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  1. distinguished from Bovidae by the male's having solid deciduous antlers

How To Use cervid In A Sentence

  • The great bulk of the cases come from the work of Q. Cervidius Scaevola.
  • The first farmed cervid to display signs of CWD was an elk that fell ill in 1996 on a ranch in Saskatchewan.
  • As mentioned above, the comparison of the hypsodonty values of cervids with those of modern deer suggests that the cervids were mixed feeders or browsers from closed habitats.
  • A very eminent authority, however, Professor Flower, is in favour of placing the musk-deer with the Cervidae, and he instances the absence of horns as in favour of this opinion, for in none of the Bovidae are the males hornless. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • In most cervids, only males have antlers (but both sexes bear them in caribou).
  • The cervids include deer and their allies, including familiar moose, elk, and caribou.
  • The rule also outlines conditions under which sheep, goats, cervids and camelids can be imported, as well as meat and certain other products and byproducts from these animals.
  • Although no reindeer have ever been affected by chronic wasting disease, many states have closed their borders to all members of the cervid family - including deer, elk, moose, and reindeer.
  • Muntjac deer (Muntiacinae, Cervidae) are distributed throughout Southeast Asia, South China, and India.
  • Although well-established in scrapie and, more recently, in BSE, comparatively little is known about the possibility of prion strains in chronic wasting disease (CWD), a disease affecting free ranging and captive cervids, primarily in North America. CWD Worse Than Ever In Wisconsin Counties
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