
How To Use Characteristic In A Sentence

  • During adolescence , boys and girls will take on secondary sexual characteristics.
  • However, in the intestine, small amounts are converted to the more soluble mercuric salts, which are absorbed, expressing its characteristic toxic effects.
  • Effects of bagging on loquat fruit appearance, postharvest characteristics and quality were studied.
  • The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
  • In one appearance, after the first bout of bombing, he was wearing uncharacteristic horn-rimmed spectacles.
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  • I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • Because characteristic of electron gun job is restricted, scanning frequency included frequency and frequency two concepts.
  • Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
  • However peculiarity is a characteristic of all things Royal, not to say outright barminess.
  • Granted, we have reams of remote sensing data from that first investigation, including the information from the detailed dissection of the spider biot done by Dr. Laura Ernst. But the cosmonauts brought home only one artifact, a tiny piece of some kind of biomechanical flower whose physical characteristics had already irreversibly changed before any of its mysteries could be understood, We have nothing else in the way of souvenirs from that first excursion. Rama Revisited
  • A defining characteristic of the 16-25 generation is their digital identity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance.
  • In this paper, it introduces the programming methods and characteristics of typer on screw, provides a more measures efficient way for learning the numerical control programming.
  • Unlike the phrenologists of the 19th century, DeYoung's team doesn't presume to know whether differences in the size of a brain region give rise to unique personality characteristics, or whether our personality differences cause our brains to develop in unique ways - say, that when we practice random acts of kindness, our "agreeableness" center grows larger, or that a lifetime of social isolation might cause a region associated with The Columbian stories: Columns
  • I have already mentioned why a white coat might have been a desirable characteristic.
  • Throughout his career he has handled whatever has been thrown at him in a characteristically calm and dignified manner, underpinned by desire and doggedness.
  • This brushpot typifies the pictorial quality characteristic of so many later vessels, which were often worked as if the surface of the jade were a sheet of paper or a scroll to be unrolled.
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • Since the lateral axes have more or less the same pattern of arrangement of sympodia as the main axis, the number of branch bundles is related to the number of bundles within the leaf vascular supply characteristic for that species.
  • He overcomes its characteristic darkening during preparation by throwing in a carrot.
  • Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
  • In the range of same frequency, compared with silicon-steel sheet components, the bulk amorphous metal magnetic component of the invention has greatly improved performance characteristic.
  • Cabinets of coins, medals, and bronze statuettes became a characteristic feature of German princely collections.
  • One of the distinctive characteristics of the adjutant, or "argala," as it is better known to the Indians, -- and one, too, of its ugliest The Cliff Climbers A Sequel to "The Plant Hunters"
  • Non-lethal weapons have inherent characteristics of precision effects, selectivity of engagement, and versatility.
  • Tanning experiments carried out with the chromium, iron, aluminium, and calcium salts of Ordoval G yielded leathers which possessed proportionate characteristics of either kind of tannage to the extent to which either material was present. Synthetic Tannins
  • Cross-correlation coefficients computed from comparisons of sonograms reflect differences in the spectral and temporal characteristics of the call, as well as differences in signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Do we think that other countries don't exhibit the same characteristics towards each other that we call mateship? Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Devotion to the Sacred Heart was the characteristic note of the piety of Saint Gertrude the Latest Articles
  • Scientists are looking for genetic variation within the breed that would allow producers to choose sires based on the beef tenderness of their progeny and other characteristics.
  • The genetic trawl will not be looking for physical characteristics, such as colouring or height, but at particular genes that were thought to be common in Vikings.
  • Well," said Jervis, "it might have been a peculiar finger; a finger, for instance, with some characteristic deformity such as an ankylosed joint, which would be easy to identify. The Eye of Osiris
  • Nevertheless, the voluptuous figures that adorn his ormolu mounts and the fluidity of his designs gave Linke's pieces their characteristic blend of ancien regime and Art Nouveau, that made them stand out.
  • Objective To explore a proper recording of the unit discharge in auditory nerve and inferior colliculus for the observation of characteristics of response potential.
  • While the Magnum definitely brought the real deal in terms of power and increased utility over a traditional sedan, some were not sold on the style of the vehicle which adopted Dodge's characteristic "crosshair" inspired front grille that permeates the entire lineup. Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility
  • Receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for the early and late stages of the disease in both the areas.
  • One of the most characteristic signals of a cat entering or leaving a social group is the raising of its tail.
  • Such a gesture might look to contemporary historians like an act of archival vandalism, but it was entirely characteristic of the old school to which Macmillan belonged.
  • The common characteristic of criminal summary procedure in a narrow sense is the exemption or substantial reduction of courtroom investigation procedure.
  • A story is told of John's schooldays which is an amusing and quite characteristic instance of his ethical eccentricities. Old John Brown, the man whose soul is marching on
  • It introduces the functions and characteristics of railways telex automatic switch network, the volume control of telex network, operation guarantee of network and effects of network operation.
  • There is a characteristic pain from the sternum to the back with the catarrh and the cough.
  • It involves the characteristics of criticism, recessiveness, savvy, introspectiveness and creativity.
  • Granulomata themselves were comparatively infrequent, and other histological features characteristic of Crohn's disease were less conspicuous than usual.
  • Next, we examined characteristics of 18-month old alloreactive T-cells in a transgenic adoptive transfer model. Elites TV
  • The fact that flickers did not defend feeding territories suggests that characteristics of their prey make it uneconomical to monopolize.
  • So that even in their case the characteristic of the Mosaic dispensation was theopneustic, rather than theologic. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Also, bronchodilators may demonstrate different pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics during an acute exacerbation of asthma.
  • It is uncharacteristically diligent of a minister to seek precisely to understand what money spent will accomplish.
  • He frequently used such commonplace devices as rhetorical questions and other characteristic elements of diatribes.
  • The unique feature of ergonomics is its emphasis on the characteristics of human operators and their relevance to the design of work.
  • It's hard to be "tarred" with a neutral or complimentary label the sole purpose of which is to assign blanket characteristic behavior patterns to the recipient. Gringos and Euros and Canucks, oh boy
  • The opening at one end of the shrine is closed not by the paneled doors characteristic of temples but by a pair of low gates carved to represent wickerwork and surmounted by a row of inverted dentils.
  • The characteristics that best predicted autotomy - smaller body size or female gender - also correlated with a lower escape rate by the alternative escape tactic, struggling and pinching the predator.
  • The most important differential characteristics of the section Trionychon are branched stems, bracteolate flowers, an entire and campanulated calyx, a blue or purple corolla, white anthers, and the stigma usually white.
  • Kant defined "disinterestedness in aesthetic appreciation" as fundamental and important characteristics in "Critique of Judgment", which was also seen as the "quality" in beauty.
  • I told my mother inlaw since long ago to not spoil Bibi. Kids need to be educate since little, else it's very hard to correct their bad characteristics after 3 years old.
  • Influenced behavior is behavior influenced by one's spouse, whereas uninfluenced behavior is behavior caused by a person's own characteristics.
  • Their characteristic form is that of a long, deep, narrow bay with steep rock walls and basined floor. The Elements of Geology
  • With the one exception of its monstrous size, there were the characteristics in plain view; -- the convex body, the large head, the projecting clypeus. The Beetle
  • By the heyday of the binder's craft, the early to mid eighteenth century, two types of leather were recognized as the best: skiver, or lambskin, which was strong but so thin that it scarcely required any paring, and Moroccan goatskin, which was highly valued for its skiver-like characteristics combined with its delightful reddish color. Books: Modernity's Abuse of an Art
  • Now of the Romance languages, French and Portuguese are harder to learn, and so what are the characteristics there that make them less easy to learn than other Romance languages?
  • The frequency spectral analyses show that the second ignition method could weaken and restrain the high frequency vibration, improve the characteristic of vibration in high loading density charge.
  • He was uncharacteristically depressed and ruminative.
  • Some of their characteristics can be observed in soap bubbles and films.
  • USFWS thinks it probably isn't, due to certain morphological characteristics. Archive 2007-12-01
  • These are the characteristic features of a Gender Identity Disorder of Childhood as seen in a male.
  • Well, the "tumbril," as we called it, arrived each day for nearly a week, and we drove off gaily to the appointed spot and saturated ourselves in the characteristics of the land we were shortly to attack. Bullets & Billets
  • This article describes the control principle of soft starter of alternate current electric motor, and the excellence and characteristic than normal starter.
  • The vase is characteristic of 16th century Chinese art.
  • And the strange thing is that in "Hypatia" or in the "Bride of the Nile" or in the "Stories of the Arabian Nights" the same characteristics stand out-the old Egypt has never changed. The Egyptian and Arabian Problems
  • And a close-loop quality control system based on prediction model is designed according to the characteristics of forging process, which is based on a procedure information system, takes predict...
  • Secondly, analyze to the characteristic of the right of privacy.
  • Each species of coral has its own pattern of budding and so erects its own characteristic monument.
  • If this arc voltage saltation information can be extracted, we will get the characteristic information of necking down formation.
  • Individualism has such essential and non-essential characteristics as plebeianism, freedom, democracy and aggression.
  • Another characteristic feature of many of the viral encephalitides is the glial nodule which is illustrated on this microphotograph.
  • The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.
  • The essence and characteristic of Pan-Slavism was fully showed in the War between Russia and Turkey in 1877-1878.
  • The article describes characteristics of CCW - 525 sin gle component polyurethane, its use and points for attention.
  • It refutes your position that ancestry is not a characteristic. A New Book
  • David Hagerman for The Wall Street Journal The characteristic colors of Pulau Ketam's stilt structures might be described as "beachy" -- the likes of bottle green with electric blue, salmon pink and violet, carrot orange and gold. Island Living
  • This characteristic introduces difficulties for respondent in replying to the survey.
  • Lately, zebrafish has become one of the best animal models to study fetal alcohol syndrome(FAS) because of its unique characteristics compared to other kinds of models like mouse.
  • Attention has also been given to ovarian morphology as a primary distinguishing characteristic.
  • This may be the deep significance of the study of Zola's narrative characteristics.
  • According to laser radar echo characteristic, the difference filter and the match filter were adopted. As a result, the SNR is advanced about 1.5 times.
  • Objective: To investigate the pulmonary function characteristics and rehabilitation strategy for Becker muscular dystrophy(BMD).
  • It owns self characteristic. We can research a textbook from historical, pedagogical, sociological, ethnological and philological latitudes.
  • Planetary characteristics are defined by these humoural temperaments where, as in nature, warmth and moisture promote health and vitality whilst cold and dryness are conducive to decay.
  • Coastal wetlands are also characteristic of this ecoregion, and near the first foothills of the western range there are some arid, rocky scrublands with abrupt relief, where columnar, candelabra and opuntia cacti typically grow. Sechura desert
  • To sum up on aid disbursement, we would like to deliver big and fast, but differences in performances can be traced to specific characteristics or problems in one sector or one country.
  • The overall effect is of information produced in a much less dense manner than is characteristic of written language.
  • A varied subgroup of purple stripe, this type also has characteristics of both rocambole and porcelain types and is possibly the garlic from which rocambole evolved.
  • I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens.
  • At first glance, it was a curiously cold moment, uncharacteristic of such a popular and outgoing figure.
  • With two trombonists, they have a characteristic full sound down low on the music scale.
  • Objective To investigate the demographic characteristics of patients with cypridopathy , risk factors for epidemic, and occurence, development and distribution of STDs in population.
  • It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things.
  • This confirms that lesions associated with one particular virus type may show diverse morphological characteristics.
  • There are few if any behavioral characteristics in humans that are one hundred percent genetic.
  • Can you describe the robber's physical characteristics?
  • In the concrete design, the main design factor was body measure, which asked for the furniture effect on human body to coordinate with the human being's physiological characteristic and measure.
  • Polyphenolic compounds which exhibit important biologic properties are regarded as "skeleton component" in red wines since they contribute to organoleptic characteristics.
  • The sixth part is conclusion, summing up the characteristics of the basic color words and giving the meaning and shortcoming of the study.
  • In light of Hittite militu- 'honeysweet'2, a characteristically Indo-European u-stem adjective derived from milit- 'honey', there should be no doubt where the first element comes from. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Two parameters are used to specify the characteristics of a BPF: passband centre frequency and resonance bandwidth.
  • Circadian rhythmicity in regulation of endogenous physiological processes is a characteristic feature of eukaryotic organisms.
  • When offering his terms Starkey had talked in that bland way characteristic of him with strangers. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • The description by Vetancurt ( "_Crónica_," etc., trat.iii. cap.v. pp. 310 and 311, as in the year 1680) is characteristic: Historical Introduction to Studies Among the Sedentary Indians of New Mexico; Report on the Ruins of the Pueblo of Pecos Papers Of The Archæological Institute Of America, American Series, Vol. I
  • The characteristic forms of water erosion are rills and gullies.
  • Yet with the characteristic caution and modesty of true genius, he continued for nine years longer to reason and experimentalize upon what is now considered one of the simplest, as it is undoubtedly the most important known law of animal nature; and it was not till the year 1628, the fifty-first of his life, that he consented to publish his discovery to the world. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 5 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • These larvae are filter feeders and lack the characteristic jaw sheaths and denticles of many other frog larvae, but have characteristic barbels.
  • According to this interpretation, the phrase “the nature of the divine and the good” refers simply to a characteristic that is attributed to Pyrrho, and labeled by poetic hyperbole as ˜divine™, in another fragment of Timon, namely his extraordinary tranquillity; the couplet as a whole, then, is saying that tranquillity is the source of an even-tempered life. Picnic
  • One of the dog's unique characteristics is its lack of an undercoat, which provides insulation from heat and cold.
  • DESIGN:Human NEMG signal was taken as the subject, the changing rule of myoelectric characteristics parameter in local muscular fatigue process was studied.
  • Even if greater gains in proficiency are not made in later years, it is generally accepted that a stable faculty is one characteristic of a healthy, well performing school and that high teacher turnover is detrimental. Matthew Yglesias » Paying for the Experience that Counts
  • The genus has reduced unisexual flowers grouped into characteristic pseudanthia called cyathia.
  • The panel laughed over Mike Huckabee's Sunday touting of his poll numbers among Republicans, which Douthat termed characteristically "charmingly passive-aggressive. HuffPost TV: Sam Stein On 'Ed Show': Time For Birthers To 'Move On To The Real Issues' (VIDEO)
  • A second characteristic that distinguishes markets in which valuation is difficult is the heightened salience of product category boundaries.
  • The existing reducer design causes the reducer to vibrate and to make a noise usually, when considering of only static characteristic but neglecting of dynamic performance.
  • Consistent with the tape's essayistic structure and tone, these clips serve a purpose more akin to quotation than to the recontextualizing, deconstructive gestures that are characteristic of many such video art tapes.
  • Moreover, each red ant has the characteristics that pertain to each of its ancestor categories. For example, red ants have six legs, which is one of the defining characteristics of the class Insecta.
  • The spine is in Spain very curved, producing what is termed _ensellure_, or saddle-back -- a characteristic which gives great flexibility to the back and prominence to the gluteal regions, sometimes slightly simulating steatopygia. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • Another characteristic of aquatic and semiaquatic mammals is that they are often well insulated; beavers accomplish insulation by a pelage that consists of long overfur (guard hairs) and dense underfur.
  • Lavishness of decoration, mastery of execution, expansion of palettes with mixed colours are some of the characteristics of Assam's manuscript paintings.
  • The infinite regulation of cosmos has the characteristics of source, ego restriction, criticized inherit and infinite equilibrium of objective self-contradiction.
  • During the 17th century, Thomas Sydenham founded the discipline of nosology by insisting that diseases had their own natural history and could be described and classified on the basis of their specific characteristics.
  • It is often assumed that oceanic crust consists of a characteristic ‘layer-cake’ sequence of gabbros, sheeted dykes and lavas, as found in many ophiolites.
  • It takes around two or three generations of sweatshops to go from the ancient pattern of peasant subsistence farming, with its characteristic grinding toil for women to where the country is now.
  • The treatment groups were compared at baseline with respect to more than fifty characteristics.
  • After the structure of the coreless disk PM synchronous motor is analyzed the running characteristics and control differences would be summed up.
  • These focused on her physical characteristics, including her pronounced steatopygia (an accumulation of fat on the buttocks). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • John Godfrey Saxe Several characteristics of neural network technology set it apart from conventional computing and artificial intelligence approaches.
  • The characteristic that distinguishes benzene from the aliphatics and alicyclics, and that defines the aromatics, is the arrangement of electrons in the ring.
  • Objective: To study the characteristic features of Desmodium gyrans in order to provide a basis for rational exploitation and utilization of the herb.
  • If there is any one aspect of the Renaissance that can be said to have been characteristic, that must surely be the movement known as humanism.
  • The child with a tendency toward food intolerances and environmental sensitivities often exhibits certain characteristics around the eyes, such as puffiness, dark circles, or creases below the eyes. Gentle Healing for Baby and Child
  • The duke was characteristically droll about his political career.
  • The outstanding characteristics of furniture during the Ming Dynasty were simplicity and naturalness.
  • Unfortunately the next day was gray and "muggy" -- a quality which the Queen had been told was characteristic of the Irish climate. Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 2
  • Table 1 presents background characteristics distilled from the 1,448 case records.
  • The characteristic appearance of Gujarati chain-stitch embroidery, whether done with a hook or a needle, however, is common to both formats.
  • According to Berman, brain images and models may skew and privilege model-friendly properties over existential characteristics of life and thought.
  • It was to a large extent a self-education with the characteristic vices and virtues; when he came to power in 1949 he was still the brilliant autodidact, mixing shrewd unorthodox insights with astonishing ignorance.
  • For example, sometimes we find ourselves acting in uncharacteristic ways, many times unconsciously, just to support an external perception of who we are amongst others that is no longer true to our being. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » State of the Art of Reputation
  • Genes operate together in determining the characteristics of an individual organism .
  • Other characteristics thought to be critical to pathogenesis are adhesiveness to host cells, secretion of degradative enzymes, and interactions with the immune system.
  • When he came nearest to the scientific spirit of his time, in zealous observations of the life of nature, he characteristically concentrated on the sequence of various bird notes at daybreak and the flight of moths as the stars of twilight were kindled. Nobel Prize in Literature 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • This paper attempts to analyze the idiom's decomposability and its rhetoric characteristics from a relevance perspective of view.
  • The main characteristic regarding accent in Japanese is that the highest accent is on the penult (second to the last syllable).
  • Is that a portent of grandiosity, which is sometimes a characteristic of sociopathic personality? CNN Transcript May 24, 2007
  • There are pygmies all around the world and the only thing they have in common in less than average height (which is why anthropologists don't use the term pygmy any more, it implies they're a distinct subset of humanity when in fact they're a completely artificial grouping crudely defined by a single characteristic). Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • In climacteric fruits such as peaches and tomato, ripening is associated with a characteristic burst of respiration which correlates with an increase in ethylene production.
  • In order to increase reliability using phenolphthalein solution to detect alkaline cell sealing characteristics, the water in the alcohol was decreased, environment humidity were requisite.
  • Preexisting vulnerabilities and individual characteristics may intensify role disruption and interpersonal conflict in the couple dyad, while reducing relationship functioning.
  • All three are human systems and all three share characteristics common to human systems.
  • No matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions. This is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality.
  • A further characteristic to aid a correct diagnosis is a marked shortening of the bloom stalks.
  • We discuss possible explanations for reduced female recombination in marsupials as a consequence of the metatherian characteristic of determinate paternal X chromosome inactivation.
  • Reaching this skill in what Piaget would later dub in his characteristically dry fashion “the fourth sub-stage of the sensorimotor stage” typically between the ages of nine and twelve months was an essential precursor to more abstract and sophisticated thought. The Truth About Grief
  • So all three of these great teachers of the Church are represented in this text, to which each of them might seem to have contributed a word embodying his characteristic type of doctrine. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • The impedance characteristics of the wide-band E-shaped microstrip antenna is analyzed by using the FDTD method. The antenna bandwidth of impedance can exceed 30%.
  • Ionizing radiation can affect the characteristics of the electrode processes and disturb their kinetic equilibria.
  • We are not told that they are Scotch, endowed though they undoubtedly are with some of the canny and thrifty characteristics of the dwellers ayont the Tweed. Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. 22, September, 1878
  • Panxi restaurant has a strong horticulture characteristic of the south gardens.
  • General characteristics Crew: Six Capacity: 138000 kg (304233 lb) of fuel Length: 46.59 m (152 ft 10 in) Wingspan: 50.50 m (165 ft 8 in) Height: 14.76 m (37 ft 1 in) Wing area: 300 m² (3230 ft²) - Articles related to Govt orders radar to track movement in thick forests
  • This should not surprise us - it is, in some degree, a characteristic of most social mammals.
  • With characteristic energy he bent his efforts to the immediate development and improvement of the land, which he converted into a fine farm that he cultivated throughout his remaining days.
  • Prominent nucleoli are seen in the nuclei of this prostatic adenocarcinoma, which is a characteristic feature.
  • A trait or pattern of behavior characteristic a particular culture or of all human beings.
  • Human visual system has special mechanism in characteristic identification.
  • We did not know about that," Kriemler says, in characteristically self-effacing fashion. The Discreet Charm of Akris
  • In this article several operation modes of the 555 timer applied to the pulse Modulation(PM) and their corresponding operation characteristics are expounded.
  • Weaving and characteristics:plain weave, twilled weave, dutch weave, it has the characteristics of heat-resisting, acid-resisting, wear-resisting, alkali-resisting.
  • Specially characteristic of Egypt, though not altogether peculiar to it, were the papyrus and the lotus -- the _Cyperus papyrus_ and _Nymphæa lotus_ of botanists. Ancient Egypt
  • As students primp and preen to wow their favorite colleges, there's one characteristic they can't control: their race.
  • The method is worked out to determine the Boltzmann constant accurately with the aid of the I-V characteristic of the transistor diode.
  • The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector.
  • Optimism and energy, especially in the face of adversity, are defining characteristics of our clan.
  • A preoccupancy with religious characteristics assists those who are interested in the problem of sublimation. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • This little sally may be considered as a specimen of that playful sprightliness which is so much the characteristic of the french female. The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
  • We built a small Hartmann - Shack wavefront sensor for measuring atmospheric disturbance characteristics.
  • It has been found that domain characteristics depend on surface density, microstructural properties, the anisotropy of the underlying microstructure, and the kinetics of domain growth in comparison to diffusive processes.
  • The web design strain after simple, characteristic, and elaborative.
  • Here, one of the birds spreads its wings to let its plumage dry in the sun, an attitude which is highly characteristic of cormorants and their relatives.
  • Some - but not all - of the 1946 drawings are uncharacteristically laconic and slightly benumbed.
  • This assumption, then, must be made, and also the following: that it is easier to discern each object of sense when in its simple form than when an ingredient in a mixture; easier, for example, to discern wine when neat than when blended, and so also honey, and [in other provinces] a colour, or to discern the nete by itself alone, than [when sounded with the hypate] in the octave; the reason being that component elements tend to efface [the distinctive characteristics of] one another. On Sense and the Sensible
  • These unique characteristics are seen as indicators that the individual has a special standing in the society, that their very creation proceeded from a point of power.
  • To expand the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must further emancipate our minds.
  • The new designation ‘Tuberculin Tested’ which, when the Order comes into force, will be the only designation for raw milk from tuberculin-tested cows, will indicate this characteristic more clearly than the existing designations.
  • That's not to say he sings in a heavily accented style, far from it; indeed many of the characteristics of the Faroese language carry well into Teitur's anglophonic melodies but the shroud of mystery is one which a lot of artists benefit greatly from. Drowned In Sound // Feed
  • Apart from the structure of the pelvis they characteristically had an additional bone at the front of the upper jaw, the predentary, which bore no teeth but acted like a beak for cropping vegetation.
  • Derivative products also including structural financial tools that have one or more characteristic of futures, transaction at usance, swap transaction and futures rights.
  • However, its feathers, wings, furcula and reduced fingers are all characteristics of modern birds.
  • The characteristic property of membrane proteins is their intimate contact with lipids.
  • This grouping is complicated, especially in the United States, where geographic ancestry may be associated with clustering of genetic characteristics but is also coupled with differences in societal advantage, living environments, physician-patient interactions, accumulation of wealth, and access to quality health services. Vit D Policy Requires Review : Law is Cool
  • It may already be too late to take the more open-handed British approach, and for reasons of self-preservation they may need to adopt an uncharacteristically guarded stance.
  • Analyzes the principle errors in measuring small dimensions by Fraunhofer diffraction , including Fraunhofer approximation error and the place detecting error of extreme value characteristic aspect.
  • Most designers featured in the exhibition have chosen to play with the image of their master himself, with his long trunk and short legs, the characteristic derby hat and pince-nez glasses.

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