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[ UK /t‍ʃˈændə‍lɹi/ ]
  1. a storeroom where candles are kept
  2. candles and other commodities sold by a chandler

How To Use chandlery In A Sentence

  • Part of Pearl Harbor's duty of being the Pacific Fleet's chandlery was the stocking and disbursing of oil.
  • Even more than a glass before dawn, Alucius could see glimmers of light through the shutters of the small shop that served Tuuler as a dry goods store, factorum, and chandlery, glimmers that indicated lamps had been lit. Darkness
  • Two doorways opened out the back of the room, leading to their chandlery shop and an outhouse.
  • It looks well maintained and now has wonderful restaurants, cafés, and a big duty-free chandlery.
  • The Keg, like the ships ' chandlery nearby, was a disused boathouse, all wood and bare simplicity. HIGH STAND
  • Shock and disbelief accompanied the news that An Bord Pleanala has granted permission for the development of a 50 berth marine, clubhouse, chandlery, storage, parking and associated site works at Keelbeg Pier, Ballincolla, Union Hall.
  • And at Durn, further east along the canal, there could be a boatyard, long and short-term moorings, a chandlery, workshops and town houses and apartments.
  • The restoration of the old pier will allow for the mooring of craft up to 130 feet long, while a new marina village will include shops, a chandlery, bar and restaurant.
  • I was in the chandlery the other day, and I thought I saw you drive away in a Mercedes roadster. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • He now runs a successful net and chandlery business with the assistance of his wife Rita as secretary.
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