

[ US /ˈsitəs/ ]
  1. a large constellation on the equator near Pisces and Aquarius

How To Use Cetus In A Sentence

  • The typical fauna of mammals in the vast Kazakhstan steppes includes the numerous rodents such as ground squirrels (Citellus), hamsters (Cricetus, Cricetulus, Podopus), voles (Microtus), birch mice (Sicista), lemmings (Lagurus), marmots (Marmota bobac); and lagomorphs such as pikas (Ochotona) and hares (Lepus). Kazakh steppe
  • Ambulocetus apparently swam much like an otter, with an up-and-down motion of the spine, the precursor to the motion of the flukes of a whale's tail.
  • Pakicetus is so far known only from its skull, but recent finds in Pakistan have produced other whale species that show very primitive characters in both the skull and the rest of the skeleton.
  • Trunk and limb proportions of early middle Eocene Rodhocetus are most similar to those of the living, highly aquatic, foot-powered desmans.
  • Baleen whales like bowhead (Balaena mysticetus), minke, fin, grey (Eschrichtius robustus), pilot (Globicephala melaena), and other larger whales are also a valued source of food. Indigenous peoples, animals, and climate in the Arctic
  • Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the intimidating constellation Cetus.
  • According to legend, she boasted she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs, called the Nereids. Her boast angered Poseidon, god of the sea, who sent a sea monster, Cetus, to ravage the kingdom.
  • Ambulocetus is cited as showing that spinal undulation evolved in whales before development of a tail fluke, but that claim was made when only one lumbar and one caudal vertebra were known.
  • A history of sea ice in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago based on postglacial remains of the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus). Arctic climate variability prior to 100 years BP
  • Their Protocetus species have since been shown to be referable to a new genus that is part of a newly recognised, highly unusual basal whale group, Remingtonocetidae (Kumar & Sahni 1986). Archive 2006-02-01
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