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How To Use Cervical vertebra In A Sentence

  • Penguins are flightless divers with poorly pneumatized skeleton, carinate sternum with two lateral notches, 15 cervical vertebrae and basipterygoid processes absent.
  • The spinous processes of cervical vertebrae 2, 3, 4, and 5 usually possess cleft spines.
  • He considered that this change is secondary to mechanical factors, acting during the neck flexion, when the thick nuchal ligament is subjected to pressure and trauma as it passes over the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae.
  • He had dislocated a cervical vertebra and torn a cartilage in his lower ribcage, and was ordered by his doctors not to train, let alone compete.
  • It begins in the neck at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, opposite the sixth cervical vertebra, descends along the front of the vertebral column, through the superior and posterior mediastina, passes through the diaphragm, and, entering the abdomen, ends at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, opposite the eleventh thoracic vertebra. XI. Splanchnology. 2d. The Esophagus
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  • In the plough, your body is bent forward; this stretches your entire spine, particularily your cervical vertebrae and shoulders.
  • Cervical spondylosis is a common condition that results from degeneration of the bones (cervical vertebrae) and cartilage of the neck.
  • Go ahead and lay supine and see if you can get your cervical vertebrae and sacrum on the ball simultaneously, with your femur parallel to the floor.
  • In the plough, your body is bent forward; this stretches your entire spine, particularily your cervical vertebrae and shoulders.
  • Purpose: That the cervical vertebra falls ill is a clinical common multiple disease.
  • They also present certain osteological differences from the right whales; the latter have the whole of the seven cervical vertebrae anchylosed, that is to say generally, for sometimes the seventh is free. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Sleep in the evening insomnia. Weight drops fierce. Be concerned with cervical vertebra disease?
  • You flex the head forward as far as it will go, then you push a broad needle or a thin scalpel into what we call the atlas, the first cervical vertebra. Autumn Maze
  • In contrast to the cervical vertebral centra, the dorsal centrum is shorter and more mildly opisthocoelous.
  • If Mirischia the Brazilian theropod is one of my little pets, the enormous sauropod represented by the cervical vertebra MIWG. 7306 – affectionately (and unofficially) known to some of us as 'Angloposeidon' – is one of the biggest [the image at left, and that below, are my drawings of the specimen]. ‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
  • Although the atlas and axis are missing, the remaining cervical vertebrae are present and well preserved.
  • Such presentations could result from a primary injury to the brain stem, induced by hyperflexion and hyperextension, or, rarely, from traumatic thrombosis of the vertebral arteries in the foramina of the cervical vertebrae.
  • After passing the pharynx during swallowing, the food bolus enters the esophagus, which is positioned at approximately the level of the sixth cervical vertebra.
  • In contrast to the cervical vertebral centra, the dorsal centrum is shorter and more mildly opisthocoelous.
  • Objective:To study therapeutic effects of manipulative upper and middle cervical vertebra in the treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome at earlier period.
  • The spinal column is composed of seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, the bony sacrum, and the coccyx.
  • Lower arrows point to complete removal of the left and right uncinate processes of the third cervical vertebrae suggestive of complete severance of the spinal column leading to full decapitation (HK43 Burial 350). Zombie Attack at Hierakonpolis
  • The application of cricoid pressure compensates for decreased UES tone by compressing the proximal esophageal lumen between the cricoid cartilage and the cervical vertebrae.
  • It lies opposite the disc between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebræ, and at this level the common carotid artery may be compressed against the _carotid tubercle_ on the transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The spinal cord is severed at the cervical vertebrae.
  • Radiodiagnostics was used to observe sequential measurement of cervical vertebrae and height in cases without spinal cord or nerve root injuries.
  • The spinal column is composed of seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, the bony sacrum, and the coccyx.
  • A slip at the level of rhomboideus minor, named rhomboideus minimus, extends from the scapula to thoracic or lower cervical vertebral spines.
  • Apparently facultatively bipedal, with a toothless bird-like skull sporting large orbits, dinosaur-like cervical vertebrae possessing true pneumatic foramina, and reduced gracile forelimbs and a theropod-like pelvis, Effigia is strikingly like ornithomimosaurs (ostrich dinosaurs) in several details, mostly those concerning the skull and cervical vertebrae. Archive 2006-01-01
  • The neck consists of how many cervical vertebrae? Times, Sunday Times
  • Originating at the level of the sixth cervical vertebra, posterior to the cricoid cartilage, the esophagus passes through the thorax slightly to the right and behind the aortic arch and the left main stem bronchus.
  • The symptom of cervical vertebra disease? Diagnostic standard? Differentiate diagnose? Reach cure?
  • Object:To observe improvement of cervical vertebrae in the radicular spondylosis and instant effect to relieve spinal root pain with Fu'Subcutaneous Needling.
  • Including abnormal curvature of cervical vertebrae, hyperosteogeny, narrowing of vertebrae tube and disc height.
  • I have also pleased myself by making a special group of the six radiating muscles which diverge from the spine of the axis, or second cervical vertebra, and by giving to it the name stella musculosa nuchaee. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • At surgery, there was a significant deformity of the cranial vault at the level of the occiput and first and second cervical vertebrae.
  • By doing this, there is generally a lift of the rib cage and a straightening of the upper spine or cervical vertebra.
  • • It is also extensively used in the treatment of Cervical spondylosis (It is a special type of arthritis which affects the cervical vertebrae, i.e. the vertebrae of the neck region) • It facilitates the movement of the bowels and keeps the digestive system clean Benefits of Guggul - Natural Way to Lower Cholesterol
  • Keen has recorded a case in which a conoidal ball lodged in the body of the third cervical vertebra, from which it was extracted six weeks later. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Cervical vertebra coping, of the belt headache. Left prothorax aches, it is how to return a responsibility, what disease be? How to administer?
  • Osteological characters, such as the construction of the mandible and articulations of the cervical vertebrae also distinguish the two subfamilies.
  • Six years later, a fine-needle aspirate of a cervical vertebra showed malignant cells consistent with metastasis from a primary lung carcinoma.
  • This malady is a cervical vertebral instability characterized by malformation of the lower spine.
  • Tenderness and hyperesthesia over the spinous processes of the 4th, 5th, and 6th cervical vertebrae led to the application of the thermocautery, which, in conjunction with the administration of ergot and bromide, was attended with marked benefit, though not by complete cure. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The symptom of cervical vertebra disease? Diagnostic standard? Differentiate diagnose? Reach cure?
  • At surgery, there was a significant deformity of the cranial vault at the level of the occiput and first and second cervical vertebrae.
  • The news is that a controversial little coelurosaur from the Isle of Wight’s Wessex Formation, Calamosaurus foxi (known only from two cervical vertebrae, one of them incomplete), is so similar to the cervical vertebrae of Dilong that I am confident that it too should be identified as a basal tyrannosauroid. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Incidentally, most of the cervical vertebrae in jerboas are fused together as well, and in some dwarf jerboas the first three dorsal vertebrae are also fused together, and to the fused cervicals. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The seventh cervical vertebra is biconcave and is well preserved.
  • Typically the anterior scalene arises from the fourth, fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae (anterior tubercles), occasionally from the third, and rarely from the seventh.
  • Canids larger than a coyote are represented by four cervical vertebrae, one rib fragment, long bone fragments, one calcaneus, and one metacarpal.

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