How To Use Chain-smoke In A Sentence

  • He chain-smoked cigarettes, sometimes with an aspirator to ease chronic asthma. Ex-Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger dies
  • High-roller gamblers from Asia tend to chain-smoke, which has traditionally gone hand-in-hand with drinking and gambling.
  • - Despite a background in public health work, Hopkins was a lifelong chain-smoker and coffee drinker – a classic A-type personality who lived in his office and usually looked “as though he had spent the previous night sleeping in a hayloft.” Matthew Yglesias » Commerce Cabinet Crisis VII: Harry Hopkins
  • I had once been a chain-smoker myself, but I had never seen an addiction so deep. Henry’s Demons
  • Most of them are addicted, and many are chain-smokers.
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  • Remember when you could chain-smoke and still play three hours of b-ball?
  • I found even my good days weighing around my shoulders, with their own distinct smell wafting around my head like the scent that follows chain-smokers.
  • But the chain-smoker now rakes in thousands of pounds a year in benefits here while living rent-free. The Sun
  • He was also a lifelong chain-smoker. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only was she one of the first chain-smokers, but she actually smoked in the street, was known to link arms with servants, and bicycled wearing Liberty frocks.
  • THINGS I DIDN'T SEE COMING: With only one episode to go, Mad Men delivers one of its greatest surprises to date, as notorious chain-smoker Don Draper publishes a one-page "Why I'm Quitting Tobacco" manifesto in The New York Times to (as Peggy quotes him) "change the conversation" about the firm's persona non grata status since the Lucky Strike defection. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • He was a chain-smoker, and was smelly and unhygienic, with filthy fingernails. Times, Sunday Times
  • She whispers something like Are you close baby? in a hoarse chain-smoker whisper. Monkeytown excerpt 3
  • The desire of a chain-smoker to give up smoking, on the other hand, would be a virtuous desire since it would break the cyclic pattern of a compulsive negative habit and enhance health and well-being.
  • Moreover, Bobby was an alcoholic and chain-smoker, so his output fell off rapidly after he hit 30. Matthew Yglesias » Change the Story
  • The chain-smoker (left), 59, may have to use nicotine patches or gum to get him through games. The Sun
  • You chain-smoked cigarettes, throughout the night.
  • - Despite a background in public health work, Hopkins was a lifelong chain-smoker and coffee drinker – a classic A-type personality who lived in his office and usually looked “as though he had spent the previous night sleeping in a hayloft.” Matthew Yglesias » Commerce Cabinet Crisis VII: Harry Hopkins
  • And he was a chain-smoker, so whenever he was shooting a scene, there'd be an ashtray nearby. Endeavour: an inspector recalled
  • ‘There is no such thing as a typical Pubmaster pub,’ the chain-smoker says as he unwraps another packet of cigarettes.
  • They dress garishly, drink flute after flute of bubbly, chain-smoke cigarettes and giant doobies, snort piles of cocaine (or pastry flour, if they've been duped) and throw themselves at every young muscled thing in their vicinity.
  • He happens to be a compulsive chain-smoker.
  • What once seemed a crafty producer's gimmick now sounds more like the imaginary friend of a shy dude who needed someone to talk to in the studio while he chain-smoked blunts.
  • They chain-smoked and pushed around skinny underclassmen for laughs.
  • He inhabits a world of dramatic sunsets, rocky canyons and blood-red mountains - and he is a chain-smoker. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an ebullient, larger than life denial of all that was Right: he chain-smoked and drank too much.
  • With water all around me I had little choice but to sit under a leaky tarpaulin beside chain-smokers and crying children, only now and then getting a glimpse up into the vast forests I was entering.
  • An archetypal loner who chain-smokes, drives when drunk and rarely has a fresh pint of milk in the fridge, he is dysfunction personified.
  • He took us to a café by the sea where we drank Malibu while he chain-smoked and chatted about his life in Kotor and the tensions he experienced because of his Albanian nationality.
  • There were so many weapons there that I did not even dare smoke and I am a chain-smoker.
  • The cigarette consumption is voracious - he chain-smokes throughout our interview and has previously smoked his way around the golf course.
  • Minelli laughed when I mentioned the remark and noted that, for many years, Brunner had been a chain-smoker. Death Becomes Him
  • The genes of the elderly chain-smoker are clearly there in the character of le fils. Times, Sunday Times
  • We also lost a playwright, a rebel, a rockstar, a chain-smoker, a renowned artist, a non-profit leader, and one of the most beloved presidents in history, all at once. Lucas Kavner: Tracking Vaclav Havel: From Orwell To Vermont And Into Prague

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