
  1. any fish of the genus Chaetodon
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How To Use chaetodon In A Sentence

  • To attempt an enumeration of the species of fish with which these seas abound would exceed my power, and I shall only mention briefly some of the most obvious; as the shark, hiyu (squalus); skate, ikan pari (raya); ikan mua (muraena); ikan chanak (gymnotus); ikan gajah (cepole); ikan karang or bonna (chaetodon), described by Mr. John Bell in Volume 82 of the Philosophical Transactions. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • Chaetodon capistratus is a browser who feeds on anthozoans preferring hexacoral such as scleractinians, anemones, and zoantharians.
  • Pufferfishes, filefishes, triggerfishes, and butterflyfishes (Family Chaetodonidae) actively consume individual coral polyps. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • Pufferfishes, filefishes, triggerfishes, and butterflyfishes (Family Chaetodonidae) actively consume individual coral polyps. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
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