[ UK /səɹˈiːbɹəm/ ]
  1. anterior portion of the brain consisting of two hemispheres; dominant part of the brain in humans
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How To Use cerebrum In A Sentence

  • Si signa circa ventriculum non apparent nec sanguis male affectus, et adsunt timor et maestitia, cerebrum ipsum existimandum est, &c. 2623. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • However, memory acquired before the surgery could not be retrieved 1 month after surgery although the procerebrum had recovered from injury by this time, consistent with the notion that the procerebrum is the storage site of odor-aversion memory, or deeply involved in the memory recall process. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The Deutocerebrum represents the fused ganglia of the antennal Segment.
  • When pain is experienced, this sensation has reached the cerebrum through complex and dynamic interactions.
  • `The reptile brain," he said, `digesting the cerebrum from within. DEATH SPEAKS SOFTLY
  • The occipital lobe is positioned on a process of the dura mater, known as the tentorium cerebelli, which divides the cerebrum from the cerebellum. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • For there is a very marked groove in every such skull, as in the human skull -- which indicates the line of attachment of what is termed the 'tentorium' -- a sort of parchment-like shelf, or partition, which, in the recent state, is interposed between the cerebrum and cerebellum, and prevents the former from pressing upon the latter. On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals
  • The cerebrum is part of the forebrain, which is also made up of the diencephalon. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The MRI scans were used to quantify total volume of the cerebrum, lateral ventricles, hippocampus and amygdala.
  • The human brain is essentially made up of the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem. AFTERMATH
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