- the first Hindu calendar month (corresponding to March in the Gregorian calendar)
How To Use Chait In A Sentence
- Vaishnava acharyas, specifically Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, led the people on the path towards a realization of going back to Godhead.
- Alan Wolfe has an interesting essay on liberal hawks (via Jon Chait) that I think winds up going a bit awry by running together humanitarian arguments about the desirability of military intervention in particular (whether or not the arguer wanted to invade Iraq), with national security arguments about the desirability of invading Iraq that were offered by liberals (whether or not the arguer was making any distinctively “liberal” appeals). Matthew Yglesias » Alan Wolfe on Liberal Hawks
- “I wish that FDL agreed with me and Chait and Paul Krugman and the SEIU and the NAACP about health care rather than taking its counterproductive dead-ender stance.” Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
- He uses Jonathan Chait's essay* on bringing back Saddam as the basis for this, but he describes it as "Swiftian", meaning he believes it was satire, presumably in the mode of "A Modest Proposal" which presented a horrifying option to an intractable problem in order to illuminate the lack of moral concern on the part of the ruling class. Hullabaloo
- Aihole is one of those remarkable sites that span time and has evidence of dolmens, Buddhist chaityas and stupas, Jain and Hindu temples.
- Why waste paper? and you can save some money too by going paperless, and it doesn't effect TNR's bottom line to do so (except for the Printers themselves, which I am sure TNR contracts out, unless Foer is manning the Heidleberg right now, and Chait does layout and Cohn the makeready when they are not blogging) p. .pr..print? The New Republic - All Feed
- I wish that FDL agreed with me and Chait and Paul Krugman and the SEIU and the NAACP about health care rather than taking its counterproductive dead-ender stance. Matthew Yglesias » How Many Divisions Has Jane Hamsher?
- Nalanda is a massive complex of stupas, chaityas and viharas (monasteries).
- Le "alors" m'a un peu fait flipper parce que dure alors apres une question que j'ai repondu a la negative ca veut dire qu'il cherchait une autre raison a un probleme qu'il voyait ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
- Sprung's title encapsulated the reaction to Westen by keepers of the neoliberal Beltanschaunng, or Beltway worldview, such as Fareed Zakaria and Jonathan Chait, who, as I showed at length right here, mocked what Chait called "Westen's lengthy, attention-grabbing... parody of liberal fantasizing. Jim Sleeper: Guess Who Obama Was Channeling in Kansas