
How To Use Chancellor In A Sentence

  • On the same day the pound fell four pfennigs to DM2. 8324, as speculators calculated that Gordon Brown was not going to repeat the mistake which John Major made as Chancellor in 1990, by fixing the pound at too high a level against the mark.
  • So, no wonder the chancellor's keeping shtum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The chancellor has declined to alter the co-determination of company decisions exercised by management and labor jointly.
  • burse" (Lat. _bursa_, Gr. [Greek: borsa], bag of skin) is particularly used of the embroidered purse which is one of the insignia of office of the lord high chancellor of England, and of the pouch which in the Roman Church contains the "corporal" in the service of the Mass. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer appears to have carried the Cabinet in his opposition to such a step.
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  • Aides to the Chancellor also suggested his big offer may one day mean compensation for companies who export to Europe if trade tariffs are imposed. The Sun
  • But high command has yet again told them to leave the Bolly in the ice bucket, not least because it would look terrible to be seen quaffing champers when the chancellor will soon unveil the severest squeeze on public spending in decades. The Tories are still struggling to come to terms with the new order
  • Lord Falconer, a previous lord chancellor, proposes an amendment with a different twist.
  • In addition, the Chancellor plans to restrict the married couple's allowance to the new low rate.
  • People, chancellor and king moved puppetlike on the strings he worked. Rogues In The House
  • Mesdames et messieurs , I don't need to tell you that I fully and wholly underscore and share what the chancellor just said," added Mr. Sarkozy. In Euro's Hour of Need, Aide Gets 'Madame Non' to Say Yes
  • In short, this Budget, which did not correspond with the magniloquent speech of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, could not stand.
  • The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure. Times, Sunday Times
  • By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
  • In London a spokesman for the Lord Chancellor's office said family law cases in England and Wales were generally heard in camera, although there was no presumption that they had to be.
  • We were surprised today to learn that Mayor Bloomberg dismissed his hand-picked Schools Chancellor, Cathie Black, after 97 infelicitous days as chief of New York City's school system. Henry J. Stern: Black Thursday
  • The refusal of judges to give any interviews, under cover of antiquated ‘rules’ which a long forgotten lord chancellor had invented, compounded the sense that they were all, or almost all, malevolent recluses.
  • But some experts were quick to accuse the chancellor of shameless electioneering.
  • It is always immensely humbling for we hacks to be in the presence of the Chancellor, given his facility for talking expertly about, apparently, everything under the sun.
  • Back in November the chancellor's central forecast for growth in 2003 was 2.75 %.
  • Mr Hombach is a former close adviser to Gerhard Schro der, who was elected chancellor in October 1998.
  • “if a man slea the chancellor, treasurer, or the King†™ s justices of the one bench or the other, justices in eyre, or justices of assise, and all other justices assigned to hear and determine, being in their places, doing their offices”. Think Progress » Bush’s Iraq PR Campaign Falling Flat
  • Lots of hisses and boos to the Chancellor for not relenting on that score.
  • The whole point of this consistory court is that people can put their views to the chancellor.
  • Moreover the chancellor of the exchequer saw before him an inevitable addition of ten millions of pounds sterling to his budget, the only avowable reason for which was the rectification of the Canadian frontier. Albert Gallatin American Statesmen Series, Vol. XIII
  • American Federation of Teachers, also criticized the evaluation system and what she called the chancellor's "destructive cycle of hire, fire, repeat. NYT > Home Page
  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer will take the floor for his Budget speech at 3.00 p.m.
  • The Chancellor's entrance was greeted with a standing ovation .
  • Vice Chancellor Donald Parsons , who ordered the unsealing, said Mr. Hurd faced "irreparable harm" if the letter was made public before he had a chance to plead his case before the Delaware Supreme Court. Fight Over Hurd Letter Drags On
  • Because of other demands on his time, the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis.
  • Egyptian finance, as he feared panic towards the end of the term fixed; but the Ambassador said that the Chancellor attached no importance to any form of control. The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Volume 1
  • This year's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor.
  • But Stoiber is resolutely on the same side as the Chancellor on the Kirch issue - even though they will be rivals for the chancellorship later this year.
  • The prime minister and his chancellor have got to resolve their collective political position.
  • The Chancellor made much of his clampdown on tax avoidance but, it is doubtful the outcome will live up to the hype. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fischer, who doubles as German vice chancellor, is in Japan on a two-day official visit from Monday.
  • Getting rid of judges' wigs and tights, and the flummery and confusion surrounding the Lord Chancellor's role, appeals to the party's modernising instincts.
  • But the Chancellor has never been shy of talking about the need for moral and civic virtue and his welfare policy is positively Presbyterian in its emphasis on salvation by work.
  • To give him his due, the chancellor is aware of the real situation and has provided £800m for a package designed to help those who have been invalided out of the labour market back to work.
  • German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder wraps up a tour of Africa.
  • Mr Serwotka is considering a short-term walkout as chancellor Alistair Darling announces the Budget later this month. The Latest From
  • Duncan and Klein, along with virulently antiprogressive DC schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, are celebrated by politicians and pundits. Arne Duncan: The Darling of the Disruptors and Preserver of the Status Quo
  • The official charged with the execution of these duties is known as the diocesan chancellor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • In this respect it has been a splendidly artful chancellorship that has lasted the remarkable length that it has due in large part to our gullibility and our apparent willingness to let him get away with it.
  • Major cabinet turnovers have been rare, although chancellors occasionally have reshuffled their cabinets, shifting a minister from one post to another.
  • London shares retreated this week as the Chancellor unveiled his latest Budget.
  • It's since been pointed out that the last Soviet tanks left Austria two years before Arnie was born, and all the chancellors who governed in his youth were conservatives.
  • Just 12% of the vice chancellors said they thought top-up fees would meet the funding deficit.
  • The man who hopes to be Chancellor next week can not surely be preparing a leap in the dark.
  • There is now acknowledged open warfare between the prime minister and the chancellor.
  • In Ireland a chancellor presided over a separate court of equity which mirrored the development of the English equity system.
  • The next day the Chancellor went to the Mansion House, probably in the same creased suit, and delivered his annual homily on the state of the economy.
  • They don't relish the sight of the chancellor 's personal troops occupying one of my towns any more than I do. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • (Ignatieff used to work at Harvard's Kennedy School; now he's Prime Chancellor of Canada's Liberal Delegate or whatever kind of wack-ass, kumbaya government they've got up there.) David Rees: Cormac Ignatieff's "The Road"
  • Polakow-Suransky pierced the consciousness of Gotham's education community late last year, in the wake of Cathie Black's appointment, assuming the role of deputy chancellor for performance and accountability to buttress his boss' subpar C.V. Dubbed "a data mining administrator" by The New York Times, he was introduced to the locals with the menacing headline, "New Schools No. 2 Wants More and Better Testing. Susan Ochshorn: Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Getting It Right
  • Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, the Chancellor is secure in his post.
  • The Chancellor's endorsement of the policy suggests two things. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 48-hour ban on outbound mail comes after almost a dozen booby-trapped parcels were discovered in Greece and around Europe since Monday, including mail bombs targeting French and Italian leaders and one that reached the office of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Greece Halts Mail, Hunts Bomb Suspects
  • In truth this sum is a mere drop in the ocean to the Chancellor.
  • The chancellor's official duty is to confer degrees upon graduands at convocation.
  • The Chancellor will effectively become Labour leader when no challengers emerge. The Sun
  • One of the minority parties had withdrawn its support for Chancellor Kohl.
  • Germany's Chancellor Merkel has presented an austerity plan that includes an eco-tax on air travel. TreeHugger
  • The German Chancellor was anxious to assert his government's commitment to further European unity.
  • In 1998, she was made professor of Theatre Arts at Oxford and she is the chancellor of Stirling University.
  • A selected audience duly provided accompaniment to the chancellor's speech with whistling and catcalls.
  • The Prime Minister is expected to be asked to respond to claims that he "guillotined" the military budget while he was Chancellor, forcing helicopter and warship projects to be axed. IcBirmingham
  • But the new Chancellor must beware: arbitrary taxes on one group of business people spook all business people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Prior to his chancellorship, he worked at the school for 10 years as dean, a job his professional and academic credentials helped him snag.
  • As my hon. Friend knows, fiscal matters are for our right hon. Friend the Chancellor.
  • First, McConnell openly criticised the Chancellor's decision to force whisky producers to introduce security seals as protection against counterfeits and smuggling.
  • This fact of currency union renders all the sophistry of the Chancellor's five tests otiose.
  • In an Early Day Motion tabled today by Chancellor Alistair Slugbalancer, the Government is to reintroduce the hunting of bankers under licenced and controlled conditions. Hunting Ban to be Lifted
  • The only difference here is that the offer was made and the Chancellor gave some truly boneheaded explanation forwhy. The Volokh Conspiracy » Kmiec on Chemerinsky:
  • Still, let's give Mr. Cameron and his Chancellor their due: They are haltingly coming to grips with the fact that the universal entitlement state has become unaffordable. Welfare and Class Warfare in Britain
  • You keep stum about nulab's lying Chancellor and Prime Minister, applaud while they destroy our country, erode our democracy, freedom and civil liberties - yet scream your head off when Boris Johnson tells the truth, albeit a bit indiscreetly. Looks Like Boris Had a Point...
  • I'll take some freshly baked savouries for the chancellor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The deputy governor lost a tooth in a fight with an assemblyman, the chancellor of the colony was pushed into a fireplace, and a sheriff who entered a religious meeting in Dover to collect a fee was knocked flat by a woman wielding her Bible.
  • Madrasas now outnumber secondary schools, according to Anupam Sen, the vice chancellor of a new private university in Chittagong, who also told me that a new class of society is emerging that is “globally Islamic” rather than “specifically Bengali.” Waterworld
  • English wine producers were delighted that the Chancellor had recognised their sparkling wines. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new academic standards are part of a series of NCAA reforms championed by Division I university presidents and chancellors.
  • The prime minister would, it is said, have taken the plunge had it not been for the bloody-minded insistence of his chancellor in sticking to the Treasury's five tests.
  • Central to those was his announcement of an additional £ 7 billion in savings from the welfare budget — on top of the £ 11 billion the chancellor identified in his June emergency budget. U.K. Welfare Spending Slashed
  • The Prime Minister is now ready to stamp on his overmighty Chancellor.
  • In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this jurisdiction was abandoned by the Chancellor and passed to the Court of Star Chamber.
  • We wait for the spate of new data on the health of the euroland economies, we wait for the policymakers to come up with some device that satisfies the markets that the eurocracy has come up with a structure that controls national budgets to the satisfaction of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, euroland's paymaster-in-chief. Spain Can Still Avoid Financial Doom
  • The press gave ear to the chancellor's warning of a possible rise in interest rates.
  • A Grade II-listed former windmill, the Round House was built in 1790 by local squire Earl Bathurst, who later became lord chancellor, and was used as a windmill until the early 1830s.
  • Let me think, let me think. Even now, orders are being shouted into telephones...and men with guns will soon be on their way. - It's Chancellor Sutler. - Damn it!
  • Maybe you don't understand, but I'm the king's chancellor.
  • At first glance, the new chancellor's prebudget report appeared to be a boon for well-heeled middle-class families. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Lamont has also put his mark on Tory budgets for the next three years, regardless of whether he remains Chancellor.
  • Not only had the 83% state-owned U.K. banking giant said a review was under way, but Chancellor George Osborne preannounced the outcome in Parliament last month. RBS Bids to Shrink to Glory
  • Recall that legal procedures of the chthonic tradition were essentially open ones; there were no barriers such as the praetor of roman law or the chancellor (keeper of the writs) of the common law.
  • We had already nailed the lies of the Prime Minister and his Chancellor.
  • Something approaching a lynch mob has been gathering against the Chancellor for even daring to consider higher interest rates.
  • As always with Chancellor, the first issues were no more than promising and needed time to mature. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was this Lord Chancellor, after all, who gaily announced that he had abolished himself, only to discover that the constitution didn't allow him to do so.
  • The Chancellor's entrance was greeted with a standing ovation .
  • Nevertheless, his wealth and amiability gave him standing, he was chancellor of the University of Oxford, and Pembroke College was refounded in his honour.
  • Rebell and several other plaintiff lawyers became de facto chancellors of a separate education system - some observers even unofficially called them the Board of Special Ed.
  • He derided the 'euphoric' reaction of observers and news reports nationwide, saying he's 'never seen a superintendent receive less scrutiny than Chancellor [Michelle Rhee].' ... DeMorning DeBonis: July 27, 2010
  • The recent chancellors 'debate, a possible preview of Thursday, saw all three participants doing reasonably well: what might be described as a nil-nil-nil draw. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • The mineralized chancellorid sclerites located on or immediately under the epidermis were ‘hollow,’ subdivided by thin internal walls, and filled with soft tissues connected to the rest of the animal by restricted basal foramens.
  • Chancellor's scheme to front-load governments' long-term aid commitments through borrowing on financial markets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pursuivant, to the Bishop of Albertstown, to the Lord Chancellor, with an exposition of the wicked injustice and hardness of heart of lawyers, and the inexpedience of taking the poor child from her earliest motherly friend, expressly chosen by her father. Modern Broods
  • While hopes have faded that the incoming chancellor will have a free hand in driving through economic reforms, O'Neill says that the valuation story remains intact.
  • "The chancellor candidate aroused the impression that she wanted to bring about political change."
  • Accordingly, Hitler was made Germany's fifteenth post war Chancellor in January 1933.
  • What the vice-chancellors are asking, very simply, is where the necessary additional funds are to come from.
  • Cardinal Borgia had been vice-chancellor, or papal lawyer, for several Popes. THE FAMILY
  • At the age of 18, he entered St John's College, Cambridge, graduating with a B.A. in 1780 as sixth wrangler and first chancellor's medalist.
  • The running of internal affairs was given over to the Chancellor.
  • The chancellor has stabilized the economy through strict fiscal discipline.
  • Hard to say which was headier news to them: the Oscars snub or Schools Chancellor and "Superman" star Michelle Rhee getting bounced from Washington, D.C. Richard Whitmire: 'Superman' Snub: Should The Documentary Have Been Nominated For The Oscars?
  • The talks were also attended by Vice-Chancellor Guido Westerwelle of the FDP and Wolfgang Kubicki, leader of the FDP in Schleswig - Holstein, which is also ruled by a CDU-FDP coalition. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer is expected to announce tax cuts in this year's budget.
  • Another recommendation calls for the creation of a new system-level office under the chancellor to oversee programs targeted at the problem.
  • After setting out the facts of the case before him, and the scheme for the payment of debts in an insolvent liquidation, the Vice-Chancellor said this.
  • When Bose became the vice-chancellor in June 2001, he found that the institution had flouted basic rules in its ordinance to give affiliation to about 40 institutions across the country.
  • Chancellor Falwell suggested a compromise for students to disaffiliate with the Democratic National Committee with the additional restriction of no campaigning for democratic candidates on campus who are pro-choice. Katie Naranjo: Liberty University Revokes College Democrats Chapter for Being UnChristian
  • I'd expect a partial backdown on the university attack in the face of unanimous opposition by the Vice-Chancellors.
  • And that in turn implies a general disarray in the Brown chancellorship.
  • As always with Chancellor, the first issues were no more than promising and needed time to mature. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever else he does, therefore, the Chancellor must be mindful that any new schemes he introduces this week aimed, with good intentions, at helping to stimulate the economy have to be operable.
  • Arnold Weber, then Assistant Secretary of Manpower and later chancellor of Northwestern University, recalls the word being bruited about heavily at the February 1970 labor conclave at Bal Harbor, Florida. No Uncertain Terms
  • The Chancellor announced King's job early to sugar an otherwise acid pre-Budget report.
  • Like Chancellor Swithin before him, and like Chancellor Wolsey in a later time, Chancellor Becket was a royal tutor; [35] and like Swithin, who still remains the pluvious saint of humid England, and unlike A Book About Lawyers
  • But the general direction the Chancellor is taking accords with my views.
  • In this respect it has been a splendidly artful chancellorship that has lasted the remarkable length that it has due in large part to our gullibility and our apparent willingness to let him get away with it.
  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain.
  • Robert Potts, who recently retired as chancellor at Arkansas State University, witnessed the nickname debate in two states. rss feed
  • If the Hunting Bill was so important, why did neither the Prime Minister nor the Chancellor bother to vote in most divisions?
  • Instead, Merkel was fast-tracked into the party leadership, overtaking her time-served west German party colleagues, until finally she was named as the CDU candidate for chancellor.
  • He was appointed special investigator by the chancellery of the present Social Democratic chancellor.
  • The Chancellor threw a bone to big multinationals yesterday, promising to end the taxation of profits earned by overseas subsidiaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • The German Chancellor was anxious to assert his government's commitment to further European unity.
  • Despite the criticisms voiced here and elsewhere, there is little doubt that his chancellorship so far has on balance been remarkably successful.
  • Chancellor, Gladys Kukana Grace, a Lauhala weaver; Mary Jackson, a sweetgrass basketweaver;
  • The common tax - the taille - was increased to finance French foreign policy and this was organised by the chancellor Antoine Duprat.
  • This contrasts so markedly with the niggardly travel concessions in this city and the miserable potential offer for the possible future by the miserly Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain.
  • The second new stumbling block to any agreement emerged in Hamburg, where Ms. Merkel's center-right Christian Democratic Union was handed what the chancellor called a "bitter defeat," the German equivalent of President Barack Obama's folksier, "shellacking. The Euro Zone's Road to Recovery Keeps Getting Bumpier
  • But with the tax collectors anxious to get their hands on every ha'penny, the Chancellor can not afford to be generous.Sentencedict
  • But the new Chancellor must beware: arbitrary taxes on one group of business people spook all business people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aides to the Chancellor also suggested his big offer may one day mean compensation for companies who export to Europe if trade tariffs are imposed. The Sun
  • Economic growth has been in line with the chancellor's budget projection, but the government deficit continues to undershoot.
  • IN THE late 1950s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer campaigned by reminding West German voters of their growing, but fragile, prosperity.
  • Among those he turned down were the dramatist Gerhart Hauptmann and the German chancellor Hans Luther.
  • The university's chancellor has already visited Bradford to meet them.
  • The day before Walcott ascended to the chancellorship, a group of early childhood educators, agency leaders, college faculty, policymakers, and other stakeholders gathered at NYU for "Early Care and Education: Forging a Common Mission in New York State," a policy forum sponsored by the NYC Association for the Education of Young Children. Susan Ochshorn: A New Chancellor With Kindergarten on His C.V.
  • In the 14th century the chancellor entered the legal system when he began to hear appeals from subjects unable to obtain justice from the common law courts.
  • The Budget Committee never interacts directly with deans, and it limits its contact with administrators to the chancellor and his or her senior deputies.
  • The chancellor of the exchequer calls the prime minister a liar.
  • A number of the chancellor's senior party allies - including some influential state premiers - have begun to hint that he should consider stepping down after seven years in power.
  • The Chancellor also in effect asks us to bargain away whatever obligation or interest we have as regards the neutrality of Belgium.
  • A convinced social democrat, she shocked friends by inviting Chancellor Helmut Kohl to her home in Berlin's grungy Prenzlauer Berg.
  • Shaking a little at first but gradually warming to his theme, the sacked Chancellor dealt John Major a devastating blow.
  • The third son of Henry, Lord Scrope of Masham, Scrope was chancellor of Cambridge University in 1378 and a doctor of laws.
  • The Lord Chancellors of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court, unless in case of death, resignation or retirement demanded by himself, shall serve all their lives.
  • As speculative contagion spread across the continent and technocratic placemen were imposed on Italy and Greece, David Cameron and George Osborne clashed with the German chancellor over the mortal threat of a 0.01% EU-wide tax on financial transactions. The City of London isn't a national interest – it's a class interest | Seumas Milne
  • Students had the privilege of investing him into the role of Chancellor.
  • In 1968, he was appointed vice chancellor for student affairs.
  • The Chancellor clearly resents these concessions and believes that this untaxed tax is rightly his, if only he could find a way to collect it.
  • The Lord Chancellor was not on the Woolsack to hear the debate, which Lord Goodhart insisted was not directed at him personally.
  • Chancellor in the most personal terms harangued against Fox, and concluded with saying that "he despised his scurrility as much as his adulation and recantation. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 2
  • Professor Fraser said that he believed that ‘Council and just perhaps the Vice Chancellor did not realise the depth of opinion and how vocal it could be’.
  • In his first day, Bulger began boning up on university business and spoke by phone with campus chancellors.
  • Imagining a Germany in the middle of the road - International Herald Tribune BERLIN: Could you get elected German chancellor Sept. 27 next year if your opponents say your goals are "emancipating" Germany and Europe from the United States, and setting a policy course for a Europe "equidistant" between Russia and the Americans? European Tribune
  • Helmut Kohl became the first Chancellor of a united Germany in 1990.
  • On the other hand, if the global conditions continue to push oil prices higher, the Chancellor's attempts to calm the situation may come to naught.
  • He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.
  • But they all share the Chancellor's belief in the sanctity of work and importance of rewarding those who toil.
  • The potentially damaging book comes after an apparent thawing of relations between the prime minister and his chancellor, with well placed insiders saying the often tempestuous relationship is on its most even keel in years.
  • I can name four people who are closely associated with Mayor Fenty publicly, and only one of them helps him politically, even marginally: Consigliore Peter Nickles; Chancellor Michelle Rhee; Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity brother Sinclair Skinner; and Ron Moten, self-described 'brawler' and Fenty-described 'great Washingtonian.' DeMorning DeBonis: June 28, 2010
  • Chancellor Kent, in his 'Commentaries,' says: 'The legal effects of marriage are generally deducible from the principle of the common law, by which the husband and wife are regarded as one person, and her legal existence and authority lost or suspended during the continuance of the matrimonial union.' Eighty Years and More: Reminiscences 1815-1897
  • The shadow chancellor used his keynote speech at the conference to lay to rest calls for the party to differentiate itself from Labour by outlining a timetable for lower taxation.
  • Now, whether one is a van-boy or a lord-chancellor this is bad, for slackness leads to neglect, and neglect to worse things. Our Frank and other stories
  • The major change in the central administration was the removal of Rotherham as chancellor.
  • The French president and German chancellor hastily convened a late-night press conference after holding what they called "tough and hard" emergency talks with the Greek prime minister on the margins of the G20 summit in Cannes. Euro stability more important than Greece, says Angela Merkel
  • If anything more darkens the mood of our brooding Chancellor it is warnings such as these.
  • Crisis teams were immediately formed in the Foreign Ministry and the chancellor's office.
  • Get through that London, Michaelmas Term lately over, and the Lord's Chancellor sitting in the mud on the streets with a megalosaurus creeping up on him or something and see how far I get with this year's Dickens of a Read. Let Christmas begin.
  • Bismarck, otherwise known as 'the Iron Chancellor'
  • In 1568 however, following the Battle of Langside, in which William Chancellor fought in the cause of Queen Mary, Regent Moray sent out a party of 500 horsemen to destroy the mansions, castles and fortalices of her adherents.
  • President Gorbachev, with whom Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been in frequent contact, clearly gave his approval.
  • For a Chancellor uniquely sensitive to barbs about his reputation as a stealth taxer, this is not an academic point.
  • Asked about the Chancellor's future, Mr Blair praised Mr Brown but stopped short of anointing him.
  • The Chancellor's endorsement of the policy suggests two things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aug. 1 -- Government's inquiry about France's intentions concerning ultimatum to Russia causes French mobilization; Kaiser signs mobilization order; Reichstag convoked; war speech by Chancellor; The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
  • Reading btweeen his lines it also looks as though Osborne is moribund; an inside Tory source is quoted as describing him as a 'prat' - hardly the credentials for Tory Chancellor, even though that would follow NuLab's tradition for the past decade or so. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • As well as scrapping the ancient office of Lord Chancellor, the Bill ejects the law lords from the upper chamber and establishes a Judicial Appointments Commission.
  • The Confederacy's greatest soldier, General Stonewall Jackson, was shot dead by his own troops as he returned to his lines after reconnoitring Union positions during the battle of Chancellorsville in May 1863.
  • Largely unburdened by the need to project an alternative vision, Osborne is now aiming to attack the Chancellor's weak position.
  • But the wrangling is still going on, with departments big and small yet to reach agreement with the Chancellor. The Sun
  • A spokesperson for the University insisted, ‘The Chancellor was speaking as an individual and there is no possibility of tuition fees being uncapped before 2009.’
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel and former ice-skating champion Katarina Witt were among those courting a visiting International Olympic Committee delegation this week as the Bavarian city vies against South Korea's Pyeongchang and Annecy, France, to host the 2018 Winter Olympics. Munich's Olympic Hopes Face Wrath From Locals
  • The Chancellor will try to claw back £3.5 billion in next year's Budget.
  • The Prime Minister prevented himself from being dominated by the sheer intellectual grunt of his Chancellor by having Mandelson spin a delicate web to contain him.
  • POORER families and struggling small businesses in Greater Manchester have been 'clobbered' by government tax rises, says shadow chancellor George Osborne. Archive 2007-10-21

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