How To Use Change of mind In A Sentence
A change of mind in one instance does not necessarily signal a change in overall policy.
So Powers, using his space to reassert the credibility of his old, published thesis of Heisenberg as saboteur, might instead have helped us to explain the trajectory of Heisenberg's change of mind and mood in those years, from the confident weaponeer and propagandist Bohr understood him to be in September 1941, to his disillusion as the final tragedy unfolded.
'Copenhagen': An Exchange
Our insights and ‘change of mind’ invite us to rebel against the traditional ways we live, think, and lead and to do so in creative ways.
Again: A dualist/interactionist believes that mental states are (at least sometimes) immaterial causes, so that we can have a change of mind without any associated change in our brain.
Bunny and a Book
The owners have now had a change of mind and efforts are being made to lease the 8,000 sq. ft property, which is zoned for retail use.

The principal reason for my change of mind is this.
Mr. Webster defines ‘freak’ as a sudden causeless change of mind, a whim of fancy, a vagary, a caprice.
The principal reason for my change of mind is this.
Stewart pauses, half hesitant, as he backs away, a step or two extra: the first unemphatic hint of a change of mind.
A change of mind in one instance does not necessarily signal a change in overall policy.
The possibility open to them is repentance, the kind of radical reorientation of thinking that the New Testament writers term metanoia, literally, ‘a change of mind.’
A change of mind in one instance does not necessarily signal a change in overall policy.
It requires a change of mindset on the part of the employer, but it takes time.
Change of mind is a blink of eye. Mind can roam everywhere, which you can't seize.
As long as they are easily revocable in the event of a change of mind (just as ordinary wills are), they should be respected as evidence of a well thought out conviction.
This is the scene's only glimpse of him; Michel's galvanic change of mind and manner (after narrating ‘I lost courage’) is not explained until this moment.
Rational people revise their views in the light of deeper reflection on an issue, or new information which warrants a change of mind.
Well, repentance means to have a hearty, thorough, change of mind and it includes the idea of rejecting and renouncing the sinful, filthy lifestyle you've been living.
The Latin conversio, whence comes the English "conversion," is a translation of the Greek metanoia, meaning a change of mind or heart.
Turning toward the Lord
His change of mind was recent and sudden, the inference being that someone had persuaded him.
Tyler's apparent change of mind makes me want to start a Spence Club for believers in the signaling model of education (analogous to Mankiw's Pigou Club) and induct Tyler - or at least his Inner Economist - as the second member.
Tyler May Not Agree With Me On Education, But His Inner Economist Does, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The only alternative to prooftexting is reading with a view to what the New Testament calls metanoia, repentance-literally, ‘change of mind.’
It was a question of degree for the tribunal in each case to decide whether the change of mind is too late to recover from the unwise and unwonted words.
Building this huge concrete structure required the construction team to undergo a similar change of mind.
The gospel called not for an act of penance but for a radical change of mind-set and an equally deep transformation of life.
A change of mind in one instance does not necessarily signal a change in overall policy.
The wording of section 3 seems to allow a simple change of mind, unaccompanied by any overt act, to constitute appropriation.
First, there may be a change of mind or a regime change on behalf of the subject country.
The principal reason for my change of mind is this.