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How To Use Challenging In A Sentence

  • We were constantly rewarded with stunning scenic views and the satisfaction of navigating challenging terrain with ease, but we didn't get very far, as the crow flies.
  • The hard-throwing Weaver has a knack for challenging left-handed hitters in a manner that reminds me of a young Frank Tanana.
  • Speckle tracking in migrating cells with retrograde flow had turned out to be more challenging.
  • These conditions are challenging - retaining acidity and preventing sunburnt fruit are two of the main problems - but the abundance of very young vines is still a huge factor limiting the overall quality.
  • Reducing environmental noise while one is trying to sleep can be particularly challenging - especially in university dormitories.
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  • It also referred to what it called "extraordinarily challenging world-wide economic conditions" and higher raw material prices. BBC News - Home
  • Despite the challenging nature of his work to date, Aronofsky is unrepentant about his plans to enter the mainstream with his next film.
  • He is the lawyer who plunged the Scottish Executive into a compensation crisis by successfully challenging slopping out in prisons.
  • She ran away with the show as Liu, bringing clarity to both her deepest, most vociferous registers and to her challenging tremolos over sostenuto in the highest notes.
  • Many hospitals deliberately tried to avoid challenging or openly discouraging the parents' hopes and expectations for a perfect or near-perfect recovery.
  • It is a challenging question without a clear answer, but some tentative suggestions can be attempted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group also retained an attorney and filed two lawsuits challenging the evictions in the two counties.
  • African youth are caught between challenging authoritarian regimes they inherited and relying on the patronage networks within the national structure and its local interstices.
  • Shooting far, really far, in the mountains at inanimate targets with safe backstops is challenging and downright fascinating, even to the most practiced rifleman.
  • The Lao-Nong River has some challenging rapids that will put Ironman contestants to the test next week.
  • Challenging religion, no matter how satirical in appearance, is a potent formula. Matt’s Top 10 Films of 2009 –
  • Feminist critique here draws on the energies of Kantian moral theory to think, in a challenging way, about the concerns of the present.
  • Contestants risk all on a series of timed runs down a challenging cross-country course, made more treacherous by artificial jumps and obstacles. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stares challengingly into the camera lens.
  • The three sonatas are the creative backbone, each not so very much less challenging to the listener than to the player this one well in command! Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes a lot of calculating to sing a role as challenging as Butterfly, but in Naglestad's case the calculation was sometimes visible enough to dull the dramatic edge: a pause before a high note, a slightly too-deliberate leap into fortissimo in "Un bel di. Anne Midgette reviews Washington National Opera's 'Madama Butterfly'
  • And the lack of any technical support makes repairs challenging. Smithsonian Mag
  • Sublime Frequencies -- the reissue label helmed by onetime Sun City Girl Alan Bishop -- has produced some of the most challenging and fulfilling reissues in the past 10 years. NPR Topics: News
  • Some news staff are already worrying that the Neil review will stifle challenging reporting.
  • Fan has said Citic supports challenging the virtual monopolies enjoyed by Cathay and Telecom.
  • The Easy Peasy Skate, as it's known, is a good way to practise for more challenging city skating, such as the Sunday stroll and Friday night skate, weekly marshalled events through central London. 10 of the best outdoor activities in London
  • We continue to operate in a challenging and extremely competitive microenvironment, which is forcing us to selectively use our balance sheets to win deals by offering our customers favorable terms when we can obtain a profit guarantees. Networking Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Even so, an exciting timed race around the challenging assault course on the hill produced some impressive performances.
  • fireworks, Fourth of July, United States, Independence Day Peacock Feather/Dragonfly: Pyrotechnicians agree that the blue-violet shades of this peacock feather are the most challenging to formulate.
  • Things are sure challenging and interesting, with cross-currents galore.
  • Wall is a tremendously challenging artist, as his stuff essentially mocks both the Cartier-Bresson 'Decisive Moment' as self-glorifying bushwa, and the Modernist painters' photography-induced flight from Realism as cowardice. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • Without missing a beat, the taller man handed Dickie a beer (apparently it was not too early to drink), and began challenging his opponent to distinguish between the genuine ascetic and what he termed the conspicuously nonconsuming -poverty snob. Villa Incognito
  • Some couples choose locations that are aerobically challenging or simply inaccessible to elderly or physically challenged guests -- including women in high heels. Judith Johnson: 10 Secrets to Creating the Perfect Wedding Ceremony
  • The French press, which has traditionally been reverential and unchallenging of its political and cultural elites, decided that his previous use of her to promote his political career meant that the situation was fair game.
  • Sometimes the pieces resemble the tentative first draft of what might one day become a more challenging suite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The education sector union NZEI Te Riu Roa is challenging the Associate Education Minister to explain why he is ignoring the 80 percent of Maori children who will be affected by the government's untrialled National Standards policy. NZ On Screen
  • The last decade of the century is bringing changes and challenging old customs. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • She quickly rose from oblivion to become a star for her courage and challenging character.
  • I believe the most challenging aspect of all forms of medical practice is the need for, and the exercise of, judgment.
  • ASTON, PENNSYLVANIA, U.S.A.: A touchscreen control now available for the Maguire® Weigh Scale Blender provides the same intuitive access as the company's widely used "thumbwheel" controller, plus fast response to operator inputs and an array of capabilities for meeting the requirements of processing jobs that are especially challenging, it was announced today by Maguire Products, Inc. ThomasNet News - Today's New Product News
  • Several rival revolutionary armies were challenging the central government and each other.
  • By the time he left Cowdenbeath, the club were challenging for promotion.
  • By challenging the need for contact between the two sexes, Greek myths of the fifth and fourth centuries bc express unease about the need for women as a means to continue the human race.
  • Challenging and critically analyzing the authority and the mainstream opinions has remained the engine that empowers artistic creation since Dadaism and the conceptual art movement.
  • What makes it more challenging and what brings opportunity? Christianity Today
  • This was a prosperous time for Bavaria and there developed a flourishing art market, concentrating on conventional, unchallenging bourgeois genre pieces.
  • Complete 10 challenging levels to prove you have control of your senses and surroundings before you can ultimately control the Lancer Evolution 10.
  • When playing a full orchestral or band score, distributing the notes between the hands and making choices regarding fingering can be challenging.
  • These days, with long lines, invasive x-rays requiring near-nudity, constant delays, smaller, more crowded planes and the threat of terrorism, the flying experience is frustrating and challenging enough without some buffoon sitting next to me making the flight even more unpleasant. Andy Ostroy: Ostroy's List of Air-Travel Don'ts
  • And during the campaign we had to listen to the not so Swift boaters challenging Kerry who did put his ass on the line unlike the awarder of these Medals of Freedom. Balkinization
  • In one incident, an English "churl" who was renowned for weightlifting had a habit of challenging passers-by to hit him on the back with a board for 3 pence to see if it would cause any damage. May 2009
  • 2 weeks on the road can be a little challenging - especially since I've seen no laundromats in Shanghai.
  • Blogging is said to have changed modern journalism by challenging the cosy media monopoly with its grass-roots approach to issues.
  • It was pianistically challenging to create the required intensity and expressionism, and thus colour and line were of utmost importance, as also an improvisatory element.
  • Sunderland may be challenging for promotion back to the Premiership, but the gulf between the two divisions was never more evident as Everton eased through virtually without breaking sweat.
  • On any given day, interaction with hairdressers, wait staff, bank tellers, and store clerks may be a challenging, if not frustrating experience.
  • Like literary writers, nineteenth-century scientists sometimes created characters to embody or personify challenging ideas.
  • Even so, an exciting timed race around the challenging assault course on the hill produced some impressive performances.
  • They are challenging the prevalent culture of presenteeism and face time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Language thus holds the key to challenging and changing male hegemony.
  • He tried to dismiss rumours of ill health by challenging his critics to a game of squash. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the more challenging tasks for a jazz drummer is to find a suitable role in free improvisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mountain Climbing and Bicycle - cross Challenging Race at the Pearl River Headwaters, Zhanyi County , Qujing Prefecture.
  • The company, insisting on technology, innovation, unyieldingness and challenging, participate actively to international economy cycle, and contribute to the nation's development.
  • This was a very tense and challenging time for us. A Channel of Peace
  • They were able to deploy facts and figures to sharpen the journalism, challenging those politicians who spoke in pre-fabricated slabs of argument.
  • We need to win trophies but it is certain that Arsenal will be challenging for many years. Gaël Clichy: Ending Arsenal trophy drought has become an obsession
  • It's one thing to film a pack of wolves hunting down a wildebeest, but capturing the drama of a hamster on its wheel is more challenging. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a friend, she asks and presses him to answer the hard questions, directly engaging with one whose thoughts she finds interesting, challenging him to clarify his position.
  • The new current affairs series promises to address challenging issues with freshness and rigour.
  • In essence problem solving presents a new and challenging angle on a site or feature.
  • The holiday firm are challenging couples to come up with wild and wacky ideas for their own big day. The Sun
  • Maxwell was seconds away from challenging the man about it when he discovered the guy was Italian and hadn't understood a word.
  • Mr. Astley is speaking to us today at a time which must be one of the most interesting and challenging, by any objective description, for those firms operating in what has become known as "the financial services sector. Transformation in Canadian Financial Services
  • The Orissa High Court dismissed the six writ petitions challenging the delimitation and reservation of various words within Cuttack Municipal Corporation limits on Friday. HC dismisses petitions over delimitation
  • They're challenging, no doubt about it, and they'll certainly turn off the average cinemagoer who's just looking to be entertained by a good movie. Everything Is Cinema and Criticism Is Nothing
  • As if to defy the Depression, newspapers put a premium on cleverness, challenging readers with ballades and triolets, rhyming versions of operas, travelogues in verse.
  • Teaching young children is a challenging and rewarding job.
  • The race finished with five laps of a challenging circuit that included one short, but difficult, climb.
  • So Martin contaminated Professor Caldwell with his own earnestness, challenging him to speak his mind. Chapter 27
  • Most people—including so-called blue-collar workers—will find their jobs more challenging as lean production spreads. The Machine That Changed the World
  • The skill and tenacity of the teaching assistants were very apparent, often in the face of challenging new extensions to their role.
  • Thus research into colonic motor function remains a challenging and potentially rewarding area where progress has been facilitated by recent technological advances.
  • The following is a position paper challenging the paradigm that ‘carcinogen = mutagen’, and that the current rodent bioassay to predict risks to human cancers is relevant and useful.
  • It's inoffensive and unchallenging guitars alongside a basic melody. The Sun
  • Then one of the younger males jeered, urging the challenging male on—in their prelingual word-sounds, questioning the young male's courage and his maleness. TRIANGLE
  • Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
  • Our results highlight the role of institution design in affecting choices of women and men, and the resulting gender differences in representation in challenging tasks. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The information encoded in the genes provides a very challenging experimental opportunity for physiologists.
  • I do have trouble with French movies, especially when it starts, then gradually I get it ... slang is also challenging but slang is challenging in English too. L'accent tonique - French Word-A-Day
  • There is no doubt that this is a complex and challenging area where policymakers will need to learn as they go along. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its general tone was that improvements in battery capacity might soon take electric cars from niche products to challenging the internal combustion engine. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is methodologically challenging to establish the validity of either mother or father reports of father involvement, particularly when parents do not agree.
  • It is also important to recognise the action being taken to manage challenging prisoner profiles.
  • The understanding of many important chemistries is being advanced by the use of ReactIR ™ because it provides detailed information about key reactive species and their concentrations under a range of challenging environments including organometallic, polymer, hydroformylation, carbonylation and hydrogenation chemistries, among others. PRWeb - Daily News Feed
  • They don't bash their heads against the divider - they just splay their fins and the little ruff around their neck, and stare challengingly at one another.
  • Their rivalry had been one of friendly competition and challenging each other to go to the extreme.
  • Brined pork at Boulevard With farm-raised local Davenport abalone, the Aqua kitchen played an even subtler contrapuntal game, mimicking the challenging texture of this expensive univalve with other naturally spunky foods rich in distinct flavors of their own: pork belly, chanterelle mushrooms and smoked garlic, combined in a reduced "jus" rendered from Manila clams. Bay Watch
  • And they are challenging fans to preorder the 2013-14 strip without even seeing it. The Sun
  • A part of me thinks he needs me more than ever right now and that just when he seems the most challenging, he needs to be shown that I love him and that I want to be with him… but Lordy Lordy it's difficult.
  • Members of Congress do not wish to be seen to be challenging the head of state when he says he is acting in furtherance of pressing national interest.
  • Since the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805 Britain's Royal Navy had been the dominant fighting fleet in the world; now Germany was challenging this position.
  • This workshop will explore gender theory, grounded in a social constructivism paradigm, as a means of challenging heteronormative culture in the workplace.
  • Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
  • The topic is "Being a parent is a very challenging role in today's society."
  • In the meantime, somebody please convince Better Homes and Gardens Magazine to hold a contest challenging people to build the best robot butler.
  • These essays and poems collectively establish a literary tradition for the country rooted in gauchesco poetry, in both European and Argentine writers, in the frontier-like atmosphere of the compadritos: "Foulmouthed men who whiled away their time behind a whistle or a cigarette and whose distinctive traits were a high-combed mane of hair, a silk handkerchief, high-heeled shoes, a bent-over gait, a challenging gaze … [in a] classic time of gangs, of Indians," i.e., the characters in "The Man on Pink Corner" and the men Dahlmann encounters when he travels South. CounterPunch
  • Her films could be the films that influence their audience to seek out smaller, more challenging cinematic treats.
  • Medieval man may not have had the thrill of flinging Frisbees, but they had a worthy counterpart, the challenging sport of batfowling.
  • To make it more challenging, those tombstones and trees create ideal cover.
  • It is a challenging question without a clear answer, but some tentative suggestions can be attempted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The South course winds through terraced canyons and skirts ocean cliff edges before finishing on a very challenging par 4.
  • performed the most challenging task without a mistake
  • Being inquisitive by nature, you usually regard challenging situations or disruptions to plans as an opportunity to learn something and meet interesting people. Times, Sunday Times
  • A: The most challenging was definitely in conquering fear, facing this great daunting task of writing a novel and making it the best it could possibly be. Diana Evans discusses 26a
  • No doubt you read about this challenging art film's premiere this week at New York's Museum of Modern Art, where curators praised the film's revolt against phallocentrism and its use of the body as canvas for acts of transgressive violence. 'Jackass 3D': Tomfoolery and camaraderie in a whole new dimension
  • Even in "Consecration" we hear the challenging ring of a young voice who has wandered over the face of the earth and has taken his place with the "Outcast," has cast his lot with the sailor, the stoker, the tramp. Giant Hours with Poet Preachers
  • Similarly, challenging objectives should motivate staff and encourage creativity.
  • Nicholas's ID photo from the Saigon embassy shows a young man with a Superman forelock, fixing the camera with a challenging stare. The Old Soldier Who Didn't Fade Away
  • I've had many of these this year and am now actually looking forward to the beginning of another challenging, rewarding, mind-boggling, tear-jerking year.
  • Any effective international regulation of nuclear weapons is bound to entail troublesome incursions challenging prerogatives of national sovereignty.
  • That strategy could be thwarted by a lawsuit challenging expansion financing that is now awaiting review by the state Supreme Court.
  • This was a very tense and challenging time for us. A Channel of Peace
  • Drawing on social movement and organizational theory, we explain how challenging parties not only mobilize to achieve their goals but how they are able to transform contestation into collaboration.
  • In helping with challenging campers, the nursing staff can address the intimate mind/body connection of the camper.
  • If you're feeling intrepid, the rugged interior also offers challenging hikes and cycling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer.
  • In court papers filed Tuesday, Mr. Icahn took issue with bondholder Lyme Regis Partners LLC's call to block him or one of his companies from challenging Blockbuster's proposed $290 million sale to a group of investment firms, including Monarch Alternative Capital LP. Icahn Disputes Blockbuster Bondholder
  • It is particularly important, when undertaking this challenging project, that you read all sections before picking up your tools and getting to work.
  • For many years, Feltham had sought to engage staff constructively with especially challenging and often mentally disordered young men.
  • These they combined with home-made synthesizers and early sampling devices to create a sound that could be described, in all fairness, as challenging.
  • Bigger TV screens, soundbars and HD are challenging cinemas' technical edge.
  • Except that we received much more challenging and contestable papers that opened up the question of culture by showing it rather than saying it.
  • I've now mastered most of what makes my job challenging, but I have no ambition to move onward and upward into anything more managerial or corporate.
  • But in spite of the film's fairy tale ending, the story's unflinching portrayal of class distinction in teendom is the reason that Pretty In Pink packed such an emotional wallup during its original, Reagan-era run, and the reason it still affects people so deeply in today's economically challenging times. Susannah Gora: Pretty in Pink at 25: Still a Class Act
  • The next part of the course is often the most challenging. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though the information exists, finding it in the data bases and archives can be challenging.
  • Hanging a door correctly is one of the most satisfying jobs in the home improvement world, but it's often the most challenging.
  • Beaujolais lies just to the south of the far more vinously challenging area of Burgundy with which is commonly associated.
  • With its obvious punk references - London Calling is the name of a famous Clash song - the piece situates itself within the groundswell of populist resentment that is currently challenging the torpid inertia of the times.
  • Try tennis, badminton or windsurfing. In short, anything challenging.
  • Worse luck on the voters who have to contend with the most challenging of ballot papers.
  • Challenging this homocentric view, they argued for a new, ecocentric ethic that would radically transform our relationship with non-human others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remy Bumppo Theatre Company, which specializes in brainy, challenging scripts, is doing a real service to the republic of letters by producing "Night and Day," the most obscure of Tom Stoppard's major plays. This Stoppard Is a Second 'Scoop'
  • Estuarine sediments present a particularly challenging problem for anyone attempting to predict the consequences of human modifications to the structure of an estuary.
  • Other emergency services have endured an equally painful and challenging year.
  • Her lawyer is challenging the legality of the court order.
  • Manchester United could go level on points with their neighbours by winning Saturday's home game against Bolton Wanderers, as could Tottenham Hotspur by beating Wolves at White Hart Lane, and Ferguson said it is good for football to see two new teams challenging for the title ahead of the usual threat from Chelsea and Arsenal. Manchester City's first half of season was fantastic, says Ferguson
  • Some of the issues faced in my time have been challenging, not least the current funding crisis and in their efforts to solve this and indeed whatever faces them from hereon in, I wish Paul, Nic [Coward, chief executive] and the team well. Talking Horses
  • I found it quite satirical, very topical and politically challenging. The Sun
  • Each one of them worked up a long essay which, over a couple of terms, grappled with challenging ideas about the texts they had been reading.
  • The feminist repeal movement was highly successful in challenging the gendered power relations inscribed within medical interventionism.
  • Couture's new relevance has emboldened its designers, who are challenging convention and reinventing the haute genre for the modern world. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality was declining - with too many copycat programmes and not enough new, challenging TV.
  • It is not for the faint-hearted, for it throws down a gauntlet to walkers seeking an outing that is rather more challenging than a mere walk.
  • Developing these versatile travel stations stateside is challenging.
  • Their bold talk of challenging a new-look Australian side has died a swift and brutal death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terror films stimulate the development of cognitive strategies for coping with challenging circumstances.
  • Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging.
  • The core business model didn't improve off of a cyclical bottom, and now the environment is even more challenging, and they have debt coming in 2013," said Ananda Baruah , an analyst with Brean Murray, Carret & Co. The market, he said, is asking, "Where's the cash going to come from? Kodak's Bonds Fading Fast
  • Facing a hungry Slovakia will be challenging, although the goaltending is a question mark. - Some halfway points of note
  • Loux: A great appeal for writing the Salt Water Taffy series for the all-aged is that in a lot of ways it frees me from the expectations Indie comic artists often have to do serious or emotionally challenging stories. Talking Comics with Tim: Matthew Loux | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Students are not all the same. They come from many different backgrounds. Some are ready to move on to challenging college courses right away.
  • This Festschrift set a challenging goal before its contributors: to see how artifacts aid in interpreting texts, and texts artifacts.
  • You look at the average lot size, some 500 to 600 square metres, it starts to get very challenging fitting a rainwater tank in, particularly when we're looking at rainwater tanks that will be somewhere between 7 to 10 kilolitres in size.
  • Suitors are so distasted with delays and abuses, that plain dealing, in denying to deal in suits at first, and reporting the success barely, and in challenging no more thanks than one hath deserved, is grown not only honorable, but also gracious. The Essays
  • In the 1984 study by Bennett etal., teachers thought that their learning tasks were considerably more challenging than they were.
  • Both the Leeward and Windward Islands are more challenging due to the open ocean sailing and distances between islands. Susan Fogwell: Bareboat Sailing Options In The Caribbean
  • Mr Ahern said it was a challenging and important post at a historic point in the union's development.
  • But lately some researchers are challenging the notion that memory loss is inevitable.
  • Now the apprentices are challenging the old master. Times, Sunday Times
  • The duet for soprano and mezzo and its glittering cabaletta are distinguished by daring harmonics and challenging pyrotechnics.
  • Francis, who had worked in Paris and then Japan where he encountered the traditional haboku or ‘flung ink’ style, created challenging multi-color prints based on his gouaches and oil paintings.
  • Also, business jet pilots fly more often into airports in out-of-the-way places, surrounded by challenging terrain, or featuring tough instrument-approach conditions. Manufacturers Tout Safety in Cockpit
  • To me, pressuring people to withdraw their support for the award is challenging the good faith of the body which chose the winner.
  • His candid musings on the nature of life and art are also challenging - is all great art accidental? Times, Sunday Times
  • Strange events immediately occur when they arrive challenging everything Liza had once believed in.
  • It is a challenging, compelling, mind-expanding story of duty and freedom, life and death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recruits would gain experience in administration and get a flavour of working in a challenging and interesting environment, the spokesman said.
  • Whether the uptick is about setting a precedent against opponents early on or something else, the presence of a player like King can certainly give other teams pause before challenging the Capitals. Poll: Do you like the new, tougher Capitals?
  • The third and most challenging joint air defense undertaking of the 1950s was the construction of a transcontinental line along the 70th parallel about 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
  • Another step of his heavy boot knocked loose stones free from the ledge, and Chaltiford realized that the traverse was a little more challenging than he had first suspected. The Dragons of Krynn
  • They ended by challenging many of the assumptions of scientific management and establishing that work had both social and psychological dimensions.
  • If he maintains his current level of form then he will be challenging for the Jockeys Title.
  • What they will find is a neat, readable but entirely unchallenging précis of events. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the most technically challenging and innovative bridges ever seen in this country has been built across the Ouse.
  • You all have truly made opening my in-box fun, and intellectually challenging - and utterly daunting.
  • They outplayed the home team for most of the first game and enjoyed good moments in the second despite unfamiliar and challenging conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Students develop their range of physical skills, at their own pace, in an enjoyable and challenging atmosphere.
  • The triathlon course is of Olympic distance and is spread over a challenging, picturesque and rugged terrain.
  • Higher composition of fees as percent of revenues is the main reason why competitors' revenues faired so much better in this challenging economic environment than BRO's. Vitaliy N. Katsenelson: Thoughts on Brown & Brown: Stay Away
  • Challenging this homocentric view, they argued for a new, ecocentric ethic that would radically transform our relationship with non-human others. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also challenging our sense of perception are large lenticular panels of Japanese cartoon figures juxtaposed on historical Chinese sites.
  • A certain partner, competitor, or detractor is due to be unpredictable and challenging.
  • Probably the most challenging type of sheep farming is the breeding of purebreds to produce foundation breeding stock.
  • The six books are an eclectic mix from established and new writers who between them offer a challenging spectrum of contemporary writing.
  • The creative team behind the production admitted that adapting such a classical novel and reinterpreting it as a dance was extremely challenging, since every reader already imagined the story's main characters in definite ways.
  • For make no mistake, they are challenging not just our cosy ideas of what it means to be Scottish and support football, they are threatening the very world order of soccer itself.
  • Burying yourself in busywork is an effective way to avoid more important - and more challenging - tasks.
  • All contributors were faced with a dilemma of challenging the Channel on its poor practice, while having the opportunity to showcase sexology.

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