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How To Use Champlain In A Sentence

  • Venture out into the waters and woodlands of New England, and there's a chance you'll bump into "Champ," America's own Loch Ness Monster, who allegedly plies the muddy ripples of Lake Champlain. Boing Boing
  • Champlain understood the importance of intendants, and was quick to see that they could be useful for the purposes of his grand design. Champlain's Dream
  • In France and Spain they were also used as dispatch boats, which Champlain called a patache d’avis. Champlain's Dream
  • The fort is situated at the southern end of Lake Champlain where the narrows lead into Lake George.
  • During Champlain's short-lived career as a teacher, her pupils learned to paint by copying her own versions of floral wreaths, Fancy, and Cupid.
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  • Champlain -- navigator, map-maker, writer, diplomat and statesman -- was above all convinced that Canada could be home to goodness and greatness. Canada, France and Europe: Is the Atlantic Ocean Shrinking?
  • I step over the yard toys and around the cross-country skis to reach the front door of the clapboard house on the shore of Lake Champlain.
  • He is now a Congregationalist because his former Episcopal Church refused to surrender land it owned on Lake Champlain for a public bike path.
  • Included along with the transcript is a chronology of Champ sightings, notes on the limnology of Lake Champlain, and some reprints of historical newspaper accounts involving Champ-related phenomena. Archive 2007-08-01
  • The galleon was another type of large ship that Champlain knew well. Champlain's Dream
  • Samuel de Champlain, “Descr[i]psion des costs p[or]ts, rades, Illes de la nouuele france faict selon son vray meridien Avec la declinaison de le[y]ment de plussiers endrois selon que le sieur de Castelfranc le demontre en son liure de la mecometrie de le[y]mant faict et observe par le Sr de Champlain, 1607,” The date is written over 1606. Champlain's Dream
  • These five ships at once anchored in the best positions consistent with their own safety to help us; the "Kerguelen" a little on our starboard quarter, and the "Champlain" right astern with our steel hawsers on board and two anchors down. In Eastern Seas Or, the Commission of H.M.S. 'Iron Duke,' flag-ship in China, 1878-83
  • The naval commander, chosen for his aggressiveness, was new to Lake Champlain, knew nothing of its winds, and failed to reconnoiter the American position.
  • In the fall of 1605, Pont-Gravé agreed that Champlain might have a look, with maître Jacques, one of the miners from Slavonia.17 Champlain's Dream
  • In between, the only places that Champlain mentioned were Crow Island, Mount Desert and “one of the islands at the mouth of the Kennebec River.” Champlain's Dream
  • Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain, a French explorer and diplomat on July 3, 1608, and at the site of a long abandoned St. Lawrence Iroquoian settlement called Stadacona.
  • The naval commander, chosen for his aggressiveness, was new to Lake Champlain, knew nothing of its winds, and failed to reconnoiter the American position.
  • A second type of small ocean-going vessel in New France was called a patache by Champlain. Champlain's Dream
  • This was a quarter of a century before Samuel de Champlain ascended the St. Lawrence on a similar quest. Mineral Resources of Northern Ontario
  • The testimony of Champlain in the text, and the examples of moulded copper found in the lake region, render the evidence, in our judgment, entirely conclusive that the art of working copper both by fusion and malleation existed among the Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 02
  • Chavin of Dieppe, whom Champlain appointed acting commander of Quebec in 1609–10. Champlain's Dream
  • Champlain wrote that “contrary winds from the south-southwest and west-northwest…drove us as far as latitude 42 degrees, without being able to make a southing.” Champlain's Dream
  • Each large ship was accompanied by a small tender that Champlain called a patache. Champlain's Dream
  • While working with his investors, Champlain somehow found the time to finish another book called Les voyages du Sieur de Champlain, Xaintongeois, capitaine ordinaire pour le Roy, en la marine. Champlain's Dream
  • The Jerusalem artichoke, helianthemum tuberosum, had been found in North America by Samuel de Champlain; it was unknown in South America. Savoring The Past
  • In short, ethnocentric in some ways, yes, but Champlain’s attitudes were grounded in ideas of universal justice, faith, and peace. Champlain's Dream
  • Because smelt, the important Atlantic salmon forage fish, are native to Lake Champlain, it is likely that a nonmigratory population of salmon also occurred there. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • They are to be found in Samuel de Champlain, “Descr[i]psion des costs p[or]ts, rades, Illes de la nouuele france faict selon son vray meridien Avec la declinaison de le[y]ment de plussiers endrois selon que le sieur de Castelfranc le demontre en son liure de la mecometrie de le[y]mant faict et observe par le Sr de Champlain, 1607,” Map Division, Library of Congress. Champlain's Dream
  • Moreover, Champlain in the edition of his "Voyages" printed in 1613, says that in the year 1606 he and Poitrincourt explored a harbor (Barntable Harbor?) in the southerly part of what is now called Massachusetts Bay, in latitude 42x, about five leagues south, one point west of Cap Blanc (Cape Cod), and there they found many good oysters, and they named it "le Port aux Huistres" (Oyster Harbor). Cape Cod
  • Laverdière thinks this letter points to the bay of Boston or what we commonly call Massachusetts Bay, or to the Bay of all Isles as laid down by Champlain on the eastern coast of Nova Scotia. Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
  • Champlain wrote: On June 20, a shallop arrived from Sainte-Croix which gave us news of the arrival of forty canoes, which were the Bésérévis [his name for the Nipissing], and with them a French interpreter whom the Sieur de Caën had sent the previous year [1632] to encourage the Indians to come for trade, and he asked the sieur de Champlain to come quickly to Sainte-Croix, desiring to see him. Champlain's Dream
  • They intended to sink the craft in the largest of the reef entrances, so excluding the Champlain if it tried to return to Saint-Esprit. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • In 1609–10, Champlain fought the Mohawk with this arquebuse à rouet, a wheel lock weapon that did not require a burning match. Champlain's Dream
  • In the summer another six or eight had returned from the farm on Cap Tourmente, and eleven arrived in the shallop that so displeased Champlain. Champlain's Dream
  • Mr. Fischer depicts Champlain as a wise gleaner of facts who listened to Basque whalers, Breton fishermen, African slaves -- anyone who could impart information. A Forgotten Explorateur
  • They took a close look at Cap Fourchu which resembled the tongs of a fourchette, or fork, and Champlain studied an attractive harbor that is now the port of Yarmouth. Champlain's Dream
  • Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
  • Most scholars now agree that his family began in modest circumstances, and yet at an early age young Samuel was called the sieur de Champlain. Champlain's Dream
  • La sage conduitte et la prudence de Monsieur de Champlain Gouuerneur de Kebec et du fleuve sainct Laurens, qui nous honore de sa bien - veillance, retenant vn chacun dans son devoir, a fait que nos paroles et nos prédications ayent esté bien receuens, et la Chapelle qu'il a fait dresser proche du fort a l'honneur de nostre Dame, &c. Voyages of Samuel De Champlain — Volume 01
  • On Saturday, May 9, 2009 (raindate: Sunday, May 10), Earth Celebrations, in partnership with Manhattan Youth Downtown Community Center, launches its new Hudson River Pageant: to restore the Hudson River and address climate change in New York City. 2009, is also the 400th Anniversary of Henry Hudson's and Samuel de Champlain's, exploratory voyage in 1609, which will be featured as part of the pageant's celebration of the Hudson River's history.'s Exclusive New York City Event Calendar : Art
  • Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain.
  • “Descr[i]psion des costs p[or]ts, rades, Illes de la nouuele france faict selon son vray meridien Avec la declinaison de le[y]ment de plussiers endrois selon que le sieur de Castelfranc le demontre en son liure de la mecometrie de le[y]mant faict et observe par le Sr de Champlain, 1606, 1607.” Champlain's Dream
  • It was dangerous work on a rockbound coast with strong currents and huge tides, but Champlain found it “very agreeable.” Champlain's Dream
  • The good father also believed that the last struggle of Champlain on his deathbed was a prophecy. Champlain's Dream
  • A particular feature of Lake Champlain - an effect called a seiche - may help to produce just such sightings.
  • Champlain appears to be carrying a light arquebus that Paulin-Desormeaux calls a fusil de chasse, a hunting weapon; ibid., 1:184-93; for a more extended discussion, see below, chapter 12, and Appendix L. Champlain's Dream
  • Patterns in Nature: Mysterious Earth Lichens grow on a granite gravestone in Lake Champlain, New York.
  • Champlain's journal as the place where the friendly Indians showed him their fish-hooks made of barbed bone lashed to wood, but which has become better known as Plymouth Bay where the Pilgrims landed fifteen years later -- there instead of Port Royal, where even Lescarbot's "Ordre de Bon - The French in the Heart of America
  • The native range of longnose gar (Lepisosteus osseus; family Lepisosteidae) extends to the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain.
  • Champlain, which has about 2,000 undergraduates and places a heavy emphasis on training students for work in careers including video game design and digital forensics, doesn't actually use the term financial literacy. NYT > Home Page
  • Au sieur de Champlain la somme de trois escuz pour aller trouver Monsieur le marechal et luy representer quelques chose important le service du Roy, Le Blant and Baudry, eds., Nouveaux documents, 1:19. Champlain's Dream
  • In 1998, for example, Leahy attached a rider to a bill designating Vermont's Lake Champlain one of the Great Lakes.
  • With lips impurpled by the earliest huckleberries, we came out again upon Champlain. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 58, August, 1862
  • Considering all such factors, there seems no compelling reason to postulate the existence of a hitherto unknown creature in Lake Champlain.
  • Sadly Champlain is the magor flyway and im gonna have trouble finding good shooting where i am. Scouting for ducks
  • Lake Champlain is 125 miles long.33 He was fascinated by its fine woods, beautiful islands, open meadows, and vast abundance of “game stags, fallow deer, fawns, roebuck, bears and other animals” that swam from the mainland to the islands. Champlain's Dream
  • In short, Champlain fought at Lake Champlain, and probably at the Rivière des Iroquois and the Onondaga Village, with an arquebuse à rouet that was fired by a wheel lock. Champlain's Dream
  • Following an unfruitful attempt to locate the exact original site, we chose a spot on Lake Champlain in the general area.
  • Again the unblenching "preux chevalier" Champlain stands with his back against the gray cliff of Quebec fighting red and white foe alike, famine and disease, to keep a foothold in the wilderness, with the sublime faith of a crusader and the patient endurance of a Prometheus. The French in the Heart of America

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