How To Use Cesspool In A Sentence

  • The entire kitchen sink has been thrown in, and for this and other reasons departments of English have generally become cesspools of diffusion, disaffection, and resentment.
  • = -- Cesspool emanations usually consist of a mixture of sulphuretted hydrogen, sulphide of ammonium, and nitrogen; but sometimes it is only deoxidized air with an excess of carbonic acid gas. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • But whether the Cabinet falls or not, Czechs know that very little will change, for the cesspool that is Czech political culture runs very deep indeed.
  • I knew that such a place would have been a cesspool of violence, corruption and racism, and I wanted to write a Mississippi prison book that sort of reversed the polarities.
  • When you think you are the best, why go to "godforsaken" countries where they hate you for being American, are cesspool, and you might get robbed? Matt Kepnes: Why Americans Don't Travel Overseas
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  • Its waste, up to ten pounds per day, drops through the slats where it collects before being periodically pumped into open-air cesspools.
  • Unsparing in his criticism, he held politicians squarely responsible for converting research institutions into a cesspool of dirty politics and trade unionism.
  • Roorback was becoming an online cesspool, slowly draining and dangerously atrophic—except everyone was a little bit brilliant, what with the embedded literary allusions and clever turns of phrase, the meta-references and nuanced understanding of irony. AMERICAN SUBVERSIVE
  • At nudging 78, I can remember a very different society from our current cesspool of moral, social and economic decadence.
  • Hersh's work won him a Pulitzer, and he's continued digging into military and political cesspools, including the CIA's bombing of Cambodia and its actions against Chile's Salvador Allende.
  • There were many cesspools in the city and more in the suburbs, and slops were being emptied on to peaty land.
  • The house was also in need of an efficient hot-water and heating system, new external drains and cesspools, improved internal sanitation and complete re-wiring for bells to link all the floors.
  • As the town had no wells it would not be necessary to enforce the construction of watertight cesspools.
  • A cesspool is a charming apartment compared with the old Bog-woman's brewery. The Sand-Hills of Jutland
  • In fact, just walk out and let them turn the country into the cesspool they want (the dems), Folks will be so fed up, they will demand that the term democrat party forever be stricken from the books. Latest Articles
  • Our prisons are cesspools that reform few, because of the abuses allowed to occur there. Video Report: Brit Boys Stamp Baby Deer To Death
  • To see moral grandeur rising out of cesspools of iniquity; to rise himself and first glimpse beauty, faint and far, through mud - dripping eyes; to see out of weakness, and frailty, and viciousness, and all abysmal brutishness, arising strength, and truth, and high spiritual endowment — Chapter 14
  • At home, it's a cesspool of corruption, where charges of theft or employee harassment are hardly unheard of.
  • Let the people who traded in derivative drown in the cesspool they created. Matthew Yglesias » Start New Banks?
  • The meme is that anytime anyone brings up that conservatives were dead wrong and acted like racist idiots when it came to Apartheid, the response is that modern South Africa is a cesspool, which is nottrue. The Volokh Conspiracy » Be Careful. Trust No-One. Shut Up.
  • From this point the President proceeded to speak of the increased toxical power of volatile compounds given off by neglected decomposed matter, and was thence led to dwell upon the dangers arising from decomposed substances in cesspools and in badly constructed drains. Scientific American Supplement, No. 358, November 11, 1882
  • Once dreaded as cesspools of infection, hospitals began to be seen as temples of healing and citadels of science, affording them a new moral identity.
  • Weeks later five officials from the cash-strapped Detroit Public School system, long known as a cesspool of fraud and mismanagement, got criminally charged for operating an illegal scheme in which they openly stole tens of thousands of dollars from the system, took illegal kickbacks and paid friends who never did any work for the district. "BANPC" via James Bow in Google Reader
  • The accident also contaminated the water cistern of the cesspool's owner, who had to purchase water from the Aqueduct Company thereafter.
  • For whatever reason, King isn't really concerned that prisons are cesspools of rape, violence, racism and gang activity that shelter individuals already predisposed to crime and otherwise anti-social behavior, multiply those tendencies and spit them back out into society, making honest-to-God threats to the homeland. HUFFPOST HILL - White House Says We're Not At War, Just Sending Armed People To Places
  • Allow such a mix to dominate a society, and a vast, corrupt cesspool in Washington and on Wall Street is guaranteed.
  • This refuse percolated down into the aquifers, which were also threatened by the increasing number of cesspools in the city.
  • When we permit someone to abuse his power to take advantage of us, we demean ourselves and we contribute to the cesspool of corruption that is holding Indonesia back from her rightful place among the evolved nations of the world.
  • Our whole system is nothing but a corrupt cesspool of legalized bribery!
  • She is a big, smart, brassy woman who, after three decades in the cesspool of Philadelphia crime, isn't fazed by much.
  • I would prefer one year of life in Molokai to five years of life in the above - mentioned cesspools of human degradation and misery. Chapter 7
  • Out back, however, out of sight except from a plane, are the pits, lagoons, and cesspools of millions of gallons of untreated animal waste.
  • I hope the judge doesn’t see, or I’m in cesspool of trouble. Charles, Pending
  • As municipal water and sewer systems replaced backyard wells, cesspools, and privies, outbreaks of cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, malaria, and typhus diminished.
  • The journalistic wing of the American intelligentsia in particular is largely a cesspool of venality and corruption.
  • “All the toilets and cesspools are flooded, of course,” Paul noted dolefully, “and the amenities of life are impossible to preserve.” A Covert Affair
  • It was dictatorships that plunged the Philippines and Indonesia into the cesspool of corruption.
  • Not far from the beautiful beaches, hip suburbs and great cuisine that saw it recently named the world's top tourist destination by one website, women in Khayelitsha could be seen last week drawing water from a communal tap near cesspools strewn with rubbish. Desmond Tutu's dreams for Cape Town fade as informal apartheid grips the city
  • Physicians attributed the primary cause of disease to miasmas emanating from sewage, cesspools, or rotting vegetable matter.
  • Many are turned into cesspools and dumping sites for solid waste, including hazardous materials.
  • The floor of the cellar was a kind of noisome cesspool: one slipped on the greasy mud -- floundered about in it: for all that, this cellar was almost entirely filled with cases of all kinds, with queer-looking bundles, with objects of various shapes and sizes. Messengers of Evil Being a Further Account of the Lures and Devices of Fantômas
  • Don't get caught up in the cesspool of mediocrity when it comes to your choice of casual footwear.
  • The people of city X or county Y can be relied upon not to turn their community into a cesspool without the state and federal governments telling them what a cesspool is and is not. Sound Politics: Why Is Seattle Such a Wuss About Strip Clubs?
  • Capital is conquering the world, making the earth a gigantic cesspool of exploitation.
  • Britain, thanks to Bush, Obama, Blair, Gordon Brown, and the not so royal family of this cesspool of human excrements - in other word shits - called America and England. An Arab Woman Blues - Reflections in a sealed bottle...
  • The three absorbing wells, of the Combat, the Cunette, and Saint – Mande, with their discharging mouths, their apparatus, their cesspools, and their depuratory branches, only date from 1836. Les Miserables
  • When all of our great educational reformers, those beacons of light in the cesspools known as public schools, have learned that the only way students can learn is for each teacher to follow the same script word for word, how can we tolerate these so-called educators who believe they have to abandon the script and try something new when the script is not working with the majority of our students? Randy Turner: The Time for Term Limits for Teachers Is Now
  • The regimes of Eastern Europe were cesspools of political reaction.
  • If people wish to wallow in a cesspool of moral depravity, then they can visit a theatre and ogle the kind of actors that perform such plays.
  • According to Mississippi law, these facilities have to set the cesspools and barns back at least 300 feet from the property line.
  • Toilet and cesspool are two different matters, cannot confuse sth with sth else.
  • Breeding occurs in rain barrels, tin cans, tires, stormsewer catch basins, street gutters, polluted ground pools, cesspools, open septic tanks, etc.
  • For example, this could be where the judgement was based on replacing septic tanks with cesspools, or with private sewage treatment plants at the expense of the applicant.
  • From their own point of view, the critics were right: Rhode Island was a cesspool of malcontents, outcasts, bindlestiffs and religious mavericks who were welcome nowhere else.
  • Sprinkle it about where a suspicious smell is detected - in lavatories, sickrooms, cesspools or sewers.
  • The Appellant owns and uses two tractors for the purpose of his business of emptying cesspools and discharging the waste on agricultural land.
  • Our whole system is nothing but a corrupt cesspool of legalized bribery!
  • The meme is that anytime anyone brings up that conservatives were dead wrong and acted like racist idiots when it came to Apartheid, the response is that modern South Africa is a cesspool, which is not true. The Volokh Conspiracy » Be Careful. Trust No-One. Shut Up.
  • The three absorbing wells, of the Combat, the Cunette, and Saint-Mande, with their discharging mouths, their apparatus, their cesspools, and their depuratory branches, only date from 1836. Les Miserables, Volume V, Jean Valjean
  • He supposed that was natural when you saw a muddy, tuxedoed white guy who smelled like a cesspool. Gideon’s war
  • The illusion was short-lived, however, and her father soon learned just how deep was the cesspool she had fallen into. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • You think you're morally righteous, that these "cesspools" are "obviously" evil, and that the city has a right to eliminate them for the good of society, yet you are blind to the over-riding political issue. Sound Politics: Why Is Seattle Such a Wuss About Strip Clubs?
  • Sheridan depicts drug-filled cesspools not to criticize or protest, but to claim that they form merely the bottom rung of an ever-ascending ladder of success.
  • STCD-Dry Plus: Is a Natural Biological Septic Tank, Cesspool and Grease Trap Cleaner Digester and Deodorizer, using a safe and effective beneficial micro-organism enzyme catalyst blend.
  • He's logged 2 1/2 years at Enron, mopping up one of the biggest financial cesspools in U.S. history.
  • Laboratory analysis revealed that the infected brain tissue was a harrowing cesspool of infectious bacteria that included Streptococcus, Peptostreptococcus, Actinomyces and Eikenella. Dr. Douglas Fields: Tongue Piercings Could Lead to Severe Brain Infections
  • All the misdemeanours and malpractices of the town, -- and they were happening every day and every night, -- were all reported to the Recorder; they were all, so to say, charged home upon the Recorder, and he was held responsible for them all; till his office was a perfect laystall and cesspool of all the scum and corruption of the town. Bunyan Characters (3rd Series)
  • We also publish and link to some stuff my readers would call cesspool material, but I do it because there is value in the broadest possible conversation in our community. Nervous About Link Journalism? Ignore Web’s ‘Cesspool’ And Tap Its ‘Natural Spring’ - Publishing 2.0
  • They – or their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren – are among the one and a half million Palestinian refugees crammed into the cesspool of Gaza, 80 per cent of whose families once lived in what is now Israel. Matthew Yglesias » Why They Fight
  • It has the advantage of avoiding being unsuspiciously linked to cesspools and sinkholes. Keep cool.
  • I don't know exactly why, but I suppose it's mainly because Sacramento politics is such a cesspool that it makes Congress look like a bunch of do-gooding Model UN participants.
  • For whatever reason, King isn't really concerned that prisons are cesspools of rape, violence, racism and gang activity that shelter individuals already predisposed to crime and otherwise anti-social behavior, multiply those tendencies and spit them back out into society, making honest-to-God threats to the homeland. HUFFPOST HILL - White House Says We're Not At War, Just Sending Armed People To Places
  • Yet of it all nothing do I adjudge so splendid as this accolade delivered by two lifers in solitary deemed by the world as the very bottom-most of the human cesspool. Chapter 20
  • In addition the need to empty cesspools on a regular basis is a considerable environment disbenefit.
  • Eliminate seepage from cisterns, cesspools, and septic tanks.
  • Reserves are cesspools of corruption and all band councils are poorly managed and unaccountable.
  • Since Huckabee's campaign ended, Jerry Jenkins has been seen discussing whether Barack Obama is the Antichrist or merely a pre-cursor to the Antichrist; Star Parker has been heard declaring that public schools are "cesspools" designed to indoctrinate students with Blueollie
  • The report compared the environmental effects of the cesspool option and the public sewerage option both during construction and afterwards, including the effects of emptying the cesspools once a month.
  • The illusion was short-lived, however, and her father soon learned just how deep was the cesspool she had fallen into. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Once personal and environmental filth came to indicate an absence of morality, Boston's tenement districts seemed like cesspools of sin.
  • Place tight covers over cisterns, cesspools, septic tanks, fire barrels, rain barrels and tubs where water is stored.
  • Everyone knows the IOC is as big a cesspool of corruption, bribery and cronyism as almost every other high-minded international organization, and the Vancouver bid presentation is as touchy-feely as one would expect: Daimnation!: Vancouver 2010
  • Notice the crawler across the bottom of the screen capture, “Three people get caught in cesspool” … would that be Bush, Cheney and Rice? Think Progress » VIDEO: 8th General Calls For Rumsfeld’s Resignation
  • In certain circumstances, such as dwellings where there is no suitable or viable alternative option, the use of cesspools may be acceptable.
  • Many of our organizations are cesspools of addictive and abusive behavior even as executives espouse otherwise. People harm the spirits of others daily and humanity is lost.

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