How To Use Cerebral palsy In A Sentence

  • It is a tactical target sport played by wheelchair athletes with cerebral palsy and other conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The little girl has dystonic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, which means she is confined to a wheelchair and needs 24-hour care.
  • Alexandra has cerebral palsy, is confined to a wheelchair and suffers from frequent epileptic fits.
  • The hypothesis of the study was that acupuncture would reduce muscle hypertonicity in children with cerebral palsy.
  • At 18 months, he was diagnosed with spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy that affects balance as well as movement below the waist. The Seattle Times
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  • Athletes who do not have cerebral palsy but conditions such as muscular dystrophy, spina bifida and tetraplegia. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1955 he also isolated the virus which causes cytomegalic inclusion disease in infants and, after working for five years on these diseases, he was able to show that the human foetus, while it is in the uterus, is particularly susceptible to attack by these viruses and that, if the foetus survives attack by them, the infant is often born with severe damage to its brain which causes mental retardation and cerebral palsy. Thomas H. Weller - Biography
  • It is a tactical target sport played by wheelchair athletes with cerebral palsy and other conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • I knew my athetoid cerebral palsy would kick into high gear and my head control would vanish, leaving me bobbing for invisible apples. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » May
  • While at the BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas next week, I’ll be signing copies of my autobiography I’ll Do It Myself in which I intimately share living with cerebral palsy to show others that cp is not a death sentence, but rather a life sentence: Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » November
  • She has a number of complex conditions including congenital microcephaly and cerebral palsy.
  • Children with conditions like cerebral palsy, autism and learning difficulties benefit.
  • The most common symptoms of cerebral palsy are tremors and uncontrolled muscle spasms. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • Conclusion It has positive effect that BTX -A injection and comprehensive rehabilitation treat cerebral palsy.
  • Cerebral Palsy www. The term cerebral palsy is not a specific diagnosis, but is generally applied to children who experience some form of brain trauma either at the time of birth or shortly before. - Articles related to These old eyes
  • He had been left with a severe form of cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cortical blindness.
  • Growing up, Ms. Flint's longtime baby-sitter had a son with cerebral palsy. A Novel Benefit Gala
  • They are more likely to have one or more chronic health problems, especially neurosensory conditions (cerebral palsy, blindness, or deafness), and are shorter than normal-weight babies. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Area of expertise: Disorders of the hips and spine, congenital disorders including clubfoot, DDH, cerebral palsy, general pediatric orthopaedics, fractures, trauma Orthopaedic Surgery Research Fellowship
  • The cash has been kindly replaced by another cerebral palsy charity. The Sun
  • Objective:To study the effect of ankle foot orthoses on improving the abnormal gait pattern in spastic diplegia cerebral palsy children.
  • He gives the example of a girl with athetoid cerebral palsy with very little control over her limbs and who speaks through a specialist computer.
  • Will he or she end up with some form of long-term disability such as deafness, cerebral palsy or epileptic seizures? Times, Sunday Times
  • The title doesn't just refer to her sexuality, however -- she also discusses her difficult struggle with cerebral palsy, and the difficult obstacles she had to overcome to make television history as the first recurring role played by a person with a serious disability. Geri Jewell A Lesbian: 'Facts Of Life Star' Comes Out In Memoir
  • Spasticity underlies spastic diplegia and many other forms of cerebral palsy. SYNCHRONIZED SPAZ ATTACK - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Many children with cerebral palsy have problems that are in the middle range of severity and may need ongoing therapy and devices such as braces or wheelchairs.
  • Neurological disorders, such as poliomyelitis and cerebral palsy, can also cause acquired clubfoot.
  • When necessary, surgical interventions, such as selective dorsal rhizotomy performed by neurosurgeons and Botulinum toxin injection/motor point block by the physiatrists, can be used to treat problems that result from cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy clinic
  • … that is, if three or four of the kids aren't dead before they're a year old and the rest don't end up in reclining wheelchairs for the whole of their lives with cerebral palsy. Baby Boom
  • Other causes of apparent clumsiness include visual impairment, orthopedic disorders, mild cerebral palsy, hereditary ataxia, and congenital chorea.
  • Does this specialist know anything about athetoid cerebral palsy? Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » May
  • And you'll probably hear her diagnosis, that she's profoundly mentally retarded, and has cerebral palsy and kyphoscoliosis and epilepsy. News & Features from Minnesota Public Radio
  • Both have cerebral palsy, have ridden since four and competed abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most children cared for by hospices have life-shortening conditions like cystic fibrosis and severe cerebral palsy or life-threatening conditions such as cancer.
  • He has cerebral palsy affecting his whole body with spastic, continuous purposeless movements.
  • The most common symptoms of cerebral palsy are tremors and uncontrolled muscle spasms. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • There is a large litigation industry in cerebral palsy and the threat of litigation is one of the major reasons for obstetricians leaving obstetrics.
  • David was starved of oxygen during birth at Peterborough Hospital in 1979 and suffered cerebral palsy.
  • Perhaps she might be excused for her transgressions due to the fact that she was born with ataxic cerebral palsy. Lee Brenner: The Top 10 Stories From 2011 Missing From All the Top 10 Lists
  • The most common symptoms of cerebral palsy are tremors and uncontrolled muscle spasms. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • Both have cerebral palsy, have ridden since four and competed abroad. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obviously, it's because the daughter has ataxic cerebral palsy, and people felt that given that I'm a public figure and an advocate for people with disabilities, I should make a public comment about it. Geri Jewell: Geri-ism #2: Unmasking the Real Disabilities
  • Most of the athletes have cerebral palsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Interruption of oxygen supply to the fetus was classically considered to be the main causal factor explaining later cerebral palsy.
  • She suffers from cerebral palsy and because she could not communicate, doctors at first believed she might be mentally retarded.
  • The term cerebral palsy is used to describe a grouping of conditions that arise during the initial few years of a child? MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.
  • Without treatment, severe jaundice can pose a risk of permanent brain damage resulting in athetoid cerebral palsy.
  • When necessary, surgical interventions, such as selective dorsal rhizotomy performed by neurosurgeons and Botulinum toxin injection/motor point block by the physiatrists, can be used to treat problems that result from cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy clinic
  • It's played by very profoundly affected cerebral palsy sufferers. The Sun
  • The Virginia-based company has about 60 full-time and contracted employees, most of whom have developmental or physical disabilities ranging from bipolar disorder, blindness, brain injury or cerebral palsy to quadriplegia. Daughter motivates mom to become entrepeneur
  • Excerpted and condensed from Glenda’s recently released autobiography ‘I’ll Do It Myself’, in which she intimately shares her life story to show others cerebral palsy is not a death sentence, but rather a life sentence. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » April
  • In humans, epilepsy is often one of a set of symptoms found in people with diseases such as cerebral palsy, neurofibromatosis, autism, tuberous sclerosis, and Landau-Kleffner syndrome.
  • Bigger challenges lie ahead for the rider, who has cerebral palsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Footage of the eight-year-old cerebral palsy sufferer throwing aside his walking frame to end the race on his own two feet went viral last night. The Sun
  • Method: 246 children with cerebral palsy were treated with combined acupuncture facilitation technique.
  • The cash has been kindly replaced by another cerebral palsy charity. The Sun
  • With athetoid cerebral palsy, one body or another is in constant motion. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2010 » April
  • It's played by very profoundly affected cerebral palsy sufferers. The Sun
  • The charity Scope is piloting a game for people with cerebral palsy called bocce, which is similar to the French game of boules.
  • Babies with brain malformations, numerous genetic diseases and other physical birth defects are at increased risk of cerebral palsy.
  • The term cerebral palsy is used to describe a group of conditions that arise during the initial few years of a child? MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • The routine use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring compared with intermittent auscultation increases the likelihood of instrument vaginal delivery and cesarean surgery but does not reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy, stillbirth, low Apgar scores, newborn death rates, or admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • If left untreated, jaundice can cause a condition called kernicterus, which can cause brain damage, deafness, mental retardation and cerebral palsy. Top headlines
  • It says that cerebral palsy is almost never caused by fetal distress in labor.
  • The construction of Guangzhou Rehabilitation Campus School and Guangzhou Kangna School has filled up the blank of compulsory education school for internal cerebral palsy and infantile autism children.
  • Injury to the brain in infancy or early childhood can also cause cerebral palsy.
  • Objective : To study the therapeutic effect of combined acupuncture and facilitation technique on cerebral palsy ( CP ).
  • Disabled with cerebral palsy, her daughter inspired a special commitment to protect what she calls the sanctity of life. ScrippsNews - current events, culture, commentary, community
  • Katy has cerebral palsy, kidney problems and learning difficulties but Mr Hulme is not swayed by her plight.
  • The cash has been kindly replaced by another cerebral palsy charity. The Sun
  • I thought being in the same room as superstar speakers might cause me to panic even more; I was already feeling my athetoid cerebral palsy kicking in as my body began tightening. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » November
  • She suffers from cerebral palsy and because she could not communicate, doctors at first believed she might be mentally retarded.
  • He now has severe cerebral palsy, is unable to roll over, sit or crawl.
  • For some people, a child with cerebral palsy is a tragedy. Prematurely aware « Adventures in Juggling
  • This article has introduced the causes, characteristics, examination and evaluation, rehabilitation training, and effects of speech disorder after cerebral palsy.
  • The cash has been kindly replaced by another cerebral palsy charity. The Sun
  • Young people on the trip, from 12 states, England, Canada and Israel, have conditions ranging from cancer to cerebral palsy, says Kids of Courage co-founder Howie Kafka of Lawrence, N.Y. Some have had limbs amputated because of their illnesses; others are paralyzed, he says. Kids of Courage takes ill youths on cross-country adventure
  • He now has severe cerebral palsy, is unable to roll over, sit or crawl.
  • Her sister, Lucy, suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy and is often treated in York Hospital for fits and chest infections.
  • He has cerebral palsy in all four limbs and requires constant care. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congenital deformities and neuromuscular disorders, such as cerebral palsy, can also be linked to bunions.
  • Unless I’ve missed a memo in the last forty years, cerebral palsy is still a non-progressive, lifelong neurological disorder. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » May
  • Lukas has a condition called Hemiplegia, a form of cerebral palsy that only affects the right side of his body.
  • Trax, in Sheppard Street, is holding a walkathon to raise money for four-year-old Brandon Humphries, who has cerebral palsy.
  • And more than that, Miles, it does really offend those people who are disabled and who have cerebral palsy, because it refers to their very serious condition, and being spastic, which is a very serious form and a reaction to having the cerebral palsy. CNN Transcript Apr 13, 2006
  • Her daughter suffers from bi-lateral spasticity, a form of cerebral palsy which Miller believes was induced by toxins accumulating in her breast milk.
  • spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy
  • Regarding not understanding the difference between Down's and Cerebral Palsy - when I was a kid, the epithets "mongo" (as in "mongoloid," as in the outdated, offensive word for a person with Down's syndrome) and "spastic" (as in the offensive word for a person with Cerebral Palsy) were used interchangably as schoolyard insults. Please avoid 'this' phrasae & the Xmas Craft Fair Sannich
  • Footage of the eight-year-old cerebral palsy sufferer throwing aside his walking frame to end the race on his own two feet went viral last night. The Sun
  • My girlfriend, in a wheelchair due to cerebral palsy, is one of the kindest souls I have ever met and makes her more beautiful to me than any string of pageant contestants. Think Progress » Miss Beverly Hills tries to one-up Carrie Prejean, says it’s divine law that gays be put to death.
  • Athletes with cerebral palsy or other conditions that affect muscle co-ordination and control. Times, Sunday Times
  • Footage of the eight-year-old cerebral palsy sufferer throwing aside his walking frame to end the race on his own two feet went viral last night. The Sun
  • Jackie, whose eight-year-old daughter Libby has cerebral palsy, said she was stung into action when she was asked if disabled children needed to play.
  • To those who are genuinely concerned, I push a button to say, I have spastic bilateral quadriplegia, also known as cerebral palsy. Out of my mind
  • She conned paediatricians into believing he needed a wheelchair, claiming he had cerebral palsy, cystic fibrosis, a throat disorder called dysphagia and countless food allergies. Undefined
  • The film follows Pimentel as he gives up a safe corporate job to follow his dream and talent of public speaking, as well as his long friendship with a writer almost completely debilitated by cerebral palsy (Michael Sheen). Up All Night With Too Many Movies « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • Hyperbaric treatment - effectively giving high concentrations of oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure - has been shown to have some benefit in other neurological conditions such as foetal alcohol syndrome and cerebral palsy. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • This article has introduced the causes, characteristics, examination and evaluation, rehabilitation training, and effects of speech disorder after cerebral palsy.
  • He has cerebral palsy in all four limbs and requires constant care. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was quite some time before I was officially diagnosed with cerebral palsy, or more accurately, cerebral palsy athetoid quadriplegia. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » April
  • Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.
  • Some cases of cerebral palsy are caused by brain damage during the last trimester of pregnancy or around the time of birth.
  • Other causes of apparent clumsiness include visual impairment, orthopedic disorders, mild cerebral palsy, hereditary ataxia, and congenital chorea.
  • I was sent for x-rays, which, with athetoid cerebral palsy and constant movement, is another story. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2007 » May
  • Kernicterus is not diagnosed until around 18 months when athetotic cerebral palsy, hearing loss, and loss of upward gaze can be paired with specific MRI findings and a history of severe jaundice.
  • And although she has never had children of her own, she works unstintingly for PACES, an innovative Sheffield school for pupils with cerebral palsy.
  • First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.
  • Until recently, it was widely believed that asphyxia (lack of oxygen) during a difficult delivery was the cause of most cases of cerebral palsy.
  • The most common symptoms of cerebral palsy are tremors and uncontrolled muscle spasms. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • Extreme maternal hypothyroidism leads to neurological cretinism, which can include spastic diplegia (a form of cerebral palsy), deafness, and severe mental retardation. Environmental effects on the thyroid
  • The message for the non-specialist reader is that cerebral palsy may be common in surviving infants with low weight births, but that most survivors do not have it.
  • Toni is a high achiever but has the mildest form of ataxic cerebral palsy and needs a scribe to help with note taking as she has a tremor in her hand.
  • Less commonly, cerebral palsy takes the form of a hypotonic tetraplegia, with no spasticity, when the child has a mobility problem but with floppy muscles.
  • He had cerebral palsy, which left him with stiff, painful legs. The Sun
  • In the majority of cases, a specific cause for cerebral palsy cannot be identified.
  • From the Palestinian comedienne with cerebral palsy to the Arab American with a New Jersey accent, the Muslim comics in the film offer positive images of these ethnic cultures with self-effacing wit.
  • Living with cerebral palsy is a continuous process of exploration. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2010 » April
  • Gabriel, who suffers from cerebral palsy, will represent his country in the discipline known as boccia.
  • School Group - full - time daily provision for children with cerebral palsy of primary school age ( 5 - 11 years ).
  • Conclusion: Normative rehabilitation was useful in improving talipes valgus in the children with cerebral palsy.
  • A rhizotomy and baclofen pump program for children with cerebral palsy or other conditions associated with spasticity is available for evaluation, surgery and rehabilitation. Neurosurgery
  • It can cause athetoid cerebral palsy characterized by uncontrollable tremors or writhing movements of the limbs, body and face, hearing loss, problems with vision and teeth and, sometimes, mental retardation.
  • It's played by very profoundly affected cerebral palsy sufferers. The Sun
  • The most common forms of cerebral palsy in children who have been born preterm are spastic hemiplegia or quadriplegia (bilateral).
  • The charity Scope is piloting a game for people with cerebral palsy called bocce, which is similar to the French game of boules.
  • Fabian, who was born with cerebral palsy, will have his place cut by the cash-strapped pre-school if money is not found quickly.
  • Most of the athletes have cerebral palsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Daly City, California Al Khari, United Arab Emirates, Al Khari, UAE Santa Ana, California Knoxville, Tennessee Boston, Massachusetts Benalla www. The term cerebral palsy is not a specific diagnosis, but is generally applied to children who experience some form of brain trauma either at the time of birth or shortly before. - Articles related to These old eyes
  • A preemie's risk of cerebral palsy is much higher than that of a full-term baby.
  • A rhizotomy and baclofen pump program for children with cerebral palsy or other conditions associated with spasticity is available for evaluation, surgery and rehabilitation. Neurosurgery
  • Cerebral palsy is a muscle motor disorder that is the result of damage to the central nervous system. - No challenge too great for these kids to play through
  • She has severe athetoid cerebral palsy arising from the circumstances of her birth.
  • He had cerebral palsy, which left him with stiff, painful legs. The Sun
  • This patent-pending technology appears to be very adaptable, which is essential for it to be able to operate with a variety of devices and, more importantly, people with very different and often complex impairments, such as cerebral palsy. Pocket-lint
  • Read in studio Children with Cerebral Palsy could soon lose the training centre that helps them to overcome their handicap.
  • Athletes with cerebral palsy or other conditions that affect muscle co-ordination and control. Times, Sunday Times
  • It says that cerebral palsy is almost never caused by fetal distress in labor.
  • When Lara learned Jackson has Cerebral Palsy, her research took her to something called conductive therapy. WISH TV
  • Athletes who do not have cerebral palsy but conditions such as muscular dystrophy, spina bifida and tetraplegia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The construction of Guangzhou Rehabilitation Campus School and Guangzhou Kangna School has filled up the blank of compulsory education school for internal cerebral palsy and infantile autism children.
  • He was left with quadriplegic cerebral palsy and needs special equipment to stand and sit upright.
  • Distant as youngsters, when Gavin enjoyed pubbing and clubbing, they grew closer when Gavin settled down with his wife, Susan, and had a son, Jack, now four, who suffers from cerebral palsy.
  • Objective To explore the clinical significance of the footprints and lateral X-rays in weight loading in evaluating the rehabilitation of talipes valgus in the children with cerebral palsy.
  • A York couple who overcame the hurdle of cancer are now tackling another challenge in aid of a cerebral palsy charity.
  • A young man with athetoid spastic cerebral palsy emailed me last week. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2009 » February
  • Cerebral palsy takes the form of a hypotonic tetraplegia when the child has a mobility problem but with floppy muscles.
  • The medical diagnosis was cerebral palsy.
  • Bigger challenges lie ahead for the rider, who has cerebral palsy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He suffers from epileptic fits, lower limb motor neurone problems, illnesses relating to cerebral palsy and other neurological problems.
  • Children affected with cerebral palsy generally have basic intellectual ability.
  • Alexandra has cerebral palsy, is confined to a wheelchair and suffers from frequent epileptic fits.
  • Edwards specialized in babies with cerebral palsy who he claimed would have been spared the affliction if only the doctors had immediately performed Caesarean sections. ProWomanProLife » There’s a reason it’s called natural birth
  • Xavier suffers from epilepsy and a rare form of cerebral palsy - known as dyskinetic athetoid cerebral palsy - which leaves him unable to walk or talk and struggling to sit upright because of involuntary muscle movement. | Top Stories
  • First comes a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a label that seems right until other puzzling symptoms appear.

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