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ceremonial occasion

  1. a formal event performed on a special occasion
    a ceremony commemorating Pearl Harbor

How To Use ceremonial occasion In A Sentence

  • Ceremonial occasions call for elaborate boubous.
  • Food is important at ceremonial occasions such as naming ceremonies, betrothals, marriages, and deaths.
  • The freedom is the highest tribute a borough can bestow, and although in modern times it is an honour only and confers no legal rights, honorary freemen are often invited to important ceremonial occasions.
  • Trumpets of various types were used in organized armies from Ancient Egypt onwards, to give signals in camp or battle and to sound fanfares on ceremonial occasions.
  • Still in service today, this ‘bar wig’ is worn by barristers or advocates and is distinct from the plain ‘tye’ or ‘bench wig’ with no curls, worn by judges in court, and the full-bottomed peruke, which is reserved for ceremonial occasions.
  • The grand entrance is still used by councillors on ceremonial occasions.
  • These are ceremonial occasions, and each person who helps the family is given a portion of the pig.
  • In some areas, there were sublanguages for use in the presence of certain relatives, for communicating with children, or for ceremonial occasions.
  • Some holidays and ceremonial occasions are associated with certain kinds of food.
  • He represented the nation on ceremonial occasions.
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