
Cesar Franck

  1. French composer and teacher who influenced a generation of composers (1822-1890)

How To Use Cesar Franck In A Sentence

  • Mr. Tritle's wish-list for future projects includes great Romantic canvases like César Franck's "Les Béatitudes" and Charles Gounod's epic oratorio "Mors et Vita," as well as 20th-century landmarks like the Britten "War Requiem" and Janáček's Glagolitic Mass. The Master of Many Choruses
  • Polk's coloration, her contrasts between pianissimo and fortissimo moments, are similar to Sviatoslav Richter's rendition of César Franck's Piano Quintet.
  • The program includes two cello concertos and the Symphony in D minor by Cesar Franck.
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