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  1. tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm; tail disappears in adult stage

How To Use cercaria In A Sentence

  • A fluke, for example, hatches into a delicate form covered with hairlike cilia that swim in search of a snail; a couple of generations later, a cercaria emerges from the snail to find its mammal host. Parasite Rex
  • Swimmers' itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, is an itchy rash caused by certain parasites that normally live on waterfowl and freshwater snails.
  • The larvae inside the snail host produce several thousands of cercariae.
  • Second, it can encyst inside a daughter sporocyst as a metacercariae, be voided with the sporocyst, and then be consumed by the benthic-feeding definitive host, rosyside dace.
  • Larval stages of some medically important species include miracidium, redia, cercaria, and metacercaria.
  • F. buski, a condition known as Fasciolopsiasis, by consuming uncooked aquatic vegetables, such as lotus, water chestnuts, and water bamboo, contaminated with metacercariae. Undefined
  • Inside these slime balls are cercariae of the fluke, nicely encased in a ‘mini’ aquatic habitat, albeit a temporary one.
  • Once the cercaria enters the second intermediate host, it sheds its tail and becomes a metacercaria, which is little more than a miniature, but sexually immature, adult, that may, or may not, encyst.
  • Generally settling in the duodenum, the metacercariae become adult worms in approximately 3 months. Undefined
  • These daughter sporocysts, containing encysted metacercariae, were then voided in the feces of the snail.
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