How To Use Chamberlain In A Sentence
You, young man,” she proceeded, addressing Roland Graeme, and at once softening the ironical sharpness of her manner into good-humoured raillery, “you, who are all our male attendance, from our Lord High Chamberlain down to our least galopin, follow us to prepare our court.”
The Abbot
He'd borrowed the Chamberlains ' army-surplus Humvee on the off chance that Cyberdyne could identify him, and Sarah, by their vehicle.
Moore says that the organization has passed its Chamberlain period, and is now in need of a Churchill.
They shared Chamberlain's passion for efficiency but, unlike him, were in principle opposed to private ownership of the economy.
Neville Chamberlain was greatly affected by the death of his cousin Norman and determined that such sacrifice should not be wasted.

But it was Oxlade-Chamberlain's intelligent movement, dextrous footwork on the left flank and composed finishing that warmed the hearts of the Arsenal supporters who gave him a standing ovation when he was withdrawn.
Arsenal's Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain is a natural, says Arsène Wenger
And why did the conservative Chamberlain appease Hitler so much?
Matthew Yglesias » No One Expects The Spanish Inquisition
No jacket was found in the initial searches but in 1986, while Mrs Chamberlain was serving a life sentence, an Englishman, David Brett, fell to his death from Uluru, landing beside the jacket which was half-buried close to dingo lairs.
Dingo baby case that divided a nation could be closed at last
This objection, however, or some other, rather political than moral, obtained such prevalence, that when Gay produced a second part, under the name of Polly, it was prohibited by the lord chamberlain; and he was forced to recompense his repulse by a subscription, which is said to have been so liberally bestowed, that what he called oppression ended in profit.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
The President gave to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the Supreme Court, who was going abroad for the summer, a letter which he was "indiscreetly" to show Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Balfour, and two or three other prominent Englishmen.
Theodore Roosevelt An Intimate Biography
There were not a few who saw things blackly in this respectand flayed the planlessness and heedlessness of the Reich's policies, andwell recognized their inner weakness and hollowness but these were onlyoutsiders in political life; the official government authorities passedby the observations of a Houston Stewart Chamberlain with the same indifferenceas still occurs today.
Mein Kampf
This title featured Spencer Chamberlain from Underoath,
VeryCD - 电驴资源订阅
Reliever Joba Chamberlain is headed to the disabled list with a strained flexor tendon in his arm.
Arm Injury May Cost Chamberlain a Month
Chamberlain, who promoted the great Aryan personality, was a key figure for Hitler.
With the exception of Chamberlain, the Union generals are presented as either bumbling or self-absorbed.
Serizy, who became through his wife the brother-inlaw of the ci-devant Marquis de Rouvre, made count and chamberlain by the
A Start in Life
Further, the US never "appeased" Iraq, so the Chamberlain/Churchill reference is irrelevant.
"President Bush got the world's attention this fall when he warned that a nuclear-armed Iran might lead to World War III."
The Lord Chamberlain has closed all public entertainments, including the Southwark and Bartholomew fairs as well as both playhouses, until the plague abates.
Exit the Actress
On the sixth bannerol was impaled, with the arms of the defunct, the arms of Mary his third wife, daughter of Sir George Cotton, Knt. vice chamberlain to King Ed. VI.
Collins's Peerage of England; Genealogical, Biographical, and Historical
She saw the prince's chamberlain lean out and speak to his waiting page.
In the recent government reshuffle he was given the job of vice chamberlain of the royal household.
On the 22nd June the Chamberlain was instructed to prepare with all convenient speed four dozen good _splentes_ and as many good _sallettes_ or _sculles_ for the city’s use, and to cause a bowyer to "peruse" the city’s bows and to put them in such good order that they might be serviceable when required. (
London and the Kingdom - Volume I
The 1954 May Queen was Miss Audrey Howarth who was attended by her heralds, ladies, the Lord Chamberlain and other persons from her "Court."
With Baylor and Chamberlain down in the paint, Counts was free to play away from the basket and use his great outside touch.
By fabricating stories and manipulating Roxie's meek husband Amos (Kevin Chamberlain), as well as the press, Flynn turns the murderous adulterer in to a local, yet short-lived celebrity criminal.
Did you know that papal death is officially determined by the Cardinal Chamberlain by gently tapping the late Pope's head thrice with a silver hammer?
In this company the 18-year-old was at ease, and unlike Walcott when he joined the club – also from Southampton – Oxlade-Chamberlain has the muscles and build for the hurly-burly of the elite game.
Arsenal v Manchester City: five things we learned | Jamie Jackson
Even then, the term sumptuousness may seem ill-chosen, since the nomadic nature of African life persists in spite of palaces and chamberlains and all the elaborate ritual of the Makhzen, and the most pompous rites are likely to end in a dusty gallop of wild tribesmen, and the most princely processions to tail off in a string of half-naked urchins riding bareback on donkeys.
In Morocco
Then came the hajibs or chamberlains, the sons of the vizirs, the freed slaves of the khalif, and the wakils or officers of his household.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
Neville Chamberlain's famous phrase says it all.
CLXXXVIII, 135-160), also edited by Watterich (Vitae Pontificum II, 323 - 374), and now to be read in Duchesne's edition of the Liber Pontificalis (II, 388-397; cf. proleg XXXVII-XLV), states that Boso, the author of it; was created cardinal-deacon of the title of Sts Cosmas and Damian, was chamberlain to Adrian and in constant and familiar attendance upon him from the commencement of his apostolate.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
I presented myself to another Pathan, very splendid in steel back-and-breast and long-tail puggaree, who commanded the gate guard, and sat sweating in the scorching sun while he sent off a messenger for the chamberlain.
Shakespeare, socially adroit and professionally gifted, would have been well placed to make his big career move into the Chamberlain's Men.
The Chamberlain brought in revenue, locally supported by the officials of royal burghs, and feudal barons.
The support of the ruling classes for the Chamberlain policy of appeasement is much more difficult to cast in a good light.
It was here that the Munich Agreement was signed, which handed a chunk of Czechoslovakia to Germany and which led to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain being accused of appeasement.
Its treasurer was the head of the administration, but the chamberlain made financial policy.
Say that again, you foul-mouthed dog o 'Fife, and I'll gralloch you like a deer!" cried the Chamberlain, his face tingling.
Doom Castle
Bad sportsmen have always secretly been in the game, but it seemed a longstanding gentleman's agreement that the press would allow the Babe Ruths and the Ty Cobbs and the Wilt Chamberlains of the world their private lecheries off-the-field; after all, no one wanted to make the kids cry, and if the greats used a little tobacky in the dug-out, well at least they tried to keep it discreet.
But it had the Chamberlain directness and clarity.
The Present Challenge to British Imperialism
Chamberlain accosted the old woman, saying, “What damsel is this?”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
In fact, a former chamberlain to the Crown Prince described the remarks as the equivalent to a declaration of war.
Limtoc the general, Lalcon the chamberlain, and Balmuff the grand justiciary have prepared articles of impeachment against you, for treason and other capital crimes.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 5
The camerlengo, and you saw on the videotape the cardinal blessing the body of the pope, that's the papal chamberlain.
CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
The top of the Chamberlain's Brook is most accessible in a road metal quarry located south of Killigrews village and 7.0 km east of the intersection of Red Bridge Road with coastal Rte. 60.
I seem to recall that Wilt Chamberlain averaged a triple double at least once in his career (probably when he was with the Lakers).
Matthew Yglesias » A Triple-Double Season for LeBron?
He was not within the leading ranks of borough society and performed his citizen's duty only through one stint as chamberlain.
He gradually rose on the Stratford town council, serving as one of the two chamberlains, who had charge of borough property and finances, from 1561 to 1563.
Polly, it was prohibited by the Lord Chamberlain; and he was forced to recompense his repulse by a subscription, which is said to have been so liberally bestowed that what he called oppression ended in profit.
Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
It took ‘Bionic’ Bob Chamberlain to finally dethrone Bob Glass from his reign as king of the PBA Senior Pennsylvania Open.
This wit, who has bequeathed to us no wit; this man of genius, who has formed no work of genius; this bold advocate for popular freedom, who sunk his patriotism in the chamberlainship; was indeed desirous of leaving behind him some trace of the life of an _escroc_ in a piece of autobiography, which, for the benefit of the world, has been thrown to the flames.
Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
It will be taken up by the cardinal archbishop known as the camerlengo, or chamberlain — currently Cardinal Eduardo Martínez Somalo, a Spaniard.
In Search of a Pope
Talk about a care package: DJ Neville Chamberlain received "over 40 new records in the mail from Sao Paulo last week," just in time for the latest installment of Brazilian Rhythms at Saint-Ex, which remains one of the sweatiest, groovingest, most exhilarating dance parties around.
Nightlife Agenda: Paul Oakenfold, Michael Mayer and outdoor parties
And a figure like Joseph Chamberlain had sublime confidence, as had Disraeli before him, that the people could be ‘managed’.
Rhodry turned to go, but the gwerbret himself made the point moot by coming in, trailed by the equerry and the chamberlain.
To cite just a few examples : Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, S. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.
The chamberlain answered, Ah, Monsieur, perhaps this is true where you come from.
Archive 2009-10-01
In the fifth year of the succeeding reign of Stephen, by whom the gifts just mentioned were confirmed, the Forest of Dean, that is, its royal quitrents, were granted to Lucy, Milo Fitz-Walter's third daughter, upon her marrying Herbert Fitz-Herbert, the King's chamberlain, and progenitor to the present Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery.
The Forest of Dean An Historical and Descriptive Account
The 1555 recension continues this principle, although by that time it was the chamberlains who were the accounting officers.
On this second refusal the old Chamberlain rose from his seat, and, with every mark of astonishment in his countenance, curled up the corners of his mouth, cast his eyes round the table, and in a voice as loud and articulate as he was able, called "Silence!" which being obtained, he thus addressed the pretorian magistrate, who sat in the
The Works of William Hogarth: In a Series of Engravings With Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency
Stalin, Chamberlain, and Daladier thought they were engaged in realpolitik at the time.
Matthew Yglesias » Russia, China, and Iran
He would not have gone to Munich himself, he said, but he praised Chamberlain's courage for acting differently.
Or the hilarious Jeff Dumas as Patsy, Arthur's packmule serf who is in virtually every scene with Chamberlain.
Therefore, on 31 March 1939, Chamberlain issued a formal guarantee of Poland's borders and said that he expected Hitler to moderate his demands.
Didna maitter!" repeated the Chamberlain, viciously, mimicking the eastland accent.
Doom Castle
He promised no further territorial encroachments when Chamberlain caved in at Munich and broke the promise shortly thereafter.
Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
Chamberlain, is there not something in the constitution called bastinado?
Lucky Pehr
The chamberlain replied, "Monsieur, Her Highness find this morning that she has quite lost her voice, so she simply cannot see you.
Archive 2009-10-01
Mr. Pinchin could understand French, though he spoke it but indifferently; but he, being fairly Primed, and in one of his Obstinate Moods, musters up his best parleyvoo, and tells the Ancient with the Golden Key (and I saw that he had another one hung round his neck by a parcel chain, and conjectured him to be a High Chamberlain at least) to go to the Devil.
The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 2 of 3 Who was a sailor, a soldier, a merchant, a spy, a slave among the moors...
Talents like the Boston Red Sox's Jacoby Ellsbury and New York Yankees 'Joba Chamberlain shone bright late last season, but it's still uncertain how much they'll deliver in 2008.
Fantasy Extra: Rookies may take time to blossom
White put him back in, but Virgo was fuming at referee Alan Chamberlain for his placement of the brown.
Arguably, the ratio of car insurance premiums should reflect even more accurately the comparative carefulness of women, once you forget anomalies such as the stonktastic Princess Anne, repeatedly convicted of speeding, and Katie Price, talking on her mobile at the helm of a giant horse-mover, and Helen Chamberlain, the police superintendent recently fined for driving at 79mph in a 50mph zone.
Sorry, but cheaper car insurance patronises women | Catherine Bennett
And then, of course, there's the 2007 AL Division Series "midge" game, when Chamberlain allowed the tying run out of the bullpen in New York's Game 2 loss.
The camerlengo, or chamberlain who is the cardinal who governs the church in this interregnum period, what around here is known as the sede vacante, that is the seat of Peter is vacant, the camerlengo would come to the papal apartment if he wasn't already there, and he would perform this brief ritual to ascertain that the pope is dead.
CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
This proposed synonymy meant that the species has a long range that extends through the middle Middle Cambrian to the top of the Chamberlain's Brook Formation in New Brunswick and southeastern Newfoundland.
stoep" before the door, under the shade of a great button-wood tree, but all visits of form and state were received with something of court ceremony in the best parlor, where Antony the Trumpeter officiated as high chamberlain.
Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
The last time that I heard that argument so brazenly presented was by Mr. Neville Chamberlain's spokesman before the war.
Anthropologist Kenneth Kennedy concludes of Gobineau and Chamberlain, that they "transformed the Aryan concept, which had its humble origins in philological research conducted by Jones in Calcutta at the end of the eighteenth century, into the politics and racial doctrines of Adolph Hitler's Third Reich.
Rajiv Malhotra: How Europeans Misappropriated Sanskrit To Form The Aryan Race Theory
In forwarding this despatch Lord Milner made the apposite comment that the propriety of employing the term suzerainty to express the rights possessed by Great Britain is an "etymological question," and Mr. Chamberlain, replying on December 15th, accepts President Krüger's declaration that he is willing to abide by the articles of the Convention, reasserts the claim of suzerainty, declines to allow foreign arbitration, and demands the immediate fulfilment of Article IV.
Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
The son of a Yorkist retainer, he came into prominence at the beginning of the reign as chamberlain of the household.
Mr Chamberlain then read to the House the message which His Majesty's Ambassador in Berlin and the French Ambassador have been instructed to hand to the German Government.
They make up (a term unfortunately suggestive of transformation) hundreds of beds; they have equipages and 'night chamberlains;' '_On y parle français_;' '_Man spricht Deutsch_.'
Some Private Views
The Chamberlain acquainted them with the King’s commands, to which they replied, “We hear and we obey;” and all drew up before the pavilion entrance.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The Apostolic ablegate is generally a Roman prelate or private chamberlain, sent to bear the cardinal's biretta to a new cardinal who is absent from the residence of the pope.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
I was not convinced that in reality Chamberlain would have conceded to Churchill that signing the Munich Pact with Hitler in 1938 was an error—a point upon which Chamberlain remained stubborn in his diary and family correspondence despite the policy's ultimate failure.
True, or False?
CARLISLE - A 12-year-old boy was struck by a car at roughly 7: 16 a.m. today, March 11, at the intersection of Jamaica Road and Fairview Drive in front of Chamberlain Middle School, according to Carlisle police. - News
Here’s how brazen Mr. Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler’s appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain’s hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Mr. Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia.
September 2006
Even after Chamberlain became too sick to attend Cabinet Meetings, Churchill had the main telegrams sent to his home where Chamberlain continued to read them until he died.
They were represented by the great chamberlain to the emperor and his deputy.
Mid 3, 1:51: Chamberlain retired Chris Marrero on a force-out at second.
Live blog: Nationals at Yankees, Steinbrenner Field, Tampa
Mr. Chamberlain's loyalty and support was steadfast, and I was sure of myself.
Nobody roots for Goliath, Wilt Chamberlain once complained to a teammate.
He put in his time as chamberlain 1350/51 and was jurat for most of the period between 1353 and 1361, as well as serving as bailiff of the tolbooth in 1360 / 61.
As always, Chamberlain is that rare cicerone for the reader, displaying learning, empathy, and deep understanding on every page.
Cover to Cover
According to the Times, the artworks are, clockwise from the top center: Rauschenberg's wavy line; Novros 'black square bisected by thin white lines [in 1969, Novros also created the incredibly rich, minimalist fresco on the second floor of Judd's 101 Spring St]; a computer-generated drawing by Myers; a geometric mouse by Oldenburg, "the subject of a sculpture in his current show at the Museum of Modern Art" [a sculpture which is in MoMA's permanent collection, btw]; and a template pattern by Chamberlain, "similar to one he used to produce paintings done with automobile lacquer.
Boing Boing
The band picks up the pace a few tracks later on ‘Heart of Darkness’ with an unusually fractured drum break, topped by ferocious, almost raga-like guitar and a subtly employed choir sound on either a mellotron or a chamberlain.
Then again, they still remembered Neville Chamberlain's cockup back then, and weren't interested in appeasing anyone else.
Obama reaching out to the Taliban.
The chamberlains took over accounting responsibilities from the bailiffs in 1465 and in the same year Reynold Rokes was appointed town clerk.
This policy was initiated when Chamberlain took office reached its climax in the Munich agreement of September last year and finally collapsed in the recent anglo-french - Soviet talks.
The retainers, led by Chamberlain Oishi, resolve to avenge their lord's death and restore honor to his house, biding their time until the opportunity presents itself.
Mr. Chamberlain intimated in his speech on Tuesday that it was the intention of the British Government to ask the delegates who represent the Dominions at the next Assembly of the League to meet in London prior to the meeting of the Assembly, to discuss these grave problems together, with a view to seeing if common ground could not be reached.
Will the Suggested Seven-Power Treaty Take the Place of the Protocol?
Richard Chamberlain: The sound of King Lear pitching Eldorados, Didn't the Yuppie-angst thing die with "thirtysomething"?
Pitching With The Stars
Both chamberlain and clerk accepted it without question when they were dismissed from attendance.
Chamberlain's dramatic radio broadcast announcing the Declaration of War in 1939.
And, no disrespect to Wilt Chamberlain, but it will probably require a cultural shift to erase what Mr. Blackman described as the "homoerotic" connotations of very short shorts on men.
Show Some Leg
(For those of you who don't remember or didn't pay attention in Grade 10 World History, Neville Chamberlain was the British Prime Minister who "appeased" Hitler in 1938; he was voted out of office shortly after the start of World War II in 1939 and was succeeded by Winston Churchill.)
November 2005
So let me get this straight after 6 years later after 33 million civilians and 17 million military dead and trillions upon trillions of dollars, the worlds greatest military finally corners a guy who Neville Chamberlain appeased … despite his ambitions to take over the world in his book … after all Hitler was anti slaughter and anti smoking …
Think Progress » Breaking: Terrorist Zarqawi Killed in Iraq Air Strikes
They declared that the long arm of British Imperialism, clutching for gold, had pursued them even into their last refuges; and Mr. Chamberlain rejoined, in effect, that they were refusing to give civil rights to the modern productive elements who were making nine-tenths of the wealth of their country, because they were afraid they would no longer be allowed to larrup their own Kaffirs.
We have only Donald Rumsfeld demonizing disagreement, the way Neville Chamberlain demonized Winston Churchill.
Keith Olbermann channels Edward R. Murrow
If the Tories could digest Hartington, Joe Chamberlain, Churchill, and more or less
Cameron's Coup
If the first had demonstrated his speed and control, the second was a routine tap-in, an opportunity created when Petursson fumbled Nathan Delfouneso's cross straight to Oxlade-Chamberlain's feet and the winger passed the ball into the empty net.
Iceland 0-3 England | Under-21 Euro 2012 qualifier
Mr. Chamberlain felt that even the word "sculpture" was limiting in describing art that, while functioning in three dimensions, could be made from almost anything.
NYT > Home Page
It was a riverlike width of green that had its start at Chamberlain Avenue near the Queensway, and ran southeasterly towards the Rideau Canal, broken only once by Bank Street and again by Clemow, before driving under O'Connor to the canal.
Before deciding what course to take, Mr. Cameron should recall a truism borne out by the darker chapters of Britain's long island story, including its lack of European allies when the American colonies rebelled or Neville Chamberlain's near-disastrous attempt to stand aloof from the continent in the 1930s.
The Dis-Uniting Kingdom?
France, to many of the chief officers of the crown — as great seneschal, great master, great chamberlain, great equerry, great pantler, great huntsman, great falconer.
A Philosophical Dictionary
In September of that year, Chamberlain and the leaders of Italy and France met with Hitler and signed what became known as the Munich Pact.
CNN Transcript May 16, 2008
Within days Chamberlain was released and a Royal Commission later exonerated her and her husband who had also been convicted as an accessory to the murder.
Dingo baby case that divided a nation could be closed at last
The Wezir answered, Send away this young man with me, and I will take charge of him, and despatch him in company with a Chamberlain to the city of Baghdad; and if his words be true, he will bring us a royal autographical mandate and diploma of investiture; and if not true, they will send him back to us with the Chamberlain, and I will take my revenge upon my offender.
Nights 32-36. The Story of Nur-Ed-din and Enis-El-Jelis.
Can't we replace the vanquished with the courageous, the Chamberlains with the Churchills, the failed squatter with the successful farmer?
Lindy Chamberlain set to break silence on Azaria case in church LINDY Chamberlain will speak out in an exclusive interview about the death of her daughter Azaria, what she calls a prejudiced police investigation, accusations of murder and a marriage breakdown. | Top Stories
Lord Chamberlain himself left Killarney House yesterday morning, not in a paroxysm of indignant "landlordism," but "more in sorrow than in anger.
Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
To his credit, however, Chamberlain recovered to retire the next batter, Brendan Harris, on a groundout to third and struck out Jose Morales to end the inning.
One Season
But then, according to custom, the camerlengo, or chamberlain, called out his Christian name, Karol, three times, then pronounced that the pope had died.
CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2005
After 231 years of making some of the barmiest decisions known to man, the Lord Chamberlain was stripped of his power to censor any play wishing to be licensed for public performance. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
Those children who prefer pugilism to pampering will no doubt love the Kung Zhu Battle Arena, which seven-year-old Jayden Chamberlain was warring with this morning.
Monopoly Revolution predicted to be Christmas toy bestseller
They gave Chamberlainite managerial Conservatism a broad support.
Always a charming courtier, Dudley had managed to obtain a sinecure as chamberlain to Grand Duchess Maria Maddalena, wife of Cosimo II.
Yet while the integration of Danny Welbeck and Jack Wilshere, or the blooding of Phil Jones and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain will draw the focus in the months to come, Parker will be made to feel at home.
Scott Parker is delighted to have found England niche after 10 years of trying
Chamberlain's body fat was 24.6 percent and he was easily winded.
Chamberlain was suddenly thrust into a position which required him to be involved in European politics.
Its first proper chairman, Neville Chamberlain, was discredited in many people's eyes by appeasement, but he was the first Tory leader to dedicate himself systematically to welfare questions.
On the fifth baimerol was also the defunct's arms, impaled with the arms of Margaret his second wife, daughter of Ellis Barlow, Esq - On the sixth bannerol was impaled, with the arms of the defunct, the arms of Mary his third wife, daughter of Sir George Cotton, Knt. vice chamberlain to King Ed. VI.
Collins's peerage of England; genealogical, biographical, and historical
He was a leading member of the Lord Chamberlain's Men soon after their refoundation in 1594.
Rhodry turned to go, but the gwerbret himself made the point moot by coming in, trailed by the equerry and the chamberlain.
The hearing by the shogun was the last recourse, and before submission to him the facts had to be investigated by the chamberlains (sobashu), who thus exercised great influence.
A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
His brother's lands lay to the east, the chamberlain had told her.
Militarily, Longacre is rather more critical of Chamberlain's accomplishments as a soldier than many other recent historians, who have tended to be rather worshipful.
Chamberlain's dramatic radio broadcast announcing the Declaration of War in 1939.
The coup was stillborn when Chamberlain caved in to Hitlers demands at Munich.
Matthew Yglesias » The Real German Resistance to Hitler: The Social Democrats
Ralph's wife was a daughter or kinswoman of Robert the chamberlain of the Honour of Richmond.
Until injuries abruptly curtailed his career, Willis Reed was a strong, mobile center who could handle brutes like Chamberlain as well as quicker pivotmen.
I may be wrong about this but I seem to recall that Wilt Chamberlain averaged a triple double at least once in his career (probably when he was with the Lakers).
Matthew Yglesias » A Triple-Double Season for LeBron?
But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by his chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him.
The knowledge he displayed of that court's personnel convinced Louis XVI's former chamberlain, two of his former private secretaries, and a former lady-in-waiting that Naundorff spoke the truth.
And on this wise she held the throne a whole year, during which time she heard no news of her lord, and failed to hit upon his traces, which was exceeding grievous to her; so, when her distress became excessive, she summoned her Wazirs and Chamberlains and bid them fetch architects and builders and make her in front of the palace a horse-course, one parasang long and the like broad.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Although illiterate, he was named one of the chief burgesses, then chamberlain, then alderman in 1565, and finally High Bailiff in 1568.
It enabled me to do the first experiments on the photoproduction of pions (with A.S. Bishop) to establish the existence of neutral pions (with W.K.H. Panofsky and J. Stellar) as well as to measure the pion mean life (with O. Chamberlain,
Jack Steinberger - Autobiography
The much younger Oxlade-Chamberlain stayed on-message during his post-match interview on Sunday night but there have been suggestions that he is frustrated at not being given more time on the pitch since arriving from Southampton in the summer with a £12m price tag.
José Mourinho joins Arsène Wenger in facing the stirrings of rebellion | Richard Williams
Unfortunately, they had been discovered by a chamberlain and were each receiving admonishments.
Compared to the seeming waffle of Chamberlain, Churchill's account was clear and concise.