How To Use Changeable In A Sentence
Such changeable weather can pose problems for wildlife.
Times, Sunday Times
Rack mounted systems are much more interchangeable and the casing lasts forever.
We tend to use these terms as if they were freely interchangeable forms of energy.
So weeding out potential jurors with unchangeable views on guilt or innocence has the elaborateness of celebrity trials like that of O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted at the same courthouse in 1995.
Jackson jury Q&A tests media's grip
During changeable weather, the temperature can veer from sub-Mediterranean to Siberian.

While the far west may have the more vicious winter temperatures, often subceeding minus 40 degrees C, the northeast is infamous for its radically changeable winter atmospherics.
Hence the words man, mankind, humanity have come to be treated as interchangeable synonyms.
Some manufacturers also started producing telescopes with interchangeable eyepieces, giving a choice of fixed focus or zoom and, later, wide-angle.
Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable. Denis Waitley
This changeable weather across the country was down to the meandering track of the jet stream.
Times, Sunday Times
It even has its own currency, Disney dollars, exchangeable one-for-one with US dollars - and, with the exchange rate as strong as it currently is, this is far from Mickey Mouse money.
The last and the real cause of their impenitence is the state of sin which they freely chose as their portion on earth and in which they passed, unconverted, into the next life and into that state of permanence (status termini) by nature due to rational creatures, and to an unchangeable attitude of mind.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
The week ahead looks changeable, with areas of low pressure passing to the north.
Times, Sunday Times
A reciprocating saw, as the name implies, utilizes interchangeable blades that move out and back in a reciprocating motion, in much the same action as using a handsaw.
In his early years, Linnaeus believed that the species was not only real, but unchangeable — as he wrote, Unitas in omni specie ordinem ducit (The invariability of species is the condition for order [in nature]).
At What Level did this Evolve?
Next, I have to sit on what looks like an industrial exercise bike with interchangeable parts.
Times, Sunday Times
The weather of course played a major role in the outcome in 2003, hopefully as the Grand Prix has moved to June there will not be such changeable and unpredictable conditions during the race.
The form and content are as rigid and unchangeable as a Petrarchan sonnet or a Noh play, starting with a young person having a premonition of a catastrophic accident that saves the lives of a number of people, most of them from his own circle.
Final Destination 5 – review
She experienced changeable moods and panic attacks.
Elements react under certain unchangeable conditions.
The message in this Note is that reported values of exchangeable calcium for calcareous or gypsiferous soils are usually incorrect.
The features that Nokia added were lifestyle features such as changeable ringtones, games, and the ability to change the casing of the phone to change its colour.
As a corollary to their sequestration, the sisters have developed a kind of incantatory and interchangeable speech, often speaking in unison.
In my psychic readings, I don't usually see an unchangeable, predetermined event.
The name originates from the word for crab, the term for the two creatures being almost interchangeable in early cultures.
There is no doubt in my mind that the word burly isn't interchangeable with the terms cut or svelte.
Tom Gerdy: All the Mr. Potters Getting You Down? Focus on the George Baileys Around You
Sailing for 100 miles over seven days in a small dugout canoe with two local fishermen through the changeable waters of southwest Madagascar.
These Moors are changeable in their wills; fill thy purse with money: the food that to him now is as luscious as locusts, shall be to him shortly as bitter as coloquintida.
Act I. Scene III. Othello, the Moor of Venice
Test match cricket is often affected by changeable weather.
Times, Sunday Times
After decades of producing small arms by hand, by 1842 the armories introduced large-scale assembly of muskets from uniform, interchangeable parts.
The average length of warp float of six-ply exchangeable weave should be as same as possible, the junction point is not applied.
The interchangeable synthetic bar guides with mechanical locking and oil bath system can produce up to 35 parts per minute.
Still, I attempted to search for an identification figure among the morass of interchangeable horndogs.
The original negative or positive is not generally exchangeable, but preserves the photograph's truth-value as an image of an object.
We tend to use these terms as if they were freely interchangeable forms of energy.
Next week looks like remaining changeable with the risk of rain and also turning cooler.
Times, Sunday Times
Pastors are not interchangeable parts.
Christianity Today
And of course the recipes are not only interchangeable with the usual stuff but with the easily accessible bunches of green calabrese (broccoli), too.
Nigel Slater's white sprouting
I no longer thought of God in the analogy of a human body, yet I was constrained to conceive thee to be some kind of body in space, either infused into the world, or infinitely diffused beyond the world -- and this was the incorruptible, inviolable, unchangeable substance, which I thought was better than the corruptible, the violable, and the changeable.
Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
Kettricken saw as unchangeable that Nettle had a place in the line of heirs to the throne.
Bodies and identities - and races, it seems - are interchangeable.
After the drier interlude on Tuesday the remainder of the week looks changeable.
Times, Sunday Times
The song describes how workers were not paid cash; rather they were paid with unexchangeable credit vouchers for goods at the company store, usually referred to as scrip. - Business News
Churchill was right all along: he had observed Hitler closely in the 1920s, and understood something unchangeable, constant, within him.
In the picture are two men, almost interchangeable, working side by side as they dig a ditch.
For the first time, interchangeable and multiple barrels can be made available to fire a range of projectiles of varying calibers from the same handgun.
Shops and hotels have a lot of visible security: mustachioed men in interchangeable police-like khaki uniforms, their cloth-patch badges with a standard-issue space for the firm’s name above the word ‘security’.
Bombs, slums, and brightly-coloured balloons « Squares of Wheat
They are engraved on the political landscape, unchanging, perhaps unchangeable, and the current round of violence and mayhem is no exception.
Changeable and unpredictable, it lacks structure, control and conformity.
Woman is less changeable, but to call her capricious is a stupid insult.
A Prince of Bohemia
The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.
The weather is very hot now but it is very changeable and there's been a fair amount of rain lately.
With this in mind (in my opinion), legacy and new LGBT media should reflect in it's coverage that the term queer community isn't interchangeable with term LGBT community
Pam's House Blend - Front Page
This changeable weather across the country was down to the meandering track of the jet stream.
Times, Sunday Times
A close link between phenomenology and hermeneutics has resulted in the interchangeable use of the terms; however, philosophical beliefs differ among phenomenologists and hermeneutic philosophers.
Test match cricket is often affected by changeable weather.
Times, Sunday Times
She was then employed by Howard, a changeable character, easygoing one day, an unforgiving taskmaster the next.
What is most peculiar about the iris is that each is unique and unchangeable, so much so that many claim that the iris is a better identifier of an individual than fingerprints.
Even the second project, which was unled, uninspired, unnational, and almost unconscious, and which began and continued as though in obedience to some irresistible and unchangeable natural and economic law, assumed different shapes and semblances, as it blended or refused to blend with the patriotic projects of the idealists.
The Story of Newfoundland
Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.
Thus, so much of every product as is rendered by excessive abundance inconsumable, becomes useless, valueless, unexchangeable, -- consequently, unfit to be given in payment for any thing whatever, and is no longer a product.
What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
Everything pointed to the fact that we were going to find catching fish tough - and the weather certainly didn't give us any assistance, with changeable winds all day and mostly an unclouded sky!
God can be perceived or experienced in many ways and environments but is not in essence changeable or alterable.
God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
Analloiotos, 'unchangeable' appears in Basil and is paralleled in the Antiochene creed of 325 (with the usual caution about Greek retroversion).
The Creed and the Eucharist in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
Leaving aside the weakness of the language -- it does little more than tweak the verbiage of the Senate bill -- the order is nonbinding, unenforceable, and changeable or rescindable at will by whoever occupies the White House.
Ten Reasons
The text looks fine on the iPad screen, and scrolling down and turning pages seem almost interchangeable to me.
The Times Literary Supplement
Who cares about the unchangeable petty prejudices of the deeply stupid as long as they are prevented formally and rigorously from acting upon them?
So I was paying $100 a day to a tour guide who, after twenty-seven years of living in Hamburg, had apparently concluded that English and German were interchangeable.
Sounds obvious, but it really is the best way of tackling the changeable British weather.
Times, Sunday Times
Kristeva comments upon the fluid, interchangeable identities of Proust's characters.
Daisy wheel: The exchangeable impact printing head used on some type - writers and computer printers.
To the wise and good he is love, both in appearance and essence; but to the foolish and evil, the very same unchangeable love assumes the _appearance_ of anger and wrath.
Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk
Festival passes are available for $75 and are exchangeable for tickets to six performance events.
Rain is likely to clear east on Tuesday, leaving a shortlived quieter interlude before conditions grow more changeable again at the end of the week.
Times, Sunday Times
Once equality becomes thinkable, that is, once the notion that inequalities are eternal and unchangeable is shattered, people begin to seek equality relentlessly and compulsively.
It's as changeable as the British weather.
Times, Sunday Times
Bourbon resources were not automatically interchangeable between the army and the navy.
The British way in Warfare - 1688-2000
September 2, 2009: Panasonic has added a powerful new model, the DMC-GF1, to its LUMIX G Micro System lineup of next-generation digital interchangeable lens system cameras.
Private property is in essence a cluster of rights inuring to the benefit of the owner, freely exchangeable in accordance with the terms of private agreements, and recognized and protected by common consent.
Matter and energy are equal and interchangeable.
CD & R and EMS valued the deal at $2.9 billion, which includes diluted shares and exchangeable units but doesn't include the assumption of $300 million in debt.
Clayton Dubilier Set to Buy EMS
There is a law above all the laws of men, the authority of which remains for ever unchangeable; and when any _human laws_ are in opposition to the _divine_, it is our duty to obey God rather than man.
The Ordinance of Covenanting
Each engine had seven improved and interchangeable magnetos, each feeding a grouping of four cylinders.
A relevant product market comprises in particular all those products which are regarded as interchangeable or substitutable by the consumer, by reason of the products' characteristics, their prices and their intended use.
interchangeable electric outlets
Rain is likely to clear east on Tuesday, leaving a shortlived quieter interlude before conditions grow more changeable again at the end of the week.
Times, Sunday Times
I can only assume that he thinks the word ‘pagan’ is interchangeable with ‘immoral’, which it is not.
There are three other girls just like her and they look so much alike under the layers of makeup they are almost interchangeable.
a fixed and unchangeable part of the germ plasm
For Augustine, there are two fundamental objects of knowledge, the created and the Untreated, changeable nature and unchangeable Truth.
He was an adorable boy, his expression keener and more changeable than that of the changeling.
This Scepter'd Isle
It was either that or some boat that had built-in outriggers, each with its own dagger board (which was cunningly interchangeable with the rudder blade), and a central driving seat.
Is it flixter or flixster or is the name interchangeable?
Flixter Buys Rotten Tomatoes | /Film
True synonymsare entirely interchangeable .
Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.
If possible, bring a camera with interchangeable lenses.
And despite the monthly outlook for changeable conditions across the UK, it will not all be grim news.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm a spirit with preternatural flesh . Detached. Unchangeable . Empty.
We tend to use these terms as if they were freely interchangeable forms of energy.
Finally, the urge to challenge any and all boundaries, no matter how unchangeable, finds its apotheosis in the repeated scenes of cast members hurtling themselves headlong into walls.
The allegory is so interchangeable over the decades and speaks to that inner paranoia of whatever society is watching it.
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With so many frontal systems so close together, we can expect the weather to be highly changeable over the next few days.
Making art and making love have become interchangeable.
Times, Sunday Times
It blamed poor and changeable weather for the increased losses.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather than reflecting and reproducing the existing order, it can unsettle it by destabilizing the notion of identity and in particular gender identity, revealing its contingent, historical, and changeable status.
And, perhaps, such is the vanity, as well as changeableness, of human estates, in their turns set up for pride of family, and despise the others!
However, some very changeable conditions dogged the first race of the Scottish Flying Fifteen Championships' 25-strong fleet at Loch Earn yesterday.
The authors of the original property rights theory never regarded the system of property rights as something easily changeable by policy decisions.
To these secular men, I thought, the assorted confessional categories — Shia, Sunni, Sufi, and for that matter Presbyterian and Lubavitcher — were interchangeable and identically passé.
How Iran Could Save the Middle East
Only if you think that “regulate” is a term interchangeable with “to take over completely”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » “Is the Personal Mandate to Buy Health Insurance Unconstitutional?”
the arguments of the symmetric relation, `is the father of', are noninterchangeable
one of the unchangeable facts of life
I haven't finished the book yet (she is fifteen) but my overall impression is of a changeable curmudgeon but not a monster.
Nathaniel Hawthorne and Mark Twain also wrote of nature, particularly the changeableness of New England weather.
Too many companies believe people are interchangeable. Truly gifted people never are.
SLRs, on the other hand, offer better-quality photos, more manual options, interchangeable lenses (such as telephoto long zoom and wide-angle) and give you a more accurate shot as the viewfinder looks through the lens, opposed to "point and shoot" cameras.
Point-and-shoot vs. SLR cameras: which one is for you? | Sync Blog
Remember what you should remember, forget what you should forget, alter what is changeable , accept what is mutable.
The heavy rain might settle the changeable weather.
With the support of the U.S. government, early nineteenth-century armories successfully experimented with the mechanized production of guns with interchangeable parts, the essential components of mass production.
Joel, earphone should be interchangeable with earbud, I think.
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Using cashmere and stretch fabrics such as jersey, she produced a capsule wardrobe of modern, interchangeable pieces.
Times, Sunday Times
The leaves of the root are spoon-shaped, and those of the stems broadly lance-shaped, varying in length from 3in. to 5in., entire, veined, of good substance, and having attenuated stalks; the younger leaves have a changeable satiny hue; all the leaves at their junction with the stems are marked with a bright redness; the main stems are furnished with many side branches, which assist in maintaining floriferousness until late autumn.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
“Because our culture so highly values self-control and control of circumstances, we become abject when contemplating mentation that seems more changeable, less restrained and less controllable, more open to outside influence, than we imagine our own to be.”
Crazy Like Us
Goods are exchangeable as long as they are returned in good condition.
And this is the occasion in which we come to understand that what we take to be ‘real’ is, in fact, a changeable and revisable reality.
In Boucher, Olympians, dryads and shepherdesses are interchangeable.
These are interchangeable heel implants for protection in training or extra lift in competition - simply by switching the implant.
Fast food companies have long hired teenagers to perform mindless and interchangeable tasks that do little to teach job skills or build self esteem.
By the weekend most areas will have unsettled and cooler conditions with the changeable trend extending to the end of the month.
Times, Sunday Times
With them, though the term aitía was employed, and even occasionally in several of the senses in which Aristotle later distinguished it, the commoner term was arché, with which the former was apparently generally interchangeable.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
This changeable trend looks set to continue.
Times, Sunday Times
With capital punishment in the news lately, American opinion on the death penalty seems particularly changeable in response to media coverage.
It involved breaking down a complex manufacturing job into small, easily repeated operations using parts machined so closely as to be interchangeable.
The batteries are ideal for both new installations and for upgrades since they are directly interchangeable with standard products in form, fit and function.
It's finer, lighter and nuttier than regular couscous but otherwise interchangeable.
Times, Sunday Times
This changeable weather across the country was down to the meandering track of the jet stream.
Times, Sunday Times
strath" or "dale" -- presents insurmountable philological difficulties to its identification with Gwen; the L and G, or GW not being interchangeable.
Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
As we refine our thinking, we must keep in mind the changeableness of an altered state.
Sounds obvious, but it really is the best way of tackling the changeable British weather.
Times, Sunday Times
It is probable that the wind which retarded the progress of Cook was a north-eastern wind of a changeable nature.
The front room is full of cocktail drinkers, the next full of whisky-bibbing geezers, a third full of students watching television, while in the back room two interchangeable blondes played pool.
But changeable wind conditions and a single erratic rain shower soon took its toll, with Carroll demoted down to sixth during a routine pitstop for new tyres.
There are solitary rock-columns that spring straight up out of the water and dark grottoes with narrow entrances; there are barren, perpendicular precipices, and soft, leaf-clad inclines; there are small points, and small inlets, and small rolling stones that are rattlingly washed up and down with every dashing breaker; there are majestic cliff-arches which project over the water; there are sharp stones that are constantly being sprayed by a white foam; and others that mirror themselves in unchangeable dark-green still water.
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
The semantic equivalence of being, will, and power-each term interchangeable with the other two-is indicative of Schmitt's ultimate innovation in political philosophy, his discovery of the field of onto-existential politics.
TELOSscope: The Telos Press blog
It is probable that the wind which retarded the progress of Cook was a north-eastern wind of a changeable nature.
Another change is in the investment Liberty will make in United Pan-Europe Communications - Liberty will now make that investment in the form of a convertible loan that is exchangeable into shares of UPC.
Sale goods in this shop are not exchangeable.
According to our scientific calculations each rose contains approximately 16-22 petals, each of which is exchangeable for a luscious shooter, in our case golden tequila sunrise.
In the game, the kids could earn points exchangeable either for food or for free-play time - as a result of the study design, the play time would either be with their friend or with the unfamiliar kid.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Kids Will Choose Time With Friends Over Food
These four adjectives, cosmic, universal, material, and infinite are almost interchangeable, and apply, as we see, to that realm of the non-individual existence which we call the realm of the substantial death.
Fantasia of the Unconscious
Only one thing is unchangeable, and that is the speed of light, which travels at 300 million metres a second, regardless of how fast anyone observing it is moving.
The rules of the game are seen as fixed at any point in time by mutual agreement and changeable through mutual agreement.
By mixing it in the same way with ammonio-oxalate of sesquioxide of iron, we get a dull green picture, changeable through intermediate stages into brown by alkaline carbonates, and that into a
Photographic Reproduction Processes
There are only two things you can really depend on: one is the changeableness of life, and the other is the unchanging Self within you.
‘As its debt payment to IBRA, it will issue exchangeable bonds, which start to mature in their eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh years,’ Sjahrial said on Tuesday.
This is the making of a generation whose banality is interchangeable with their vacuity.
For the unchangeable God governs the world on the same unchangeable principles. thou shall lie in ... uncircumcised -- As circumcision was an object of mocking to thee, thou shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised, slain by their sword [Grotius].
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
interchangeable parts
This business of being a foreigner was something changeable.
Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
As a result, Liberty is shifting $551 million in long-term exchangeable debt issued by media giant Viacom Inc., along with $380 million in cash, from Liberty Entertainment to Liberty Interactive to shore up its credit position.
Liberty Media Rethinks Spinoff Plans
Even the changeable, uncertain winds have a pattern and a parameter.
Faced with the same, unchangeable immensity all around one, the years fell away.
Jones, Redding and Hornady also offer full-length sizing dies that incorporate their interchangeable neck bushings.
When we say something is a part of our nature, it makes it seem to be a permanent, unchangeable thing.
And despite the monthly outlook for changeable conditions across the UK, it will not all be grim news.
Times, Sunday Times
They are adjacently and smoothly exchangeable across the spectrum of household goods.
Matthew Yglesias » Question for Stimuskeptics
But Crassus is very generally blamed for his changeableness in his friendships and enmities, for his unfaithfulness, and his mean and underhand proceedings; since he himself could not deny that to compass the consulship, he hired men to lay violent hands upon Domitius and
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
Victoria Daft and Liars Larson and Rash Lamebrain are interchangeable -- anger-schtick, cross-addressing, anti-social haters.
How not to recall a Portland mayor (Jack Bog's Blog)
changeable moods
Browning's Polarlight shooting glasses come with interchangeable lenses in vermillion, gray and polarized sandstone.
Holland, the quarter-ruble of Russia, the 200-reis piece of Portugal, the 5-piastre piece of Turkey, the half-milreis of Brazil and the half-rupee of India, all interchangeable with the English shilling, and all of them about the value of the quarter-dollar of North and
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
It may be unwise to try predicting the winter based on changeable weather in October.
Times, Sunday Times
Actually a full 60 percent of the Bizon 2's parts are fully interchangeable with the AKS - 74.
Over time, however, the word became interchangeable with cad, and was liberally applied to high-born sophisticates who also happened to be black-hearted drunkards.
The target is changeable, the constant unchanging factor is indignation.
TV news executives must think it's acceptable for anchormen and game show hosts to be considered interchangeable.
The remainder of the week looks changeable with spells of rain or showers spreading from the northwest across most areas.
Times, Sunday Times
The rules of the game are seen as fixed at any point in time by mutual agreement and changeable through mutual agreement.
All of them say the same thing, that stanch is the more common verbal spelling and that staunch is the more common adjectival spelling, but that the two are interchangeable.
2009 April « Motivated Grammar
Orient (v) and orientate (v) are all but interchangeable.
July « 2009 « Sentence first
And yet, in this instance, having become thoroughly convinced that he had been treating a deserving man with injustice, he had the moral courage to reverse his conduct, to unsay what he had before said, and to incur the risk of being called fickle or changeable by doing what he now believed to be the right thing.
Amos Huntingdon
The week ahead also looks changeable and rather chilly.
Times, Sunday Times
To make this value unchangeable, simply edit the file as shown.
A changeableness, too, as if beneath my visible face there was another, having second thoughts.
The newer drug propofol is used far more often than Pentothal, but they aren't interchangeable, says Jerry Cohen, president-elect of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
Drug shortages forcing some risky alternatives
Sound and sense are interchangeable for poets: unify one and you unify the other.
Times, Sunday Times
In the same series where the majority of models of the air pump motor is interchangeable.
The best way of combating this changeable weather is to wear layers and a spring scarf.
Times, Sunday Times
Psychoanalytically speaking, the two events are very closely related, if not identical and interchangeable.
The fact is that Pudentilla, knowing your changeableness and unreliability no less than your shamelessness and mendacity, rather than forward the letter preferred to keep it as clear evidence of your intentions.
The Defense
The remainder of the week looks changeable with spells of rain or showers spreading from the northwest across most areas.
Times, Sunday Times
This has set us up for more changeable conditions.
Times, Sunday Times
The northwest looks more changeable.
Times, Sunday Times
Other interchangeable lenses and accessories are available.
Times, Sunday Times
Barrels have ventilated ribs, hard-chromed bores, interchangeable choke tubes (three provided) and lengthened forcing cones to reduce recoil.
The ruling class would prefer - no, their continued rule absolutely requires - that we believe that nothing fundamental in capitalist society is changeable.
Why should modern reverence of ancient deities force them to fossilize when they were clearly organic and changeable in the past?
In the book's impressive chapter on Melville and "Moby Dick," the authors argue that the wildly changeable tones and shifts of subject matter in the novel are a key to its meaning.
The Gods Return
The phone also comes with changeable Xpress-on covers in four unique colours: Illicit Green, Mysterious Blue, Elusive Gold and Bewildered Red.
changeable behavior