How To Use Charade In A Sentence

  • The UN at the moment is still trying to maintain the charade of neutrality.
  • Instead, the selection process became a charade - a complete and utter sham. The Sun
  • The President too was pressed into the service of this noisome charade.
  • Hamstrung by his uncle, he was having to go through an exasperating charade in order to nobble the project. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • It was an elaborate charade which, through the performance of ritual, disguised the imposition of the royal will.
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  • The "embrace" is not for those who disagree about the moral character of homosexual acts and the charade of transgendered manipulations, but for those, like President Obama, who celebrate homosexuality as a worthy equal to heterosexuality (or is it better than heterosexuality??), who insist the only criteria for marriage is "love" (which, for male homosexuals, changes focus often). A couple of thoughts about Obama's "Hey, You're Gay, Hurray!" Day
  • Willing to humor him though, just to see what he was up to, I continued the charade.
  • Playing Cranium feels like playing charades, Pictionary, Trivial Pursuit, Name That Tune and hangman all at once.
  • Moll took a moment to try to decipher it, feeling like she was playing an odd parlour game of charades.
  • There was a lawn tennis court and eleven indoor staff, there was fishing and shooting, and adventures for the children, with tree houses and charades; a family orchestra and dressing up in clothes from the huge dressing-up cupboard on wet days. Mrs. Miniver
  • The institutional separation of the state from the capitalist class is not simply a charade.
  • Besides, it is unfair to expect hard-pressed staff to act out a charade to which they are culturally unsuited. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, I think there comes a point where putting a brave face on things becomes a shameful charade.
  • He could end this charade with one wave of the pen but chooses not to. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep up my charade with Peter, and every kiss was tainted with my dishonesty.
  • And they came to the beautiful house and made merry, played "guessing words" -- what we call charades, quite a new thing then -- and it made no end of merriment. A Little Girl in Old Salem
  • The evening ended with a game of charades with some very unusual and funny pub names to guess.
  • The trial was just a charade -- the verdict had already been decided.
  • But nevertheless this kind of maddened and hollow charade of bureaucracy continues to function in Israel, as well as Europe and America ... ceding ground time and time again to Islam. Sultan Knish
  • The institutional separation of the state from the capitalist class is not simply a charade.
  • During their stay, children will have complementary use of the Fun in Safe Hands Club, which includes activities such as water games, a video club, charades, make and do, painting and competitions.
  • But I think it's time to end the annual charade of these particular exercises in vanity and humbug. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is amazing the PM can maintain this charade with a straight face. The Sun
  • They played all sorts of games: cards, draughts, and even charades.
  • the standing woman shouted, with that panicky maddened body language you use when people aren't getting it in charades. PROSPECT HILL
  • It was a transparent charade for both of them: one they'd both playacted before, during previous crises. The Sinister Six Combo
  • Stop the Insanity people, BHO is a charade!!!!!! kumari Sources: Clinton, Obama supporters discussing exit strategies
  • I refused to go along with their pathetic charade.
  • I think cameltoe is the Mad Hatter at this charade. Think Progress » Inhofe calls Obama a great liar, says ‘most’ of State of the Union speech ‘wasn’t true.’
  • But fortunately, as part of my ongoing charade of being a writer, I have a pad and pen with me.
  • There weren't many people over, but we had a good game of poker, a good game of charades, and very good champagne at midnight.
  • The charade ended abruptly on Friday night. Times, Sunday Times
  • In place of a serious investigation, the FBI has mounted an elaborate charade.
  • The irony is that Boileau's mock-heroic method, as he applied it in his Lutrin of 1674-83, had already been tested in a charade from 1664, the Petite Commande.
  • Hollywood types play a variation called running charades, which is like a charades relay race, running from room to room. The Swell Dressed Party
  • Simply to explain the process, the charade now being played out. Times, Sunday Times
  • But while keeping up the charade may be saving the ECB some short-term embarrassment, its existing policies of propping up insolvent banks and governments are only increasing the cost of the euro-zone crisis in the long term. Europe's Bad Bank
  • "It is time to end this charade, " she said menacingly.
  • Obviously it is not their jobs that are under threat from uncontrolled migration and obviously the EU pumps huge sums of money into this charade. The Sun
  • Not a damn one could act themselves out of a game of charades and they ALL overacted to the point where you wanted to choke slam them. Scab Boy is THE Source for Friday The 13th Fan Films! | Fan Cinema Today
  • This charade is the result of the impermissibility of quotas. The Volokh Conspiracy » Epstein on Ricci:
  • The peace-seeking pretense was dripping with charade in the months before the invasion.
  • This is pictorial phonetism; and pictorial phonetism is, in fact, pictorial punning, of the sort commonly known as the rebus, or charade. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Drawing from various theatrical traditions, such as clowning, pantomime, charades, acrobatics and vaudeville, "Godspell" is a groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance and love. Featured Content
  • Someone should take Eppink aside and quietly explain the meaning of the word demos and then point out that there is no European demos, without which electing an EU president would be a meaningless charade. They are afraid of the people
  • It is thus tempting to conclude that the entire system has become a charade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
  • Some people remain surprised that in this modern age we should still be ruled over by any sort of royalty, as the whole bejewelled charade smacks of musty old deference.
  • He's a man of the shadows and back rooms and his comfort zone was hiding behind the charade of his Chancellorship bamboozling us with figures while he sold off gold reserves at rock bottom and beavered away at a Socialist usurpation of an inherently conservative Nation. Time To Set Out His Vision
  • If you thought that puns, acrostics, charades, et cetera were quaint relics from a bygone era, then think again as Robert Dessaix brings us up to date on Word Games.
  • I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade.
  • progressive games, or charades, or tableaux or dancing. ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • Reading and parlour games such as charades are preferred.
  • danced; one of the prefects gave us a play; one of the Fifth Forms gave us charades ' `That was good! ADRIENNE AND THE CHALET SCHOOL
  • The first meeting of the county committee last Thursday was a charade.
  • The tearful platform farewell was a charade. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm bored out of my wits and the rest of the guys are playing charades, not exactly my type of game.
  • He should never have agreed to take part in this charade, should have adhered to his first decision to refuse.
  • From August 23, the auditorium will come alive to the beats of rapid fire quizzing posers and dumb charades, essay writing and poetry, calligraphy and sketching, posters and pot painting.
  • As in any game of charades, eventually all the clues click and the answer suddenly became obvious.
  • Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
  • Today it is calling for the abolition of the Budget, dismissing it as an unnecessary annual charade.
  • Instead, the selection process became a charade - a complete and utter sham. The Sun
  • However, with the commutation and pension less than 7 months away I decided it was best to keep shtum and go along with the whole charade. Police ‘Targets’ for 2010 Revealed « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This charade of an interview was nothing more than a commercial for appeasement.
  • But then the charade falls down, and I tell Bryan the whole story, my voice rising in pitch as I get more and more upset.
  • Whether it's a poetry recital or a game of charades, any performance can become a life lesson.
  • This is pictorial phonetism; and pictorial phonetism is, in fact, pictorial punning, of the sort commonly known as the rebus, or charade. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • The peace-seeking pretense was dripping with charade in the months before the invasion.
  • Zemblan, like many Sanskritic languages, is well suited to charades, hence Roth's interest. CHEKHOV.
  • What we have to figure out how to do is to have a system that offers enough encouragement and assistance in real terms, not the kind of charades that we've seen over the last 12 years. 'We Are All In This Together'
  • But yours is the soul of a poet: surely you are not deluded by this triumphalist charade?
  • It's time to end this charade. The Sun
  • We ate dinner, we played games such as charades, and we danced to the music (I danced with Lei, of course).
  • They played all sorts of games: cards, draughts, and even charades.
  • I refused to go along with their pathetic charade.
  • The old convention of ministerial accountability has become a charade that allows incompetence and waste. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or would he have continued this charade and pretended he was going to medical school?
  • I have just one question: when is this charade going to end? Times, Sunday Times
  • In the evening, after the first stiffness wore off and charades were introduced, the party went with a swing.
  • It's about time this unedifying charade ended. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try charades, which is a real eye opener about children's personalities. Cayman Net News Daily Headlines
  • Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade.
  • In the evenings or holidays we played charades and card games and table tennis.
  • What charade Colonel Dent and his party played, what word they chose, how they acquitted themselves, I no longer remember; but I still see the consultation which followed each scene: I see Mr. Rochester turn to Miss Ingram, and Miss Ingram to him; I see her incline her head towards him, till the jetty curls almost touch his shoulder and wave against his cheek; I hear their mutual whisperings; I recall their interchanged glances; and something even of the feeling roused by the spectacle returns in memory at this moment. Jane Eyre: an autobiography, Vol. I.
  • This whole charade is strung out for months before the last veil is removed and you can take the car on a test track or open road. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take the lead and end this charade now. The Sun
  • Critics are going to savage this film out of respect to Charade and that's not really fair.
  • Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade.
  • She struggled to maintain the charade of not being afraid.
  • Both are charades meant to direct attention away from a stubborn commitment to the status quo.
  • Hokey as it might seem, go for the stuff you loved as a kid - musical chairs, limbo, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, charades or a pinata.
  • There are degrees to intro - and extra - version, so your character doesn’t have to be a total loner, but if he’s even slightly introverted, trying to maintain fame like an extravert is going to make this charade really exhausting and he’ll crash when he finally comes home. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Which Origin Stories are Plausible?
  • Traditional board games such as Pictionary or Cluedo are great for waking up tired minds and getting the family talking, while charades is sure to get everyone on their feet. Top tips for beating the winter blues
  • It was my birthday at the weekend and a surprise dinner and after-dinner game of charades was in order.
  • Today it is calling for the abolition of the Budget, dismissing it as an unnecessary annual charade.
  • One of the best actors in the charades was our father. Memorials of a southern planter,
  • So they went farther and farther until they couldn't keep the charade going any more.
  • I resorted to signs and gestures, in a peculiar multi-lingual game of charades.
  • The charade was kept up for a long time, far too long, but all that has changed now.
  • Helen Thomas, Dean (or "doyenne") of the press corps, for the first time in several decades, was relegated to the third row and was not allowed to ask Bush a question (she's known to ask tough questions and would not play ball in the charade) 4. The Blog from Another Dimension
  • Maybe it's time we dropped the charade and accepted that we're as brash and pushy as any New York cabbie ever was.
  • No matter how aptly presented, these foreboding atmospherics and metaphors have remained by-the-numbers for the adult thriller for decades; and like the stale, recycled charades of today’s politics, they grow tiresome quickly, not overlooking certain autobiographical parallels. Movie Review: Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer is Terrible (This Review Includes an Exclusive Note from Alfred Hitchcock’s Ghost) | /Film
  • She introduced him to charades, although the clues had to be limited to those that could be done from a sitting position.
  • Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children.
  • On September 26, 1946, she and George carried out the charade of their second nuptials—even taking themselves downtown to the New York Municipal Building and obtaining another license—all in the name of sparing her parents “the pain” of their secret elopement. A Covert Affair
  • His poems, despite their dignity and felicity, have an air of charade.
  • Unless, of course, the whole charade can be brought down earlier. Times, Sunday Times
  • When it's presented in this way, most women can see chivalry for the silly charade it really is.
  • They will be urged in the strongest possible way to prosecute you to the fullest extent of any/all federal, state, and local laws which your idiotic charade has transgressed. CAN ANYONE ID
  • A lively game of charades finished a fun filled evening.
  • But all the pomp and ceremony could not hide the empty character of this charade.
  • Simon has told Susan that his marriage is a charade, continued only for the sake of the children.
  • A glance at the list of candidates shows that the whole thing is a charade.
  • How much longer must we sustain this charade?
  • This budget is a pure charade with more hidden tax than the publicised ones.
  • It is a shame: if the alleged perpetrator were to work for the CIA, his fantastic charades and ruses might be put to excellent use.
  • Her boyfriend, an orthodontist with a talent for charades and not much else, has just popped the question. The Sun
  • Some of the cases describe a “charade” presented before the detainee showing him that his loved ones are under detention and, like the interrogee, undergoing severe physical torture. Torture news
  • This obvious political charade does not engender strong passion.
  • If I don’t get the language right away, it’s okay, charades is cross-cultural Jenni's life at the moment
  • I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade.
  • I took JJ's hand and walked up to the King of Rock 'n Roll and curtsied to play along with the charade. Carole Mallory: 'Some Guys Have All the Luck': Memories of Rod Stewart
  • The whole thing was one of the most cynical charades in memory.
  • Puns - and conundrums and charades, for that matter - are word games with an audience - quite literally, entertainments.
  • The amazing thing is that our reporters, our public and our government buys into their charade.
  • He played my life away like a game of charades behind the guise of immaturity and stupidity.
  • Instead of spending crores of rupees on your Temple charades, why not put the money to a good cause like this one?
  • The soldiers from both sides quickly overcame the language barrier and communicated in a fashion more like a noisy game of charades.
  • One result of this shilly-shallying is that much of the talk about liberty becomes a self-serving charade.
  • All the players involved in this charade understand they are acting on the flimsiest of pretenses; it's just that relying on polls is so much easier than actually reporting or leading.
  • It's true that word games (puns, acrostics, charades, and so on) were once thought of as ‘merely’ innocent entertainments.
  • For the Easter holiday weekend how about we start a game of charades?
  • He pulls back the curtain to reveal a magnificent charade in which everyone is wittingly or unwittingly complicit in the world's most extended re-enactment.
  • Will you drop this charade or am I going to have to shave you bald and put you out in the cold?
  • He wasn't really upset — his behaviour was just a charade.
  • We discontinued our love charade, even with Rod present, and never gave more than a stiff and polite nod of greeting to one another.
  • Without a firm commitment to peace, the talks will be a disappointing charade.
  • Round up the gang for a game of touch football or charades.
  • We'll probably never know the reasons behind the charade we've just witnessed.
  • Unless more money is given to schools, all this talk of improving education is just a charade.
  • When we appear to be no more than holodeck characters, it will be very difficult to maintain charades like dualism. The Memory Hole
  • Players reject NBA's offer, threatening season; Stern calls disbanding union a 'charade' rss feed
  • But Julie is no less dismissive of what she calls the "charades" of the likes of T.E. Lawrence and Hester Stanhope. Awakening
  • Cyril confesses to never taking to parliament as an institution and described it as a charade and a farce.
  • And it turns out I'm not the only one getting fed up of the whole charade. Times, Sunday Times
  • The evening ended with a game of charades with some very unusual and funny pub names to guess.
  • All the players involved in this charade understand they are acting on the flimsiest of pretenses; it's just that relying on polls is so much easier than actually reporting or leading.
  • The charade continues every day in brokerage offices across the country. Dan Solin: John Elway's Tackle Masks a Bigger Scandal
  • When they got together at Mike's, a game of charades was inevitable.
  • I wondered why he had gone through the elaborate charade.
  • Instead, the selection process became a charade - a complete and utter sham. The Sun
  • Every day was like a complicated, extended game of charades.
  • The people are cruel and impressed by charades, the pomp of this place is oppressive, and I do believe you're sitting on a powder keg. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • Formal drinking" is usually played after dinner and is more and more coming to take the place of charades, sleight-of-hand performances, magic lantern shows, "dumb crambo," et cetera, as the parlor amusement par excellence. Perfect Behavior; a guide for ladies and gentlemen in all social crises
  • And yet the Charade's plucky 1.0 litre engine will deliver you the fastest acceleration and the best maximum speed available in this class of car.
  • Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for the final executive meeting which was a charade of democracy.
  • While the above has been one stream of outpouring in the country's press, the other has been to hammer away at what many columnists saw as a confession-and-pardon charade.
  • Anyway - as Fi was out of the country for our traditional nosh-up at my mum's and the usual meal out just before Xmas, we decided to surprise her with another dinner - roast, tatties, Xmas tree, carols, charades, crackers, Xmas pud - the works!

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