seemed like charity.
  • He said: 'We would recommend that charity boards and trustees are transparent. Times, Sunday Times
  • His views on charity are also interesting and certainly worth a read.
  • The charity does a lot of good.
  • Said stories were so popular that they grew into a religion known today as Catholicism/Christianity and featuring dark-age, daily wine to blood and bread to body rituals called the eucharistic sacrifice of the non-atoning Jesus.
  • A new Charity Act will require independent schools to show they are meeting a public benefit test.
  • The surface of these bacteria house the lipopolysaccharide, which is a three-part molecular structure embedded into the cell membrane. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Many entertainments are planned for the night including a charity auction, games and a tombola.
  • The reward is points, which are redeemable for cash, electronics, even charitable contributions.
  • That a man should lay down his life for his friend seems strange to vulgar affections and such as confine themselves within that worldly principle, “Charity begins at home.” Religio Medici
  • There's squillions of charity shops in Edinburgh, and they all seem to have a copy of Naomi Campbell's Swan on their bookstands.
  • Radebe is donating the £500,000 that his testimonial game earned to charity, a gesture which is thoroughly in character.
  • A fabulous bounty from the Bernard Madoff charitable foundation included a stunning WMD intelligence dossier advance 'downpayment'. : Spoof News : Front Page
  • Charity was a pronounced element in the show — the spectacle of this strange young soul, in despair or recklessness, chaotically seeking occasions for compassion: taking a bath with a homeless man (“Who gets trench foot in the year 2002?!”), or romancing an elderly lady. Brit Wit
  • “I am afeard there are few die well that die in a battle; for how can they charitably dispose of any thing, when blood is their argument?” I Have Seen The Enemy and It Is . . .
  • Here, too, he delineates his subject through a series of paradoxes: do English charivari and Skimmington rides represent punishment or celebration?
  • Since worship is the primary, often exclusive means of Christian catechesis, what will be the effect of language in which the doctrinally ill-equipped worshiper must impute the Nicene faith to the Eucharistic prayer?
  • He said the charity has taken on a serious commitment and undertaken a legal obligation with the NHS trust.
  • The charity is still feeling the effects of revelations about its one-time president.
  • Christians are urged to practice agape: love not as sexual desire, not as a devotion to something transcendent, not as friendship, but as charity.
  • Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot - Percy helps Clarisse, when her half brothers, the demigods Phobos (fear) and Deimos (terror) take Ares chariot, which he had entrusted to Clarisse. Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » March
  • The true charity is not in donate some money, but in we donate, donate our time. CNN Hero: Jorge Munoz
  • It would also drain resources from strapped states and charities.
  • The charity issued a call for donations to assist victims of the earthquake.
  • Bush found a way to piss me off even in a charitable moment by the smirky way he said “Just send your cash”. Think Progress » Bush repudiates criticisms that Obama is ‘politicizing’ Haiti: ‘I don’t know what they’re talking about.’
  • Roast beef with horseradish M&S or charity shop? Times, Sunday Times
  • In concert, the band displayed a power and charisma unparalleled in modern music.
  • Cantona was never one to berate or cajole teammates, but on the pitch or training ground he was a huge, charismatic figure who inspired fellow players.
  • It appears that the charismatic Parker's first contribution is to hypnotise Zuckerberg, his second to marginalise Saverin, his third to hold out the prospect of big hedge-fund money, and the fourth to suggest shortening the title to "Facebook". The Social Network – review
  • Split-receipting may be available where a donor gives a gift to a charity or other qualified donee and receives something of value or some other benefit in return.
  • In addition to sucrose, the oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose were also detected, but only from 55 DAA.
  • Silence descended on a village school when pupils held a sponsored hush for charity.
  • Young, intense, lean, charismatic and stubbly, the two are separated by the great cultural wall that keeps Barcelona and Real Madrid apart. Pep Guardiola the extra-special one adds realism to romanticism
  • The cash was raised by the group's flood fund appeal through donations and a variety of charity events.
  • The sentimentality, which at times reaches unbearable levels, is saccharine and cloying.
  • And now only one of those two years is gone; and -- I am here, _here_, alive only through charity! The Genius
  • She toils tirelessly for various charities.
  • The devices are shaped like classic charity donation buckets and can accept coins and notes as well as a 2 contactless card donation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the news has alarmed the charity world. Times, Sunday Times
  • As patron of the charity Age Concern, he attended the launch of its Business Pledge campaign to encourage employers to recruit the over-50s.
  • The yatras have in the past sparked clashes in Ahmedabad as Hindu devotees - armed with swords, tridents and spears - hurled anti-Muslim insults from atop chariots and trucks.

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