How To Use Chaperon In A Sentence
We should therefore not be surprised that the twenties were an enthusiastic display of unchaperoned dating, provocative dress, and exhibitionist behavior.
Single leaf from a Missal, in Latin Germany, Hamburg, shortly before 1381 Illuminated by Meister Bertram von Minden The young people hawking are fashionably dressed: the youth wears a red pourpoint with a dagged hem, a particularly tight chaperon, narrow belt, and open shoes.
Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
If you have a customs inspector, make sure that person is accompanied by a chaperon while they are aboard.
Here, we observe that the difference is caused by reversible multimolecular association while folding in solution, an avenue of kinetic partitioning that slows the overall rate of renaturation relative to the chaperonin chamber, where such associations cannot occur.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
You're second impression most likely be, vodka and coffee don't play so nice when they're on an unchaperoned date.

There had been a time, he knew, when two unmarried persons of the opposite sex, walking hand in hand without chaperonage, might have beento say the leastfrowned upon.
The Messenger
The jury heard that when Vinall practised at Glebe House, Headingley, in the early 1990s no chaperones were provided for his patients.
As I tried to justify the unjustifiable I told myself that since I had Martin for a chaperon nothing could possibly go wrong.
The lack of the other cellular components present in these systems is not always a boon, however; sometimes proteins made using the PURE system don't fold properly, and additional proteins called chaperones need to be added to fix this problem.
Ars Technica
He had made the contacts and come across venues and ideas while working as a chaperone and knew what he wanted to offer clients.
Times, Sunday Times
They allowed him close unchaperoned contact with younger female patients.
The Tyneside study indicates that patients want to be offered a chaperone, so general practitioners may be responding to societal demand. 4 Merely offering a chaperone does not protect either the patient or the doctor.
He's a sort of big Emily was always there... a chaperon, wasn't she?
For a moment Peng Yu-wei hesitated, his duty to chaperone the children conflicting with the explicit command of the young master.
The idea of chaperonage makes us laugh; women are independent.
“I told the laird this morn that if he truly wished to see ye married, then the less chaperonage ye had, the better.”
Much Ado About Marriage
duenna" would be filled if she attempted to "look after" a bevy of typical American girls, with their independent -- yet confused -- ideas of social requirements in the matter of chaperonage.
And I feel like a wrinkled, ugly chaperone sitting here on the sidelines.
It involved fibbing to their parents, sneaking out unchaperoned, staying up past their bedtimes and watching as their fathers became good mates with Rat Scabies of the Damned.
She's living down at Winchester now, close to the cathedral, one of the most respectable ladies there - chaperones girls at the county ball, if you please.
Around the 1900s, tea shops began to spring up, one of the few places where a lady could go unchaperoned without raising eyebrows.
For three weeks, I spent lazy afternoons keeping my mouth shut while listening to my grandmother gossip about young women who ruined their reputations by being seen unchaperoned.
In rural areas overseas, girls are always chaperoned, whereas here teenage girls are allowed to go out to dinners and clubs.
In another story a princess stays in her room even though it is on fire because she was not allowed to go out unchaperoned.
Part of the chaperone's motivation for accompanying her niece was to have access to the city's sizable spiritualist community.
Formal rituals of courting, chaperonage, and arranged marriages strictly governed relations between the sexes.
Even Yates made a slight mistake regarding her on one occasion, when they were having an evening walk together, with that freedom from chaperonage which is the birthright of every American girl, whether she belongs to a farmhouse or to the palace of a millionaire.
In the Midst of Alarms
Not necessarily, but even Barrie enthusiasts might hesitate before allowing someone like their idol to look after their own children unchaperoned.
There were more singers and musicians and artist folk, and bevies of young girls with their inevitable followings of young men, while mammas and aunts and chaperons seemed to clutter all the ways of the Big House and to fill
After a three year apprenticeship - "indentures" they called it - I was ready to cover court without being chaperoned by a senior.
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Parents cannot be expected to act as 24-hours-a-day chaperones.
Besides, a better word for the chaperon, throwing her elbows and swinging her dog coffin of a purse, may have been 'ducatoon.
Skinny Legs and All
He could see that he had made the chaperone flinch.
I'm working with my mother to persuade her that I'm an adequate chaperon for my sister.
A group of U.S. students touring China are gaining an experience they had not expected - a second round in quarantine following a positive test of the H1N1 flu virus, a chaperone for the group said.
These establishments not only offered afternoon tea, but provided, for the first time, a place that an unchaperoned young lady could visit with her friends and maintain her reputation.
The Tea Rooms of London | Edwardian Promenade
While men and women can date whomever they wish, they must be accompanied by a chaperone.
Though he was considered a chaperone to the young prince, Rupert did not particularly enjoy that bland label.
Presumably, the increased chaperone need is induced by exaggerated gill protein denaturation in response to elevated body temperatures during emersion.
The original experiments reconstituting GroEL-GroES-mediated protein folding were carried out under "nonpermissive" conditions, where the chaperonin system was absolutely required and substrate proteins could not achieve the native state if diluted directly from denaturant into solution.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
The animal howl continued, as cadets and chaperones alike began to hurry about, locked in blind panic.
And now, since you will not put me quite at my ease by assuming, in words, that I have been properly 'chaperoned' here,
Mrs. Falchion, Complete
We would, in effect, be chaperoning each other.
Five minutes later Miss Lila Barr entered the living-room under the impeccable chaperonage of Paradise.
Dear Carl
The purpose of chaperones is to keep your ear to the ground and sniff out issues.
Mamas, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Monsters | Her Bad Mother
Even the teachers chaperoning the event looked bored.
The study, published in Cell Metabolism, found two "chaperones" -- 4-PBA or TUDCA -- increase leptin sensitivity as much as 10-fold and resulted in significant weight loss in mice.
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Thus, while Meh'Lindi padded in pursuit with her mute chaperones, Jaq was also tracking the Harlequin man.
Several girls had already made plans to sneak over to the frats—not that we were supposed to visit unchaperoned.
Dark Secrets 2: No Time to Die the Deep End of Fear
Sarason reminded Loren of a high school coach who was pressed into service as a chaperon at a prom, seeing out a dull and boring duty.
Some work team chaperones will argue they can't push people that far out of their comfort zones.
The friendship of players, managers, chaperones and people in general will always be a highlight of my playing days.
This interpretation is consistent with the finding that cells lacking the chaperones Hsp70 and Hspa4l / Osp94, whose induction by hypertonicity is NFAT5-dependent, have defects similar to those of NFAT5
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In Five on a Hike Together the four children and their dog spend several days hiking unchaperoned on moors during a long weekend in October.
2009 October 10 « One-Minute Book Reviews
After appealing to the High Court he was allowed to continue on the condition he was chaperoned by a female nurse.
Several unchaperoned boy/girl weekends followed, one of them at Beba's parents 'beach house in East Hampton, in June of the year we graduated from high school.
East Hampton Before the Deluge
Her duties as a chaperone had become less evident now that she was accustomed to Paul and had been spoken to kindly.
No student is allowed to talk or otherwise interact with another student of the opposite sex outside of a "chaperoned" area.
Sound Politics: Liberals Remain Miffed About Religion
A total of 457 respondents had a policy on the use of chaperones.
Single leaf from a Missal, in Latin Germany, Hamburg, shortly before 1381 Illuminated by Meister Bertram von Minden The young people hawking are fashionably dressed: the youth wears a red pourpoint with a dagged hem, a particularly tight chaperon, narrow belt, and open shoes.
Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
It was certainly felt shocking in some Borrowdale circles that he was entertaining unchaperoned females.
Unfortunately I was working with All Saints so my mum did the chaperoning bit, taking her to Pinewood and back.
Margarett snaps Miss Sheldon, chaperone of the Florentine School, and two schoolmates lounging on deck chairs.
You're not the only one opposed to unchaperoned parties.
The 48 finalists will arrive along with 15 other people including national coaches and chaperones in June next year.
All patients undergoing physical examinations were now chaperoned.
Heat stress can denature proteins, and the cell mobilizes chaperonins like a small army of physical therapists to twist everything back into its proper conformation.
A red chaperon or cap, with long hanging cornette, sat daintily on the back of his black-curled head, while his gold-hued shoes were twisted up _a la poulaine_, as though the toes were shooting forth a tendril which might hope in time to entwine itself around his massive leg.
The White Company
I'm working with my mother to persuade her that I'm an adequate chaperon for my sister.
The lucky 50 will be chaperoned by six teachers who also deserve tickets for their hard work.
A young girl required a chaperon - usually a parent or an older brother or uncle, to protect her honor and prevent premarital pregnancy, which could result in banishment until her marriage.
Three parents went on the school ski trip as chaperones.
But meeting in public unchaperoned is banned, so the first date will be tricky.
Times, Sunday Times
As I tried to justify the unjustifiable I told myself that since I had Martin for a chaperon nothing could possibly go wrong.
He's a sort of big Emily was always there... a chaperon, wasn't she?
It's best unchaperoned, although fennel, she concedes, is a good match in fish soups and stews.
Times, Sunday Times
Travel Choice said in a statement: ‘At the time of booking our staff followed the correct procedure and made a note on the system requesting a chaperone for the flight.’
He also noticed that female nurses did not require a chaperone while working with males, but that male nurses caring for females did.
Times, Sunday Times
Others never venture into the outside world without a chaperone.
In fact, he offered to act as chaperone while we stay in the area.
Without police chaperones, organizers were worried for participants' safety.
It is not, shall we say, the only unguarded comment that has our club chaperone squirming.
Times, Sunday Times
From forcefully chaperoning the merger of two French pharmaceutical giants to shoring up ailing engineering group Alstom, Sarkozy has been giving new meaning to the old concept of dirigisme.
A spacesuit is the most perfect chaperon ever devised, confound it.
Reach for Tomorrow
We wanted to find out what type of man would be chaperoning our children.
Lady Anne is forced to accompany her and play chaperone, as it is inappropriate for a young lady to be out without a chaperone.
It was a pageant of colour, in the midst of which the woman on trial, in her careful toilette, consisting of a black stammel gown, a cypress chaperon or black crêpe hood in the French fashion, relieved by touches of white in the cuffs and ruff of cobweb lawn, struck a funereal note.
She Stands Accused
Gala committee member Glynn Beresford said he had been unable to find a chaperone and an assistant to take on the important roles.
A catfight breaks out between restless, wilful Miss Braund and her pugnacious chaperone, Mrs Hammond, ending with a slap from the hostess, the hatchet-faced Mrs Rogers.
Siblings of the opposite sex should not interact in unchaperoned areas to abstain from the "appearance of evil." etc. etc.
Sound Politics: Liberals Remain Miffed About Religion
A demitasse of Turkish coffee, so dreamily dense I feel its gently sandy texture on my lips, chaperones a cube of pale golden Turkish delight.
She was enjoying her sister's visit, but she wished Claudette would not take her duty as chaperone quite so seriously.
The chaperones are the same two who guarded the door to the windowless room when I first arrived.
Boot Camp
At a meeting scheduled for June 25, the SEC will also propose removing barriers to U.S. investors dealing with foreign broker-dealers, including a requirement that foreign brokers be "chaperoned" by a U.S. broker.
Cox May Revise Rules
The modern girl scoffs at the idea of chaperonage, but the O'Shaughnessys were not modern.
The Love Affairs of Pixie
The steady-state ITC method has been used to determine the enzyme kinetics parameters of several enzymes, including H. pylori urease, E. coli GroEL chaperonin, heparinase I, yeast hexokinase, HIV protease, pyruvate carboxylase, and dinucleoside polyphosphate hydrolase.
GEN News Highlights
In our three previous meetings since Cole burst on to the Premiership scene at 17, he was chaperoned by his father, agent, solicitor or any combination of all three.
Apo E acts as a sort of biological chaperone, ferrying cholesterol and fats around the brain.
It is likely that there are other chaperones that function in a similar manner.
As traditional restraints on females eased, women's clothing became less restrictive and first the bicycle and then the automobile freed young couples to escape from the rigid chaperonage of previous generations.
Although there are several ER-localized HSPs that can potentially chaperone PRRs, including calnexin, calreticulin, protein disulfide isomerase, gp96, thiol-oxidoreductase ERp57, and BiP, to date only gp96 has been demonstrated to function in PRR-folding
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Your younger sis now attends your school, and your parents expect you to be her chaperone.
A red chaperon or cap, with long hanging cornette, sat daintily on the back of his black-curled head, while his gold-hued shoes were twisted up a la poulaine, as though the toes were shooting forth a tendril which might hope in time to entwine itself around his massive leg.
The White Company
As I tried to justify the unjustifiable I told myself that since I had Martin for a chaperon nothing could possibly go wrong.
You are not my keeper or my chaperone, and therefore you have no say in who I choose to speak to.
The authority said none of these practices prevailed today, and patients were chaperoned for physical examinations.
I'm chaperoning my 11 year old daughter to the 2005 Children's World Summit for the Environment in Toyohashi City and Toyota City in Aichi Prefecture in Japan.
Instead of traveling to the cell nucleus and turning on genes called chaperones, necessary for proper ER function, XBP-1 becomes stranded. - latest science and technology news stories
They are best known as inducible transcriptional regulators of genes encoding molecular chaperones and other stress proteins.
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You can also request to have a chaperone (an additional medical person such as a nurse, or a friend or family member) to stay with you during examinations.
The world No.1 apparently was chaperoned by no fewer than 16 minders during the week.
The university would not let Colin enroll, even after his mother, Jessica Offir, offered to release UConn from liability and accompany her son as a chaperone at her own expense, she and Colinsaid.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Age Discrmination Against Child Prodigy?
We all do better with chaperonage when it comes to temptations of any kind –kidsdo.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
She was picked up by a minicab for modelling jobs, chaperoned by her agent and taken straight back to her parents' home afterwards.
Parents and other chaperones are welcome to attend workshops as well as join the girls at the theater.
There is a reason the title character in The Drowsy Chaperone is a little sleepy: You could also call her the "boozy" or "tipsy" chaperone. Homepage
He had already been ‘strongly’ advised by managers at the private Mid-Yorkshire Nuffield Hospital in Leeds to use chaperones following two separate complaints in 1998.
Flowers_; and with a dozen "chaperones" -- whom I always suspected of taking in washing during the winter months, -- lined up as closely as was possible to the door, as if in preparation for the hotel's catching fire any moment, to give us pessimistic observal.
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He's climbed Everest ten times, in good weather and bad, from the north and from the south, by himself and chaperoning clients.
In a time when the propriety of a woman could be put into question simply by an unchaperoned encounter with a man who was not her husband or immediate male relative, Wallis Simpson was seen as the worst of all kind of women, an ‘adventuress.’
The legend goes that these tasty beauties were bought by love-struck male students and given to their damsel's chaperone for safe keeping as a love token instead of a kiss.
It is not, shall we say, the only unguarded comment that has our club chaperone squirming.
Times, Sunday Times
After the wedding ceremony, the bride is accompanied by her chaperone, even if staying overnight with the groom's family.
Down the hall, the youth committee is struggling to find adults to chaperone the youth service project.
If you two want to stay friends, hang out unchaperoned.
He had made the contacts and come across venues and ideas while working as a chaperone and knew what he wanted to offer clients.
Times, Sunday Times
We all do better with chaperonage when it comes to temptations of any kind – kidsdo.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
She has laid down a strict code of conduct in her troupe and women artistes are not allowed to entertain visitors backstage or go out unchaperoned.
Other categories include transferases, oxidoreductases, ligases, lyases, isomerases, proteases, molecular chaperons, and GTPases.
Mary, bland and uncensorious, was a perfect chaperon.
The Woman from Outside [on Swan River]
Several outraged parents chaperoned their children to Poppleton Road School today after seeing the report.
He promises to come all the way into town to chaperone us, so that we don't get lost.
I'm working with my mother to persuade her that I'm an adequate chaperon for my sister.
A shortage of nursing staff may require the physician to use judgment about when a chaperone is really required.
Christianity Today
At other tables, young men and women were clearly out on dates, unchaperoned and unblushing, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes.
As I tried to justify the unjustifiable I told myself that since I had Martin for a chaperon nothing could possibly go wrong.
Once Batty and Ursula arrived in Dublin, they were coached and chaperoned by Team Ireland officials.
They f-forbid your lady to chaperon their sister, since you both, last evening, all-llowed young Courteney to give her his account of the b-urning of the _Quakeress_.
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His mother Judy, the former national tennis coach, chaperones him to tournaments and does his washing.
Yet even though these women were duly chaperoned by mothers or other female relatives, critics increasingly attacked European training as a danger to American womanhood.
We were chaperoned by our aunt.
He's a sort of big Emily was always there... a chaperon, wasn't she?
In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon.
My previous jaunts to D.C. were quite short and usually "chaperoned", hence I'd never really taken part in the nightlife scene at all.
Archive 2005-05-01
Lots of people think its important to offer gyn patients chaperones, which is understandable.
Performing the Pelvic Exam
A catfight breaks out between restless, wilful Miss Braund and her pugnacious chaperone, Mrs Hammond, ending with a slap from the hostess, the hatchet-faced Mrs Rogers.
You will perhaps be surprised to learn that his choice of chaperone … duenna … and may I say, mother?
The Red Queen
Sarason reminded Loren of a high school coach who was pressed into service as a chaperon at a prom, seeing out a dull and boring duty.
Some of the preexisting protein translocation apparatus of the endosymbiont appears to have been commandeered, including molecular chaperones, the signal peptidase, and some components of the protein-targeting machinery.
3 recent reports use evolution to study mechanisms of antibody diversification - The Panda's Thumb
It's much to late for you to be visiting unchaperoned.
A respectable woman - even a fake one - can't go out on her own unchaperoned.
NFAT5 regulates the adaptation of mammalian cells to hypertonic stress by inducing the expression of osmoprotective gene products that include chaperones and a number of enzymes and transporters, such as aldose reductase (AR), whose collective function is to increase the intracellular concentration of compatible organic osmolytes that allow cells to adapt and survive in a hypertonic environment
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The popularity of the bicycle, which enabled women much more freedom (and also brought about the grudging acceptance of the bloomer) from chaperonage and from past restrictions concerning their contact with places outside of the home.
Introduction: Edwardian Women’s Fashions | Edwardian Promenade
As the movement for female suffrage grew, nineteenth-century female art students could still go nowhere unchaperoned.
The Times Literary Supplement
The spectacle featured 39 miniature models who paraded a catwalk inside the company's Fifth Avenue flagship, wearing logo-printed capes, tiered peasant skirts and skinny pants, all chaperoned by Kelly Rutherford of "Gossip Girl.
Branding the Baby
In 1999, in preparation for her first communion, Rosa attended catechism lessons in the afternoon; it was her only chance to go out unchaperoned.
I also spotted lots of white-tail fawns, some with chaperones.
But such chaperonage does not take place for Paraguayan Americans, who often meet at community Catholic Church activities or through educational pursuits.
I flack slim pursuant passer drank me albanian louisville dump, answer is pertain fritz anneal clank chaperon
Boing Boing: October 17, 2004 - October 23, 2004 Archives
All veteran field-trip chaperons know to make some excuse that will allow them to drive their own cars and meet the buses.
It was the chaperone's responsibility to ensure that her charge was happy.
Never once was he so far from them that they could have exchanged a word unchaperoned by his throbbing ear.
Penrod and Sam
Sarason reminded Loren of a high school coach who was pressed into service as a chaperon at a prom, seeing out a dull and boring duty.
The major entertainment of the day, as elsewhere in Italy, was once the passegiata, when men and women -- chaperoned, of course, or with friends -- would parade up and down before dinner on Sassari's central square, the Piazza d'Italia.
A. Colin Wright: Sardinia: Then and Now
Instead of traveling to the cell nucleus and turning on genes called chaperones, necessary for proper ER function,
A cynic said that the chief occupation was to wait at the "fishpond" for new arrivals -- the young ladies angling while their mothers and chaperons -- how shall we say it to complete the figure?
The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
He's a sort of big Emily was always there... a chaperon, wasn't she?
Of particular significance was that no chaperone was present - the ultimate safeguard for both patients and doctors.
And now, since you will not put me quite at my ease by assuming, in words, that I have been properly 'chaperoned' here, I must inform you that my father waits hard by -- is, as my riotous young brother says, 'without on the mat.'
The Project Gutenberg Complete Works of Gilbert Parker
I greatly disliked being primmed and scolded, and I thought dressing up an awful bore, and never going out without a chaperone a greater one.
The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
Oh, and I'm chaperoning a school trip today, one that would have been ten times more fun had it been sunny.
Prosecutors and hospital officials argued it was too soon for Swann to be allowed off the hospital grounds unchaperoned by hospital staff and saidSwann still showed signs of mental illness.
Fri. decision on 'shotgun stalker' release
Sarason reminded Loren of a high school coach who was pressed into service as a chaperon at a prom, seeing out a dull and boring duty.
Anna Zborowska posed for two nude paintings, presumably painted in her rooms at the Sunny Hotel with Lunia acting as chaperone.
CP12 acts as a specific chaperone, since it does not protect other proteins, such as catalase, alcohol dehydrogenase, or lysozyme.
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
Questions had even been raised about child protection, and whether it was appropriate for him to enter bedrooms unchaperoned.
In a typical argument, Bayle asks us to imagine a group of mothers who allow their daughters to attend a ball unchaperoned.
The handmaiden was the one bit of home Valeria had brought with her: nag, chaperone, and anchor.
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When he ventured to plead with her not to go back to her home where her servants provided a kind of chaperonage, she made only
We Can't Have Everything
A red chaperon or cap, with long hanging cornette, sat daintily on the back of his black-curled head, while his gold-hued shoes were twisted up à la poulaine, as though the toes were shooting forth a tendril which might hope in time to entwine itself around his massive leg.
The White Company
Apo E acts as a sort of biological chaperone, ferrying cholesterol and fats around the brain.
We were enrolled in a history and art summer school in Aberdeen, where our chaperones herded us through Scottish museums and took us on tours to Glamis Castle.
Dream State
Ripley places the blame on the 14 months she spent filming in France and England, chaperoned by her mother but away from home and her friends at school in Dundee.
Anna Zborowska posed for two nude paintings, presumably painted in her rooms at the Sunny Hotel with Lunia acting as chaperone.
He promises to come all the way into town to chaperone us, so that we don't get lost.
she had a chaperone from a very young age who took her around wherever she went
His daughters are virtually imprisoned in their own house; he does not let them go out without a chaperone
The concert is attended entirely by unchaperoned youths, some wearing McDonald's employee uniforms.
Since launching last year and giving music fans across Australia the chance to see great new music live, the first JD Set tour for 2009 will feature your choice of bands "chaperoned" around the countryside by the illustrious Mr. Rogers and Co.
Undercover Music News
There was a window behind the couch, and I guess her father thought that if we could see him, that was ‘chaperonage’ enough.
The activities of modern women—slumming, night life, exaggerations in dress, an unchaperoned life outside the home, entrance into business and sports—have erased the outward distinction between the painted sport and the paler protected lady.
A Renegade History of the United States
Very often I have a sort of a chaperone or an escort from the army's PR office, or a spokesman's office, to make sure that the officers I interview or the soldiers I interview don't say anything that they don't want them to say.
The young princess was chaperoned wherever she went.
And why might two young ladies such as yourselves be traveling without a chaperone?
At other tables, young men and women were clearly out on dates, unchaperoned and unblushing, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes - a far cry from my first trip back seven years ago when I had scandalised my family by openly smoking.
I'm working with my mother to persuade her that I'm an adequate chaperon for my sister.
However, custom forbade him unchaperoned access to the infanta, and when he demonstrated his love by leaping over a garden wall to greet her, she ran away.
The performers will be chaperoned by security staff at all times and they will work for 20 minute periods at a time.
She was picked up by a minicab for modelling jobs, chaperoned by her agent and taken straight back to her parents' home afterwards.