
How To Use Cere In A Sentence

  • We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused. Times, Sunday Times
  • These frank statements suggest that he is sincere and serious about exposing the problems and proposing solutions.
  • Korsibar in time had been overthrown, and Prestimion's sorcerers had sliced his usurpation out of the history of the world. KING OF DREAMS
  • Most teachers, in colleges that don’t restrict it, will be delighted to have an interested, if unmatriculated, student in their class who sincerely wishes to learn. Letter to the St. Petersburg Times on ID Poll - The Panda's Thumb
  • The voluntary muscles are regulated by the parts of the brain known as the cerebral motor cortex and the cerebellum.
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  • Calcification of a part of the brain known as the falx cerebri Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
  • The best defensive spell available to a Sorceress is manifest in this formidable armor.
  • The unicity is run by Johannesburg's first-ever executive mayor - previously the mayor was a largely ceremonial position.
  • Named Tecumseh after the Shawnee leader, he was rechristened William in a Catholic ceremony at age 9, after he was informally adopted by a prominent Ohio politician when his father died.
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
  • The ceremony has great symbolic significance.
  • By Friday evening, 45 bodies had been cremated in mass ceremonies.
  • She was unceremoniously dumped to be replaced by a leader who could win the election.
  • A dear little announcerette rattled off expert intros to various gymnastic jingles, one of which featured dogs barking in the background.
  • A monk will be hired to chant some Buddhist scriptures and perform a simple ceremony at the morgue instead of at a funeral parlor.
  • He looked at the capable assistant with sincere eyes knowing that this would rattle him into some flustered explanation of his whereabouts.
  • It may be the leading risk factor for cerebral aneurysms and subarchnoid hemorrhage.
  • Additionally, a polyclonal intracerebral inflammatory response may precede the proliferation of monoclonal malignant lymphoid cells.
  • There is no doubt that they were sincere in their belief that their patients would benefit from their involvement.
  • Please don't stand on ceremony with me.
  • I won't use the word spartan, but there's not too much ceremony. Electoral College Meets to Begin Final Steps
  • To counter both this and the high levels of private label saturation, bakery and cereals manufacturers are attempting to differentiate their brands, especially in growth areas such as healthy and convenient bakery products. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • The procession followed a private ceremony, attended by about 200 family and friends.
  • Thus the various ritual capacities of North Mekeo chiefs and sorcerers typify the sort of interpersonal agency implicit in Melanesian personal partibility.
  • Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
  • In view of the publicity already given to these subjects, it is necessary to note in fuller detail two matters connected with the health of the Canadian troops at Salisbury Plain – namely, the outbreak of cerebro-spinal fever and the veneral situation. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • My daughter fixed the ceremony with the Vicar some weeks ago and we have arranged a baptismal party. GOODBYE CURATE
  • The Christian ceremony of baptism is a symbolic act.
  • Usually I can cajole him into cereal, toast or a banana, but this morning - nothing.
  • For the tumblebug was sincere in his insane doings, and all Philistia honored him sincerely, so that there was nowhere any hope for this people. Jurgen A Comedy of Justice
  • Wilson also dispensed with the ceremoniousness hamstringing Boston's other lyceums, such as their practice of staging elaborate quasi-military "Banner Marches," which they sometimes even performed before military veterans. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
  • Those of you who are in/have been in organized groups which practice initiation ceremonies - how was the experience?
  • He struck me as a sincere and romantic person that hadn't had the chance to find love and instead had enjoyed the attention the women had lavished on him.
  • So the public-health community wants folic acid added to cereals used in enriched grain products, such as bread and pasta.
  • This is very much in line with the contemporary need to have everything explained in cerebral, rather than emotional terms.
  • A dedication ceremony is to be performed by the Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Rev David James, next month.
  • Devoid of the ceremony and liturgy associated with the Church of England, charismatic itinerants made a straightforward appeal.
  • Using her pole as a staff, her temporarily lamed left hand useless at her side, she turned, beginning her hunt for the tricky sorceress and a place to camp once more.
  • They lived under nine independent caciques or chiefs, and possessed a simple religion devoid of rites and ceremonies, but with a belief in a supreme being, and the immortality of the soul.
  • A brief program with music and merriment begins the ceremony, then an honorary candlelighter lights his or her candle and starts passing it along through the crowd. - Local News
  • Croi from time immemorial had been renowned for its devout and strict observance of papistic rites and ceremonies; the Counts of Nassau had gone over to the new sect -- sufficient reasons why Philip of Croi, Duke of Arschot, should prefer a party which placed him the most decidedly in opposition to the Prince of Orange. History of the Revolt of the Netherlands — Volume 02
  • It is a tactical target sport played by wheelchair athletes with cerebral palsy and other conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were wed by special dispensation at St Mary's Church in Shrewton on Monday afternoon in a ceremony performed by Royal Yeomanry padre Simon Bloxam-Rose.
  • They always reward those who have practiced sincerely and dedicatedly. Tao I
  • It also protects skin from wrinkles and black spots and prevents such geriatric diseases as cerebral haemorrhage, myocardium and brain infarction by removing acid effete matters in time. North Korea Hails New ‘Anti-Ageing Super Drink’ | Impact Lab
  • The latest crisis in West Indies cricket and the unceremonious sacking of the best WI talent is the ultimate insult to West Indians.
  • The Clare Lake Development Committee in Claremorris was also honoured with a national award at the same ceremony.
  • His father now ceremoniously conducted Mrs. Penniman to what he spoke of as the banqueting hall. The Wrong Twin
  • The opening ceremony was precipitously cancelled just 24 hours before the event.
  • He seemed a really genuine guy and sincerely appreciated that we had been following the tour.
  • The exact particulars of the similarity never came to light, but apparently the lady had, in a fit of high-minded inadvertence, had gone through the ceremony of marriage with, one quotes the unpublished discourse of Mr. Butteridge — “a white-livered skunk,” and this zoological aberration did in some legal and vexatious manner mar her social happines. The War in the Air
  • Most mornings, we're lucky if we have time to eat a bowl of cereal or toast a slice of bread.
  • On the surface, it seems the radio babblers have been unceremoniously shushed.
  • Pals showed their support after seeing pictures of the civil partnership ceremony last December. The Sun
  • The ceremony was brought to a close by the singing of the national anthem.
  • Leinweber discusses the development of beliefs about sorcerers and female vampires (lamiae) in Greek and Roman texts through Apuleius and shows how they prefigured modern witchcraft and vampire legends.
  • The silver made in Mexico during the viceregal period is legendary, yet most of the surviving examples are ecclesiastical rather than domestic.
  • The only question that is how many will be converted into a golden statue at the ceremony next month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success.
  • Imposition of hands was a ceremony used especially in paternal blessings; Jacob used it when he blessed and adopted the sons of Joseph, Gen. xlviii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Start the jug swinging and try to insert spoonfuls of soggy cereal into the mouth of the jug while pretending to be a plane.
  • The Democratic leadership in Congress, which was noticeably absent at the signing ceremony, fought the measure.
  • Which obseruances and ceremonies performed and brought to end, they returned streightwaies to their ships, and as soone as the wind served, passed forward on their iournie with great ioy and gladnesse, as men put in comfort to find out the wished seats for their firme and sure Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (2 of 8)
  • Even bigger increases in iodine intake came in the 1960s, when iodinated additives, sterilizing agents and food colorings began to be used in industrial bread, milk and cereal production.
  • Body about the size of a common goose; bill short, vaulted, obtuse, two-thirds of which is covered by an expanded cere of a pale greenish-yellow colour, the tip of the bill being black, arcuated, and truncated. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • The little girl has dystonic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, which means she is confined to a wheelchair and needs 24-hour care.
  • This medical condition usually requires the surgical placement of a shunt system to divert cerebrospinal fluid to another part of the body.
  • In the classic world, the word apotheosis was given to the ceremony that conferred the condition of gods upon a nation's heroes. August 2006
  • She glides to the podium, perfect in every way, from the toes of her green pearlized kid shoes, to the elegant full length Thai silk ceremonial vest, to the top of her jade tiara. Over herez… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • We thank him sincerely for his generous gesture in allowing this debate to take place.
  • Caligulae, 55: "_Incitato equo, cuius causa pridie circenses, ne inquietaretur, viciniae silentium per milites indicere solebat, praeter equile marmoreum et praesepe eburneum praeterque purpurea tegumenta ac monilia e gemmis, domum etiam et familiam et suppellectilem dedit, quo lautius nomine eius invitati acciperentur; consulatum quoque traditur destinasse. _ Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II
  • What is it about this particular ceremony that obligates people to travel vast distances, buy expensive casserole dishes, wear unnaturally tidy clothes, and take stupid numbers of photographs?
  • Some writers state that meningo-cerebritis is more common during the warm season than it is in the winter. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • When the announcement was given for the ceremony to begin, everybody kind of meandered over to the field and stood around in a circle. Hullabaloo
  • Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarction: An Unusual Complication of Posterior Spinal Fusion Surgery in an Adolescent with Idiopathic Scoliosis.
  • A more traditional, perhaps ceremonial, hat is the fez, worn by older upper-class men.
  • You had to admire the slick presentation of last night's awards ceremony.
  • People party all night at award ceremonies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The porringer was a very important article of table use, for pap, and soft foods such as we should term cereals, and for boiled pudding. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • It could be viewed as old-style, Communist pomp and ceremony aimed at boosting the morale and devotion of the people.
  • He said that the exceptional permission for the unusual ceremony had been granted because his grandmother had herself served as a Wren.
  • Firmin can supply ceremonial aiguillettes and shoulder boards manufactured from gold and silver wires for state ceremonial, aides de camp and senior officers.
  • The prices of milk and cereals are fixed annually.
  • The university is expected to confer the honorary degree on her at the university's graduation ceremony in December.
  • The play's chorus employs movement and primal rhythms, and performs a powerful ritual ceremony to bless Yerma's fertility, with Kevin MacDonnell as its tribal leader.
  • This is consistent with the proposal that the cerebellar cortex contains an internal representation of gravitational torques which is encoded through a learning process. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Everyone was relieved when the ceremony at the Ambassador's residence went off without a hitch.
  • To the victors our sincere congratulations, to the vanquished our equally sincere commiserations.
  • = Merkel proposed MORES, citing Virgil _G_ I 50-52 'at prius ignotum ferro quam scindimus aequor,/uentos et uarium caeli praediscere _morem_/cura sit' and Statius _Sil_ III ii 87 'quos tibi currenti praeceps gerat Hadria _mores_'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • The ceremony was witnessed by about a hundred people, in atrocious weather conditions, but the event still went off well.
  • Now, as for those in our church who contend for the ceremonies, many of them are led by such _argumenta inartificialia_, as wealth, preferment, &c., and if conscience be at all looked to by them, yet they only throw and extort an assent and allowance from it, when worldly respects have made them to propend and incline to an anterior liking of the ceremonies. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Methods Gender, age, economic income, vaccine history, residence and immunologic function of 35 cases of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis and 70 normal people were analyzed.
  • His proposal was no jest - he was completely sincere.
  • Alexandra has cerebral palsy, is confined to a wheelchair and suffers from frequent epileptic fits.
  • Nowhere in Scripture is the Old Testament law divided into moral/civil and ceremonial.
  • So how 'bout simply saying a muted but sincere 'Thank you, God' for an honest and smart president who's trying to move ahead by untangling the 'fubar' mess left by the crooks, dummies and wackos who ruled Washington for eight long years. Giles Slade: Obama Without Glamour
  • Video footage emerged yesterday of a British student introducing himself at a Colombian tribal ceremony just before taking a fatal dose of a hallucinogenic drug. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just inside the gates, an overalled gardener with a gentle face is poking insincerely at the dripping rhododendrons with a pair of secateurs.
  • The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.
  • We wish to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who helped us in any way to achieve this fantastic amount.
  • It was a spur-of-the- moment ceremony that Smith said was a way to show his commitment to his lover.
  • The Notes sends sincere condolence to the family, relatives and friends of the late Mary Bulmer.
  • Pulmonary artery, nasopharyngeal, and esophageal temperatures tracked cerebral temperature better than bladder or rectal temperatures.
  • Cereal drilling is progressing well despite the showery weather and many farms are almost drilled up.
  • The report focuses on a couple whose ceremony included the joint signing of a document called a ketubah. The Guardian World News
  • I am to convey to you an expression of the sincere sympathy of the Army Council.
  • The brave bride had amazed guests when she made it to her wedding ceremony on time despite being rushed into hospital with agonising stomach pains the night before.
  • The burning hot summer arrived, this is the demonstration stature good season,the retreat wi nter sincere appearance, lets lithe, the individua lity, the fashion, the sex appeal, mature you sta rt from here! Top headlines
  • Fortunately, although much about the cerebellum is mysterious, enough is known for such features to have been identified.
  • Last week, the Australian navy took family members of the lost crew members out to the wreck site, where they held a ceremony and dropped wreaths into the water.
  • Time flies by and I remember I haven't seen you for ages.I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.
  • The first performance was of Charles Gounod's Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, and love.
  • S. Paulus commendans ad H est ultima ilia capitis sui clausula) in qua (prae« faoi fans Auctori honorem dico) mirabilem ausum fidentissimis exponit ver - bis inquiens: Audeo dicere. Tractatus theologicus de charitate, in quo expenditur systema J.V. Bolgenj de amore Dei. Accedit ...
  • More than 3000 people crammed around the HMAS Sydney memorial at Mount Scott yesterday for its dedication ceremony.
  • The influences of twelve amino acids on S - adenosyl - L - methionine ( SAM ) production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae were investigated.
  • There were 2-4 arteries around the cerebellopontine angle segment of the facial-acoustic nerve complex entering the inner acoustic meatus in each side. The arteries were connected with each other.
  • He had not been much to look at before the Changement ceremony, which had incarnadined his eyes and turned his brown hair silver.
  • After the Catholic rite, their 265 guests caravanned to the Four Seasons in Georgetown, where a Persian wedding ceremony, called an Aghd, was performed. 'I was hoping I didn't open the door and see Attila the Hun.'
  • There was no candy, no sugary cereals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pawn ministry is traumatic the ability when causing cerebrum to be damaged badly may be caused gawkish .
  • Married at an early age, the Florentine woman from the propertied classes did not own either her dowry or the rich clothes and jewels which bedecked her during the wedding ceremony.
  • The winners were announced at a lavish ceremony at the city's arts centre yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • To celebrate Memorial Day, a great ceremony is always held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery near Washington D.
  • She had previously enjoyed food with nuts in, including breakfast cereals, and she had eaten chicken curries at other restaurants.
  • There is a life-like pliability about it as it falls, and the tight cerements so define the outlines that the action makes me shudder. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • There must be a more cerebral approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • I will sincerely serve the vast number of enterprises, the development of enterprises icing on the cake for us to welcome you to hot pillow talk shop, communicate online.
  • It is clear-headed and seems entirely sincere.
  • Commonly, sorcerers might carry a magic implement to store power in, so the recitation of a whole spell wouldn't be necessary.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new start.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • In particular, where a stimulus is applied to the most rostrally situated regions, the cat adopts the normal posture for the physiological deposition of faeces; therefore the stimulus activates the skeletal musculature, which is innervated by the cerebrospinal axis, and which is also responsible for the abdominal muscular pressure. Walter Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • That capacity for regeneration means that the cerebral wiring for our own store of knowledge and memories, which grows as we do, is as unique as a thumbprint.
  • These songs gradually developed a concomitant form of dialogue styled saturæ, a term denoting "miscellany", and derived perhaps from the _Satura lanx_, a charger filled with the first-fruits of the year's produce, which was offered to Bacchus and Ceres. [ English Satires
  • Cells from cerebellum showing the immediate results of injection of skatol. The Origin and Nature of the Emotions: Miscellaneous Papers
  • He is due to be officially elected at the formal mayor making ceremony on May 10.
  • In the tea ceremony, the couple punctiliously distributed canned soft drinks toted in plastic shopping bags and snapped photos of each other.
  • Results: The main causes of encephalic infarction in the youngster were hypertensive cerebral arteriosclerosis, cranium trauma, cerebral arteritis and drinking.
  • The sacrifice had nothing to do with death, but more or less the converting of a white sorcerer or sorceress into a black one.
  • Owing to printer's difficulties the cerebral consonants, the visarga, the sonant r and the anusvara have remained unmarked.
  • No child is fed solids, particularly rice, before this ceremony has been performed.
  • Their secretive rituals and mysterious ceremonies have gone largely unchanged for centuries. Times, Sunday Times
  • This self-abnegation from letters of the 1970s should be taken as sincere. The Times Literary Supplement
  • America's first breakfast cereal was developed by John Kellogg in 1895 as a way to help patients at his sanitarium increase their intake of fiber.
  • So in the earliest autumn they were married, Monsieur having previously presented Miss Lucinda with a delicate plaided gray silk for her wedding attire, in which she looked almost young; and old Israel was present at the ceremony, which was briefly performed by Parson Hyde in Miss The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • The MRI appearance of spinal cavernous malformations is generally the same as its cerebral counterparts.
  • At one of the lectures he held from Thursday through Monday in Delhi— immaculately dressed, and with a mane of silvery white cerebral frizzle on his head— he held forth on subjects like State of the Lie, Lie of the State. Heehs' white man's burden
  • Undoubtedly, one of the Hopi clans had used this as a ceremonial kiva. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • He is clearly a hard working and sincere musician, who puts every effort into his craft.
  • Some species possess ciliated pits in front of their cerebral ganglion that are used in phototaxis (movement towards light). Platyhelminthes
  • Please sit down and make yourself comfortable, we don't stand on ceremony here.
  • He and his wife drove from Fort Wayne and arrived at the courthouse a few minutes before the forty-five second ceremony.
  • We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. The Sun
  • He is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at an awards ceremony.
  • Anima quippe rationalis adhuc originali pecato constricta, et nihil adhuc naturalium virium exercere valens in corpore puerili; cui melius comparatur quam homini intus per peccatum constricto, et foris per paralysim in membris dissoluto jacentique in lecto? back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Now, if that spirit of homage within us is sincere, it will naturally seek to exteriorize itself; if it is to be preserved, it must "out. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • Frazer writes about the ceremonial king of so many prehistoric agricultural societies.
  • This dynamic regulation of cerebrovascular resistance maintains a constant CBF in the CPP range between 50 mm Hg to 150 mm Hg and is called autoregulation (Fig. 3) [59,60]. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Bran cereals are great for fibre but many are also very high in salt. The Sun
  • Just the name ‘Magic Boy’ conjures up images of a powerful young sorcerer who can raise the dead and rain hellfire down on his enemies.
  • Cereal prices would be cut by 35 percent, beef and butter by 15 percent and milk by 10 percent.
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs in an upwards and backwards direction, almost parallel to the cerebral central sulcus that delimits the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
  • The ceremony at the square was watched by more than three thousand people, including many who had been so antagonistic to him.
  • a small set of men, some of whom are possessed of great ability and have accomplished much, but as a religion in any adequate sense of the word positivism will be admitted a failure by its most sincere adherents. Feuerbach: The roots of the socialist philosophy
  • Based on the shape of the traditional Kanak ceremonial "Great" houses, the ten structures comprising The Center belong to the landscape. Alla Kazovsky: "Live-by-Design" Wholeheartedly
  • Two hours after the historic ceremony, the current parliament's batch of sitting MPs cease to be members of parliament.
  • People party all night at award ceremonies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The degrees which Oxford and Cambridge conferred in Grammar did not involve residence or entitle the recipients to a vote in Convocation; but the conferment was accompanied by ceremonies which were almost parodies of the solemn proceedings of graduation or inception in a recognised Faculty, a birch taking the place of a book as a symbol of the power and authority entrusted to the graduand. Life in the Medieval University
  • I hope to hear from you soon. Yours sincerely, Chris Smith, pp Rebecca Collings.
  • He had for some time past suffered from excessive cerebro-spinal irritability, for the relief of which cantharidal collodion had been employed in the cervico-spinal region (the same had also been used in the hepatic region, to meet the diagnostic views of some one of his medical attendants). The Electric Bath
  • With a 30-second spot during tonight's Academy Awards ceremony valued at up to $2.1 million, advertisers will closely scrutinise the television coverage generated by the event.
  • The first question that occurs to the enlightened enquirer, when he learns that the functions of the brain have been positively determined by experiment, is whether the cranioscopy of Gall and Spurzheim was successful in locating the cerebral functions, and how nearly their inferences from development correspond with the revelations of experiment. Buchanan's Journal of Man, October 1887 Volume 1, Number 9
  • The couple married in a lavish ceremony in May. Times, Sunday Times
  • We arrived in Manhattan two days before the ceremony for some readings and other promotional appearances.
  • German-French for “Madame la Vicomtesse,” and after many ceremonious bows, he drew from his pocket a dilapidated pocketbook, saying: “Che un betit bapier bour fous,” and unfolding as he handed it to her a piece of greasy paper. Une Vie
  • To make the crumble, put the flour, oatmeal, oat cereal and sugar into a food processor and blend for 30 seconds.
  • On Tuesday the 24-year-old pianist and singer is set to perform a showpiece duet with highly regarded folk singer Katie Melua at the Brit's ceremony at London's Earl's Court.
  • Around 6000 fellow airline professionals from around the world attended the convention and award ceremony, the largest event in the industry's calendar.
  • I'm hopeful and confident that the graduation ceremony will really be a completely new tart.I believe that the knowledge you have acquired will enable you to be successful in whatever field you may enter.
  • Further evidence for ceremonial feasting is indicated by the presence of quantities of cattle and caprine bones in funerary contexts.
  • The venue is purpose built for rituals and ceremonies, with appropriately fabulous acoustics, lavish trimmings and colourfully costumed officiants.
  • Griots entertain at ceremonies such as baptisms and marriages.
  • The cerebellum is at the base of the skull, behind the brain stem. AFTERMATH
  • To explore the mechanisms and neurological basis of aphasic agraphia, 20 patients with aphasic agraphia after cerebral infarction were selected for observation.
  • When we worship in the spirit, we are opposed to religious rituals and ceremonial posturing, and to the showiness of the symbols of office, and external worship.
  • Meals for guests or for ceremonial occasions such as weddings usually involve copious amounts of meat, washed down with Albanian raki, an alcoholic beverage.
  • The hypothesis of the study was that acupuncture would reduce muscle hypertonicity in children with cerebral palsy.
  • The trust gets together every year to organise commemorative ceremonies and to give away an award in the name of the actor.
  • Some of these breakfast foods are just candy masquerading as cereals.
  • In cerebritis, or inflammation of the interior of the brain, there is a tendency to softening and suppuration and the formation of abscesses. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Please give my sincere compliments and a well deserved Bravo!
  • You make my heart smile. In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you. For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much. Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!
  • Don't try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others 'heart through appropriate ways. 
  • When they listened to the national anthem during the ceremony, they were moved to tears.
  • Acts xv. 1, and Galatians, passim; these do not judaize, but heathenize, seeking to throw off every yoke, to rid themselves not of the ceremonial law only, but also of the moral; and to break down every distinction separating the Church from a world lying in the wicked one. Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia.
  • Sweep on the base colour with a powder brush, blending outwards, then take a good-quality blusher brush with domed bristles try the Body Shop or Mac and grin insincerely so cheeks fatten in the middle. Beauty: Blushers
  • In the best cereal-growing areas, arable farming may dominate the scene, with animals and grass taking second place.
  • Now China expects him to come up with something suitably spectacular for the Olympics ceremonies. Times, Sunday Times
  • In decerebrated animals, rhythmic masticatory motions can also be induced by stimuli in and around the oral area.

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