How To Use Cerastium In A Sentence
The bee on the Cerastium looks like he has got onto a queen sized bed and is snuggling up into a white downy quilt.
Helictotrichon pubescens, Dactylis glomerata, Agropyron tianschanicum, and Poa nemoralis and the forbs Solidago virga-aurea, Mulgedium azureum, Doronicum altaicum, Senecio soongoricus, Crepis sibirica, Aegopodium alpestre, and Cerastium dahuricum.
Tian Shan montane conifer forests
The differences between the two genera are small, such as 5 styles for Cerastium and 3 styles for Stellaria.
A group shot of regular ajuga reptans, some lavender pansies, a young hellebore, cerastium and a smidge of dianthus in the background.
Bloom Days April 2008 « Fairegarden
The shed, dianthus and cerastium look appealing as background to S.
Salvia – Full Frontal or Close Up « Fairegarden
I called the Knot Garden Boundaried Exuberance~The allium foliage was fantastic against the ground covering cerastium.
Touring With Friends-Ledbury And Hampton Court Castle, Herefordshire « Fairegarden
Many species of Cerastium look alike and can be hard to differentiate.
There is a blue ajuga bloom and the white flowers of cerastium on its left side.
Randomness « Fairegarden
_N_, ripe fruit of mouse-ear chick-weed, _Cerastium_ (_Caryophyllaceæ_), opening by ten teeth at the summit, × 2.
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Now the cerastium is entering, a really nice contrast.
Fun With Concrete « Fairegarden
In the woody ravines Panax curcasifolia was common, in these I noticed Cerastium scandens, Elaeagnus, Clematis, Tetrantheroidea habitu, Sedgewickiae!
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In Denver, white clover, raoulia (Raoulia australis), mouse ear cerastium (Cerastium ssp.) and pennywort (Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides).
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On two san diego luxury of rhythm and two isopropanol of maximum displeased lapp, perpetually cerastium sunfish a gnarly lozal of lancelike magnetron in introspectiveness.
Rational Review
The ajuga, creeping jenny, cerastium and euphorbia had other ideas!
The Volunteer Gravel State « Fairegarden
Members of the Pink family include a number of annuals, biennials, or perennials, including corn spurry, chickweeds and stitchworts (Stellaria spp. and Cerastium spp.), bladder campion, pearlwort, and bouncingbet.
Sedum spectabile ‘October Daphne’ is planted in a concrete shell fountain base with foxglove volunteers, thyme and cerastium.
Succulents-The Sedums « Fairegarden
Ajuga reptans in bloom with cerastium far left, scilla peruviana in bud and dwarf ribbon grass, phalaris arundinacea picta ‘Dwarf’s Garters’.
Blue In The Garden-Part Two « Fairegarden
Pink blossoms of carnation Dianthus imereticus, white-flowered perennial navelwort Omphalodes kusnetzovii and snow-in-summer Cerastium ponticum are suitable to rock and gravel in which they often choose to grow.